The Café Between Worlds

Chapter 37: A Day to Remember

Ren quietly prepared everything they would need for the day, gathering small items that reminded him of simpler times and moments that he wanted to cherish with Kazuha. His heart was heavy with the knowledge that they had only 24 hours, but he refused to let that weight crush the fleeting joy he wanted to give her. He wouldn’t tell her—not yet. This was their day, and nothing could overshadow it.

He went upstairs to where Kazuha sat, still slightly pale, but her eyes sparkled when she saw him. She smiled warmly, and it was enough to push away Ren’s worries for now.

“Are we ready?” she asked, her voice soft but eager.

Ren smiled back, trying to hide the ache in his chest. “Yeah, we are. I want you to enjoy today. You don’t need to think about anything else, okay?”

Kazuha tilted her head curiously, but she didn’t press him. She simply nodded. “Alright, if you say so.”

They left the café and began their journey to a place that, in the afterlife, felt like a distant dream—a place where people could forget their worries and just live for the moment. Ren had chosen an amusement park, something Kazuha had always wanted to experience when she was alive. He knew it would make her happy, and that was all that mattered now.

As they walked through the gates of the park, Kazuha’s eyes lit up like stars, and Ren couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to freeze this moment in time, to hold onto her joy forever.

“This is amazing!” Kazuha exclaimed, twirling around as she took in the vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere. “I’ve never been to one before, not really.”

Ren chuckled, walking beside her. “I know. You always talked about it, but we never had the chance. I thought we could make up for that now.”

Kazuha grinned, playfully elbowing him. “What, you finally decided to spoil me?”

“I’ve always wanted to spoil you,” Ren replied, his voice warm and teasing. “I just didn’t have the money for it back then. But today... today’s different.”

They walked hand in hand, wandering through the park, the sound of laughter and cheerful music filling the air. For once, it felt like they weren’t in the afterlife—like they were just a normal couple, stealing moments of happiness together.

As they strolled through the park, Kazuha began sharing stories about her childhood. “When I was little, my mom and dad used to take me to small fairs. They didn’t have roller coasters or big rides like this, but I remember how happy I was, just holding their hands and feeling like nothing could go wrong.”

Ren listened quietly, his heart aching at the thought of how much she had lost. He wanted to give her that happiness again, to create new memories for her to hold onto, even if her time was running out.

“Then let’s make today just as happy,” Ren said softly. “Let’s do everything you’ve always wanted to do.”

Kazuha nodded, her smile bittersweet. “Yeah. Let’s.”

Their first stop was the roller coaster, a towering structure that looped and twisted through the air. Kazuha’s eyes sparkled with excitement, but Ren hesitated, staring up at the intimidating ride with a nervous gulp.

“You’re not scared, are you?” Kazuha teased, nudging him playfully.

Ren shot her a look, half embarrassed and half amused. “Me? Scared? No way.”

Kazuha laughed, a sound that filled Ren’s heart with warmth. “Sure, sure. Come on, I’ll protect you.”

Reluctantly, Ren followed her onto the ride, his hands gripping the safety bar as the roller coaster ascended the first steep hill. His heart pounded in his chest, and as they reached the top, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the drop.

When the coaster plummeted down the hill, Kazuha threw her hands in the air, laughing with delight. Meanwhile, Ren held on for dear life, his face pale with terror.

As the ride ended, Kazuha couldn’t stop giggling at Ren’s reaction. “You looked like you were going to faint!”

Ren rubbed the back of his neck, trying to laugh it off. “Yeah, well... that was intense.”

“You’re so cute when you’re scared,” Kazuha teased, linking her arm with his as they walked away from the ride.

Ren rolled his eyes but smiled. “I’m glad you had fun.”

Next, they rode the merry-go-round, a much calmer experience that allowed them to relax and enjoy each other’s company. The gentle motion of the ride, paired with the soft music, made everything feel peaceful. For a moment, it was easy to forget that time was ticking away.

As they rode the carousel, Ren’s mind was elsewhere, planning his next move. While Kazuha wasn’t looking, he slipped away to a small shop inside the park and bought two matching rings—one for her, and one for himself. His heart raced as he tucked the small box into his pocket. He had something special planned for later.

After a few more rides and games, the air was cooler now, and Ren knew the moment he had been waiting for was near.

“Kazuha,” he said, taking her hand, “let’s go on one more ride. The Ferris wheel.”

Kazuha’s eyes lit up. “Really? The Ferris wheel? That’s so romantic.”

Ren smiled, his heart pounding in his chest. “Exactly.”

They boarded the Ferris wheel, the small cabin rocking gently as it ascended into the sky. The higher they went, the quieter the world below became, and soon they were alone, suspended above the park with only the stars for company.

As they reached the top, Ren turned to Kazuha, his heart racing. He pulled the small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing the two rings inside.

“Kazuha,” he began, his voice soft but steady, “I know our time together has been anything but normal. We’ve been through so much... but you’ve always been the most important person to me. I love you more than anything, and I don’t want to waste any more time.”

Kazuha’s eyes widened as she looked at the rings, her breath catching in her throat.

Ren continued, his voice trembling slightly. “I know we don’t have forever, but I want to spend whatever time we have left with you. Will you... will you marry me?”

Tears welled up in Kazuha’s eyes, her hands trembling as she reached for the ring. “Ren... I...”

“I know it’s not much,” Ren added, his heart aching with the weight of the moment. “But I want you to know how much you mean to me. I want to be by your side, no matter what.”

Kazuha wiped away a tear, her lips curling into a bittersweet smile. “Ren... yes. Of course, yes.”

Ren slipped the ring onto her finger, his own eyes misting over. Kazuha leaned forward, resting her head on his shoulder as the Ferris wheel continued its slow descent back to the ground.

For a moment, everything was perfect. They were together, sharing a love that transcended the boundaries of life and death. And even though Ren knew their time was limited, he held onto this moment with everything he had, determined to make the most of every second.

As they stepped off the Ferris wheel, hand in hand, Kazuha smiled at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of joy and sorrow. “Thank you, Ren... for everything.”

Ren squeezed her hand gently, his heart aching but full. “I’ll always be here for you, Kazuha. No matter what.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon wandering through the park, hand in hand, stealing every moment of happiness they could. The weight of time was still there, lurking in the background, but for now, they ignored it. For now, they were just Ren and Kazuha, two people in love, living in the moment.

And as they left the park, the sun still hanging low in the sky, they continued forward, determined to make the most of what little time they had left—together.

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