The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 226 - It’s Magical!

Chapter 226 It’s Magical!

Zhang Yunyan immersed her body in the river water, stabilized her tense mood, and breathed slightly without feeling being choked.

She was surprised and had hope again. She took a breath slowly without choking, and she felt the same way as in the underground river in the cave.

Yunyan was very excited. She breathed continuously. The comfort she felt was the same as in the Jade Dragon Lake, and it was no different from her feeling in the underground river.

Zhang Yunyan was convinced that she had the fish-like ability again, and her magical ability came back.

She was overjoyed and laughed like a child, “I do have the magical skill again! I have the magical skill…”

Her laughter and yell spread through the river and alarmed the fishes.

She leaped and danced with the Magical Dragon Sword in her hand, feeling more alert and quicker, and reacting more quickly. She seemed to have a different feeling compared to the past.

Zhang Yunyan was a little surprised and confused, so she stopped immediately and looked at the sword in her hand, thinking and suspecting.

Suddenly, she stared at somewhere and paused for a moment, and then she exclaimed, “Ah, no, how is this possible…”

She didn’t believe in her eyes and was still looking at the sword.

It turned out that the line of handwriting near the sword handle had changed again–—”“Magical Dragon Sword weighs 32 kilograms”.

Yunyan clearly remembered that when she first got her sword in the Jade Dragon Lake, the sword weighed only 12 kilograms. Later, when she escaped from the cave sealed by the demon monkey, the Magical Dragon Sword weighed 24.5 kilograms.

Now, the handwriting on the sword had changed again. Was it really 32 kilograms?

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t and wouldn’t believe it. How could she have such great strength? It’s not possible that she could hold the 32-kilogram weapon so easily and that the sword fit her hand so well.

However, when she first acquired the Magical Dragon Sword, the sword was indeed 12 kilograms, and later it became 24.5 kilograms. The weight on the two marks was correct, which could be sure.

Now, the mark of the Magical Dragon Sword had become 32 kilograms, so there should be nothing wrong with it. However, it was too heavy, and she could not use such a heavy weapon.

Was there a mistake in the mark of the sword?

The Magical Dragon Sword was a very spiritual treasure. It could change its weight according to the change of power of its master to meet the needs of the master, so there shouldn’t be any mistake.

It seemed that, as the previous times, she was wrong. She did increase her external strength and was able to use such heavy weapon.

Although Zhang Yunyan thought it was incredible, she believed that the mark of the sword was correct, and she did have the magic power. She was very excited and more confident. In the future, she could try to fight against some powerful enemies.

Yunyan didn’t know how she gained such a divine power, and why she improved so much. She felt that it must have been such a big change after experiencing the terrible things last night.

She was still puzzled. Last night, she had been nervous and terrified. She was chased down by the devils and cruelly tortured by the jade. There was no factor to enhance her strength. How could there be such a drastic change?

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t solve the mystery and no longer suspected it. In any case, this was a great thing, and it was highly desirable. She was so excited about it.

Zhang Yunyan unfortunately fell into the Devil’s Cave, suffering from unforgettable pain and torture, and miraculously escaped from death.

Unexpectedly, she escaped from the severe blow of the jade, escaped from the fatal disaster, and finally survived. It was a great fortune in the misfortune, which was gratifying.

What’s even more gratifying was that she also had a magical gain–she had the foundation of internal strength, and her external force had greatly increased, which were rare happy events. Perhaps regaining the fish-like ability was also related to the experience of last night.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t know how this great fortune was obtained in the misfortune, and why these rare happy events came. She was still thinking about the horrible experience, guessing one mystery after another to solve these magical mysteries.

However, this magical underwater ability was obtained when she was imprisoned in the Jade Dragon Lake by the evil dragon. It was very weird without any trace. She didn’t know the reason.

Later, she didn’t know when she lost it. It also had no trace and she still didn’t know why.

Now, she had gained this magical ability again. It was not only magical but also very shocking and somewhat weird.

Zhang Yunyan thought about it but couldn’t figure it out, so she had to give up.

In any case, this was a great thing. Thanks to this magical ability, Yunyan would not have drowned in the Jade Dragon Lake long ago, and would not have escaped from the underground river, neither would she have this new life.

At that time, she didn’t know how long this magical ability could exist, and she longed to keep it forever in her lifetime. However, this wish didn’t come true, and she lost it later, feeling deeply pitiful.

Now, she had the ability in the water again. No matter in the lakes and rivers on the ground, or in the mysterious underground rivers, she could move freely like a fish, which made her deeply relieved.

Yunyan prayed silently, hoping that this magical ability would not be lost anymore, and that it could be retained for a lifetime.

The fish swam nearby, and the river flowed silently.

Zhang Yunyan ran at the bottom of the river like a flying bird, or swam like an arrow off the string without any resistance, which was exactly like she did on the land. She was excited and immersed in infinite joy. She had wonderful imaginations.

Under the sun, the ripples on the river surface flashed like silver light, and the river water was very bright. The water plants were green, exuding fragrance, attracting fish to play and watch.

Yunyan’s excited mood finally calmed down and she returned to the shore.

She looked at the green earth, remembering the thrilling encounter last night, and decided to take a look at the mountainside of Qinglong Mountain. She didn’t know the situation of the crack, which was the exit of the Devil’s Cave. She wondered if it had cracked in the earth-shattering disaster.

Yunyan looked nearby, and then she stared at something without moving. Her expression was full of horror.

Oh, was that Qinglong Mountain?

Zhang Yunyan inspected the surrounding scenery and identified the low hill. The fields here were relatively flat, except for Qinglong Mountain. There was no second one as it.

She looked at Qingshan Village in the short distance and confirmed that this low hill was Qinglong Mountain.

The majestic Qinglong Mountain had changed greatly. It was nearly half shorter than the original, and the circumference was much smaller.

The change of this mountain was so huge that it was hard to believe. If it was not in the original position, no one could believe that it was the towering Qinglong Mountain.

Although the height of Qinglong Mountain had become low, it was still full of greenery, and the towering blue stone was showing the spectacular scenery.

It was weird. How could Qinglong Mountain change so dramatically?

Zhang Yunyan understood that after the collapse of the Devil’s Cave, Qinglong Mountain sank with it, so it became lower and the circumference was much smaller.

She was shocked that the Qinglong Mountain had such a big change, which showed that the cave was too huge to be imagined. After the collapse, the entire mountain fell with it, pressing the cracked rocks down tightly.

This disaster was really earth-shattering, which was terrible.

Fortunately, although the mountain had become low and the circumference had shrunk, the surrounding area was relatively flat and there was no place fallen. In the distance, Qingshan Village was intact and as calm as ever.

In shock, Zhang Yunyan came to the familiar and unfamiliar Qinglong Mountain and was constantly inspecting.

With a sigh, she could no longer recognize it. The place where she went up the mountain with the sika deer last night was gone, and the footpath was gone. She looked at the surrounding scenery and felt strange. She was both surprised and sad.

Yunyan slowly walked up the mountain, looking around as she walked. There was greenery everywhere, and she could not see any of the original appearance of the mountain, which was no longer recognizable.

From the foot of the mountain to the top, Zhang Yunyan didn’t see the place where she fell into the Devil’s Cave last night. She couldn’t see any breaks or openings, and couldn’t see the place where she and Shikong saved each other last time.

It seemed that the entrance and exit of the Devil’s Cave had been buried deep in the ground as the whole mountain collapsed.

The loud sound of jade was too terrible. The horror of magic was beyond imagination. It not only destroyed the entire cave house, but also caused the towering Qinglong Mountain to fall. The power of magic was amazing, and the consequences were astonishing, which looked like the entire world was changed.

This miraculous power was unimaginable. It showed how extraordinary the master from thousands of years ago was. He was a superman who couldn’t be more magical.

Last night, in the horrible experience, Zhang Yunyan felt deep pain and despair, and also had a strange encounter and a gratifying harvest.

She had the foundation of internal strength, and the external strength was also much stronger. This 32-kilogram Magical Dragon Sword could be easily held up, and it was very handy, which all made her excited.

She couldn’t understand these mysterious things and magical gains, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. She had doubts about it that she didn’t know whether they were the truth.

Yunyan thought about it. She thought that the underwater ability and internal and external strength were probably the result of being tempered by the mysterious power in the Devil’s Cave, although she had no perception.

Zhang Yunyan thought back about those countless shiny words of fate, mysterious feelings that were hard to explain in various parts of the cave, the sealed Cave of Fate, the mysterious power to release the magic controlling Shikong, the weird jade, and the three mysterious moon-like caves… These mysterious things had always infected her, and she had been tempered all the time.

Perhaps it was these mysterious forces that cultivated her body and mind in a subtle way, so her internal and external strength was greatly increased, and she had a fish-like ability.

Yunyan came up with an idea. Because she was suffering, she had an internal strength foundation, which greatly increased the external strength and gave her these gratifying gains. Because of these gains, she was able to withstand the mighty power of the jade, and she was not severely hurt and died. She was able to escape from the death from the underground river.

Quiet in the forest, the birds ignored the dramatic changes of the mountain and were chasing after and playing with each other. Insects were also not worried about changes in nature, and they were still vying for a partner. Countless creatures were full of vitality, dotting the beautiful scenery, making people feel at ease.

Zhang Yunyan was extremely excited. She was very emotional and relieved for the terrible experience last night, for the foundation of internal strength and increase of external strength, and for the regained water skill.

She had gained a lot, but she was still unsatisfied and had a new desire. She was eager to get more and more profound skills unintentionally, and could have the superior skills like those of the masters.

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