The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 225 - The Reappearance of Miracle

Chapter 225 The Reappearance of Miracle
Early in the morning, Yang Qi was about to rise, and the survival of the soul was at stake. Zhang Yunyan was very anxious and didn’t know where to hide for the moment.

She wanted to return to her home in Qingshan Village, but it was useless. It was not a haven for the soul, and she would still be destroyed by the strong Yang Qi.

She wanted to hide in the woods, but it was also useless. It was full of Yang Qi on the earth, and her soul had nowhere to hide.

She must find a place to hide as soon as possible, and must survive the terrible day and then come out at night.

However, in the vast field, where could she preserve her soul?

Zhang Yunyan looked around. There was no hiding place. She was very nervous and panic.

If her soul was gone, how could she take revenge? How could she find brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia?

At this moment, keeping the precious soul was her only wish, which was very urgent and difficult to achieve.

Time kept going on, and it didn’t care about the survival and demise of any soul. It just kept passing by.

The golden sunlight sprayed from the horizon, sending warm sunshine to the earth. The golden light weaved the clouds of the east sky together, depicting them as colorful clouds, which was admirable and gave people imagination.

Qingshan Village was clearer. With the cooking smoke, barking dogs and crowing roosters, a vibrant new day started.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the rising sun and gorgeous colorful clouds and sat on the ground with a sigh. This would be the end, her soul was about to vanish, and all hopes and aspirations would disappear like the misty cooking smoke, leaving no signs.

She was decadent and weeping. Her soul would disappear from the world, and there would be no way to fulfill those long-existed vows.

She was very distressed, tears were falling down silently, and she was already desperate. She felt sorry to the relatives of Zhang Family and Lin Family, and to her ancestors. She was shameless to see the souls of her dead relatives.

The sun was rising, and colorful clouds were fading. Birds were flying over the fields, and insects were chirping. They were all expressing their feelings, and increasing the beauty of nature.

The vibrant day began. The sun was shining, sending unlimited vitality and warmth, and nurturing countless souls.

When weeping, Zhang Yunyan felt warm. In the sunlight, her soul was intact and didn’t disappear. She had no pain at all, and felt very comfortable.

She wondered why the soul had not changed in the sun, and that she didn’t even have unusual feelings.

Yunyan looked at the blue sky and white clouds, the flowers and plants in the woods… She thought of something, and there was a glimmer of hope in the doubts. Could it be possible that she didn’t die? Was she still alive?

Zhang Yunyan had been praying that she hadn’t died, and she couldn’t believe that the dream could come true. At this moment, she was still the same, still observing in doubts and desire, and experiencing herself.

Soon, she confirmed that she was still alive. If she was a soul, she would not stay in the strong Yang Qi, let alone the normal feelings.

Yunyan looked at the rising sun, the white clouds, the blue sky, the trees near and far, and the familiar Qingshan Village… Everything was so cute and pure.

She was so excited that she could survive in good condition in the terrible disaster. She was very excited and couldn’t believe it.

It seemed that Shikong and Turtle Elf were right. She was indeed alive and living well.

Unexpectedly, from last night until now, she had been in self-intimidation. Thinking about it, she felt ridiculous, pathetic, and sad.

In the surprise, Zhang Yunyan couldn’t help thinking of the puzzled thing, and the mood that just became good turned worse. Again, she couldn’t believe that she really didn’t die.

If she was alive, that is to say, the strong power of the jade had not struck herself, and she didn’t get drowned in the underground river.

In this way, she was still the same as she was in Jade Dragon Lake. She had the same ability as a fish. She could breathe and talk freely underwater, and swam without resistance. She had the same feeling in the water as on the land.

However, this was by no means possible, and it would be daydreaming. The power of the jade was so unimaginable that even Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts were severely hit to death and buried deep underground. How could she survive?

Besides, she had lost her ability in the water, and she nearly got drowned in a large river before. It was an undeniable fact. That being the case, how could she be alive after soaking in the underground river for so long? It would be talking nonsense.

However, the facts at hand couldn’t be denied, and if she was dead, her soul could not survive in the Yang Qi. At this moment, she was under the sun, not dying or feeling painful.

Whether she’s alive or dead, it was so weird and incredible.

How to explain these strange things?

It was indeed impossible to explain. Whether she was dead or alive, it was impossible to happen.

Was she alive or dead?

Zhang Yunyan didn’t know. These impossible things really happened in an incredible way, but she didn’t know whether she was dead or alive.

Yunyan couldn’t explain these weird mysteries, and didn’t know if she was alive or dead. However, she was no longer flustered, because she didn’t feel intolerable in the sun, and could exist for the time being.

About these inexplicable mysteries, she had been thinking and seeking for answers.

In the bright sunshine, she was intact and felt no pain. It had been proven that she was not the soul after death, but had actual body and life.

Yunyan didn’t know why she wasn’t killed by the powerful jade’s strong hex, didn’t get drowned and die in the water-filled underground river, why she could breathe and scream like a fish, and why she could swim and run without obstacles…

She couldn’t explain these “impossible” mysteries, but she had the confidence that she was indeed alive.

She was no longer troubled by those weird mysteries. It was the happiest thing to be able to live in the world. She was ecstatic about it.

Zhang Yunyan had great hope, vitality of life, and endless yearning. She would continue to compose a new chapter of her life, work hard to cultivate, and move forward bravely. She would fight bravely for the mission and her grand ambition.

Last night, Qingshan Village was shocked, and now it was calm again. Everything was as usual, showing the atmosphere of life.

Yunyan looked at the quiet land and the peaceful Qingshan Village, feeling relieved. The terrible disaster had finally passed, and it had ended forever. Jiuyou Sage and the devils had been buried deep underground and could no longer hurt the world.Read more chapter on v ip novel. com

The sun rose. The sky was blue, and the white clouds were flawless. The quietness of the morning was showing infinite vitality, arousing the spark of life.

After a horrible night, Zhang Yunyan finally escaped from the “hell” alive and returned to the world. She was both excited and sad.

She greedily looked at the white clouds, the blue sky, the green trees and mountains… Everything was so beautiful and spectacular. Yunyan breathed the air of the earth that she had lost and regained, feeling the extremely fresh and fragrant smell.

At this moment, Zhang Yunyan was excited. She was enjoying the happiness of rebirth, pursuing the hope of the future, and had unlimited imagination. As if she was reborn, she was also at a new starting point for her life. She must write a new chapter of life with passion.

The sky was blue, and the clouds were white. An eagle was flying freely, expressing the beautiful imagination.

The green mountains were vibrant, and the river was winding. Birds were flying, and the flowers were beautiful and fragrant.

This scene was ordinary and extraordinary, like a quiet and elegant picture of life.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the blue sky, the eagle, the river and the green hills… Her heart was filled with surge of emotions and she was intoxicated with joy and happiness…

She came to the stream flowing out of the Devil’s Cave with emotion and comfort. This was where she escaped from death with Shikong and Turtle Elf, which was a place with emotions of grief and despair, as well as the excitement and joy of escape.

Yunyan smiled, looking at the stream flowing from underground. Her heart couldn’t calm down.

A fish was swimming up against the water. Sometimes it was swimming and sometimes it was staying, seemingly exploring the secret of the stream.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the fish and smiled silently. She couldn’t help but think of the miracle that happened to her.

In the Devil’s Cave, she was not beaten to death by the hex of the jade, nor did she get drowned in the underground river. It was amazing and puzzling.

In the underground river, as in Jade Dragon Lake, she could breathe freely like a fish, swim and run freely without resistance. The feeling was as she was on the land, which was too amazing to believe.

Did she have the magical ability in the water again? Was this underground river different from rivers and lakes and it had magical power?

Yunyan couldn’t believe that she had a magical ability. She nearly got drowned in that big river not long ago. How could she lose her ability in water and regain it?

She didn’t know why she didn’t die in the underground river, so she could only guess and feel grateful.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the gurgling stream and the fish, feeling it was difficult to solve the mystery. There were many mysterious and terrible secrets in the Devil’s Cave, which must also influence the flowing water. The underground river was not ordinary, and it may have extraordinary magic.

Her eyes turned again to the river where the stream merged, wanting to try it there to see if she really had the fish-like ability.

Yunyan was looking for the curious fish along the stream, and it was gone. She could not help but shake her head and sighed silently. Needless to say, the fish had already entered a small hole.

She smiled bitterly and said to herself with worry, “Oh, little guy, it’s not fun inside. The Devil’s Cave had collapsed and fell to the deep underground. This cave is very long. There is no sunlight, no plants, no companion, and no life. In the dark, you are lonely. How lonely and terrible it would be! Well, I was forced and helpless, but you seek for it without knowing the danger. You are finding troubles for yourself. I hope you won’t be dangerous.”

In anxiety, Yunyan wished that the curious fish could return successfully. During the exploration, it could be infected by the mysterious magic in the cave and gain something, thus this thrilling exploration would be worthy.

Zhang Yunyan came to the river bank and looked at the clear water. She took a deep breath and immediately jumped down.

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