The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 262 - They were Monsters!

Chapter 262 They were Monsters!
The moment of death suddenly stopped, and the fierce god stopped the killing. It looked at the night sky, feeling nervous and suspicious.

Zhang Yunyan’s soul returned to her body instantly, and she was sober from the daze. She looked at the monster in front of her in astonishment, and found the fireball falling fast and was shocked again.

At the same moment, seeing that Zhang Yunyan was about to die, Shen Xiaoyan closed her eyes tightly and was extremely terrified.

She heard the cry from the sky, but did not hear the roar of the monster, or the miserable cry of her benefactor. The place became deadly quiet.

The terrible moment passed. Shen Xiaoyan opened her eyes slightly and looked around with her horrified eyes. She noticed that Zhang Yunyan was lying on the ground, and her body moved; the monster was next to her sister, looking up at the night sky.

She was frightened and suspicious. She looked up and saw that under the moonlight and starlight, a red fireball flew down. She was immediately shocked.

What was that? How could a fireball fall in the dark night sky?

That thing was so fast, which was incredible and surprising.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the rapid fireball, feeling nervous and stunned and not knowing what it was. The sudden change and the terrible momentum made her forget the danger of death.

Shen Xiaoyan looked horrified. She stared at the falling fireball and was puzzled. Facing the mystery that suddenly appeared, she was trembling physically and mentally, and she was even more frightened.

The monster stared at the fireball rushing down, feeling a little confused and dazed, wondering what it was and why it came here. It seemed that it was not a blessing, but a curse. Otherwise it would not fly down at this moment.

It was ready to fight or to dodge. In order to protect its own life, it couldn’t care about the two preys.

That thing was bright and red and could fly fast. It was very clear in the night sky, which made all the creatures frightened.

Zhang Yunyan stared at the weird thing, and couldn’t help but feel a shock in her heart. She immediately thought of the unknown flying things she saw several times. That thing looked like a shooting star and a fireball, and this was probably the thing she saw.

After the moment of shock and suspicion passed, the ball of fire came at a rapid speed and it became bigger rapidly. As it was close to the ground, its true features showed out clearly.

Looking at the weird thing with flashing red light, Zhang Yunyan was shocked again. Her body and mind tightened, and she was terrified. In the face of the monster, she was already powerless to resist, and another terrible thing came, which made her even more desperate.

Death was an inevitable end. Yunyan could only bear the disaster that was about to happen. She and Xiaoyan would die here.

Shen Xiaoyan saw it clearly that it was not a fireball, and she was very scared. She closed her eyes tightly in fear, and her weak body curled together, moaning and shaking. She had to bear what was about to happen.

The monster looked at the thing that suddenly came, feeling surprised and annoyed, and it kept humming. It was a little nervous and kept staring at the comer, eager to try and put on a stance of showdown.

What was that weird thing that suddenly came? How could they be so shocked?

It turned out that this was a huge raptor which was wrapped in fiery red light that made it even more powerful.

This raptor was indeed terrible. Its mouth was sharp and long like a machete. If someone was bitten by it, one would either die or be injured. Its eyes were the size of a ping-pong ball, which was round, bright and very alert with flashing red light.Updates by vi p novel

It was as big as a calf. Under the red light, the original color of the feathers couldn’t be distinguished. Its pair of wings was strong and powerful, and reached the length of more than 3 meters when they stretched out. It could make the wind whistling, which was terrifying.

Its legs were thick and its claws were scary like sharp knives flashing red light.

Its appearance had the characteristics of an eagle, but it couldn’t be regarded as an eagle. The huge body was incomparable.

Judging from its size and imposing momentum, it was by no means an ordinary raptor, but an elf with superb skills.

The appearance and body shape of the weird bird was not the most terrible. What was the scariest was its mysterious ability. Its whole body was red, bright and dazzling. It was unknown that how many secrets were hidden and how powerful they were.

It moved fast and nimble, and suddenly it fell to the ground from the sky. It was not exaggerated to say it was as fast as the lightning. The sharp mouth and claws flashing red light was capable of crushing stones and breaking iron. The wings and plumes sounded like sharp swords that could cut clean through iron as though it was mud.

How could such a weird bird not be frightening and thrilling?

The moment of silence had not passed, and the moment of freezing was not melted. The complex emotions and atmosphere of suspicion, fear, despair and bewilderment burst, which was terrifying.

The weird bird looked at the three living creatures around, and its fierce eyes looked around, figuring out how to catch the preys in front and which one to start with.

It determined that Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan were the weakest preys and could be killed in one shot. That behemoth would cost some effort, but it was also not as fierce as it looked and didn’t need to be worried about.

During the scanning, the weird bird thought Zhang Yunyan and the monster were partners when it saw them together, and it would be more difficult to get them. It decided to start with Shen Xiaoyan first, and then to deal with the monster and Zhang Yunyan. It could have a great meal.

The weird bird made up its mind. It stared at Shen Xiaoyan with fierce eyes, opened its wings and was about to pounce over, but it was startled by a sudden scream.Updates by vi p novel

It hurriedly turned around and saw Zhang Yunyan shouting. It could not help but was angry.

At this point, Zhang Yunyan had stood up. She held a steel knife and was ready to rush over to drag on the weird bird. She could not let it attack Xiaoyan.

The weird bird opened its eyes in anger and watched Zhang Yunyan and the monster. It was irritated by the restless monster. It looked fierce, and with a scream, it fluttered its wings and flew over.

The monster had been irritated and couldn’t wait. Seeing the opponent rushing forward, it jumped up to confront it.

In the blink of an eye, the monster and the weird bird shouted and fought together.

The two creatures had used all of their strength to subdue the opponent with a single blow, “Pop! Pop! Pop…” The sounds occurred in a row, and the terrible momentum was terrifying.

In the first duel, neither the monster nor the weird bird succeeded, nor did they take advantage, and they both backed away.

They were opponents and enemies, and they were so angry that they couldn’t wait to kill each other immediately.

After the first decisive battle, the two monsters had deep feelings, knowing that their opponent was not trivial matter, and it was impossible to win easily. They didn’t dare to despise the enemy. They were secretly mobilizing power and prepared to attack again, feeling eager to kill their opponent as soon as possible.

Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan watched the fierce assassination. They were very shocked and even more frightened. The evil monster and the raptor were extremely cruel. The two of them had no ability to escape and nowhere to hide. They would die here and be bitten relentlessly, and they would end up dying in pieces.

During the culling, the weird bird opened its eyes and yelled, “Evil creature, how dare you to oppose me? Do you want to die? Who are you? Say your name, lest you be an unknown ghost!”

The monster snorted and cursed, “You stupid bird, don’t be mad. I worked hard to have the strong abilities. I’m not ordinary, and I must take your life. Listen, I work for Jiuyou Sage, my name is Monoclonius. Who are you? Show your identity.”

Oh, they could speak human language!

The two of them were terrible monsters. Despite the fact that they were not human yet, their skills and ability were unfathomable.

Zhang Yunyan was shocked, and what made her surprising was that this monster turned out to be Monoclonius. It did not leave with Red Hair King Ghost, and had been guarding the courtyard.

She was terrified and did not expect to encounter this monster. Maybe it was doomed, and she was destined to die in the hands of this monster.

Yunyan felt a little relieved that Yan Xiaopeng was dead, and she had taken revenge for her parents. It gave her some comfort in the misfortune.

After listening to the monster’s words, the weird bird was a little surprised, “You turned out to be with Jiuyou Sage, the old devil is a bit famous. As for you, I have never heard of you. You are just nobody.”

Monoclonius was humiliated and it snorted angrily, “Don’t be mad, you already know my skill, it will be easy to take your life. Who are you? Tell me your name!”

The weird bird looked arrogant. It looked at Monoclonius with disdain, “Well, I will also tell you my name, so that you know who kills you. Monoclonius, you must have heard of the God of earth, I am his apprentice Bolide!”

Monoclonius was shocked and surprised. It didn’t expect to meet the apprentice of the God of earth.

It was a little nervous and unwilling to submit, “Bolide? I never heard of you. You turned out to be nobody. The God of earth is really capable and respected, and Sage respects him. As for you, you just strut in borrowed plumes, and your skills are far from enough. Your ability is ordinary. It is unexpected that the God of earth has an apprentice like you, which really tarnishes his reputation.”

Zhang Yunyan was shocked when she heard this, not only because Bolide had magical skills, she was even more frightened by his master. She hadn’t seen the God of earth before, but she had heard him and knew that he was an old monster that everyone feared.

That creature was a snow hawk with great ability and cultivation. It is a bully in the world that no one dared to mess with. Even Jiuyou Sage didn’t dare to mess with it. No one could subdue the old monster.

Now, there were rumors in the world that the God of earth, with his powerful martial arts and great strength, was incomparable and had the ambition to dominate the world. The old monster was finding companions to organize an alliance, and then go around to get rid of dissidents and went on a rampage.

If the conspiracy of the God of earth was successful, it would be a disaster of the world, and no one could subdue those fierce gods.

Regarding the God of earth, Zhang Yunyan didn’t dare to even think about him. She could only rely on the masters to stop their ambition of dominating the world. She hoped that they could get rid of those guys and return people a peaceful world.

She sighed secretly. So far, she had not heard of anyone who could fight with the God of earth. It would be harder than reaching the sky to kill him, and there was no hope at all.

Facing two terrible monsters, Zhang Yunyan was terrified and anxious.

She never expected that Bolide was an apprentice of the God of earth. It was conceivable how powerful it was. To encounter such a monster was extremely terrible.

Bolide stared at the monster with a bit of disdain, “Monoclonius, don’t joke about yourself. It was said that the best way to learn is to learn from the best. You can’t be compared with me. Forget it. Since you are with Jiuyou Sage, I don’t want to hurt you. Go!”

Seeing it boasting about itself and expelling it, Monoclonius was angry. It screamed and was eager to tear the arrogant creature into pieces.

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