The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 267 - Falling out

Chapter 267 Falling out
Li Wanfu was ecstatic and looking forward to the arrival of the wedding. When he suddenly heard the word “robber”, he was shocked and very surprised.

Immediately, he woke up and shouted with his eyes wide open, “Nonsense, all the people who came to the house were guests, how could there be a robber? You speak rudely on my wedding, it’s really unlucky. I should beat you!”

Mammy Huang said with a sad face, “Master, I didn’t lie. The maids and the family in that house were tied up by the robbers. The bride has gone. Master, go and see what… What should we do about this?”

Councillor Li believed this and panicked. He hurried to check it out and it turned out what Mammy Huang said was true.

Surprised and angry, he asked the family and maids who were in guard. They said the same thing, which made him more annoyed and puzzled.

Inside Li Mansion, everyone was busy preparing for the wedding, the banquet and other affairs. Unexpectedly, the bride was kidnapped by robbers. How could it not be doubtful?

Li Wanfu thought secretly that it had been busy and peaceful in the mansion, and there was no suspicious thing happened. How could there be robbers?

Besides, the robbers couldn’t come in silently, nor could they secretly take a living person out without being noticed.

The movement was so big but no one knew it, it was really unbelievable. How could this happen?

He was puzzled. The Li Mansion was so strictly guarded but Shen Xiaoyan had disappeared mysteriously. It was a weird thing.

However, the facts were the facts, and the “fairy” who came to him flew away without a trace and couldn’t be found. The facts that had happened couldn’t be denied.

This matter was too strange for Councillor Li to believe. It was sheer fantasy.

From the point of view of the people in Li Mansion, this was indeed something weird and unbelievable. No matter how they thought about it, it couldn’t make sense, and the wedding couldn’t be done, which was really annoying.

Li Wanfu deceived Shen Xiaoyan into the house with all his efforts, and had been happily dreaming for the night. He didn’t expect that the beautiful woman would not be embraced in him arms. Besides, he also invited many guests and now everyone knew about the wedding. How could he end this up?

The beautiful wedding had become a dream. If it was known, people would laugh their teeth off.

Councillor Li was both angry and embarrassed. He felt too ashamed to see the friends again, so he let the butler tell the guests that the bride and bridegroom were unwell so the wedding couldn’t take place tonight, and then ask them to leave.

He didn’t want to see the heartbreaking wedding decoration anymore, and ordered to remove them overnight.

The Li Mansion filled with joy soon became cold and cheerless, and the dark night was full of anger and depression.

Councillor Li was frustrated and had no mood of doing anything. He sat in the living room sullenly and nobody was allowed to bother him.

The fairy dream turned into a bubble, and he could not be calm. Sometimes he thought hard, and sometimes he sighed. He tried his best to understand this strange thing but in vain. It should be done by the ghosts.

How could there be ghosts during the day? Where were the ghosts here to make trouble? Why did they make it hard for Li Mansion? Could it be that the ghosts who died in his hands came to take revenge?

He was puzzled and unable to figure it out, and sighed from time to time. It was useless to be sad or angry. The “fairy” had flown away, and the wedding had become a beautiful dream.

Seeing that it was too late, he had to get up and go back to his room to rest, not knowing whether he could travel to the “fairyland” tonight.

Councillor Li walked out of the room, and suddenly a dark figure came in. He exclaimed in shock, “Ah, ghost! Ghost…”

He was entangled in the haunted things during the day, and was frightened by the sudden appearance of the black shadow.

“Sir, it’s me, it’s me!” The shadow spoke.

Li Wanfu took a closer look, and it turned out to be the butler. He frowned and was angry, giving him a fierce glance.

Councillor Li sighed and was very dissatisfied, “I thought it was… And it was you. You are still up at this late hour, what are you doing here?”

The butler smiled obsequiously and said, “Sir, there’s a thing that I would like to tell you. The robbery was really strange and confusing, and I thought for a long time and was suddenly enlightened, so I come here to talk to you. One of the guests is suspicious today. It might be him who did it.”

Councillor Li realized something, but he was also puzzled, “Oh, you said it was a guest? No, since it’s a guest, then he would be my good friend who came here to congratulate me. How can he do such things?”

“Master, guests are all different, that person is really suspicious.”

“Oh, is there any guest who is so bold that he dares to kidnap my wife and mess with my wedding? Hurry up and tell me who he is, if he dares to do such a thing, I will never spare him!”Read More chapter on vi pnovel. com

The butler said, “Master, there are people walking around the house today. Not to mention the robbers, even strangers coming in would be found out. There are guards at the door, strangers could never come in, and it would never be easy for a few robbers to enter Li Mansion and kidnap people. It would be daydreaming. Besides, judging from Li Mansion’s prestige, people wouldn’t dare to make trouble here even being invited. I think this is a scam. It was an acquaintance who took Miss Shen away using some tricks. ”

Li Wanfu thought it made sense, and he urged the butler to stop being verbose and tell him who dared to do this on his watch. He couldn’t wait to kill them.

The butler frowned and asked Li Wanfu not to hurry, because it was just suspicion that couldn’t be confirmed, and he had to make it clear step by step.

“Okay, hurry up, hurry up!” Councillor Li frowned. His face was full of anger, and he was desperate to know the following.

“Master, I thought it over. No one in Li Mansion dared to act boldly, only outsiders could do this, and it must be an acquaintance.”

Li Wanfu looked at him with his face filled with eager.

The butler coughed and said, “Master, you think about it. There are many people here today to congratulate, and they are old friends and will not do this kind of thing. Besides, they don’t live far, if they did this, they couldn’t ensure that it won’t be revealed in the future. Even if they want to do it, they don’t dare to.”

He spoke unhurriedly, clearing his throat again.

Li Wanfu was already impatient, frowning more tightly and staring at him with his eyes flashing in anger.

Seeing this, the butler didn’t dare to be verbose and hurriedly said the man he doubted. It was the good friend of the master who had left in the afternoon. That man lived far away and was greedy for female, he probably did it.

After reminded by butler, Li Wanfu suddenly realized. No wonder that the elder brother hurried away, maybe he really did it.

Councillor Li suddenly remembered the words of the maid. She said that previously the friend visited Shen Xiaoyan and persuaded her in the room alone.

At that time, he didn’t care, and he was grateful. Now he was thinking about it, there must be something hidden.

The friend was so enthusiastic about Shen Xiaoyan that he met her alone without telling him. When he said goodbye, he also claimed that he had not seen the third lady. Wasn’t it self-contradiction?

He cared so much about the third lady and visited on his own. He must have evil thoughts and an unspeakable purpose. Needless to say, he did it.

Li Wanfu woke up and was furious. He scolded with anger, “You bastard, how dare you! Our friendship has ceased! There are many beautiful wives and concubines in your family, and you’re not satisfied. It’s hateful that you took my woman away! You are a bastard! You are a pervert! You are the worst guy in the world! You are…”

Councillor Li scolded others for being perverts, but he didn’t look at what he did. They were the same.

Li Wanfu yelled and scolded repeatedly, and it was difficult to resolve this hate for a while. After being persuaded by the butler, he calmed down a bit.

The butler asked, “Master, what should we do about it?”

Councillor Li was furious and hummed, “What can I do, that guy has gone far away, and it’s too late to catch up and check. If we go to his house to argue about it, he will deny it, and we have no conclusive evidence. It will be asking for a snub. Besides, even when we see Miss Shen, there was no way to ask her back. That guy is a local hegemony with a government backing. If he didn’t let her go, what can we do to him? Oh, I am so angry, I am so angry!”

“Master, I mean, the wedding can’t be held anymore, so the gift should be returned, but how do we explain it to the guests?”

“This… How can I know? It’s all because of the bastard.”

“I think… I want…” The butler opened his mouth a few times, but it was something difficult to say.

Li Wanfu glared at him and said angrily, “If you want to say something, just say. It’s annoying to hesitate.”Read More chapter on vi pnovel. com

The butler smiled bitterly, coughed, and said, “I think, this matter has to be dealt with in any way, so as not to be laughed at by others. Since we don’t have other ways, my lord… You can find another woman you like and marry her, and the gift does not have to be returned. It also makes sense to the others.”

Councillor Li grimaced and sighed, “Where can I find one for the moment? It was all because of that guy. Okay, okay, I’m so confused. Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

He ignored the butler, scolded repeatedly and went away in anger.

The “fairy” flew away, and it was difficult to reach the “fairyland”. Li Wanfu couldn’t be the “fairy” that he longed for, and if he wanted to fulfill this hope, he could only dream.

He was furious and frustrated. He dragged his heavy legs while walking and sighing, scolding from time to time.

The “fairyland” was so illusory that he could not reach it. He had to go to the second lady to relive the old dream, hoping to use the happiness of the living world to dilute the displeasure in his heart.

Was the person who took Shen Xiaoyan as Li Wanfu said?

That’s right, that guy was indeed a pervert, and a very brutal pervert. He was Yan Xiaopeng, a bully in Shuanghe County of Linjiang City.

The beautiful Xiaoyan was in his hand, how could she have a good ending? She escaped from the wolf den, and fell into the tiger’s cave. Her young life would be ruined.

Yan Xiaopeng rushed all the way back to the Yan Mansion in the west of Shuanghe County. He immediately guarded Shen Xiaoyan.

He didn’t want to force Xiaoyan into a marriage. He just wanted to play with her at any time to satisfy his filthy soul.

He was so fascinated by Xiaoyan that after returning to Yan Mansion, he wanted to sleep with the newly-obtained beauty that night, and spent a wonderful night being a real “fairy”.

Unexpectedly, his wish wasn’t fulfilled. He was badgered by concubine Yunxia, so he had to go to comfort the beautiful girl who had spent many days in the vacancy, and then went to play with the “fairy” the following day.

The next day, the concubine still badgered him, and Yan Xiaopeng still had no way to dream with the “fairy”, so he had to drag on for another day.

Tomorrow, he must go to the “fairy” to celebrate the night, fulfilling his dream of a “fairyland”.

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