The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 250 - Love Hurts

Chapter 250 Love Hurts
Zhang Yunyan stared at the dead concubine without blinking. She was nervous and terrified, and was hit hard by the horrible idea.

She muttered to herself, “She is also called Yunxia, Yunxia…”

This was the most terrifying and deadly thing, and it came too suddenly, how could Yunyan not be afraid?

She was shocked, confused, frightened and regretful. She had known that the woman was called Yunxia. Why didn’t she think that she might be the lost sister before?

If she figured it out in advance, she would not be so suspicious and so frightened now.

Speaking of which, this was also extenuating. This Yunxia was luxuriously dressed and was the hostess of Yan Mansion. How could Zhang Yunyan associate her with her own sister? Not to mention she was the wife of the enemy, Living Yama. Her sister was of humble origin and had a difficult life, and she would not have thought of such a noble woman.

Was this Yunxia really her sister who was missing for more than a decade?

For a while, Yunyan could not be certain or deny it, and her panicked heart could no longer calm down.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the dead concubine. She shed tears and was terrified. She couldn’t believe it was true. Although the concubine was similar in age to her sister, she was born in a rich family and couldn’t be her poor sister.

She wiped her tears, shook her head gently, and exhaled a long breath. She was certain that the Yunxia wasn’t her poor sister, and she had thought too much.

Yunyan sighed again, and the tense nerves were kind of relaxed. Such self-intimidation was unbearable and pathetic.

She didn’t dare to think about such terrible things anymore. She silently blamed herself for being too neurotic, torturing herself by asking for trouble.

Zhang Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief, trying to spit out her suspicion and fear. However, how could doubts and fear be easily eliminated? Her “certainty” was nothing more than self-consolation.

Yunxia had been lost for more than ten years. If she didn’t know what her situation was, couldn’t she live in a rich family? Even if she was still poor, couldn’t she marry Living Yama for her beauty?

Zhang Yunyan didn’t dare to think about it more. If so, it would be too cruel and extremely terrible…

Two large candles were burning, and the melted wax oil was flowing like tears. The light emitted was constantly shaking.

The room was horribly quiet and frightening. Being in it, one would be either scared to death or become crazy.

Zhang Yunyan was panicked with a look of fear on her face. Such a terrible fact was really hard to be accepted.

She gritted her teeth and shouted at the concubine, “No, you are not my sister, you can’t be my sister! Never! Never…”

She couldn’t believe that such terrible things would happen, and could not acknowledge the possible reality. She said so, but in her mind she was still desperately struggling.

In panic, Yunyan stared at the concubine’s face without blinking, feeling that her pretty appearance seemed to be similar to herself.

She was very nervous. What made the woman look like herself?

Yunyan looked at her face and facial features one by one, but couldn’t tell whether they looked alike. She had no similarity to herself. Looking at her face, she still felt as if she saw herself.

Zhang Yunyan sighed secretly. She was living with her sister since she was a child, the name of whom was remembered too vividly. At this time, she was indeed a little nervous, and she was thinking wildly. This Yunxia was the wife of Living Yama. How could she be her sister? It was pure self-intimidation.

Yunyan’s mentality was contradictory, she couldn’t calm down. Her heartbeat was faster, and she was uneasy. She still stared at the concubine to identify her. She hoped that her appearance was completely different from herself with no sign of being born in the same family.

However, reality was contrary to her wishes. The more she looked, the more she felt the woman looked like herself. The facial features that originally did not seem to be similar had become exactly like herself.

Zhang Yunyan was even more frightened. Her body was crunching and shaking. She was irritable, anxious. Sweat was streaming down, and she sat limply on the floor.

She faced with the concubine who was also called Yunxia. She was unable to control the fear and anxiety, so she burst into tears. The tears were filled with fear, remorse, pain and despair.

“Yunxia? Are you Yunxia? Are you really my sister Yunxia? Is it true?”

She cried and asked herself in silence, but couldn’t answer herself.

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t believe it was the truth, and she couldn’t escape from the possible reality. This kind of thing was so scary that it drove her crazy.

Outside the small house, rumbling thunder shook the dark world. Repeated lightning tore the night apart. The pouring storm was frantically hitting the earth. The trees were torn and shaken, and the flowers and plants were crushed to the ground…Updates by vi p novel

Inside, under the shock of thunder and lightning, the candlelight was shaking constantly, and the atmosphere of terror was more gloomy and terrifying.

Zhang Yunyan lifted her head suddenly, held back the sorrow and wiped away the tears. Her tightened face looked angry.

She looked at the concubine and shouted angrily, “No, you are not my sister. My sister was missing for a long time and will never be in Shuanghe County.”

Yunyan strongly denied it and she was comforting herself. However, the fear was not relieved at all, and she was still in deep conflict.

She frowned and sighed, “What is wrong with me, why do I have to consider the enemy as a loved one? I’m making trouble for myself. I thought too much…”

Zhang Yunyan was resolutely denying and trying hard to comfort herself. She felt somewhat relaxed, but still could not eliminate the doubt and fear in her heart.

She glanced at the woman in the pool of blood. Anxiety came back to her again. Why couldn’t her sister be here? She might never leave Shuanghe County.

To say the least, even if she was missing in somewhere far from her hometown, wouldn’t she come back to look for her loved ones when she grew up? Couldn’t she be accepted as a wife by Living Yama?

This was not impossible. It could be possible.

Zhang Yunyan looked at Yunxia’s blood-stained body and face, those horrified eyes, and the mouth that seemed to be screaming… Her heart that had just relaxed was anxious again.

Her eyes were full of fear, and she hurriedly looked away from the concubine. She sighed and lowered her head, her tears kept flowing down. She couldn’t stop crying.

“No, you are not my sister! My family and Living Yama have a huge debt of blood and are absolutely irreconcilable. How can she marry this devil? Never! My sister won’t do anything dear to the enemy and hurt her own family!”

She was full of anger, crying and trying to deny. She was struggling hard, trying to get rid of this terrible idea and the unbearable torture.

“Crack–” A thunder exploded, slightly shaking the house. The candlelight flickered, and the guttering of candlelight kept flowing down.

The “hell” was filled with a horrifying atmosphere, which was shocking and terrifying.

While crying, Zhang Yunyan was thrilled by the thunder, and she was apprehensive and anxious for the woman in front of her.

Would her sister Yunxia not marry Yan Xiaopeng?

It was hard to say. There was such possibility, so she couldn’t completely deny it.

When Yunxia was lost, she was just four years old. With the passage of time, her family hatred might fade in her heart and she would not remember it. She didn’t know that she was married to an enemy, and that her husband was an enemy who killed her parents.

This kind of thing was not impossible. Zhang Yunyan also knew it in her heart, but she just didn’t want and didn’t dare to admit it. She was trying to evade and deny it. She must be.

It was too scary and cruel, she had to do it, and she must do it.

Zhang Yunyan sat on the ground limply. Her tears flowed down continuously, and her whole body was filled with pain and fear. She was desperate.

Was the concubine really the sister she had been looking hard for? Was her sister Yunxia, who she thought about day and night, already died under her sword?Updates by vi p novel

Yunyan was still asking herself, but was afraid even to answer ambiguously.

“No, you are not my sister. I will never kill my sister, never! Never…”

Yunyan shouted in despair. Her tears were flowing. Fear and sorrow flowed in her heart.

Facing the terrible thing, which was also a possible reality, Zhang Yunyan couldn’t accept it and was unable to bear it. She must deny and she would never accept such cruel things, nor would she have the courage and strength to bear it.

For more than ten years, she had been searching hard, looking forward to reunion with her sister even in her sleep.

She did not expect such a horrible thing to happen, although the conclusion had not yet been reached, her bleeding heart was also deeply hurt, as if a sprinkle of salt was spread on the wound, which was extremely painful.

Zhang Yunyan left home since she was a child to find her brother Yuntian and sister Yunxia.

For more than a decade, she had endured many hardships, experienced countless obstacles and threats of death, but was still determined to find them until the day of death.

The losing of her sister was the consequence of her own mistake. She was the sinner of the family and must find Yunxia. This was atonement to her family, it was to redeem her sins, and it was also a mission that must be fulfilled in this life.

For more than ten years, Zhang Yunyan had no regrets and had been looking for her brother and sister. She looked forward to reuniting with them as soon as possible, so as to heal her wounded heart, and give the Zhang family more hope to comfort the parents’ spirit in heaven.

However, it was all like a dream, an extremely painful dream, and a very scary nightmare.

Perhaps, she did an extremely cruel thing tonight, which was a greater sin that made her a sinner that the family couldn’t forgive and made her parents’ spirit in heaven more painful and hopeless.

She searched hard for more than ten years, and how could this be the result? Would the reality sprinkle salt on the bruised heart?

Yunxia was missing, she was already heartbroken. If she accidentally killed her own sister, she would have no intention of living in the world, she would commit suicide to atone for her crime and to apologize for her parents’ spirit.

The foreshadowing in the Cave of Fate, “determined by fate”, flashed in her mind. Zhang Yunyan did not acknowledge the existence of fate, but she seemed to be dominated by fate.

She was full of grief and tears. She sighed repeatedly. Could this be her destiny? Why was her life so hard?

Her parents were killed by Living Yama. Yunxia was accidentally missing. Yuntian went away and never came back. Now she had done this kind of horrible thing again. It was extremely tragic.

Why was the Zhang family so miserable? Would Zhang Yunyan suffer such terrible torture all her life? She slaughtered Yan Xiaopeng and his concubine, and completed the revenge. Was the God punishing her for this?

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