The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 261 - Hang by a Thread

Chapter 261 Hang by a Thread
Before the action, Zhang Yunyan must do one thing well, which was to arrange Shen Xiaoyan properly, and not involve her into trouble.

Yunyan asked Xiaoyan to go deep into the bamboo forest and hide. No matter what happened here, she didn’t have to care, nor did she have to care about her life or death. She must protect herself.

Shen Xiaoyan agreed with tears in her eyes, and she also tirelessly told her benefactor must not take risks in the terrible place. Once discovered by the monster, she must escape as soon as possible, and it was the most important to protect the life of herself.

Zhang Yunyan promised casually without taking it to heart. Exterminating the Yan family was her only wish, and no matter how dangerous it was, it must be completed.

She came under the back wall, paused for a moment to stabilize her nervousness. Then she jumped up and climbed into the yard with her hands.

Shen Xiaoyan’s eyes followed Zhang Yunyan. Tension and fear filled up in her eyes, and there was also endless anxiety until her sister disappeared on the courtyard wall. She was praying silently, looking forward to her benefactor’s safety.

Xiaoyan’s heart had been suspended, and she was still silently praying for her benefactor. She hoped that her sister would not encounter the monster and could return to her as soon as possible, and they could escape from the terrible place together.

The moon emerged from the clouds, sending some light to the earth.

In the night, the house was quiet, and the souls had already fallen asleep.

Zhang Yunyan hid behind a big tree and observed nothing suspicious, but she had a bad perception that it was dangerous here.

During the inspection, Yunyan didn’t find any signs of danger. She was kind of puzzled. Perhaps it was the nervousness that caused an unintended feeling.

She secretly rejoiced that it seemed that the monster did not care about the back of the house, and she finally had a chance.

Zhang Yunyan clenched her steel knife and straightened up. When she was about to go to the front to check, her inspecting eyes stared at a place without moving. She was tense and terrified, and her body and mind tightened a little.

Ahead, beside the rockery, there was a pair of bowl-sized eyes with the green light, which was staring at Yunyan. It was the terrible monster, and she never expected that it came here again to wait for its prey.

Zhang Yunyan was nervous and panicked. Sweat streamed down instantly. She wanted to avoid the monster, but failed to do so, and fell into a desperate situation of death.

Yunyan came to the back of the house carefully and softly climbed over the high wall without making any noise.

Unexpectedly, before she acted, the fierce god had arrived. How did it find out?

It could only be said that the fierce god had special perception ability, at least it could detect the people and things around.

It not only had agility and speed, but also had a strong perceptivity. It could feel things in the backyard at the front of the house, which was really terrible and impossible to be defended.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t know and couldn’t think of how to deal with the ferocious monster. She could only rise up to fight, even though it would be like throwing an egg against rock, she could only fight hard even if she would die for it.

The reality was too terrible. Yunyan was hit hard by it. It was hopeless to kill the descendants of Living Yama and she could only escape, and this would be the only way out.

This only way was also difficult to take, and it was a dead end with rare chance of escape. The monster was angry. It couldn’t wait to eat Yunyan alive, and wouldn’t let her escape.

It had amazing strength, and it was extremely difficult to escape from its swift attack. It was quite optimistic to say that she was in a desperate situation with rare chance of survival. At this time, there was no hope at all and it was a dead end.

Although Zhang Yunyan had no hope of escaping, and her life was hung by a thread, she could only choose to evade, which was the inevitable and instinctive reaction to survival.

The moment of horror passed, Zhang Yunyan turned around, jumped up, and struggled to climb up the wall. She hoped to grow a pair of wings and fly out.

At the same time, the monster roared loudly and rushed over like flying. It stabbed at her with the sharp horns.

Zhang Yunyan was so lucky that she avoided it.

The monster slammed into the courtyard wall, and the thick and high brick wall crashed down loudly. The bricks flew over and the dust was rolling, which was very shocking.

Zhang Yunyan had just climbed up the wall. Although she was not stabbed by the sharp horns, she couldn’t control herself and rolled down with the collapsed courtyard wall. She fell right onto the back of the monster.

In horror, she instinctively waved the sword and chopped on the monster’s hip. Immediately the skin and flesh split and bleed.

After she slashed two chops in a row, the monster reacted. It swayed its back sharply, threw Zhang Yunyan a few meters away. She rolled and fell to the ground.

The monster was hit two times without any difficulty. It was furious. It roared, turned over and rushed to Zhang Yunyan, anxious to vent the anger on its prey.

Zhang Yunyan knew that danger was imminent. When the monster rushed over, she tried her best to avoid it, and she was lucky to avoid the attack. She ran away and hurriedly entered the bamboo forest, hoping to use the bamboo forest to get rid of the monster.

Unexpectedly, the fierce god didn’t stop. It rushed forward and swept its tail. The bamboo forest fell down and in a blink of an eye. It became a flat ground full of bamboo stubs. The danger was even worse.

Fortunately, Zhang Yunyan was not swept by the tail that looked like a steel whip, and luckily she was alive.

Wait, why wasn’t the monster afraid of bamboo forests?

Judging from his aggressive appearance, he was not afraid of the bamboo forest at all.

Zhang Yunyan thought that the monster would not go into the bamboo forest to hunt down as before. Unexpectedly, the fierce god had been provoked, and it would not let go of her judging from its momentum.Access v ip novel. com

Yunyan was very disappointed. She had placed great hope on the bamboo forest. At this time, she could not stop the monster from the horrible hunting.

The monster slammed with its body and swept with its tail. It razed the bamboo forest as if it were in an open space.

The bamboo forest was unlucky. With the continuous sound of cracking, it fell down quickly. The quiet place with a dense greenness was razed in an instant.

Zhang Yunyan had no way to escape but to fight with the fierce god. She clenched the steel knife to prepare for the battle.

Suddenly, the monster stopped and stared at a place fiercely.

Zhang Yunyan was suspicious. Why didn’t it chase her down? Was it afraid?

She followed the monster’s gaze in doubts and was suddenly thrilled.

It turned out that as the bamboo forest disappeared, Shen Xiaoyan was exposed and had been discovered by the monster.

Seeing Xiaoyan being targeted at by the monster who was about to rush over, Zhang Yunyan was shocked and rushed over while shouting.

She couldn’t care about her own safety. She had to fight hard to stop the monster from attacking Xiaoyan. She rushed to the back of the fierce god, slashed it with the knife. Its thick tail was hit twice.

The monster roared in pain, stopped its rushing body and looked back. Seeing the person it hated attacking again, it was furious. It ignored Shen Xiaoyan and waved the injured tail to slam Zhang Yunyan.

Zhang Yunyan took precautions. At this point she already rushed to the back of the monster’s tail. As the tip of its tail swayed, she hurriedly lay on the ground. Despite the rapid offensive, she was not injured.

Yunyan avoided the sweeping tail, and quickly got up and waved her knife.

She shouted at the same time, “Xiaoyan, run away! Run! Otherwise it’s too late, run fast!”

Yunyan had no time to care about the threat of death and she hoped that Xiaoyan would escape from danger. She knew she would die, and she hoped that before her death, Xiaoyan could escape from the horrible “hell” to keep her young life.Access v ip novel. com

Shen Xiaoyan heard Zhang Yunyan’s shouting, but helplessly, her body shivered and was out of her control. She curled up there and was unable to move. She could only wait for death.

The monster had gone crazy. It kept roaring and swept its tail over.

Zhang Yunyan was distracted by Xiaoyan and could not escape but being beaten and flew out to a few meters away and rolled over on the ground.

Fortunately, she was hit by the back of its tail, and the strength was much smaller, so she was not cut in two at the waist and not badly injured.

The monster roared again, turned around and rushed to Zhang Yunyan to swallow this tenacious life, and then it would turn to Shen Xiaoyan.

Zhang Yunyan was injured internally and externally due to the beat and fall. For the moment she could hardly move due to the pain. She watched the monster rushing to her helplessly and closed her eyes desperately…

At this moment, the “hell” of death had frozen, and the atmosphere of terror was extremely cold. It seemed that everything was imprisoned without a sound. This place seemed to have fallen into the bottomless abyss and was rapidly vanishing.

Shen Xiaoyan screamed in horror and was extremely terrified. She stared at Zhang Yunyan who was dying, and was extremely desperate as if the monster was rushing to herself.

Of course, Xiaoyan’s feeling would soon become a reality. After the fierce god killed Zhang Yunyan, it would come in the blink of an eye, and she would have the same ending.

Shen Xiaoyan didn’t dare to look at the horrible moment anymore. She shivered and closed her eyes tightly.

In extreme fear, she wept in whispers and shed tears. She had no intention to evade, nor did she have the strength to evade. She could only wait for death.

Zhang Yunyan lay on the ground, staring in horror at the monster that was coming and instinctively pointed the steel knife at the ferocious god. She had no ability to evade, nor did she have the strength to resist. She was in fear and despair physically and mentally.

At the moment of death, nervousness and despair had reached the extreme.

Zhang Yunyan was like a zombie. She was so scared and desperate that she couldn’t feel the fear and the despair. She was facing the moment of death with nothing in her mind…

At this moment, a loud cry came, which was sudden and sharp as if it was from the deep sky. It broke up the momentary silence. The weird cry was terrible and thrilling.

Along with the shocking screams, on the dark night sky, a fireball shone red and fell down quickly. The cry was like a clear thunder that shook the earth. The fireball, like the lightning, was falling fast. It looked like a heavenly fire, which was thrilling.

At this moment, the horrible “hell” was shocked. It seemed that everything was frozen without any sound and any living things, and everything was melting in daze…

At this moment, the monster was rushing to Zhang Yunyan, and it was about to cut through the hateful person.

Unexpectedly, it was frightened by the sudden scream, hurriedly stopped and looked up. It was surprised and nervous when it saw the fireball coming fast.

It didn’t know if what flew here was a blessing or a disaster, and there was no time for it to care about Zhang Yunyan, who was about to be killed, or Shen Xiaoyan, who was waiting to be slaughtered. It had to prepare for its own safety in order to deal with accidents.

In the moment that she was about to die, Zhang Yunyan was freaked out and confused as if she was no longer existing.

However, she also knew that the blow would be a fatal one. Besides, she had no time to think about other things, and she didn’t know what life and death was and what pain was.

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