The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 249 - Blood

Chapter 249 Blood
Zhang Yunyan was very clear that in the home of her enemy, there were many crises, and if she was careless, all the efforts she made would be in vain. Even a little hesitation might cause a terrible disaster.

At this moment, Red Hair King Ghost and Monoclonius were in Yan Mansion. Once the two devils appeared in front of her, she had no hope of life, and all the vows that had not been fulfilled would vanish.

The resolute heroine and brave goddess took Yan Xiaopeng’s steel knife thrown on the ground and went straight to the “living world” upstairs to take revenge. She must complete her vows for more than ten years as soon as possible.

She couldn’t delay in case unexpected accidents would change things again.

She must be fast and kill Living Yama as soon as possible. She couldn’t let the enemy fight back again, and couldn’t give Red Hair King Ghost and Monoclonius the reaction time. Otherwise, the good situation that she was struggling for would be reversed again.

If Yan Xiaopeng survived, it meant that she had to die, and the debt of blood of the Zhang family would never be resolved, and all the vows would vanish.

At this moment, Zhang Yunyan looked furious, and her whole body ignited the anger of revenge to destroy the evil life upstairs.

She walked lightly and quickly, avoiding the hole in the ground and came to the stairs to listen. There was only a disgusting snoring sound in the “living world” and the enemy was still sleeping.

Yunyan scolded secretly in her heart, and immediately stepped on the wooden ladder to the upper floor with the determination of revenge and murderousness.

On the second floor, two large candles were burning quietly, which made the room clear enough to be seen.

In the “living world”, it was very quiet and warm. She could see elegant furnishings, valuable furniture and gold-and-silver-plated bed curtains… They decorated the comfort zone more gorgeously.

It was a pity that such a warm and gorgeous place was defiled by the disgusting sound of snoring.

Zhang Yunyan, like a tiger that escaped from the cage, immediately looked at the bed with fire in her eyes. She instantly stared at the sleeping prey–Yan Xiaopeng, and then rushed to him like flying.

Zhang Yunyan, like a tiger that escaped from the cage, was so angry that she must not give the enemy any chance to fight back. She could not give Red Hair King Ghost and Monoclonius the time to react, so she rushed to the bed and held up the steel knife, and then she stabbed the Living Yama who was still in a dream.

Suddenly, blood flow was gushing out and splashed around, turning the bed into red.

In the blink of an eye, the two worlds of yin and yang in the small house were completely reversed, and shocking changes took place.

There was the dead body, blood, the bloodthirsty steel knife, and the heroine who broke free from the arms of death. These made the “wonderland” which was extremely blissful became more terrifying than hell.

The concubine Yunxia woke up, her scared eyes were wide open. She huddled and her trembling mouth opened. In addition to toned moans, she was too scared to say a word.

Zhang Yunyan was already irritated by the evil words of “exterminating your family” said by Living Yama, and extreme hatred filled her heart. She vowed to exterminate the Yan family.

The goddess was very violent, and her body was filled with the roar that could even make a devil afraid, “Kill! Kill! Kill…”

Yunyan, a tiger that broke free from her cage, wanted to vent her hatred and anger, so that her enemies would receive their due retribution.

Living Yama didn’t push the folks of Lianhu Village into the sea of fire, but she would destroy his sinful homeland.

Yan Xiaopeng didn’t exterminate the Zhang family. She wanted to do the opposite and let the sinful Yan family suffer the disaster of being exterminated.

At this moment, the violent heroine had forgotten the admonitions of Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei, and all she wanted was to revenge, to vent, and to let the enemy’s family suffer the consequences of hurting people.

In Yunyan’s eyes, the wicked Yan family only had sinners. They were devils who ate people. There was no distinction between men and women, and between master and slave. Whether it was an ugly man or a beautiful woman, they were people who were doomed to die.

Zhang Yunyan’s eyes were wide open and flashing the anger of revenge. The backlog of hatred that had been accumulated for more than ten years was keeping rising up like a tide, so that she couldn’t tolerate any living thing around the enemy.

In a blink of an eye, the beautiful woman also died.

In the room, the candlelight was flashing. It was deadly quiet, and the silence was terrifying and chilling. Everything was frozen and seemed to be wrapped in the torrential storm and swiftly fell down, and it would be buried in the bottomless abyss…Updates by vi p novel

Yan Xiaopeng died. He just died under the sword of the goddess.

The dramatic change at this moment seemed like a dream. Zhang Yunyan paused for a moment.

She couldn’t believe this was true. How could the fate of death suddenly reverse? Not only did she escape from death, but she also killed Living Yama and fulfilled her wish for more than ten years. It was incredible.

The instant dream passed in a blink of an eye, and Yunyan had no doubt in the face of the dramatic change. Yan Xiaopeng died right under her own sword. The Zhang family’s huge debt of blood was finally resolved, just at this moment.

The wish of revenge of more than a decade was fulfilled. Zhang Yunyan was very excited and felt it was hard-won. In the several experiences of revenge, she nearly died, and miraculously reversed the situation, and finally completed a long-existed wish.

She burst into tears. Her tears were filled with pain and sorrow, as well as grief and despair, which had been accumulated in her heart for more than ten years.

At this moment, she thought of her parents. She missed them, and she was very excited and happy about the revenge. She felt relieved.

After the complicated emotions were released, Zhang Yunyan’s body and mind were extremely relaxed and her expression was extremely eased. She stood in front of the bed. Her pretty eyes were still wide open with fire in them. Looking at the dead enemy, she looked indomitable and disdainful.

The stiff face had calmed down. There was still anger on it, but also a faint smile. The bleeding heart had felt warm, and it was gradually melting the ice of hatred.

Zhang Yunyan glanced at Yan Xiaopeng in the pool of blood and laughed loudly. The laughter was ringing and clear, also it was terrifying and full of hatred, contempt, and arrogance. She was temporarily comforted and satisfied.

She felt it wasn’t enough to vent all of her hate, so she pulled Living Yama down the bed and kicked him hard, and the enemy’s body rolled over a few times.

Yunyan looked at Yan Xiaopeng who was covered by blood. With the leaked anger and hatred, she laughed again, venting her anger and excitement.

The flames of the two large candles were trembling slightly, and the guttering of the candles kept flowing.

Zhang Yunyan glanced at the dead concubine, looking angry.

She spat at her and scolded, “You follow the ferocious devil and drink the blood of the poor all day, and you are also bad. You deserve it. This is the end you deserve of following Living Yama!”

The concubine was covered with blood, her face was stained, her eyes were still open in fear, her lips were open, and her face was pale, but she still looked so pretty and cute.

Zhang Yunyan spat at the concubine again and sneered dismissively, “As the saying goes, he who touches rouge will be stained with red. You are destined to be buried for Living Yama. This is your fate, the end you deserved for being together with the devil. You brought the misery on yourself! “

She patted her clothes a few times, ran her finger through her long hair and put it behind her head. She looked around the bloody room, turned away and left.

The vow of revenge for more than a decade was finally fulfilled. She smiled and felt excited and happy as she had never been. From now on, the spirit of her parents in heaven could rest in peace.

Zhang Yunyan just took a few steps and then stood still. She looked around, and quickly stared at the wooden box beside the bed.

She immediately came to the bed, opened the lid and took out a delicate small wooden paint box from it. She opened the lid and took out a small yellow satin bag. After opening the cloth bag, several small paper bags were exposed.

Yunyan looked at the small paper bag and sighed. It was right, it was the one.

When she came here for revenge last time, she was stunned by the white powder in these little paper bag and almost lost her life. Now she was still afraid when thinking about it.

The power of this ecstasy powder was terrible. If poisoned, even the most powerful people could not escape.Updates by vi p novel

Zhang Yunyan sighed. She wrapped the small paper bags with yellow satin and put them in her arms for future use. To her, these ecstasy powders were treasures, which could be used to deal with powerful enemies in critical situations.

Yunyan glanced at the bloody room and looked at the two dead enemies. She spat at them angrily and immediately got up. She didn’t want to leave at this point. She wanted to complete Yan Xiaopeng’s unfinished desire to exterminate the entire family. Of course, it was the Yan family.

In this ghostly little house, the comfortable and vigorous “living world” was gone.

The flowing blood, blood-stained bodies, angry and raging goddesses and blood-stained steel knife all pushed the land of sin into the abyss.

In “hell”, it was silent. Except for the majestic and indifferent goddess, there was no life. The chilling atmosphere was terrifying.

Zhang Yunyan came to the stairs, turned around and looked at Yan Xiaopeng on the ground, and scolded angrily; she looked at the concubine on the bed and snorted dismissively.

As she went downstairs, she said to herself, “You are also called Yunxia. This is a good name, but unfortunately you ruined it. You are not worthy of the same name as my sister. Such a good name, my sister is worthy of it, how could you… “

Zhang Yunyan stopped abruptly, her eyes widened in an instant and her face was filled with horror and panic as if her heart had stopped beating. An idea flashed in her mind. She couldn’t think about other things and immediately turned around and jumped upstairs, rushing straight to the bed.

She looked pale. Her heartbeat seemed to recover again beat fast. She looked nervous and a little scared. Her eyes were fixed on the concubine in blood.

Yunyan stammered and said, “You… You’re called Yunxia? You’re also called Yunxia… Are you… Are you…”

That horrible thought was strongly impacting her. Zhang Yunyan was deeply shocked physically and mentally, and she went limp and fell on the ground.

“You are also called Yunxia… Yunxia…”

In the room, the candlelight was shaking constantly, and the air was shaking with it, shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere, which was thrilling and terrifying.

Zhang Yunyan’s face was full of horror. She muttered to herself and looked at the dead concubine without blinking.

The concubine Yunxia was motionless. Her eyes were wide open as if she was looking at Yunyan. The pain and fear on her face couldn’t fade away. She seemed to be begging, resenting, helpless and sad…

Yunyan crunched physically and mentally, she was shaking involuntarily. She was flustered, and her emotions were a little beyond control. Her eyes opened with tears, and her heart in fear was stung strongly.

She asked herself secretly, was this woman the sister she lost over a decade ago? Was she really her sister Yunxia?

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