The Crimson Dragon |ASOIAF/HOTD|

Build Up to A Wedding and Its Aftermath

One Year later

It had been a few moons since Rhaenyra's return to King's Landing, and just like in the source material, the young woman had agreed (was forced) to marry Laenor Velaryon, the wedding taking place in less than a fortnight.

Lilyanna had sighed when she thought about it, when Rhaenyra first arrived after her failed tour, she thought she could do something to change the outcome but was once again reminded of her limitations.

As a two-year-old, she could not just come out and tell Rhaenyra what to do, so when she tried to get her elder sister's attention and distract her, Rhaenyra just smiled and started playing with her for a little while before going to the feast that was being thrown for their Uncle Daemon's corresponding return to the city after years away fighting the war he and Corlys Velaryon started in the Stepstones.

Huh, Daemon Targaryen, the Rouge Prince, rider of the dragon Caraxes, is now my uncle. An uncle who wouldn't hesitate to kill me and my siblings once the Dance starts... fuck my life. She thought.

And now because of Daemon's selfishness and Rhaenyra's terrible decision making and blind trust in her uncle, the princess no longer had a choice in her husband and was now going to marry Laenor.

Granted Laenor is of Valyrian descent and the heir to Driftmark, the richest house in the realm along with having the Velaryon fleet, the realm's largest and strongest naval force at his back. Not to mention dragons, Seasmoke and Meleys are both strong enough on their own, but there is also the dragon his sister claimed, Vhagar, the oldest and strongest dragon alive. So, on paper Laenor is the best option.

But there was still the fact that Laenor was gay and was unable to give Rhaenyra children, forcing her to have bastards. I don't know why she chose Harwin Strong of all people and not another Velaryon as the father. The Velaryons are not a small family and have plenty of trueborns and bastards alike running around Driftmark, it couldn't have been that hard to find one who would father her children and keep their mouth shut. Or hell, just any black person, I know this is Westeros, but people who are darker than a sheet of paper cannot be that hard to find.

One of the reasons people supported Aegon over Rhaenyra was because she was trying to push her bastards unto the highest and most powerful seat in the realm, even the least pious would take offense to that. So, the best way to strengthen Rhaenyra's claim is if all or hell, even just  most  of her children are trueborn.

I don't think Rhaenyra would be the greatest ruler, she grew up as a spoiled princess who was used to getting her way and is quick to react to the smallest of slights, then there's Viserys who had never bothered to teach his daughter the art of governing even after making her his heir, leading her to make foolish political decisions, and the rest of the lords refused to see her as anything other than a little girl parading around in a space she doesn't belong in. Sexism at its finest.

But I do believe with time she can learn, at least Rhaenyra would put in the effort to better herself unlike Aegon, who has never wanted the responsibility and burdens that come with ruling. Only to be acknowledged by his absent father and his distant mother. Although there is the possibility Aegon could be different in this life, I'll just have to play my cards right and see...

As if she could hear her daughter's thoughts, Alicent strolled into the room with her usual gaggle of servants following closely behind, her expression was cold and angered. It had been a few weeks since Otto Hightower was removed from his position as Hand of the King and was replaced with Lord Lyonel Strong, and Alicent had been upset by this, but now she was furious.

I guess she found out from Cole about his and Rhaenyra's hookup.

"Hehe! Mama!" Lilyanna cried out, reaching her hands out the grab her mother when she got close. Alicent gave her a small smile as she lifted the toddler into her arms.

"Hello there, my little flower. Did you have a good day?" Alicent asked.

"Yeah, I played with Hely, Egg, and Almond!" Lilyanna responded, pointing at each of her siblings as she did so. Helaena was sitting at the foot of her own bed, the two of them old enough to no longer share a space, like they did in the cradle. She ignored everyone in the room as she stared at the spider crawling on her hand.

Aegon had run over to the pair, holding onto Alicent's dress as he waved a wooden sword around, he had become interested in playing 'the conquerors' with his sisters as of late, ever since his egg hatched and Sunfyre emerged a few weeks ago. The dragon had been moved to the Dragonpit, Alicent refusing to allow the small creature within the Keep despite the dragonkeepers saying that dragons were harmless at this age.

And Aemond was lying in his cradle, the infant giving his mother and older siblings a gummy smile when the trio made their way over to him.

Alicent shook her head, "Your brother's name is Aemond, little one."

"I know mama, his name is Almond!" Lilyanna said, while making sure she pouted her lips and tilted her head in a way that would be seen as cute and charming.

Alicent laughed, her previous thoughts temporarily forgotten as she focused on her children.

Yeah, I'm super cute. Lilyanna thought smugly.

Lilyanna had been going out of her way these last few years to try and improve the Hightower Queen and make her a better mother. While she did not deny that Alicent loved her children, she did not show this in the best of ways.

With Aegon, she subconsciously viewed him as the end of her childhood and her solidification of her marriage to a man she never wanted, proof that Alicent could give the King the sons that Aemma Arryn could not. Then there was the fact that Alicent and the rest of the Greens were raising Aegon with the intention of him usurping Rhaenyra and becoming King, treating him like a Crown Prince in all but name, so there was a certain distance that most showed Aegon, including Alicent.

Aegon all but drowned under the heavy expectations that his mother, grandfather, and others placed on his shoulders, turning to women and alcohol to cope with never being able to live up to them. His jealously turning him bitter as he watched his mother ignoring him in favor of his younger siblings, then he saw his nephews, Strong bastards masquerading as seahorses receiving love from their own mother and not just one, but two fathers, along with their grandfather, his own father. The very love and attention that he dreamed of getting from the man, but never receiving.

With Helaena, Alicent failed to understand or connect with her daughter. She did show the girl more care than she did her firstborn, but she wrote her daughter off as strange, simple, and weird. She would often force physical affection onto Helaena despite knowing how uncomfortable it made her and ignored her desires to be left alone.

And in a twist of irony, she pushed her daughter into the same situation she herself was in, being forced to marry a man she did not want and who would never love her the way she deserved to be loved, and forced to become a young mother by bearing his children.

With Aemond, Alicent leaned heavily on her second son, treating him more like an adult than the child he was. She spoke to him about topics a child should not have been listening to, like his nephews' legitimacy and his brother's birthright. The Greens strove for Aemond to be better as to not end up like Aegon, someone that would fight relentlessly to defend his brother's claim, as second sons often were forced to, even though like many other second sons he did not believe his older brother deserving or worthy of such an honor.

There were also the years before Aemond claimed Vhagar, the Prince was seen by most as not being a 'true Targaryen' especially since his older and younger brothers along with the Strong Boys all had their dragon eggs hatch. This feeling of inadequacy grew larger when Helaena, whose own dragon egg did not hatch either, had later claimed the dragon Dreamfyre, the mount of Rhaena Targaryen, the Queen of the East and later the West. Alicent did not understand the connection Targaryens had with their dragons and was unable to sympathize with her son's plight, only being able to try and comfort him when his older brother and nephews would bully the poor boy for his lack one, but used these instances to complain to Viserys about only his grandsons' brutish behavior.

And with Daeron, Alicent was not there for most of his life as he had been shipped off to Oldtown to be a squire for his cousin Lord Ormund Hightower when he was still a young boy, at Otto's suggestion.

As a result, Daeron was even more removed from his Targaryen heritage than his siblings, trained to be nothing more than a follower to his brothers once the Greens usurped the Throne. Although it could be argued that this was the best thing Alicent had done for her youngest son, Daeron was the most normal and well-adjusted of all Alicent's children, being considerably more well-liked by the public compared to his drunken and kinslaying older brothers.

If the Targaryens/Velaryons/Hightowers genuinely love each other like Viserys intended, they'll be less likely to kill each other in a couple of years. Neither side wins in a conflict involving family…


Two Weeks Later

Time had quickly passed and the day of Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding had arrived.

Lilyanna had watched from the balcony of her mother's apartment as nobles from across the realm entered the Red Keep. The streets and seas around King's Landing were crowded with travelers both high and lowborn there for the celebration of the Crown Princess' nuptials.

The redhead was the only one interested in the lords, ladies, servants, and knights moving around in the courtyard as her siblings were each doing their own thing with her mother and the maids trying to get them ready for the day.

Lilyanna had been the first to finish as she stayed still and did not move around or run away. The toddler did not understand why her mother was putting in so much effort into their appearance as most nobles would be busy getting themselves cleaned up after spending days, or weeks traveling to King's Landing and would not see them, especially since they were deemed too young to go to the wedding feast being held later that night.

Lilyanna smiled when she heard Aegon knock over a stool as he ran away from the maids who were trying to put the boy in his pants. Her smile grew wider when she saw Alicent hold the bridge of her nose between her fingers when Helaena kept removing her arms from the sleeves of her dress and Aemond continued to wiggle around, making it harder for the maids to dress him.

Lilyanna turned back around on the stone railing she was sitting on and looked down, she had never seen this many people congregated in one place in both of her lives.

There's supposed to be seven days of feasting and tourneys in celebration of the latest royal wedding. If it happens the way it did in the books, Criston will face off against Joffrey Lonmouth, Laenor's lover during the tourney tomorrow, bashing his head in with his Morningstar and leaving him in coma, Joffrey will eventually die from his injury a few days later, with Laenor never leaving his side.

If it's like the show, Criston will beat Joffrey to death after 'discussing' both of their relationships with the bride and groom tonight, causing Rhaenyra and Laenor to immediately get married after in a quiet affair with only immediate family members as witnesses, Joffrey's blood still pooled on the floor a couple of feet away and all celebratory activities canceled.

Either way, this wedding is not going to be a celebration. Lilyanna thought.

"Lily!" Alicent shouted, rushing towards her daughter, and pulling her off the railing and into her arms. The Queen's heart leaped to her throat when she saw her daughter on the balcony railing, her tiny legs swinging back and forth, her body leaning forward to get a better look at the people below.

"Lilyanna, you cannot climb onto the railing, it's dangerous." Alicent said as she carried her daughter back into the room and sat back down next to Helaena. Lilyanna pouted at once again being treated like a child, but immediately forgot her annoyance when Alicent handed her a cookie off the stray of snacks nearby, snuggling into her mother's chest as she ate.

"I don't want to get dressed!" Aegon shouted once the maids finally caught him and started forcing the young prince into his pants.

"Aegon, you have to wear your clothes, you cannot go outside naked." Alicent sighed.

Aegon's lips trembled, his body shook, and his eyes swelled with tears, obvious signs that the boy was about to start crying.

"You're taking too long, Egg!" Lilyanna cried out, stopping Aegon from throwing his tantrum.

"Going now?" Helaena quietly asks.

"You don't want to keep your sisters waiting, do you Aegon?" Alicent asked.

"No." Aegon muttered, crossing his little arms, and going to stand near the doors.

Alicent shook her head, placing Lilyanna down on her feet and waving one of her hands, silently ordering the servant holding Aemond to bring him over and place the babe in her arms.

For the next several hours Alicent and her children swept through the court, greeting and talking with the various noble families here for the royal wedding. Well, Alicent greeted and talked to the nobles while her children had different reactions to the attention given to them.

Aegon, being the attention whore of a four-year-old that he was, soaked up the compliments and praise that their guests were giving him. Aegon began loudly talking to the lords and ladies that had surrounded him, not aware if they genuinely cared about what he was saying or not.

Helaena would stare at all newcomers for a few seconds before turning away and looking elsewhere, no one able to hold the girl's attention for exceedingly long, and she would hide behind her mother whenever one of them drew too close.

Lilyanna kept to herself, waiting for when Alicent would finally return them to the nursery and prepare for the feast.

Honestly, I wish I were old enough to go just so I could see Alicent in her green revenge dress. Lilyanna thought to herself.

She stood off to the side as her family conversed with the people, not interacting with anyone. All who approached her family had greeted her as befitting her station as one of the King's children and a princess of the realm, but had done nothing else beyond that.

Most had done a horrible job of hiding their curious gazes, she knew that for many of them this was their first look at 'Princess Abomination' or 'Viserys' Shame' as she heard a few nobles and servants refer to her in hushed whispers when they thought she could not hear.

Lilyanna could see past the fake smiles and see the ugliness beneath their facades, the disgust and hatred in each of the eyes that met her own. She knew the kind of treatment that she would receive from the world, but she did not expect it to this extent.

These people did not know the truth of her situation, in the eyes of everyone she was just an innocent child and yet they hated her so much for something she could not control.

Lilyanna hated that apart of her felt ashamed, that she felt the need to hide herself away. But she did not, she may have had the body of a child, but she was not one, she would not give anyone the satisfaction of seeing their actions effecting her.

I shouldn't be surprised; people often hate what they don't understand. It's like that regardless of the world you live in, especially in this one.

Whatever, I can't worry about the opinions of others right now. I need to focus on what to do next to try and prevent the Dance. Making Alicent, Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron better people isn't going to be enough. Lilyanna thought.

"Lily," Alicent said, placing her hand on her daughter's cheek causing the young girl to look up at her. "It's time for us to go. You a must go to bed."

Lilyanna nodded her head, walking behind her mother and siblings towards the nursery.

Soon Lilyanna found herself lying in bed and staring at the ceiling, she could faintly hear Aegon's snores from the corner of the room, along with Helaena's tossing and turning.

Sleep continued to elude her as she kept thinking of the feast going on in the Great Hall.

A line between Rhaenyra and Alicent will be officially drawn tonight.

Blacks vs Greens

Lilyanna rolled onto her stomach, shoving her face into her pillow to cover up the groan she released.

This would be the moment that defined Lilyanna's desire to change her family's fate. Whatever she did next would have real consequences going forward.


It had been almost half a year since the most disastrous wedding of the century and Rhaenyra was struggling on how to move forward.

Hours after she and Laenor were hurriedly wed, her sworn guard and one time lover, Criston Cole was forcibly brought before her father to answer for the crime of murdering Joffrey Lonmouth.

Rhaenyra knew that Criston was angry because of her rejection, but the young woman never thought that he would kill a man over hurt feelings.

The court had expected Criston to be punished for his actions, mostly likely executed. But all in the room were shocked when Queen Alicent stepped forward and defended Criston Cole to the king, asking him for leniency.

She spoke of how Criston was doing his duty as a member of the Kingsguard, how he perceived a threat to their family and their guests and acted accordingly.

"How is killing a member of my house 'acting accordingly as a member of the Kingsguard', Your Grace?" Laenor moved from his place next to Laena and closer to the Iron Throne. His nose was still broken and his eyes still red from hours of crying.

Despite using the proper title, the last words he spoke came out coated in venom.

The Velaryons, Rhaenyra, Alicent, Viserys and the rest of court had never seen the young man so angry.

"The answer is obvious, Ser Laenor. Why would an honorable man such as Ser Criston attack Joffrey Lonmouth if he had not committed some form of treasonous action?" Alicent asked, her face remaining passive.

"How do we know that he was not going to do something to endanger the lives of all those in attendance last night? The lives of the royal family?" She continued.

"We don't know what he going to do because he is too dead to defend himself!" Laenor roared. The court dissolved into hushed whispers and shouts over the Velaryon's declaration.

"Laenor!" Corlys Velaryon exclaimed, grabbing his son's arm and pulling the young man back. "Stop this! You are making a mockery of yourself!" He hissed into Laenor's ear.

"Enough!" Viserys shouted, the Great Hall quieted once more, returning their focus to the King.

"While it is true that we do not know exactly what had happened last night, I do believe that my wife is correct. Ser Criston is an honorable man and has served his post well as a member of my Kingsguard these last few years. So, for that he shall be pardoned for all his actions against the deceased. And the Crown will personally pay for the funeral of Ser Joffrey Lonmouth and give a small tithe to his family." Viserys declared.

Just before the crowds could digest the news, the Queen once again stepped forward.

"I would also ask that Ser Criston be removed from the service of Princess Rhaenyra and be placed into my own as my new sworn protector." Alicent said.

"Into your service? On what grounds?" Rhaenyra finally spoke for the first time since the trial began.

"You and Ser Laenor are married now, Princess." Despite the use of her title, Rhaenyra could feel the condescending dripping off Alicent's voice as she used it.

"After what has happened, I do not believe Ser Laenor will be comfortable having Ser Criston so close to him. It would create a tense atmosphere that will be good for no one."

Rhaenyra had no response to that, she already knew that Laenor would want Criston as far away from him as possible. And after what Criston did, Rhaenyra knew she could no longer trust him.

"Then let it be done, from this moment onward Ser Criston shall be my wife's sworn protector." Viserys announced.

And with that, the trial ended. The crowd of nobles had dispersed the Great Hall, including her husband who furiously stormed off due to the lack of justice he received from the King. The Velaryons followed behind him, refusing to look back at the King, the Queen, and Criston.

Soon the Queen and her new knight left as well, the Princess saw that coldness in their eyes as they looked at her.

It was then that Rhaenyra knew that Alicent was aware of what happened between herself and Criston.

It would explain that green dress and the coldness she has been regarding me with, she has declared war against me. They have declared war against me. Rhaenyra grimly thought.

She was broken out of her thoughts when her father stepped down from the throne.

"It is all right, Rhaenyra. I shall find you a new protector, one even better and more devoted than Ser Criston." Viserys spoke, misunderstanding the sorrowful look on his daughter's face.

"Thank you, father." Rhaenyra softly answered back, for once not having it within her to argue with her father.

After this moment, Rhaenyra spent days going through the list of Knights that could replace Cristion before finally settling on Harwin Strong, son of the new Hand of the King, Lord Commander of the City Watch, and heir to Harrenhal.

Back to the present, Rhaenyra was walking through the halls of the Keep with Harwin walking behind her.

Herself and the Strong heir had gotten along well enough, despite his reputation as the strongest man in Westeros and being called Breakbones, he was a kind, gentle, and earnest man.

Rhaenyra found it easy to talk with Harwin, but she still felt a bit reserved about getting closer to him after what happened with Criston.

The love she once saw in his gaze becoming a burning inferno of hatred, following the Queen around like a ferocious guard dog.

Despite the Queen's promise and the main crux of her argument for Cole becoming her protector, it still felt like the Dornishman was everywhere she went, silently judging her from afar.

Then there was Laenor, her husband was still struggling with the death of Joffrey and Cole's lack of punishment.

Laenor relied on his wife for comfort, they may not love each other as a husband and wife should, but a strong and lasting friendship was forming between them.

Since the end of the trial, the couple had tried to perform their duty to the realm and produce viable heirs to not only the Iron Throne, but to Driftmark as well. So far nothing had come from the various times they coupled, although this was to be expected as they had not been married for long.

However, neither found pleasure in the act, and neither were able to finish.

Rhaenyra felt frustrated the longer she thought about it, especially since Alicent had started making slight remarks, about Rhaenyra's lack of pregnancy, with Viserys either not understanding that they were insults or choosing to ignore them, doing nothing to stop her wife.

I suppose she would be the expert on quick pregnanciesEspecially with how quick she was to jump into bed with my father. Rhaenyra bitterly thought.

Before she could think more of it, Rhaenyra saw her youngest sister run past her.

The Princess and her guard stopped as they saw the redhead hide behind one of the walls, peering her head out looking back and forth before taking off again.

"I wonder what the little princess is doing?" Harwin asked.

"Hiding from her nannies and her septa no doubt." Rhaenyra answered, ever since her sister learned to walk Lilyanna could be found wandering around the Keep. Lilyanna would make games out of escaping her mother's watchful eye and hiding for as long as possible, doing whatever she could to not get caught.

Rhaenyra decided to follow her sister and see where she was going. After a few minutes, Rhaenyra and Harwin saw the toddler enter the Keep's library.

Once she herself entered, the maester in charge immediately greeted her, asking if she required assistance and going back to their work when the princess waved him off.

Rhaenyra and Harwin wandered the library looking for Lilyanna before seeing the young girl climbing up one of the shelves and trying to grab a book out of reach.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Rhaenyra asked once she got closer.

Lilyanna's head snapped towards her sister, "I'm getting a book." She answered before going back to her previous task.

She grabbed the book, letting out a cheer before jumping off the shelf, her movements causing many books to fall onto the ground. Unbeknownst to the adults in front of her, Lilyanna used her foot to kick open a black book.

"Oops." Lilyanna said sheepishly as she saw the mess she had made.

"Lilyanna, you cannot just climb up shelves and jump off like that." Rhaenyra scolded, but was unable to remove the fondness from her voice.

Lilyanna pouted her lips, "Like you've never climb anything." she muttered.

"Do as I say not as I do, hāedar."Rhaenyra responded. "What were you looking for any way?"

"I wanted this book on swordsmanship. Egg said he wants to start training, but mama says he's too young. I want to cheer him up." Lilyanna said as she lifted the book up to show the two adults the cover.

"That is truly kind of you, Lily. But you really should ask someone for help before you run off on your own. I know everyone must be worried about you."

"I'm sorry."

Rhaenyra smiled, charting her fingers through Lilyanna's hair. "It is all right. Let's just put these books back where they belong."

Rhaenyra, Lilyanna, and Harwin kneeled and began to put the books back on the shelf. Lilyanna mostly handed them to Rhaenyra and Harwin as she was too short to reach the upper parts of the shelf.

After several moments, Rhaenyra stumbled across a small black tome. The cover was made of leather, and it seemingly opened during the fall.

On one of its pages laid a drawing of a woman and two men. The first man was on his hands and knees, the second man was on his knees but was taking the first man from behind, both of their expressions filled with pleasure as the woman stood off to the side, watching them.

Rhaenyra was taken aback by the image, but also intrigued. At of curiosity, she turned the page and saw a new image that was like the first one she saw, but the woman was known involved in the carnal actions.

They were in the same position except now the woman was the one lying on the ground, the first man was on top her, and the second man was still behind the first.

"What's that?" Rhaenyra jumped when she heard her sister's voice, her heart racing as she looked and saw Lilyanna standing next to and looking up at her.

"O-oh, this? It is nothing, Lilyanna. I thought I saw something interesting, but it was nothing." Rhaenyra cursed herself at her stammering she then took a breath and snapped the book shut, placing it back on the shelf.

"Okay." Lilyanna said, appearing to no longer be interested in what her older sister was reading.

"Well, let's go. It's time to get you back to the nursery." The older princess put her hand on her sister's shoulder and began to lead her out of the library.

"Do we have to?" Lilyanna complained.

Rhaenyra laughed.


Rhaenyra and Harwin left immediately after dropping Lilyanna off at the nursery, typically she would have stayed as to spend time with her siblings, but the second she saw Alicent and Criston in the room, she made a halfhearted excuse and was gone.

Right now, Lilyanna was being scolded by her mother for once again running away from her nurses and hiding.

But Lilyanna was not listening to her mother's speech, part of it was because she had already heard it over a dozen times, but mainly because she was focused on Rhaenyra.

I know it's weird to be thinking about your sibling's sex life but hopefully she and Laenor are getting railed by Harwin Strong. She thought.

She thought about how Rhaenyra and Laenor originally could not have children on their own, which led to Rhaenyra having Harwin's children instead of trueborn Velaryons. So, she figured that that they would need more help in the bedroom.

Lilyanna had purposely searched through the library for the very book Rhaenyra was looking through earlier. It was actually her second idea since she could not find the Westerosi equivalent of a turkey baster, and even if she did, she could not think of a way to get Rhaenyra and Laenor to use it.

Once she found the section of the library with the more risqué literature, books like the black one, were not hard to find.

Well, the Red Keep does belong to a family whose religion and culture has them marry brothers to sisters, uncles to nieces, and aunts to nephews, to 'keep the blood pure,' so it shouldn't be that hard to believe they would have works that the rest of Westeros would faint looking at.

I wonder if those rumors about Dragonstone having artwork that depicts dragons fucking humans are true? Or the sex dungeons in its bowels?

Lilyanna had decided to wait a little bit to see if it was possible that Rhaenyra and Laenor could have children on their own. She knew they tried during their marriage before Rhaenyra turned to Harwin for help.

She thought that it may have been possible that her own existence in this world had inherently changed things, she already saw this in Rhaenyra's relationship with her younger siblings. In the books and tv show, Rhaenyra had never warmed to her half siblings, ignoring their existence as she viewed them as threats to her and her children's claim. The best example of her callous regard to her siblings was the incident on Driftmark where her second son, Lucerys cut out Aemond's eye with a Valyrian steel dagger and her response to this was that her younger brother be 'sharply questioned' as to where he heard the 'rumors' of her sons' paternity after Aemond called them bastards.

But now, Lilyanna did not believe that this Rhaenyra would order Aemond to be tortured after her own son left him disabled, she did not think Rhaenyra would do this to any of her siblings.

Or at the least, she hoped Rhaenyra would not.

Eventually six moons had passed and there was no news of any pregnancy, she knew this as she overheard several nobles making comments about Laenor's 'tastes'. So, Lilyanna decided to take matters into her own hands.

She immediately stood in the hallway leading to the library after making her escape from the nursery, waiting for when Rhaenyra would eventually walk by.

Lilyanna knew that drawings in the book interested Rhaenyra, her older sister had not yet mastered the ability to hide the emotions like many other nobles had, so it was not hard to figure out what she was thinking.

Now that the idea has taken root in Rhaenyra's mind, I just have to wait and see if she acts on it. I don't care if she uses Harwin or some other man, just so long as Laenor agrees and is the one to get her pregnant.

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