The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 228 - The Difficult Puzzle

Chapter 228 The Difficult Puzzle
In the experience of life and death, Zhang Yunyan had formed a deep friendship with Shikong and Turtle Elf, which would not be forgotten in this life.

Yunyan deeply regretted that she had not seen the appearance of Shikong, and would not recognize him in the future. Regarding this, she would regret for the rest of her life. Her sincere friendship and the experience of life and death could only remain in her beautiful memories.

In her impression, Shikong was young and promising, handsome and unrestrained. It was a pity that she couldn’t see the face of her benefactor clearly, and the good friend who went through life and death together with her was like a stranger. She knew that a person who could make the vixen Misty Flower so obsessed must be a handsome man.

Whenever Yunyan thought of Shikong, she would think of her fiancé. Not only because his voice was like that of Jiaxiang, but also because she had another feeling.

In the experience of meeting with Shikong, she had that feeling. She didn’t know what kind of feeling it was. She didn’t know whether it was because she missed the benefactor or because of another reason.

She remembered that, in order to “worship the gods as a teacher”, she came to the mountainside of Qinglong Mountain and met Shikong who was caught and entangled endlessly by the vixen Misty Flower. She acted in time to solve the danger of Shikong, but was unfortunately hurt by Misty Flower.

In this first encounter, she and Shikong rescued each other. They became affectionate about each other and became friends.

Unexpectedly, this time she fell to the Devil’s Cave, and unexpectedly saw her benefactor Shikong. He was caught by Jiuyou Sage for such a long time that he was not harmed, which was a miracle. Although it was because the devils left the cave for something, it was still unbelievably weird.

Why did those devils suddenly have an emergency when they caught Shikong, and didn’t even have the time to hurt him? They had been away for so long, but they came back when Yunyan came to the Qinglong Mountain. How could it be so coincidental?

Also, if Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts came a minute earlier or a minute later, the result would not be the same. She would not encounter the terrible devils, nor would she fall into the Devil’s Cave and have that horrible experience.

If so, Shikong would be killed by the devils, and Turtle Elf couldn’t escape from the Devil’s Cave. It was unknown if there was any chance to escape in this life.

After Zhang Yunyan fell into the Devil’s Cave, she found that important place in running, and insisted on entering to search for treasures. Then she saw the unconscious Shikong.

When the trap of hex burst out, Turtle Elf rescued Shikong in a flash of thought. Then, they ran around to hide and came to the Cave of Fate. Unexpectedly, Yunyan rushed into the sealed cave with Shikong successfully.

Previously, if she did not pass through that cave, if she listened to the persuasion of Turtle Elf and did not enter to inspect, or if Turtle Elf did not rescue Shikong, it was be the same other result–Shikong must have died.

Then, the two of them fought against the jade, and together they fought with Jiuyou Sage and the devils. They finally managed to escape from death, which was extremely lucky.

The experience was terrible and unexpected. Zhang Yunyan and Shikong could not escape, and were destined to suffer this calamity. Not to mention the millennial covenanter who made trouble, there seemed to be a connection between her and Shikong, which led to this horrible encounter, but she didn’t know why.

She didn’t know if she was really related to Shikong. It might be just a feeling, or it might be a wild thought.

Zhang Yunyan believed that the experience of fighting with Shikong seemed to be accidental, but it was inevitable, and she didn’t know why this idea existed.

Did she really have an unknown connection with Shikong? What was that “inevitable” connection?

Yunyan could not confirm or deny about this. Sometimes she was skeptical, but had no result.

If it was a kind of feeling, it seemed that there was nothing. It must be difficult to guess, it was misty and faint, but it existed.

If it was wild thinking, a suspicion, it would be due to the friendship between life and death.

Whether it was a vague feeling or a random guess, Zhang Yunyan couldn’t confirm or deny that it was doomed to be resultless. She tended to believe it was a feeling, not imagined out of thin air, but she wondered what it meant.

Because of this feeling, and a voice similar to that of her fiancé, the blurry image would often come to her mind in the future, and Yunyan would miss it and continue to feel it.

Whether there was an inevitable connection between the monk or not, Zhang Yunyan hoped to reunite with her benefactor as soon as possible so that she could see the appearance of her friend and keep it in mind.

She hoped to deepen the friendship with her benefactor, and with the help of Shikong, her ability could be improved. Now that she had a bit of internal strength, his skills might not be so unattainable in cultivation.

Zhang Yunyan entered the Yan Mansion twice for revenge and almost died. The lessons of blood had been firmly kept in her mind.

After a period of treatment and rehabilitation, she recovered from her injury physically and mentally, and made thorough preparations. She originally decided to leave for Shuanghe County today, but didn’t expect the disaster last night…

Speaking of the weird things last night, there was another thing that was both memorable and incomprehensible, that was, the sika deer.

Zhang Yunyan originally believed that the sika deer was a companion of Jiuyou Sage, who intentionally led herself and Black Tiger to the mountainside and gave them to Jiuyou Sage and the devils.Update by vi p novel

Now, when she thought about it, it seemed that this was not the case. It was likely to be related to the reclusive master.

If the sika deer was related to the reclusive master, there would be a lot of mysteries about its appearance. She didn’t know if it was the master’s mana which only appeared last night after a thousand years, or if it was a cultivated elf.

The sika deer’s fur was shiny. It was humane and looked and behaved unusually. Then it disappeared mysteriously.

The sika deer’s appearance and characteristics were similar to those of Samuume. Zhang Yunyan felt that it was extraordinary, it was likely to be real, and it was a divine deer who had achieved positive results. Entrusted by that master, it came to Qinglong Mountain last night.

She felt that such speculation was not impossible, and she regretted it. Why didn’t she ask it clearly last night? She lost the chance. If it was truly a divine deer, it should be worshiped as a teacher, and her desire to learn profound skills could be realized.

Maybe she wouldn’t fall into the Devil’s Cave, and she could avoid that terrible disaster.

It was not easy to meet a master, and it was even harder to meet the divine animals. Yunyan would never have such an opportunity again. It was a pity that she missed the great opportunity that was delivered to her. She could only blame herself for being too dumb.

It was too late to regret. She kept sighing and silently blaming herself.

Zhang Yunyan thought of Shikong and felt that entering the Devil’s Cave was right and necessary, otherwise her benefactor would be killed by Jiuyou Sage, and Turtle Elf could not escape from the horrible “hell”.

Although she suffered terrible disaster, she had gained a lot and saved two good friends. She gained the foundation of internal strength and increased her power. The magical ability in the water was back, it was worth it.

What’s even more gratifying was that in this earth-shattering disaster, Jiuyou Sage and the devils were buried deep underground, and the world could be more peaceful since then.

Zhang Yunyan still didn’t understand. If the sika deer was a divine animal, why would it be afraid of a wolf? Was that wolf also an elf of extraordinary origin?

Zhang Yunyan carefully recalled the scene at that time and felt that it was impossible. If the wolf was an extraordinary beast and a cultivated elf, it would never fear her, an ordinary person, and would eat her.

She couldn’t help but think of her experience thousands of years ago, it was harder for her to believe that the wolf last night was an elf.

In Tianyue Country, she fortunately killed the evil wolf and rescued Samuume. That wolf was a terrible elf which was difficult for her to deal with. Had it not been for the presence of Xiao Tianlong to distract the evil wolf, she would have died on the land of the alienated world thousands of years ago.

Compared with the wolf last night, it was like a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one–they couldn’t be compared at all.

Perhaps the wolf was an ordinary beast, and the sika deer was a divine animal. It didn’t want to reveal its true identity, so it approached her in this way.

If that’s the case, because of her clumsiness, she missed a great opportunity to learn from a teacher, it would be too bad. She would be annoyed and regretful to think about it.

Were Zhang Yunyan’s guesses right?

No one knew, and she couldn’t know it herself. It was a mystery.

Another mystery was the old woman who claimed to be half-immortal. Who was she?

After this disaster, Zhang Yunyan’s views on the old lady were somewhat changed, and she felt that the old lady might not be a monster, but might be an accomplished master.

As for whom the old lady was and why she claimed to have met her thousands of years ago, and she was a friend of her between generations, it was still unbelievable.

Such “myths and legends” were too incredible. The so-called “friendship between generations” had lasted for thousands of years, and whether it was true or not, she didn’t dare to even think about it. This thing was too absurd and extremely bizarre that it would never happen.

Of course, Yunyan had been to Tianyue Country thousands of years ago, and even though it was an extremely accidental opportunity, she also had this experience. She was puzzled that there was no such bizarre thing except in Tianyue Country, and she would not know anyone from ancient times.

In thinking, Zhang Yunyan thought of something. Could the old lady be the master of the millennium covenant?

It was possible. She had refused to state her identity on the ground that the secret of fate could not be revealed.

Yunyan felt wrong, and then denied it. The message of the “Millennium Covenanter” sounded like a man, not the voice of an old woman.

Who were the two elders who claimed to have lived for thousands of years? Why did they all say that they met Zhang Yunyan thousands of years ago and had a friendship between life and death with her?

Yunyan couldn’t believe these “myths and legends” and wouldn’t believe it. If this was true, she should have had such an experience and impression, except for Tianyue Country.

The imperial master Xiao Tianlong had repeatedly denied that he was the so-called “Millennium Covenanter”, which was undoubted.

However, apart from Tianyue Country, she had no relevant memories so far, not even dreaming of going to another ancient era. The words of those two people were all absurd lies, and they could never be trusted.

As for whether she would go to another ancient era in the future and when she would be able to go there, it was unknown, and she could only suspect. Only when she had gone to that era would she believe this “myth and legend”.

These mysteries were too bizarre to be reasonable. They couldn’t be explained or believed.

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