The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 268 - The Reappearance of “Meteor”

Chapter 268 The Reappearance of “Meteor”
In the warm room, under the bright candlelight, Yan Xiaopeng hugged his concubine Yunxia, but his heart flew to Shen Xiaoyan.

He was very itchy and endlessly thinking of Xiaoyan. In any case, tomorrow he would find an opportunity to entertain and be a real “fairy” with her to appease the sinful soul.

It was said that man proposes but God disposes, and it was true. Yan Xiaopeng’s fairy dreams had completely failed before they could be fulfilled.

He could never think of it. In the night when he enjoyed himself with the concubine, his only life was taken away by Zhang Yunyan, leaving a bloody body that couldn’t dream anymore.

Living Yama struggled with all his efforts but didn’t get Shen Xiaoyan. The greedy butler thought hard and also didn’t get the beauty he desired. Both of them died.

Shen Xiaoyan was deceived out of her hometown, suffered all the way, and was accidentally caught by Living Yama. If she hadn’t met Zhang Yunyan, she would be forcibly occupied by the butler and become his concubine, and the consequences would not be known.

Again, Xiaoyan was stubborn and she would not have a good result.

Zhang Yunyan heard Shen Xiaoyan’s words and cry. She shed tears of sympathy, comforting her miserable sister.

She thought of her sister Yunxia, feeling sad and indignant. This world made it hard for the poor, and a lonely woman would find it even harder to live. She was heartbroken and her tears were flowing, wondering if Yunxia was also as tragic as Shen Xiaoyan, which was heartbreaking.

Zhang Yunyan missed her sister and couldn’t help thinking of Yan Xiaopeng’s concubine. This had become a hidden scar in her heart, which made her keep thinking.

Was the concubine who also called Yunxia her own sister?

No–this was her wish, maybe–this was a scar in her heart. Contradictory thoughts appeared alternately and tortured her, making it hard for her to extricate herself.

Yunyan was terrified, and she was deeply guilty and blamed herself. At that time, she left too hurriedly, also because she wanted to take Shen Xiaoyan away, otherwise she must ask the people of the Yan family to clarify the origin of the concubine, so as not to be so anxious.

However, it could be traced back to more than ten years ago. Except the concubine herself, it was possible that even the people of Yan family didn’t know her details, and Yunyan couldn’t ask for it.

Zhang Yunyan was being mercilessly tortured by the shadow of the concubine. Suddenly she stopped, looking at the night sky in surprise.

Shen Xiaoyan was shocked to see her sister’s expression change suddenly, and she hurriedly stopped to wait and see. She also showed a fearful expression.

What was that? Could it be that thing?

If it was, it would be terrible. They couldn’t believe it. That creature was dead. How could it be?

They saw that there was a small red and bright spot moving in the night sky in the distance, and it quickly fell again.

Was that a meteor?

The two girls looked at the red highlight that was rising and falling, feeling surprised and puzzled. That was not a meteor, because falling meteors could not rise again.

If it was before tonight, they would not pay attention to this thing, nor would they suspect it. It was because they had already seen the monster Bolide. They couldn’t help but doubt it.

The creature, as its name suggested, resembled a meteor and a fireball. It was a terrible monster.

Although the “meteor” was far away, they were still nervous and a little suspicious. They kept thinking about the horrible monster.

Zhang Yunyan already knew that Bolide was the apprentice of the God of earth, and it was superior in skill. She was greatly impressed by its fighting against Monoclonius happened at the place where she was almost killed by them. It was extremely terrible.

Was the “shooting star” that rose and fell from time to time the terrible monster Bolide? Wasn’t Bolide eaten by Monoclonius?

Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan were uneasy, and their faces were full of suspense. They didn’t know whether Bolide came back for revenge or whether its associates came to Monoclonius to take revenge for it.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the place where the fireball appeared, it was in the direction of Yan Mansion. She was more nervous because of this finding, feeling that the red bright spot could be Bolide.

It seemed that the monster was not dead. After flying away, it still felt unwilling, and after some preparations, it returned and wanted to fight against Monoclonius.Read More chapter on vi pnovel. com

If this was the case, the people there would be involved. A terrible disaster would suddenly come, and the situation would be bloody.

Zhang Yunyan had no ability to stop the monsters from committing atrocities, but could only anxiously sigh and worry about the safety of the people.

She was gratified that she and Shen Xiaoyan had escaped from the land of terror, those children had all returned home, and many families were protected from bloody disasters.

After some observation, Zhang Yunyan assumed that the bright spot was not a meteor. It was that fiery evil bird, otherwise it would not fly up and down.

They looked quietly, not knowing why the monster was going up and down, and not knowing what evil acts it was doing.

After the time about having a meal, the “fireball” flew up and quickly disappeared into the night sky. It seemed that Bolide had already flown away.

Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan took a sigh of relief and turned to leave. They were still worried about the people there along the way, not knowing to what extent they were injured by Bolide.

There was a village ahead, Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan stayed in an inn.

People in the village and the inn were talking in groups. They were also disturbed by the fiery red “Meteor” from some unknown place, so they asked each other, guessing and discussing.

After more than an hour, people went back to rest with doubts, and the inn was quiet.

Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan finished washing and returned to the room to rest.

Just as they lay down, there was a knock on the door of the inn, followed by cluttered footsteps and discussion.

They had doubts again and came out to watch before they realized that there were some more guests.Read More chapter on vi pnovel. com

After listening to discussion of the new guests, Zhang Yunyan learned that they had escaped from Yan Mansion. Needless to say, they were all servants of Yan Mansion.

Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan were afraid to be recognized. They couldn’t show up, so they stood still beside the door.

From the discussion, it was known that their judgments were correct. The red fireball was the evil bird Bolide, and it returned to the Yan Mansion to vent its hatred and commit atrocities.

More and more people had escaped from Yan Mansion. They were talking about terrible dangers.

They claimed that Yan Xiaopeng and his descendants were killed by the evil bird. Their corpses were eaten and the blood was sucked, which made them unrecognizable and very miserable. The mess in Yan Mansion was so frightening that the living people escaped in terror.

People were very puzzled. They didn’t know why the fierce god hated the Yan family so much and slashed the Yan family.

Zhang Yunyan thought that the Living Yama family was actually killed by her, and the murderer now turned into Bolide. She felt more at ease. It was better to have this scapegoat. She could keep herself out of the affair, lest she be arrested by the government.

She suspected that after the fierce battle behind the mansion, Bolide and Monoclonius were both greatly hurt. The evil bird couldn’t win in a short time, and it didn’t want to fight endlessly, so it flew away first.

Bolide’s anger couldn’t be relieved, and after some rest preparations, it returned to Yan Mansion to find Monoclonius and take revenge.

The evil bird was attracted by the blood there, and enjoyed a good meal with the corpses of Yan Xiaopeng and others. Then it accidentally became Zhang Yunyan’s scapegoat.

Bolide would not let go of Monoclonius. At this time, the monster would be like Yan Xiaopeng, whose bones were the only things left.

The sky of the east slightly turned white, and dawn came in silence. After the soothing of darkness, the souls nourished their spirits and stretched their minds, showing new vitality and looking forward to a better future.

Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan stayed up all night, feeling tired and sleepy. They returned to the room to lie down. The two of them seized the time to rest, relax their tired body, and calm down the injured hearts.

The sun was already hanging high before Zhang Yunyan and Shen Xiaoyan got up. After washing, they took the baby and left the inn.

Along the way, they did not stay. They bought some stuffed buns to eat while walking, hoping to leave the bloody place far away.

Up to now, the smoke of Monoclonius in the abdomen had not yet attacked Yunyan, and there was no discomfort. Zhang Yunyan’s uneasy mood had not eased. She was worried that the evil smoke would suddenly kill her, and she was even more afraid of being controlled by the evil air to hurt others.

No matter what the result would be, the residual poison of Monoclonius would remain in her abdomen, and it would never let her go. She would die because of it sooner or later.

Zhang Yunyan was unable to control the attack of the evil air, and could not guess the terrible consequences. She didn’t want to worry about it anymore, because it would be useless and could only add tension and pain.

Yunyan sighed secretly. She should live as long as she could and just go with it. She had been prepared to be controlled by evil air. Once the evil air harmed the innocent, she must commit suicide.

At noon, they passed by a village and ate a good meal in the restaurant.

Zhang Yunyan remembered the evil air of Monoclonius. After entering the abdomen for so long, there was no seizure and no signs of being controlled by it. She secretly rejoiced.

She didn’t feel uncomfortable. After a night of suffer, she fell asleep steadily, and now she felt that her body was stronger and more powerful, which made her really happy.

This feeling was obvious, but Yunyan didn’t care and felt very natural. She broke free from the hand of death and was reborn, and she finally took revenge. She was in a good mood and felt relaxed. It was not something strange.

What she cared the most about was the smoke of Monoclonius. She hoped that it could not cause harm, especially to others.

Last night’s encounter was terrible. Zhang Yunyan accidentally went into Yan Xiaopeng’s trap and was caught by the bully and Red Hair King Ghost. She almost died in the hands of the enemy.

Later, she was chased by Monoclonius and Bolide. Danger came one after another, which was and thrilling. When she thought of this scene, she still felt terrified.

From this, Zhang Yunyan remembered the scene in the cave of Jiuyou Sage again. She remembered the good friends–little monk Shikong and Turtle Elf who fought together with her, and missed them even more.

She didn’t know whether Shikong returned to his master safely, and whether Turtle Elf found a place of seclusion and cultivation.

Zhang Yunyan would like to see the two good friends who went through life and death with her, and felt helpless for not knowing their true appearance. Even if they met in the future, they would pass by like strangers.

The situation was better with her animal friend Turtle Elf. After all, its body had its own characteristics, and they had met before. However, she didn’t know the place it secluded, and had nowhere to find it.

Looking at the sky, Zhang Yunyan wished her benefactor Shikong all the best, wishing her friend Turtle Elf safe and sound and fulfilled its wish.

She hoped to see Shikong soon, to see the real appearance of him and remember it firmly for her whole life.

Yunyan hoped to get together with her animal friend Turtle Elf often, to learn the cultivation methods from her friend in order to improve her skill. In this way, she could be more powerful in Jianghu and eliminate the culprit.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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