The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 265 - Poison Gas!

Chapter 265 Poison Gas!
Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan were scared than hurt, and they completely changed their destiny. It was incredible and amazing. It was unbelievable.

The tense nerves relaxed. Zhang Yunyan sat on the ground limply and looked at Monoclonius’s blood-stained body. She felt mentally painful and cried.

This was a weep of great joy, which was accompanied by flowing tears. Fear and despair were constantly vented with the comfort and joy of resurrection.

On the night sky, there was the crescent moon and shining stars, which looked extremely bright.

The earth was silent without horror and sadness. The terrible “hell” had returned to the living world, and it had a peaceful atmosphere and rare tranquility again.

Suddenly a voice sounded which made Zhang Yunyan frightened. Wasn’t Bolide dead? Did it come back?

During the search, she sighed and smiled silently. After experiencing this desperate fight, she was really nervous.

It turned out that Shen Xiaoyan had already got up, and the sound was because she touched the broken bricks and shattered tiles. Xiaoyan was shaking slightly in fear, and she looked at Yunyan from the courtyard wall.

Xiaoyan was terrified and asked, “Yunyan, you… Are you okay?”

In the midst of sadness and joy, Zhang Yunyan was sober again. She wiped her tears and laughed silently. The smile was innocent, unadorned, and brilliant as it had never been.

She took a long breath, calmed her emotions, and said excitedly, “Xiaoyan, I’m fine. The monster is dead, we are saved!”

Shen Xiaoyan couldn’t believe it, “Yunyan, is this true? Is it really dead?”

“Don’t worry. It’s dead, otherwise it would eat me.”

Zhang Yunyan looked at Xiaoyan and smiled happily. She looked as innocent as a child.

Hearing that the terrible monster was dead, Shen Xiaoyan was pleasantly surprised. “It’s great. We finally managed to escape.”

After coming to this yard, she had a smile on her face for the first time, which was also so innocent and brilliant.

She praised her repeatedly, “Yunyan, you really have the ability to kill such a vicious monster. I can’t even think about it. You are a great heroine!”

Zhang Yunyan sighed with some feelings, “It’s not like that. I’m also surprised that I killed Monoclonius. Speaking of which, the old devil Yan Xiaopeng helped a lot. Of course, to him, it was more of a hindrance than a help.”

She sighed again. It was not easy for them to survive in danger.

After hearing this, Shen Xiaoyan was puzzled, “Yunyan, wasn’t Master Yan already dead? How can he help you kill the monster? Was he… Did his ghost come back?”

Xiaoyan said as she looked around. She looked surprised but was still charming. She trembled, and her heart beat quickly. She was afraid that the ghost of the bully would hurt her again.

Zhang Yunyan smiled, and she still looked so brilliant.

Then, anger appeared on the beautiful face, “If the bully stays around, he can only fight against me. How can he help me kill the monster?”

After saying this, she comforted Xiaoyan and told her the reason that she killed Monoclonius.

It turned out that the white powder she sprinkled to Monoclonius was the ecstasy powder she took from Living Yama.

Speaking of which, this good idea was not a sudden whim, but a result of some reflection.

When Monoclonius and Bolide fought, Zhang Yunyan was anxious about the fate of the children in the house. She thought hard about how to save these young lives.

She accidentally touched the satin bag in her pocket and immediately thought of the ecstasy powder. Yan Xiaopeng used a bag of it to dope her and survived. Now she was still a little bit frightened when thinking of it.

When she thought hard but came up with nothing, a bright idea occurred. Could she use the ecstasy powder to dope Monoclonius?

If Monoclonius could be knocked down, there would be a chance to kill the monster, and the children would be safe.

She had a deep understanding of how powerful the ecstasy powder was, but when it was used to subdue a giant monster, she was not sure about the effect.

Yunyan thought that Monoclonius was a monster with great cultivation and strong ability, not some ordinary creature. She was afraid that the ecstasy powder might not be strong enough to deal with it, and it would be difficult to work.Read More chapter at vi pnovel. com

Zhang Yunyan sighed silently. She had no confidence in the effect of using ecstasy powder to deal with the enemy. Not to mention that Monoclonius had strong ability for its cultivation, even if the huge body would be difficult to numb. Besides, she might accidentally hurt herself, which would be self-defeating.

She was not very confident about the ecstasy powder, but she was in a desperate situation and couldn’t escape. She thought hard but came up with nothing else. When the critical moment came, she could only try this idea that seemed not practical.

Yunyan thought that she was going to die anyway, and it would be useless to keep the ecstasy powder. Why bother thinking so much? She should just use it, and a miracle might really happen.

Later, when she and Monoclonius were fighting, her nerves were strained to the extreme, and her fear had reached the extreme. She forgot about the ecstasy powder and didn’t use it.

When Monoclonius rushed to Shen Xiaoyan, Zhang Yunyan was extremely terrified and anxious, and she suddenly remembered the last hope, which was the ecstasy powder.

She took it out without hesitation, and rushed towards Monoclonius’ head to scatter the powder. Whether it could work would be determined by destiny.

Unexpectedly, the treasure lived up to her expectations, and the three packs of ecstasy powder numbed the huge Monoclonius. After killing the terrible monster, the two of them escaped.

Monoclonius was dead, and the cruel reality had been amazingly reversed. The two of them had survived miraculously, which was thanks to the ecstasy powder.

Seeing that the power of ecstasy powder was so powerful, Zhang Yunyan felt it was amazing, and she valued highly on this treasure. In the future, if she encountered strong enemies, she would use ecstasy powder to deal with them, which could turn the situation and reverse the defeat.

She looked at the ecstasy powder happily, and sighed again. Unfortunately, she only had two packs of this treasure, and it was not enough. These two packs of ecstasy powder were more precious, they must be kept well, and they should never be used until her life was in danger.

Yunyan carefully wrapped the two bags of ecstasy powder in satin and put them back in the underwear pocket.

She waved at Shen Xiaoyan and asked her to come and see the dead Monoclonius.

Xiaoyan shook her head again and again. Although she was not shaking anymore, she was still terrified. How dare she look at the terrible fierce god?

Looking at Xiaoyan who waved her hands repeatedly, Zhang Yunyan smiled silently and happily.

She looked at Monoclonius, pulled out the steel knife stuck in the ground, and slashed hard at the hard horn on its head.

This horn was a weapon of attack, and Yunyan wanted to keep it as a trophy. Seeing that things could cause certain feelings, in the future, she could recall today’s life-and-death experience by looking at it.

The horn was very hard, and she cut it down by more than a dozen chops. Just as soon as the horn was broken, a cloud of smoke erupted from the remaining cavity on the monster’s head.

The smoke flashed white light, and when Zhang Yunyan was stunned, it flew into her nostril and reached her abdomen. Before she could react, the smoke had disappeared.

Yunyan was very surprised and shocked. She wondered if the smoke was poisonous and what terrible consequences it would bring.

She was very nervous and terrified. She had just escaped from death. Would she be poisoned to death by Monoclonius’ evil smoke now?

This monster died under her knife. Presumably, the deadly enemy would not be let go after its death, and this smoke was preset to take revenge.

The evil smoke was very thick and sparkling, and it seemed to be quite toxic.

Zhang Yunyan was terrified. She was out of her wits. She sat on the ground. There was no smile on her pale face, no joy in her heart, and she was tightly embraced by fear and anxiety.

Just now, she was ecstatic about eradicating the monster, but she did not expect a surprising reversal. Without precaution, she was poisoned by a trap preset by Monoclonius and would die.

At night, the atmosphere was just turned peaceful and tranquil, but suddenly it became anxious and nervous. The atmosphere of terror had already dissipated, but now it regrouped and collided indiscriminately.

The terrible disaster had passed. The living beings had entered dreamland. There was only a lonely soul that was terrified and desperate…

Zhang Yunyan was terrified and frustrated. She didn’t escape by chance, and was about to die here now.

This was her fate, which was so miserable that it couldn’t be changed.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, “Yunyan, what’s wrong with you? Why are you still sitting there?”

Seeing Zhang Yunyan sitting down again and doing something, Shen Xiaoyan was anxious and worried about her.

Yunyan awoke from pain and despair. She looked at Xiaoyan and sighed, “I… I’m fine, I want… I want to sit for a while.”Read More chapter at vi pnovel. com

She sighed in her heart. To die or not, just let it be. Xiaoyan was already safe. This struggle finally had a good result, and she didn’t make effort or die in vain.

“Yunyan, let’s go. Let’s see the children.”

Xiaoyan was urging, and her tone was a little anxious.

The children! Zhang Yunyan thought of the poor children and immediately became nervous. She must act as soon as possible to get the children home and reunite with their families before she died.

She couldn’t let those children be killed by Jiuyou Sage, be orphaned like herself, or become homeless in a strange land like Yuntian and Yunxia.

Zhang Yunyan stood up and looked at Monoclonius who was bruised and covered in blood. She glanced at the horn on the ground, and sighed again. It was just for this horn. Otherwise she wouldn’t be poisoned by the monster.

What was done was done. It was too late to say anything. She didn’t have the mood to pick up the trophy. She dragged her heavy legs and walked towards the house.

Yunyan didn’t tell Shen Xiaoyan this terrible thing. It was not only useless to do so, but also would make her anxious.

Zhang Yunyan returned to the room, looked at the poor children and sighed silently. She knew that there was not much time left for her, so she must act immediately.

She asked Xiaoyan to take care of the children with the servants, and then sent back the older children who knew where their home was overnight.

The children returned home and reunited with their families. The family was overjoyed, feeling both excited and painful.

The family who got their children back immediately informed the people who lost children, and soon people everywhere were startled by the news. The families who lost their children rushed to this house overnight to claim their children back.

Families were reunited one after another. They cried sadly or laughed excitedly. The elder members hugged their children, feeling not enough to kiss and love them…

Looking at the moving scenes, Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan, as well as those servants, were very emotional and shed tears of excitement.

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