The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 264 - An Amazing Reversal

Chapter 264 An Amazing Reversal
In the moonlight, the courtyard was very quiet inside and outside. Except for the broken green bamboos and the collapsed courtyard that maintained the sign of the battle, no signs of terror could be seen.

In silence, it seemed that no earth-shattering killings happened here, no monsters rampantly hurt people, and no terrible danger happened.

In fact, there was no silence, no peace or tranquility, the atmosphere of terror still existed, and it would not melt for a while. This silent place was like a ghost, which was frightening.

Zhang Yunyan stepped out of the door and looked at the gap in the courtyard. The outside was quiet. She couldn’t hear the shrill screams or the crackling of fights. The battle was indeed over.

With good hope, she stepped out of the courtyard wall and inspected the open space where there was no bamboo forest. During the search, she tightened her body and mind, and was suddenly anxious.

It could be seen that there was a huge figure not far away, which was lying there licking its body.

It’s too bad. That creature was Monoclonius. It didn’t die!

The beautiful dream was instantly broken, and the nervous mind was about to collapse. It was terrible and suffocating.

The fierce monster was still alive, which meant that she and Shen Xiaoyan would die, and the children would die in the hands of Jiuyou Sage.

The miserable tragedy was about to happen, which would be extremely terrifying and unimaginable. What could they do?

Zhang Yunyan looked at the monster not far away. She was nervous were tense, cold sweat kept seeping out. She was unable to resolve the crisis and danger that was about to happen.

She was nervously searching but didn’t see Bolide. It seemed that the evil bird had been defeated and became the winner’s prey.

It was terrible. Bolide was the apprentice of the God of earth. Even such a powerful monster couldn’t beat Monoclonius, so it could be told how powerful Monoclonius was.

Yunyan was just an ordinary person with mediocre ability, so it was even harder for her to escape from the monster’s claws. Like Bolide, she would soon become a meal of Monoclonius, and of course Shen Xiaoyan was the same.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t dare to face the evil monster, didn’t dare to stay here, and didn’t dare to alarm Monoclonius. She hurriedly returned to find a way. She had to make a quick decision. Once the monster realized, she and Xiaoyan would die in its mouth.

She made her steps carefully and softly, but she was still being spotted by Monoclonius. The monster’s alertness and sensitivity were beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

In fact, even if Zhang Yunyan didn’t come out, their whereabouts were still under the control of Monoclonius. It would be a foolish dream to act quietly. At this time, the monster had to take care of its injury, so it took no action for the time being.

It knew that the two preys had broken into the forbidden place. Because the children were inside the house, it was not in a hurry of severely punishing the two daring people.

Seeing Zhang Yunyan come to it again, Monoclonius was irritated and it quickly stood up. It was staring at the hateful prey, roaring in a low voice, and accumulating strength, trying to kill the damn person.

Yunyan knew she couldn’t escape from the pursuit of Monoclonius, and death was coming. She could only make her last try. She wouldn’t sit still to wait for death, she would fight hard. Before she died, she had to cut the monster a few chops and let out her anger and fear.

When death was about to come, Zhang Yunyan faced it unflinchingly. She hoped that she could exchange her life for the safety of Shen Xiaoyan and let the poor sister escape from danger. She silently prayed that the children would escape from Jiuyou Sage and return to their families as soon as possible.

Yunyan knew that the monster was extremely cruel, and the beautiful wish couldn’t be realized. It could only be a whimsical dream.

She was deeply frustrated and miserable as the disaster was about to happen. She sighed again and again.

The reality was too cruel. Zhang Yunyan did not have the ability to fight against Monoclonius. She was unable to save Xiaoyan and those children. Therefore, she could only rely on the faint hope and illusory fantasy.

When Monoclonius saw the hateful prey, how could it let it go? It yelled and rushed over, its fangs and claws came close as flying.

Zhang Yunyan struggled to dodge, and a large sheet of her clothes were torn apart. Fortunately, there were only a few scratches on her skin, which were not serious.

She didn’t dare to stop. Just after she ran a few steps, the steel whip-like tail swept over, so she had to jump up at the risk of death. The tail passed under her feet.Read More chapter at vi pnovel. com

“Boom!” After a muffled sound, followed by the sound of collapsing, another courtyard wall was knocked down.

Zhang Yunyan was extremely shocked. Monoclonius had just fought fiercely with Bolide. Its body was bruised all over, but its strength was not weakened and its momentum was still strong. Its movements were as quick and agile as before.

It seemed that the monster had only flesh wounds, which had little effect.

Facing the angry and violent fierce god, she was in an extremely dangerous situation and would die.

Since childhood, Zhang Yunyan had experienced countless hardships and dangers, and had a determined and strong will. Even if she was facing death, she was not afraid of it. She was a heroic hero who was tenacious and unyielding.

At this moment, she was in a desperate situation. She vowed to fight with the fierce god until she died.

Yunyan dodged the tail of Monoclonius. She didn’t stop. She quickly got up and chopped the root segment of the tail hard.

The monster yelled in pain, turned around and rushed over.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t dare to stop. She hurried away. Almost at the same time, the thick tail swept over with wind. She had no time to dodge and had to lie on the ground. Her life would be determined by destiny.

Fortunately, Yunyan once again avoided the terrible attack and kept her life.

Monoclonius pounced without success and was hurt by the prey, which made it all the more annoyed. It roared, the sharp claws flashed sharply, and it rushed forward violently, wishing to tear the prey into pieces.

Zhang Yunyan was tense, sweaty and breathless. She didn’t dare to confront directly, so she hurriedly dodged behind the monster, then slashed two chops in its hip.

After several rounds, Zhang Yunyan had experience. The monster moved quickly, so it was impossible to dodge from a distance, and it was even more dangerous to do so. Only by fighting close could the monsters’ advantage of rapid movement be unavailable, and its huge strength would be difficult to burst.

Once Monoclonius slowed down, she would be able to escape from the deadly attack and also have the chance to counterattack.

Zhang Yunyan did not run away after slashing two chops in a row. She jumped up and rode on the back half of Monoclonius, cutting hard again and again.

The monster yelled in pain and shook its hip. Zhang Yunyan was thrown out a few meters away.

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t help but fell to the ground. She frowned and hummed in pain. Knowing that the monster would be here in a blink of an eye, she hurriedly got up, observed as she tried to come up with measures.

Yunyan was stressed. She watched every move of Monoclonius and was ready to confront the monster’s attack again.

The monster turned around and looked at Zhang Yunyan, then it roared angrily again. Instead of turning around to kill, it was interested in something in the front and was eager to try.

Zhang Yunyan paused for a moment, wondering. She looked along with Monoclonius and was startled.

She saw a person lying on the collapsed wall of the courtyard who was looking at them motionlessly.

Ah, it’s Shen Xiaoyan! It could only be Xiaoyan and nobody else.

Zhang Yunyan shuddered and screamed in shock, “Xiaoyan! Run! Run!”

Shen Xiaoyan was already terrified. Seeing that the monster found herself, she was scared and trembled as she curled up. How could she move? She would die without being able to do anything.

It turned out that Shen Xiaoyan heard the roar, and she was anxious and frightened. Her heart was beating like there was a rabbit inside. She couldn’t sit still, and what she worried the most was Zhang Yunyan. She knew that her benefactor had encountered terrible danger again.

Xiaoyan was terrified, and her heart of fear was hanged up. She couldn’t help but look at what happened, so she gritted her teeth and came outside in fear.

She found that Monoclonius was still alive and was pursuing her benefactor. She was shaking in terror and was desperate.Read More chapter at vi pnovel. com

Xiaoyan heard Zhang Yunyan’s shout. However, her legs seemed no longer belong to her, and she was unable to control them. She couldn’t escape but only watching the monster rushing over.

In “hell”, the atmosphere of horror reached the extreme, making it hard to breathe. The living beings seemed to have fallen into an ice cave which was thrilling.

There was a loud explode in Zhang Yunyan’s mind, which made her greatly dazed. She was trembling physically and mentally, and she felt thrilled.

When she saw the monster leaping up and rushing to Shen Xiaoyan, she was already too late to stop it. She was so anxious that she rushed forward desperately.

As she ran, she yelled, “Monoclonius, stand still! Monoclonius, stop! Monoclonius…”

When the monster heard someone yelling its name, it unexpectedly stopped its leaping body. It looked back, and found it was the damn undead prey who was yelling and rushing over.

Its eyes widened. It was irritated and became even more violent. It was anxious to swallow the hateful enemy.

It glared at Zhang Yunyan and shouted, “Girl, if I don’t kill you today, I won’t be relieved. I’ll eat you now! As long as you die, I can settle down and deal with that woman. You can’t run away!”

It was furious. It turned around, pounced over, and was determined to kill Zhang Yunyan. Then it would prey on Shen Xiaoyan.

Just as Monoclonius leaped up and pounced over, Zhang Yunyan held her breath and waved her right hand. Some strange white powder was sprinkled on the monster’s head. Then she immediately flashed behind it and slashed with a knife.

Monoclonius yelled and turned around. Its angry face was even more ferocious.

Seeing that its movement became a bit slower, Zhang Yunyan felt happy in her heart. At the moment of death, she saw a glimmer of hope again.

Just in the moment Monoclonius rushed over, she waved her right hand, and sprinkled some white powder on the monster’s face again.

Monoclonius shook its head. Its body was shaking slightly. Its eyes became smaller and still looked at the prey, but it looked a little sluggish and did not launch an attack.

Zhang Yunyan was pleasantly surprised. There was indeed great hope. Then another pack of white powder was sprinkled over, and then she dodged aside.

At the same time, Monoclonius closed its eyes, shook its body, and fell to the ground with a thump.

Zhang Yunyan was overjoyed. She hurriedly went to check and saw that the terrible Monoclonius was in a coma. The tense nerves were suddenly relieved, and her body was relaxed with no strength.

She was pleasantly surprised but more nervous. She was afraid that the monster would wake up. Therefore, she pulled herself together and ran over in a hurry. She raised her steel knife and slashed continuously against its large neck. She couldn’t give the monster a chance to recover.

The monster’s body was trembling constantly without waking up. As blood splattered and burst out, soon it had no breath.

Monoclonius was finally dead. Zhang Yunyan was completely relaxed, physically and mentally. She felt that she had never been so happy. She was destined to die and was a meal of the monster, but unexpectedly the crisis was reversed, and things that were as difficult as reaching the sky were realized.

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