The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 229 - The Strange “Shooting Star”

Chapter 229 The Strange “Shooting Star”
Zhang Yunyan remembered last night’s horrible experience and was still fearful. It was unimaginable and unbelievable that she could escape from the death with Shikong and Turtle Elf. It was extremely lucky.

Last night, she was trapped in a desperate situation. The time was short and she had some strange and magical mysteries. She didn’t know if they would be solved in the future, and what would bring to her. She didn’t know if it would be good or bad, and whether they would bring disaster and danger.

These unknowns were also a mystery and still couldn’t be solved.

Since it was an inexplicable mystery, it could only stay in her heart. Zhang Yunyan no longer had to worry about it. No matter the mystery would be solved or not, just let them stay.

The sky was blue and white clouds were flowing. Bugs were singing, and birds playing. The flowers and trees were motionless and quietly enjoying the sunshine, showing their vitality.

Zhang Yunyan looked around, sighed softly, got up and walked down the mountain.

She returned to the Qingshan Village, informed Sun Jianlin of the death of Black Tiger, and then bid farewell.

Yunyan did not change her mind. She cleaned up, checked her things and went on the road of revenge according to the original plan. With hatred and the belief of victory in her heart, she vowed to kill Yan Xiaopeng to end her revenge for more than a decade.

Could Zhang Yunyan succeed in killing the enemy this time?

Now, this was also a mystery. Hopefully she could accomplish it.

Yunyan bid farewell to the Qingshan Village and headed directly to the Yan Village, west of Shuanghe County, where Yan Xiaopeng was located.

This was the fourth time to take on the journey of revenge. She would accomplish her mission of more than a decade with resolute enthusiasm, revenge for her parents to soothe the dead of her loved ones, and to calm her bleeding heart.

Along the way, Zhang Yunyan couldn’t calm down. Remembering her first revenge experience, she sighed silently. Unexpectedly, she would encounter Black Killer and White Evil Dragon near Jade Dragon Lake, and was almost killed by two monsters.

She went to avenge her father and mother for the second time, and finally entered the house of enemies–the Yan Mansion. Unfortunately, it still didn’t go well. She encountered two monsters, a man and a woman, and nearly died under the sword of the woman. She returned with nothing done.

The third experience of revenge was even more terrifying. She was caught by Yan Xiaopeng and was almost cut into pieces. The lesson was so painful that she still vividly remembered it, and would never forget it in this life.

Zhang Yunyan hated the bully Yan Xiaopeng who killed without a blink, and would never stop until she killed the enemy.

She was very grateful to the benefactor Bai Yunfei, but was unable to repay the life-saving grace. If it was not for the benefactor’s timely rescue, she would have died in the hands of the enemy.

This time, Zhang Yunyan was full of confidence and took on the road with the determination to kill Yan Xiaopeng.

Now, she was not the same as before. Not only did she have the fish-like underwater ability, but also had greatly increased her strength. With her current ability and strength, it would not take much effort to kill the Living Yama.

Thinking of the encounter and danger in the Devil’s Cave, Yunyan were still fearful. She did not die under the magic of the jade, nor did she die in the underground river. It was such a fortune.

Not to mention, in the horrible experience, in the mortal desperation, under the scourge of hex, in the water filled the cave, she not only did not die and was not injured, but also had a gratifying harvest, which was really the best out of the worst.

After experiencing this terrible thing, she had an internal strength base and a magical external strength. The 32-kilogram Magical Dragon Sword could also be held up easily and she had gained her lost ability in the water. These gains were very unexpected and amazing. It was incredible.

Zhang Yunyan once again took on the journey of revenge. She was full of confidence, and vowed to slaughter Yan Xiaopeng to revenge for her parents and eradicate a great evil for the people.

The heavy Magical Dragon Sword was handy, whistling when she waved, showing her power and bravery.

At this time, Yunyan was full of pride and confidence, and she was able to deal with some powerful enemies. Yan Xiaopeng, who was outwardly strong and inwardly weak, was within her ability. There would be no setbacks to kill him.

Yunyan looked at the Magical Dragon Sword and was always wondering. How could her strength be greatly increased?

She didn’t feel any change in herself, and didn’t have the slightest sign of it. She didn’t expect that it would happen secretly. It was a great change.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t know the origin of her external force, and determined that it was the result of that horrible experience last night.

She couldn’t explain it. In the fatal disaster, in addition to pain and despair, that was the misery of suffering, how could there be such a magical harvest?

This incident was too incredible to explain and could only remain in her heart.

In the sky, the sun had already rested, and stars were slowly falling in the sky. The crescent moon came silently to the night sky, sending a slight light to the earth.Updates by vi p novel

In the mountains and forests, the insects sang, playing the music of love for the quiet night.

Zhang Yunyan was eager to revenge. Without stopping and enjoying the rare quietness, she hurried on with her journey under the moonlight and starlight.

Suddenly, a shooting star cut through the night sky, which was extremely bright and in the dark, and its speed was amazingly fast.

Yunyan stared at the shooting star, wondering, was that a shooting star? If it was, its bright arc should head to the earth, how could it fly away?

That thing was much larger than the shooting star. It was bright and fiery red, and soon disappeared. It was unique, which was not comparable by any shooting star, and it didn’t go out by itself. It disappeared in the night sky because it flew so far away that it could not be distinguished.

It seemed that it was not a shooting star, but a bizarre object. The speed of it was incomparable, and the shooting star could not be so bright.

What was it? Was it a fairy, an elf, or a demon or monster that hurt people?

Zhang Yunyan looked at the vast night sky and couldn’t guess what it was. She felt it was weird, scary, and she was nervous. Fortunately, the thing didn’t fall down and was flying far to the unknown. She could now settle down and continue her journey.

Suddenly, a name flashed in Yunyan’s mind–Red Hair King Ghost, followed by a shock in her heart. Was that thing which looked like a shooting star the Red Hair King Ghost?

She quickly denied it. She had just seen the devil yesterday and was very impressed. It was by no means the meteor-like monster. The devil had been buried deep underground, and would not come back to life.

To say the least, even if the Red Hair King Ghost survived, it would not be so red, so bright, and it would not fly so fast.

What was that monster that looked like a shooting star?

Zhang Yunyan was puzzled and couldn’t figure it out after thinking about it. She shook her head gently. She no longer cared about what the strange thing was, and continued on her way.

When the moon rose to the middle of the sky, Yunyan came to a relatively large village and stayed at a roadside guesthouse.

As soon as she arrived, she was surprised by an unexpected thing. When checking in, the owner asked her about a monster that looked like a shooting star.

It turned out that the store owner also heard the guests talking about the “shooting star”, and it was miraculous in their words. The owner was disturbed.

Zhang Yunyan was shocked secretly. It seemed that the guy who looked like a shooting star was an important figure, and it couldn’t be underestimated.

Lying on the bed, she had so many thoughts that she could hardly fall asleep. She cried with grief and indignation when she thought of the hatred of her family and her adoptive father’s family.

Her parents died tragically, her adoptive parents and three brothers and sisters passed away with hatred. She remembered the huge debt of blood, and she felt furious and painful.

Now, Yunyan was not the same as before, and her skills had greatly increased, and her desire for revenge had been aroused. She couldn’t wait to kill the enemies Yan Xiaopeng and Feng Jiabao immediately, and complete the vow of revenge for the Zhang family and Lin family.

The encounter in the Devil’s Cave was too terrible. Zhang Yunyan could not forget. She was nervous sometimes, and she sighed. Sometimes she was terrified, and sometimes she was angry…Access v ip novel

She remembered the two friends who fought together with her–Shikong and Turtle Elf. They had a friendship between life and death.

Yunyan was so impressed when thinking of Shikong. She wanted to reunite with her benefactor as soon as possible, talked about friendship, and enhanced their relationship. Seeing the face of her friend, she would remember him for this life.

When thinking about him, Zhang Yunyan always had a feeling. She was very confused and wondering, still not knowing why.

This feeling might because he had the similar voice to that of her fiancé, but it was not the main one. It seemed to have an inconceivable association.

Whenever she thought about her experience of meeting Shikong, she always had this conjecture. She didn’t know why she felt that there was a connection between the two of them, which was vague and indistinct.

Yunyan and Shikong met for the first time on the mountainside of Qinglong Mountain. In order to “worship the god as a teacher”, she came to the mountain at night and accidentally saw the vixen Misty Flower trying to forcibly assault Shikong, so they had the experience of saving each other.

At that night, Shikong was caught by Jiuyou Sage in to the Devil’s Cave.

She thought that her benefactor must have died. How could she know that after more than 20 days, she saw Shikong again in the Devil’s Cave and accidentally brought him into the Cave of Fate?

After such a long time, her benefactor had not been killed by the devils. It was amazing, although there were some reasons, it was still incredible.

Shikong had been unconscious, and seemed to be waiting for her to come to the rescue. It turned out that he was rescued by Yunyan and Turtle Elf.

In the horrible Devil’s Cave, under the pursuit of Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts, she could run to the important place where Shikong was and rescues him when the hex burst, then she took her benefactor into the Cave of Fate. It seemed that there were difficult mysteries about these things.

Yunyan didn’t know if she had some connection with Shikong. She was only skeptical. It had no result and could not be forgotten.

Perhaps, because of the similarity of his voice with her fiancé’s, Shikong let Yunyan miss him so much that she had such an inexplicable feeling that there was some connection between them.

Zhang Yunyan could only suspect by herself, and could not verify with Shikong to solve the mystery. Not to mention that Shikong lived in seclusion in the forest in the deep mountains and she could not see him, she would not even know him when she met him. Until now, she hadn’t seen the face of him, and she would pass by when they came across each other.

Besides, Shikong was a monk who had been separated from the vulgar life. She was a woman herself. How could she ask such a thing? Her shyness made her difficult to speak.

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t help but think of something related to Shikong, and her heart couldn’t calm down with a feeling that was unclear. Was she happy? Confused? Was it comforting? Or was it bitter…

Regarding this, she herself could not say clearly, it was also an inexplicable feeling, and she suspected it from time to time…

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