The Café Between Worlds

Chapter 36: The Final Request

Ren sat with Kazuha on the second floor of the café, the air between them heavy with unspoken emotions. After Kazuha made her request, there was nothing else to be done but accept it. Ren had promised not to change fate, and now he needed to focus on how he could make Kazuha’s last moments as beautiful and peaceful as possible.

"What do you want to do, Kazuha?" Ren asked, his voice soft, trembling slightly. He felt the weight of each word, knowing that time was running out.

Kazuha looked at him with a gentle smile, though her pale face and translucent form made Ren’s heart ache. “I just want to be with you, Ren. That’s all. I want us to spend time together, like a normal couple... because we never got the chance to do that before.”

Ren nodded, though the lump in his throat made it hard to speak. “Of course, Kazuha. Anything you want. We’ll do everything.”

Kazuha’s eyes sparkled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. “I want to do simple things, Ren. Go for a walk, have a picnic, going for dates... just normal things that couples do. Can we do that?”

Ren forced a smile, though inside he felt like he was being torn apart. “We’ll do all of that and more. I promise.”

They talked quietly for a few minutes, making a plan. Ren took notes, listing everything Kazuha wanted to do. As he wrote, his mind raced. He had to make every moment count.

“I’ll be right back,” Ren said, standing up. “I’ll go prepare everything. And... I need to tell Yusuke about our plans.”

Kazuha smiled softly. “I’ll wait here.”

Ren descended the stairs, but the moment he stepped onto the first floor, his breath caught in his throat. There, standing in the center of the café, was the ruler of the afterlife. His tall, imposing figure cast an ominous shadow across the room. And worse—Yusuke was pinned against the wall, his feet dangling off the ground, as the ruler gripped him tightly by the throat.

“Yusuke!” Ren shouted, panic surging through him. He rushed forward, his heart racing, but his legs felt like they were moving through quicksand.

The ruler turned his head, his eyes cold and unforgiving as they locked onto Ren. “You again,” the ruler said, his voice booming with authority. “Why are you here? You don’t belong in this world, Ren.”

Yusuke, struggling to speak through the ruler’s iron grip, managed to choke out, “Sorry, Ren... I couldn’t protect you... I failed...”

“No, Yusuke!” Ren cried, his voice breaking. “You didn’t fail. You’ve done more than enough for me. I’m the one who should be sorry.”

The ruler’s gaze darkened as he released Yusuke, letting him fall to the floor with a thud. Yusuke gasped for air, clutching his throat, but managed to push himself up onto his knees.

“Explain yourself, Ren,” the ruler demanded, stepping toward him. “How have you come here again, defying the natural order?”

Ren trembled but stood his ground. “I—I came back because Kazuha... she’s running out of time. I just want to help her find peace. That’s all. I promise I won’t interfere with fate. I’ll leave as soon as I help her... I swear.”

The ruler’s eyes narrowed. “And why should I believe you?”

Ren fell to his knees, pleading. “Please, she’s everything to me. I’ve helped other souls find peace, I’ve never interfered. All I ask is for a little more time... just to help her...”

Yusuke, still catching his breath, stood up and stepped forward. “It’s true. Ren’s been helping souls in the afterlife all this time. He’s doing your job for you, in a way. He deserves this.”

The ruler looked between Ren and Yusuke, his expression unreadable. Then he raised his hand, summoning a shimmering light that seemed to analyze Ren. Moments later, the light vanished, and the ruler’s face softened—just slightly.

“You’ve indeed helped several lost souls,” the ruler said, his voice less harsh than before. “You’ve returned Ai, Kaori, Rengoku, and others to peace.” He paused, as though considering his next words carefully. “You have 24 hours. No more.”

Ren’s heart leaped. “T-Twenty-four hours?”

The ruler nodded, but his expression remained stern. “Yes. Kazuha’s time is running out, and so is yours. You may stay here for those 24 hours to do as you wish, but after that, I will return. If you break your promise or interfere with fate, you will face the consequences.”

Ren’s chest swelled with relief, though the weight of what the ruler had said still lingered. “Thank you... Thank you so much,” he whispered, his voice shaking.

The ruler turned, his form fading into the shadows. “I will return when your time is up. Do not test me.”

As soon as the ruler disappeared, Ren rushed to Yusuke’s side. “Are you okay?” he asked, helping him to his feet.

Yusuke grinned, though his voice was hoarse. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. You’re the one who has to worry—you’ve only got 24 hours.”

Ren nodded, his heart heavy with the knowledge. “Yeah... 24 hours.”

Yusuke clapped a hand on Ren’s shoulder. “Don’t waste a second of it. Go make some memories.”

Ren smiled weakly. “I will. Thanks, Yusuke.”

Yusuke waved him off. “Just go, already. I’ll keep watch outside the café. If the ruler changes his mind or something happens, I’ll let you know.”

Ren took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. He had 24 hours to give Kazuha the peace she deserved. Time was ticking, and every moment mattered now.

With one last glance at Yusuke, Ren turned and headed back upstairs, ready to make the most of every precious second he had left with Kazuha.

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