The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 266 - Escape from the Cage

Chapter 266 Escape from the Cage
Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan were relieved to see the children reunited with their family.

In this way, for more than two hours, more than forty children returned to their parents one after another, and the separated family reunited.

However, it was not over, and there was a child who was not claimed and did not know where his home was.

The sisters rejoiced at the reunion of the families, but they also worried about the remaining child.

This was a baby boy who looked like a year old. The baby couldn’t speak, didn’t know where the family was, and who his parents were. No one knew him, so they had nowhere to send him to.

Zhang Yunyan was sad for the homeless baby. It was so pitiful to leave the parents at such a young age.

She was even angrier. Yan Xiaopeng didn’t let go of the baby, caught him and would send him to the old devil, which made him very guilty and deserved death.

She looked at the poor child, and could not help but think of her miserable childhood. She shed tears.

She had been a waif since she was a child. She had nowhere to stay, and she had to beg around for food. She had experienced countless sufferings and danger, and she didn’t know how she survived.

Zhang Yunyan secretly resolved not to let this child live a vagrant life without help like herself did. If she couldn’t find his families, she would take this child with her and find a reliable family to bring up him in the future so that this child could have a happy childhood.

The moon had set down, the stars were much less, and the night was darker. It seemed that dawn was coming.

On the earth, there was darkness and silence everywhere, and all creatures were still sleeping.

When everything was done, Zhang Yunyan took the homeless baby and hurried away with Shen Xiaoyan. They didn’t want to stay in this bloody place of terror which only left them impressive pain and despair and where they almost died.

After being busy and restless in a terrible night, the two of them were a little sleepy, but they felt was very relieved and gratifying.

The two of them suffered a series of terrible dangers one after another, escaped from the danger, rescued dozens of children and made many families reunited. They were very happy about it. This gratifying result was hard to come by, which greatly comforted the two injured hearts.

Along the way, they talked from time to time, learning about each other better and deepening their friendship.

Zhang Yunyan said with concern, “Xiaoyan, your hometown is far away, and it’s not safe on the way. Let me take you back first.”

Shen Xiaoyan looked at Zhang Yunyan with her wet eyes. She was very sad, “Yunyan, where is my family? I’m already homeless…”

Tears came down before her words finished.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the sad and crying Xiaoyan and sighed. She already knew Xiaoyan’s miserable life, which made her pitiful and sad.

She sighed and comforted her, “Xiaoyan, your parents are gone, but you still have an uncle. Anyway, he is your relative, so you should go home. You can’t just live in a strange land alone.”

Shen Xiaoyan cried, “I don’t have any family affection with my uncle’s family, and I already have nowhere to go…”

Zhang Yunyan knew that this was true, or she would not be sold by her uncle. However, there was still a long way to go in the future, and she had to have a home. Otherwise, a weak woman like her wandering outside might encounter danger at any time. How could she survive?

Shen Xiaoyan was weak and lonely, and she was afraid of even thinking about the future. She had nowhere to go, and wanted to be with her benefactor she just met, who also was the only one she could rely on.

She looked at Zhang Yunyan and said her thoughts with her eyes flashing with longing.

Zhang Yunyan sighed, “Xiaoyan, I want to be with you too. But I can’t. I have no fixed residence, and I wander around and seek for the enemies to take revenge. I will be in danger at any time, how can I protect you? This time I came to take revenge but encountered one after another danger and I almost died there. As you just saw, it was too dangerous. This is my future life, which is an inevitable experience in Jianghu. It should only be undertaken by me alone, and I won’t let you be involved.”

This was her innermost feelings and the reality in the future. Although she really wanted to take care of Xiaoyan, she really had no ability to take care of her. She had no other ways.

Zhang Yunyan thought about it and persuaded her, “Xiaoyan, aren’t you engaged in a marriage in your hometown? If that doesn’t work, you can go to your fiancé’s family. They will take care of you.”

Shen Xiaoyan heard the words and cried even harder, “Yunyan, you didn’t know. My fiancé’s family… I can’t go there too. The daughter of my aunt took my place and was going to marry him. They were probably already married, how can I go there? Now, I’m along and I have nothing…”

After weeping, Shen Xiaoyan went on to talk about her suffering.

After escaping from Luo Yusheng’s house, Shen Xiaoyan passed Lijia Village and was tricked by Li Wanfu who took her to his house and forced her to marry him. She was imprisoned in Li Mansion. While being desperate for the wedding at night, two men suddenly came to her room.

A fat man looked about fifty years old and wore luxury clothes. He was a rich man.

He glanced at Shen Xiaoyan and said to the maids, “You go out, I will persuade her.”

Seeing that the two maids had left, he ordered his entourage to guard outside the door.

He admired, “Miss, you are really beautiful. You look like a fairy who came down from heaven. No wonder Master Li loves you so much and is eager to marry you.”

Shen Xiaoyan looked at the stranger with nervousness and doubts. She did not answer.

The man smiled and said, “Miss, don’t be afraid. I know you are forced into a marriage. It’s really pitiful, and I really want to help you.”Read More chapter at vi pnovel. com

Shen Xiaoyan paused and couldn’t believe in his words, but she had hope again.

She was a little timid and very suspicious. She asked carefully, “Master, what is your relationship with Master Li? Can you help me?”

The man smiled and told Shen Xiaoyan that he was a guest of Li Mansion. He learned that Xiaoyan was suffering and empathized with her. Also, he said that since he wanted to help, there would be a way. Then he stopped Xiaoyan from asking more questions.

He wanted to stay in Li Mansion for a few more days, but Xiaoyan was about to be forced to marry tonight, so there was no time for further delay and they had to leave here as soon as possible.

In order to help Xiaoyan escape from this place, he planned to leave immediately, not knowing whether Xiaoyan was willing to go with him, so he came to ask her.

Time was tight, she had to make a quick decision about whether to go or stay.

Shen Xiaoyan was in a dead end where no one could come and help her. She already wanted to die, and she did not expect someone to come to the rescue her. She was overjoyed. She repeatedly thanked the man, and asked him to take her away from Li Mansion quickly. She couldn’t wait anymore.

The man nodded. This thing should not be rushed, so he asked Xiaoyan to be patient and wait for a while.

He and Li Wanfu were good friends, and he couldn’t offend Master Li in order to help Xiaoyan. Besides, since he was in Li Mansion, if it was known by Master Li, there would be no way to take Shen Xiaoyan away, and he would irritate his friend. There would be unbearable consequences.

He told Xiaoyan that after a while, his family would pretend to be a robber and come to take Xiaoyan out with his face masked. He told Xiaoyan not to be afraid and just do as his arrangement.

The man left a few more words, and then took the family away.

The two maids came in again to serve.

Before long, a few masked men ran into the house and directly tied up Li Mansion’s family and the maids and gaged them.

The “robbers” claimed to be Shen Xiaoyan’s relatives who came to rescue her, and they ordered the people of Li Mansion not to struggle, otherwise they would physically suffer or even die.

They asked Xiaoyan to put on the clothes of people in Li Mansion, cover half of her face with a hat, and they locked the door of the house. After they removed the mask, they also changed a set of clothes they usually wear before they quietly left.

The carriage was waiting. They let Xiaoyan sit in the hood, then drove the carriage out of Li Mansion boldly and waited for the owner to arrive outside the courtyard.

Soon, the tall guest came out of the gate of Li Mansion.

Councillor Li smiled and accompanied him.

Li Wanfu saw him off outside the house and said, “Brother, you should stay a few days longer. Even if you leave tomorrow, you will be happy for me and have a few drinks.”Read More chapter at vi pnovel. com

The man sighed, “Yeah, I also want to take a drunk when you are celebrating, but there is something urgent for the family to call me back, so I have to leave.”

“Oh, it’s not easy for you to come here. It’s a pity that you leave so hurriedly.”

“In the future, I will come to visit you. I heard that you married a beautiful woman, and I envy you! Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to meet the third lady and I have to hurry away, it’s not polite enough. There is no way, I can’t decide. Brother, goodbye. It’s your wedding night. I hope you and the fairy can have a good time in the ‘wonderland’!”

Councillor Li laughed, “Thank you, big brother!” Then he joked, “On my wedding night, I must go to the ‘fairyland’ to have a good time, and will not return to this world easily, haha…”

“Seeing you so happy, I’m also happy for you, and I’m very jealous, haha…”

After the laughter, Li Wanfu said with a smile, “I wish you a happy trip. When you go back, you can also welcome the ‘fairy’ and enjoy a wonderful night.”

The man laughed when he heard this, “How can I compare with you? Your wedding night is real, the ‘fairy’ has come to your house, and the good time is coming. Words can’t tell how wonderful it will be, just enjoy it. But my wedding night is just a dream, and I have nowhere to find the ‘fairy’. The ‘fairyland’ is just a fantasy. It can’t be compared to yours, haha…”

He laughed and said goodbye to Li Wanfu, urging his family to set out.

Two carriages drove away and left Lijia Village. Soon they disappeared.

Councillor Li saw the carriage disappear and returned to the festive home with a smile, ready to marry a flower-like “fairy”, to spend a real wedding night and to enjoy being a “fairy” in the wonderland.

The sun was setting, and the sky was getting dark. Lights were hanging everywhere in Li Mansion. The guests came one after another to send gifts and congratulations, and the laughter and cheers continue were constantly heard. It was joyful in the mansion.

Councillor Li welcomed the guests, thinking about the “fairy” all the time, and was impatient. He hoped the wedding could come early, so he could take the beautiful lady to travel to the “fairyland”.

At this time, Mammy Huang came in panic and quietly called Li Wanfu aside.

She frowned, looking anxious and said in panic, “Master, it’s too bad, the bride was robbed!”

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