The Butcher of Gadobhra

Chapter 293: Lady Mourninglade’s Apprentice (Suzette Tier 3)

Chapter 293: Lady Mourninglade's Apprentice (Suzette Tier 3)

Congratulations on reaching Tier 3!

Your characteristics, skills, and core skills gained in Tier 2 become the base to build your character in Tier 3. Tiers 1 to 3 are considered the base for your character. Choose your advances wisely.

-You have received a bonus to your stats for selecting the class Contract Worker: Lonely Barmaid. A bonus of +1 Has been added to each Stat, plus an additional +5 to RAD

-At the end of Tier 1, you gained bonuses for attaining Benchmarks with the following stats: DEX, INT, AGI, CHA, and RAD. You will gain upgrades to those abilities that have attained the Benchmark of 20 in the pair of stats associated with them.

(This is calculated after increases for class have been added.)

-Skills may advance to Rank 15 in Tier 3. Your current rank in skills and their experience total is kept, and you will build upon that.

-Characteristic skill ranks are reset to 0, similar to the start of tier 2. All permanent stat gains are now part of your tier 2 base. (Excludes magical items not permanently bound to you.)

-You may earn five ranks in each stat, similar to Tier 2. (10 if you raise the cap for each skill.) The experience cost to gain those points is, of course, increased. The caps on your skill ranks may be raised to 10 through the expenditure of Core Skill Points earned in Tier 3, similar to how you increase skill caps in Tier 2.

-When fighting creatures of Tier 2, you increase your avoidance by +20%. (30% for Tier 1)

-When fighting creatures of Tier 2, you increase your chance to hit with an attack by +20%. (30% for Tier 1)

-Attacking creatures over Tier 3 will likewise be more difficult.

-You will only receive experience for Tier 1 creatures in special cases such as massive hordes or specific events. They can still injure and kill you. (And won't that be embarrassing.) Tier 2 creatures will give far less experience than they used to, from 0% to 50%.

-Points of INT, CHA, or WIS will add 50 mana.

-Points of STR will add 50 stamina and 30 health.

-Points of CON will add 50 health and 30 stamina.

-The cost of some T1 and T2 Core Skills you did not earn will be increased to reflect the increased amount of CSP you will receive in Tier 3. Some of these skills may be removed from your list. Others will be added.

You will continue the role: The Lonely Barmaid

-As the Lonely Barmaid, you have the following normal quests to give out:

Rats in the Cellar 1: Clear the rats in the basement of the Lonely Lass tavern.

Rats in the Cellar 2: Investigate the BIG rats in the cellar and where they come from.

Dungeons Dark and Dangerous: Venture into a Dungeon and bring back proof of having killed one of the terrifying bosses that live there.

Wispy Cotton: Bits of Wispy Cotton float on the wind and land in the barony from who knows where? Collect six pieces of Wispy Cotton and take it to the seamstress.

Magical Mushrooms: Find the mushroom ring and bring back samples.

Saboteurs! Criminals and rogues are trying to damage the work at Rowan Keep. Find a group and kill them for a reward!

A visit to the Big City: Visit beautiful Gadobhra and have a picnic in the Beastwoods.

Rewards for these quests are set, and the money will not come from your personal account.

-Because you have assumed a Role, anyone trying to use an identification skill on your character will only receive general information about your role in the village. Creatures or Players of Tier 4 or higher with the Identification skill may be able to gain more information about you.

Your acceptance of your Fae Heritage and your new class have combined to make many changes. Some of your skills, spells, and abilities have been absorbed by similar skills or used to create more powerful abilities.

Dark sight, Magical Eyes, and Identification have combined into the Core skill: Fae Sight

The Fae are inherently magical and can read the magical auras of people and things the way a mortal reads a book. As they mature, darkness becomes light shadows, and magic shines brighter.

Crippling Blow and Perfect Cuts have granted you access a new core skill: Crippling Strike. This skill increases the chance of doing extra damage with any attack. You retain the Butcher skill: Perfect Cuts.

Silent Step and Unnoticed have given you levels in the Shadow Assassin Core Skill: Shadow Skulker 2. Move silently and unseen as you suppress the perception of enemies.

You have lost the skills of Silent Step and Unnoticed.

Tools of the Trade is replaced by the Weapon skills: Dart/Shuriken (DEX), Knife Fighting (DEX), and Garrote (STR). Get practicing.

You have gained the skill: Stealth (AGI)

You have gained the skill: Climbing (AGI)

Assassin's Avoidance becomes Shadow Assassin's Avoidance, a similar skill which gives a bonus to evasion in low light.

You have gained access to select Core Skills from the Tavern Keeper,Priestess of Hermes, and Shadow Assassin lists.

You have gained +5 RAD, and the Aspect of Nature

The Cantrip: Bugs!is now a Fae Magic Spell. The insects created are larger and stranger.

The Cantrip: Suspend is now a Fae Magic Spell calledLevitation.

The Cantrip: Fa?ade is now a Fae Magic Spell called Minor Illusion.

The Spell:Frostblaze is now a Nature Spell.

The Cantrip:Consecration of Stone is now a Nature Spell.

The Cantrip:Ignite, is now a Fae Magic spell. The color of the flames started are up to you.

The Cantrip:Runic Burst is now a Fae Magic spell calledCircle of Runeswith expanded use

The Spell:Triageis now a Nature Spell

You have gained the spells from The Road of Shadows:

Shadow Step: Teleport to a nearby shadow, with a chance to be hidden based on your stealth and shadow skulking skills.

Shaded: Shadows wrap around you, enhancing certain spells and granting +20% to avoidance skills if the area is not in bright light.

Death of the Sun: Absorb the light from a large area, creating shadows. This is a very noticeable effect.

You have moved beyond the need for clumsy human magic from the wilds and the hedges. New knowledge sweeps away the old.

You have forgotten the Skills: Wild Magic, Hedge Magic, and the Cantrips: Severance of Vulnerabilities,Purification of Sealing, and Mage Blitz.

Bonuses for reaching Benchmarks.

At the end of Tier 1, you received bonuses for pairs of stats you had raised to 10 or higher. Each of those skills can now be improved if you have raised those same stats to 20 or more. Your Heritage may have an effect on these bonuses.

Magic and Light are your heritage. High CHR and RAD reward you with the Perk: Bright as the Sun, +500 Mana.

The Fae walk among mortals unseen, showing the face that suits them for a time. High CHR and INT have given you the ability of Glamour. Are you a dark-haired Lonely Barmaid? Or a sun-haired daughter of the Fae? Or something else?

Fairy magics do not need the clumsy gestures and shouted words of mortals. High DEX and CHR reward you with Subtle Casting. It takes a keen eye to see that you are casting a spell.

The natural grace of your heritage is augmented by your high AGI and CHR, bestowing upon you the Grace of the Elder Race. +20% to any avoidance skill, or a skill involving balance. Your posture and poise show in every move you make.

Quick minds and sharp eyes discern the truth. High RAD and INT give you the perk: Insight. You spot the lies others tell, and the more they talk, the more they reveal about themselves.

Those around you are blessed by the Healing Aura that you can project. Small wounds are healed and larger wounds are made smaller. Whenever an ally within 100' of you is injured, you may use Triage to heal 100 health and stop active bleeding. Cost: 50 mana.

Like all the Fae of Alfheimr, you can dance across the morning dew and race upon the snowflakes leaving no tracks. RAD and AGI give you the perk: Light Step. Rough ground, ice, slippery stone shingles, or a hallway covered in caltrops will not impede your step or slow you down. You are sure footed in the most extreme conditions.

Your nimble fingers and quick mind allow you to cast two spells in the time a mortal mage can cast one. When you cast a spell, you may double its effects, or targets by paying triple of the mana cost of a single spell. High DEX and INT reward you with Fast Casting.

It is nearly impossible to take a child of the Light Fae by surprise. When conflict begins, your high AGI and INT allow you to react quicker than your foes. Your weapons will appear in your hands, and spells be ready to caste. You may attack before your opponent if you were not surprised or asleep.

High AGI and DEX grant you the perk: Skilled Acrobat. Your heritage gives you a supple body and perfect balance. You are skilled at tumbling, walking a tightrope, or swinging from a trapeze. If you have an evasive defense skill, it gains a 20% bonus.

TRIFECTA 2: As before, you have raised three stats to their benchmark and scored a Trifecta bonus!

The benefit of Trifecta is increased to +200 Mana, +200 Stamina, and +200 Health.

For raising Four stats to their benchmark, you are granted Fae Resistance.

Before, your thin blood made you resistant to charms and beguiling. Stronger now, you resist all harmful magics.

There is a 30% that a harmful spell does not affect you. If the spell causes you damage, you take 30% less. The exception to this is the spells crafted by those who hunt your kind. Be wary of the Inquisition.

Again, you have succeeded in raising five of your stats, ensuring you are noticed by powerful entities.

-The 5th Hidden Lord continues to be interested in you. They still hope you will attend one of the better Colleges of Magic when the mood takes you, but for now, they note your interest in Fae Magic and offer the secrets that will show you how to transform your collection of odd cantrips into proper spells.

-The Emperor on his yacht thinks of you often and wonders about your story.

-Evergreen, Goddess of Nature, knows when you call upon her power and is pleased

-The creature that became your adversary will strike against you soon.

-The God of War knows of your plan to supplant him in the Fortresses of the Legion. He grumbles about getting no respect. One of his captains overhears and plots against you to gain his favor.

Name: Suzette Titles: The Lonely Barmaid, Mayor of Sedgewick Class: Lonely Barmaid Lady Morninglade's Apprentice Level: 11 Experience: 0 Heritage: Light Fae of Alfheim +2 CHA, +3 AGI, +3 RAD, Fae Magic (Included in base states) Base Special Benefits Stats Core Skills Gear Perks Total Health 2400 920 +150 +50 +200 3720 Stamina (x3) 2400 840 +200 10320 Mana 2400 3850 +400 +700 7350 StatBase (Tier1+Tier2)RankCapExperienceGearBonusTotal STR 9 0 5 9 DEX 21 0 5 21 AGI 24 0 5 24 CON 13 0 5 13 INT 24 0 5 24 WIS 14 0 5 14 CHA 31 0 5 31 PER 4 0 5 +1 5 RAD 33 0 5 +6 39 Gear Sun Blessed Staff of Evergreen -Spells cast from the domains of Light, Nature, or the Sun will have increased effect and damage. (+50%)

-Spells granted by the Goddess Evergreen will have increased effect and damage. (+50%)

-The bearer of this staff increases their Radiance by +1 point per Tier High Clerics Merciful Ring of the EagleIf the bearer of this ring is a healer, all healing spells cure +100 health.

The bearer also benefits from the Lesser Eagle Sight Blessing, granting +1 Perception Ring of Minor Health +50 Health Lady Mourninglade's Hair Sticks Lady Mourninglade's hair sticks. (Legendary)

These enchanted hair sticksseem quite ordinaryand will keepa lady’s hair in place, no matter how a battle or storm rages. These manticore tooth daggers seem quite ordinary are disguised as hair sticks. They will penetrate most armors easily, delivering a deadly, poisonous bite. Each use per day diminishes the poison effect.

Brilliant Silver Hoop +2 RAD Bright Copper Hoop +1 RAD SkillStatLevelExperience BaseGained in Tier 3 P/S/T Road of Shadows (Aspect of Shadows) CHA 10 4500 Primary Light of the World (Aspect of Radiance) RAD 10 4500 Primary The Green (Aspect of Nature) WIS 0 0 Primary Garrote STR 0 0 Primary Knife Fighting DEX 0 0 Primary Dart/Shuriken DEX 5 1000 Primary Probably Poisoned Pie DEX 10 4500 Tertiary Poisoner INT 10 4500 Primary Enchantment CHA 10 4500 Tertiary Brewing WIS 10 4500 Tertiary Shadow Assassin's Avoidance AGI 10 4500 Tertiary Skinning DEX 10 4500 Primary Scrimshaw DEX 3 350 Primary Shark Hunting STR 3 500 Primary Woomera DEX 5 1000 Primary Fishing WIS 5 1000 Primary Hide Crafting DEX 5 1000 Primary Strange Alchemy INT 10 4500 Primary Astrology WIS 0 0 Primary Hermetics INT 10 4500 Primary Slay Undead RAD 10 4500 Primary Teaching INT 5 1000 Tertiary Rune Lore INT 5 1000 Primary Bulldogging STR 1 100 Primary Bull Leaping AGI 5 1000 Primary Butchering STR 8 2800 Primary Hack Undead STR 4 700 Secondary Slaughter STR 5 1000 Primary Choice Cuts WIS 5 1000 Primary Precision Cuts DEX 5 1000 Primary Anatomy of a Monster INT 5 1000 Primary Meat Hook DEX 2 150 Primary Weak Poison Resistance CON 10 4500 Tertiary Strong Poison Resistance CON 8 2800 Primary Adze STR 5 1000 Primary Strike Undead RAD 10 4500 Primary Core SkillsDescription:Next Upgrade: Cost Crippling Strike 2 10% chance any attack does an extra 50% damage Critical Strike 3: 15% of +75% damage 20 Distant Shot 2 Spell Range is increased by +100% Distant Shot 3: Spell Range is increased by +150 20 Fast Talk 2 Increase Chance of Persuading Tier 2 Creatures Fast Talk 3: Increase effect to include Tier 3 creatures 10 Increased Mana 3 +250 mana (total of +400) Increased Mana 4 +400 mana (Total of 800) 15 Increased Mitigation 2 Decrease Physical Damage by 30 Increased Mitigation 3: +30 physical mitigation 15 Increased Health 2 +150 Health Increased Health 3: +250 Health 10 Shadow Skulker 2 Move silently and unseen with the help of shadows. Perception tests are suppressed by 10 points. Light and your actions can negate this. Affects Tier 3 and lower creatures. Suppression of Perception is increased to -15 points. Creatures of Tier 5 and less affected. 15 Fae Sight 4 Discern magical auras on creatures to Tier 4

Identify magical items to Tier 4.

Identify general spells effects as they are cast.

See clearly in normal Darkness. Fae Resistance 5

Discern magical auras on creatures to Tier 6.

Identify magical items to Tier 6.

See clearly in complete Darkness.

Identify spells by name and effect as they are cast. 25 Fae Resistance 1 30% chance to negate harmful spells, and 30% of damage is negated. Fae Resistance 2: 35% chance, 35% reduction 30 Increased Mitigation 2 Decrease Physical Damage by 30 Increased Mitigation 3: +30 physical mitigation 7 Increased Health 2 +150 Health Increased Health 3: +250 Health 10 Perk:Description Role: The Lonely Barmaid Anyone seeing you remembers the sad story of the lonely barmaid who tends the tavern in Sedgewick, longing for her oblivious boyfriend to notice her. This affects even higher-level creatures unless they have a reason to look much closer. Racial Perk: Fae Magic Magic is different for you as your Heritage absorbs and changes spells to make them easier to cast or more powerful. Not all spells will be changed. The Light Fae of Aelfheim are closest to the aspects of Light, Nature, Illusion, and Healing. Racial Perk: Fae Sight Your skills: Magical Eyes and Dark vision are merged into Fae Sight. Benchmark Perk: Bright as the Sun +500 Mana Benchmark Perk: Glamour A nearly foolproof personal illusion courtesy of your Fae Heritage Benchmark Perk: Subtle Casting Ability to cast spells with small gestures or words. Does not hide the effects, just that you were doing the magic. Benchmark Perk: The grace of the Elder +20% to any avoidance skill, or a skill involving balance. Your posture and poise show in every move you make. Benchmark Perk: Insight You spot the lies others tell, and the more they talk, the more they reveal about themselves. Benchmark Perk: Healing Aura (Triage) Small wounds are healed and larger wounds are made smaller. Whenever an ally within 100' of you is injured, you may expend 50 mana to heal 100 health and stop active bleeding. Benchmark Perk: Light Step Rough ground, ice, slippery stone shingles, or a hallway covered in caltrops will not impede your step or slow you down. You are sure-footed in the most extreme conditions. Benchmark Perk: Fast Casting When you cast a spell, you may double its effects, or target by paying triple of the mana cost of a single spell. Benchmark Perk: Alert Your weapons will appear in your hands, and spells will be ready to cast. You may attack before your opponents if you were not surprised or asleep, and they are less than Tier 5. Benchmark Perk: Skilled Acrobat Your heritage gives you a supple body and perfect balance. You are skilled at tumbling, walking a tightrope, or swinging from a trapeze. If you have an evasive defense skill, it gains a 20% bonus. Trifecta 2 +200 Mana, +200 Stamina, and +200 Health Quadratic 2: Fae Resistance to Magic There is a 30% chance that a harmful spell does not affect you. If the spell causes you damage, you take 30% less. The exception to this is the spells crafted by those who hunt your kind. You are granted the Core Skill: Fae Resistance 1

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