The Crimson Dragon |ASOIAF/HOTD|

Two Births

"Fucking Hell!" A voice screamed; the pained exclamation ripped through the Red Keep.

The voice belongs to Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Princess was currently giving birth to her first child.

The Princess was inside a large tub filled with water, surrounded by a large group of wetnurses and midwives, no maesters in site. After what happened to her mother, she did not trust any maester, especially Mellos, to be around her should anything go wrong.

"You must push harder, Your Grace." One of the midwives said.

"Uugghhh! I am fucking pushing!" Rhaenyra roared, but her comment was ignored by the servants as the labor continued.

The more time that passed, the more her fear grew. She took deep breaths and pushed, trying to relax her body, but failing.

Will I die here? Will I end up just like my mother? Will the birthing bed also being my deathbed? Rhaenyra thought.

In the end, her firstborn would prove to be her longest and hardest birth, staring at noon and bleeding into the next day.

Just as the sun rose over the horizon, the leading midwife yelled, "I can see the head! It won't be long now, Your Grace!"

"He is out! Excellent job, Your Grace." The midwife stated minutes later.

Rhaenyra's vision blurred, she slumped against the back of the tub, finally able to relax. Tears of joy fell down her cheeks, not only had she conquered her fear and survived, but her child was alive and healthy.

After a few minutes, Rhaenyra was helped into bed by the midwives and the newborn was bundled up in a red and black blanket and placed in Rhaenyra's arms.

Rhaenyra smiled down at the babe, at her son as more tears filled her eyes.

The newborn was of true Targaryen and Velaryon blood, having a tuft of silver hair that she was sure would darken in a few years. His skin was darker than her own, being a tanned dessert brown. And she was sure that when he opened his eyes, they would be the same purple all Valyrians possessed.

The Princess breathed a sigh of relief when looking at her child, now no one would be able to deny his parentage.

"You want us to what?" Laenor asked. He did not think this is what his wife was going to say when she said they needed to talk.

"You heard me, Laenor. I want us to bring another into our bed." Rhaenyra said, a little annoyed that her husband was making her repeat herself for a third time.

"I know you said we should find our pleasure elsewhere, but I did not think you meant together?" Laenor said.

Rhaenyra walked towards her dresser and pulled out a book from inside, she opened it and showed him the same picture she saw yesterday of the woman and two men.

Laenor stared blankly at the drawing for a few moments before looking back at his wife. "You want to watch me get fucked by another man? I do not want to judge, but that seems a little strange."

Rhaenyra scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It's a good thing your pretty, 'Nor." She said jokingly, "I want you fucking me as you yourself are getting fucked by another man."

Rhaenyra sighed before leading Laenor over to the bed and seating down. "One of the reasons we are struggling to conceive is because of the lack of attraction-" Rhaenyra was unable to finish her thought as Laenor cut his wife off.

"I am so sorry, Rhaenyra. We would not be struggling like this if it were not for me and my perversions." Laenor was no longer able to look Rhaenyra in the eyes, glaring at the floor as self-loathing once again filled his heart.

Rhaenyra placed a hand under Laenor's chin, lifting his face up and reestablishing eye contact. "We have talked about this, Laenor. It is not your fault, nor will it ever be. I brought this idea to you because I believe it will help us have trueborn heirs."

"I'm willing to try anything at this point." Laenor sighed, he was getting quite tired of all the whispered comments and stares they had been receiving. So many compared them to how quickly the Queen had fallen pregnant with her firstborn and the children that followed in quick succession.

"Wait, which man are you thinking of joining us?" Laenor asked, whoever it was would need to be loyal to only them and willing to die with this secret.

Rhaenyra just smirked before standing up and opening her bedchamber door, pulling in Harwin Strong from his post guarding the room.

"Huh." Laenor did not know who he was expecting Rhaenyra to choose, but Harwin Strong was not at the top of the list. The Velaryon took time to really look at her wife's new guard, he could not deny that the Strong heir was attractive. The Lord Commander of the City Watch was tall with dark luscious curls and a large muscular body that made him look like the Warrior reborn. Men like Harwin were not Laenor's type, but he was very much thinking of making an exception to his rules.

"Your Grace?" Harwin asked, he was confused as to why Rhaenyra suddenly pulled him into her bedchamber and why the married couple were staring at him in such a way.

"Ser Harwin. My husband and I have a proposition to ask of you." Rhaenyra said with a smile on her face.

Harwin could not deny that he was a little unnerved by that smile, but held his ground. "What kind of proposition, Your Grace?"

Rhaenyra and Laenor gave the other a quick look before both smirking at Harwin.

"I heard that we now have a son." The memory ended when Rhaenyra heard Laenor enter the room.

Laenor sat on the bed next to Rhaenyra and looked down at their son, he was mesmerized by the child even more so when their son opened his eyes. They were just like his own, the same lilac purple that he himself shared with his mother and older sister.

He never thought that he would be able to have children of his own. Laenor knew that he would love and claim any child Rhaenyra birthed regardless of who the father was, but to have a one that shared his blood was impossible to accurately describe.

"He is perfect." Laenor whispered, dragging a finger gently down the newborn's cheek.

"He truly is." Rhaenyra agreed.

"We cannot keep referring to our son as 'he' and 'him.' We must give him a name." Laenor spoke. "I think we should call him, Joffrey."

Rhaenyra scoffed, "Laenor, we cannot call him, Joffrey."

"Why not?" Laenor asked defensively, he did not understand why they could not honor Joffrey by naming their son after him. In Laenor's mind it was the least he could do after not being able to get justice for his murder.

Rhaenyra gave her husband a sympathetic look, using her hand to caress his cheek. She knew why Laenor wanted their son to have that name, but they did not have the luxury of doing so. "Laenor, our son is not just any prince or person of the realm. He is the heir of the heir, he will one day sit on the Iron Throne, he must have a strong Valyrian name."

As a woman, Rhaenyra was aware of those that use even the smallest detail or situation against her as reasoning for why she should not ascend the Iron Throne and by extension her children. Her heir could not have a name that would bring judgment and scrutiny upon him.

Laenor covered Rhaenyra's hand with his own and sighed, "You are right. We must give him a Valyrian name."

"Besides, I cannot have your father killing you for not giving the Velaryon King he has always dreamed having a name that honors his ancestors." Rhaenyra smirked.

Laenor chuckled, "My father would drag me to the Blackwater and drown me in it with his bare hands."

"So, it is settled." Rhaenyra agreed. "I think a good name for him would be Jacaerys."

Laenor's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Jacaerys? You would be fine with our son having a Velaryon name?"

"He has a Velaryon father, it should not be that surprising." Rhaenyra replied.

"What about your own father?" Laenor asked.

Rhaenyra was unfazed by the question, "He will not care. It was already decided between our own fathers before we were married that our children shall all be born with the name Velaryon. However, when the time comes for them to rule, our eldest will shed that name and ascend the Iron Throne as a Targaryen."

Rhaenyra knew her father would not care about the name of her son and any other future children, so long as they were strong and healthy, Viserys would be happy.

Laenor smiled, "Well, I believe that this name should satisfy the Lord of the Tides and keep him from killing me."

"You're most welcome, dear husband." Rhaenyra joked.

The couple soon fell into silence, enjoying the calming lull with their newborn son. The atmosphere was eventually broken when the door to the bedroom swung open, revealing the King and his wife entering the room.

"I hear that have a grandson." Viserys had a wide grin on his face as he quickly made his way over to the bed, looking more like an excited child than a grown man and King.

"Yes, father. This is Jacaerys." Rhaenyra said, allowing Viserys to hold the babe in his arms.

"Jacaerys. A perfect name for a future King. You have made me proud father and grandsire, Rhaenyra." Viserys told his daughter, but his attention was focused solely on his new grandson.

Rhaenyra smiled, "Thank you, father."

It was then that Alicent had moved, standing directly behind Viserys and looking down at Jacaerys over his shoulder. Despite the mask she wore, Rhaenyra saw the flash of surprise in Alicent's eyes as she looked at her son.

"Congratulations, Princess." Alicent said stiffly.

Rhaenyra gave the Queen a smug smile, "Thank you, Your Grace." She knew Alicent and her followers were expecting her to give birth to a bastard, a bastard whose claim to the Throne would have been shaky, but now she had given birth to a trueborn child, a son whose birth would help to solidify her position.

"This is perfect! Now that Jacaerys is here all we have to do is wait for this little one." Viserys said, turning to his wife and placing a hand on her pregnancy bump. "We can even have them share a wetnurse!"

The room became tense as Viserys continued to ramble about how his grandson, children, and unborn child would bond with each other.

Both Rhaenyra and Laenor thought that their son and Alicent's unborn fifth child sharing a wetnurse was a bit extreme, but neither voiced this opinion aloud.

Alicent pursed her lips, she could see that Viserys was only showing an interest in her pregnancy now that since their fifth child would be the same age as his grandson. He was more excited now than he had ever been during the birth of any of their children, including Aegon.

It was clear that to the Queen that her own children would not only be below Rhaenyra, but all of Rhaenyra's children as well in Viserys' heart.


A week had passed since Jacaerys' birth and Rhaenyra along with Harwin were currently on their way to the nursery to see her son.

Laenor and Viserys had been telling everyone who would listen about the newborn prince, Viserys had even started planning a large tourney and feast to celebrate despite Rhaenyra telling him that such an event was unnecessary and that a smaller one would be more cost efficient, but her father held firm on his desire.

When Rhaenyra entered the nursery, she was not surprised to see her siblings inside. Helaena, Lilyanna, and Aemond were still young enough to be staying there, with Aegon being declared old enough to have a room of his own earlier that year.

What surprised her was the large caldron sitting near Jacaerys' crib.

"Nyra!" Aegon gleefully cheered, running towards his older sister, and hugging her legs. The rest of her siblings greeted her less enthusiastically than Aegon, the twins stayed put while Aemond waddled to her, raising his arms up indicating that he wanted to be held. Rhaenyra, unable to resist, lifted Aemond into her arms.

After Aemond settled, Rhaenyra became aware that her siblings were not alone in the room when she saw Criston Cole standing in the corner.

Criston looked at Rhaenyra for a few moments before tersely responding, "Princess." and turning his head away.

Harwin growled at the disrespect the Dornishman was showing and tried making his way towards the other knight only for Rhaenyra to hold her arm out, wordlessly ordering him to halt. While Rhaenyra would normally never tolerate anyone taking such disrespectful actions towards her, she did not want to cause a scene in front of her siblings.

Harwin stepped back and once she was sure he would not charge at Criston, Rhaenyra focused on her siblings. "So, what are you doing?"

"We got an egg for Jace!" Aegon responded, pulling his sister's arm, and leading her to the caldron, revealing the dragon egg inside.

"You went to the Dragonpit and got Jace an egg?" Rhaenyra was surprised, she had planned to go to the pit herself at some point, but she did not think her siblings would beat her to it.

"We all have dragon eggs, so Jace needs one too." Lilyanna said.

"We got it after Aegon's dragon lesson." Helaena said after her sister.

The dragon egg itself was a deep brown color with green undertones.

"It's a beautiful egg. I must thank all of you for saving me the trouble of finding one. You did an excellent job." Rhaenyra said.

Aegon puffed out his chest at the compliments and Aemond cheered, clapping his tiny hands near Rhaenyra's ear.

"Do you think it will hatch?" Lilyanna asked Rhaenyra.

"I'm not sure, hopefully it will, but maybe not. Most dragon eggs do not hatch, you know. It's not the end of the world, it just means he will have to claim a dragon of his own one day." Rhaenyra said, she wanted to reassure her sister. Out of her siblings, Aegon was the only one whose egg hatched, Helaena, Lilyanna, and Aemond still had the eggs that were placed in their cradles.

The same eggs that Rhaenyra had chosen for each of them still sat there in the nursery. Helaena and Lilyanna's eggs sat untouched next to their beds while Aemond tried to carry his own everywhere he went.

In her mind they were still young, so it was still possible that their eggs would hatch. For those who had their eggs had hatch, while most happened in the cradle, some eggs hatched when the Valyrian was between two and five. It was also possible for an adolescent or adult to get a dragon egg and for it to hatch for them. For herself, Rhaenyra had claimed and ridden Syrax when she seven-years-old, she could still remember the look of pride on both her father and uncle's faces when she became the youngest dragonrider in the world.

"Okay, Nyra." Lilyanna said, she did not mind if her dragon egg never hatched. She already knew that Helaena's and Aemond's never did so she would not be surprised. There was also the fact that she was not originally from this world, so it was unclear if she could bond with a dragon like the rest of her family.

It would be cool if I could be a dragonrider like the rest of them, but I don't want to risk my life over it. I mean just look at Joffrey Velaryon when he tried to ride Syrax, Rhaenyra's she-dragon or when Quentyn Martell, who had Targaryen ancestry from the second Daenerys Targaryen, tried to claim the dragon  Viserion, but failed to see Rhaegal approaching from behind and was bathed in dragonfire as a result. Or even the tale of Silver Denys and his sons during the Dance, they were all dragonseeds and were eaten by the Cannibal when they tried to claim dragons.

Just because you have Valyrian blood doesn't automatically mean you can tame and ride any dragon you come across. Lilyanna thought and she most certainly did not want to end up like any of the others who thought differently.

Lilyanna noticed that while she was distracted, the dragon egg she and her siblings had gotten from the Dragonpit had finally been placed in Jacaerys' cradle. Lilyanna leaned over and looked down at her sleeping nephew.

Part of her was proud that her idea had worked and now there was another trueborn heir to the Throne, but she still had her doubts and reservations.

Her actions had changed things, yes, he was Rhaenyra's son and had the same name as before, but this was not the same Jacaerys Velaryon that would have existed, he is and would be different. This would be the same for Rhaenyra's future children, her actions had written them out of existence.

There was also the fact that while having trueborn children would strength her sister's claim and keep more people on her side, it would not stop the Dance of the Dragons.

The main reason for the war is not because of the illegitimate children, but because Rhaenyra remained heir despite Viserys having three sons.

According to the Andal laws of inheritance that rule most of the continent, a man's heir is his eldest son followed by his younger sons and his eldest daughter would only inherit after his youngest son. But the Iron Throne had always been viewed as different than the holdings of any lord.

While there had been previous female heirs to the Iron Throne, none of them ever ascended to it, usually being replaced by another male relative. The most famous and recent example being Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, who was replaced as heir twice by her uncle and cousin despite those very same laws of inheritance favoring her over them, simply because of her gender.

This is what many lords expected to happen to Rhaenyra once Aegon was born, but Viserys never changed his mind, maintaining that Rhaenyra was his successor to the day he died.

There will always be those who want my brothers on the Throne, but a war can only go as far as the person willing to fight it. If I can keep the peace in the Targaryen family, get these people to love each other, than war can be avoided or at the very least minimized. Then there will be no usurping and kinslaying.

"When's it going to hatch?" Aegon whined, repeatedly poking the dragon egg with his finger.

"Well, it's not going to happen right now, Egg. It could be a few years before it hatches." Rhaenyra laughed.

Aegon groaned, "That's far too long!"

"Aegon, you were four when Sunfyre hatched. It was just last year if you're confused." Lilyanna said with a roll of her eyes.

Aegon crossed his arms and pouted when he heard not only Rhaenyra's laughter, but Helaena's as well at their sister's remark.

"I know it was last year!" He yelled.

"Then you can wait to see if Jace's egg will hatch." Lilyanna replied.

"Now that enough you all. Besides, you should be focusing on what egg you will be getting for our future brother or sister." Rhaenyra told them softly.

The Princess of Dragonstone smiled when she heard her siblings talking over each other in their rush to tell her what egg they were going to get.


Lilyanna could be seen walking towards her mother's apartments with carrying a large haul of books and pillows, somehow managing to balance a tray of tea at the top, the pile so big that it covered her head, forcing the small girl to rely on muscle memory to guide her path.

Many of the servants she passed by offered to help, but she refused, claiming that she was fine and could carry the items herself.

After what felt like a lifetime, Liyanna finally reached the door to her mother's bedchamber.

"Princess?" Criston asked amusedly, this was not the first time the princess had brought her mother items to relax the Queen since news of her pregnancy spread. He had even seen her do such things when he was Rhaenyra's guard and Alicent was pregnant with Aemond.

"I have more stuff for mother, Ser Criston!" Lilyanna replied.

Criston had to hold himself back from laughing as he knocked on the door, declaring Lilyanna's presence to her mother. Once Alicent said 'enter,' he opened the door and held it open for the girl to walk in.

"Mother! I have more things to help you relax!" Lilyanna said as she entered.

"Lily, you have already brought me enough. You do not need to strain yourself." Alicent said, waving to one of the servants, amusedly watching as the servant took the items in her daughter's arms and placed them on table next to the couch she was sitting on.

"It's never enough." Lilyanna replied as seriously as a child could muster, sitting down next to Alicent. "I have to make sure you and the baby are safe."

"Well, your new sibling and I thank you for your service, my little flower." Alicent said, bopping her daughter on the nose, smiling more when she heard Lilyanna giggle.

Lilyanna soon stopped laughing and drew serious, "You would tell me if you're in pain? If there is something wrong with the babe, right?"

Alicent eyes widen, "Of course I would! The babe and I are fine, why do you ask, Lily?"

Lilyanna shrugged, "I just want you both to be safe."

Alicent held her daughter to her chest, "We are. Trust me, Lilyanna. Nothing will go wrong and soon you will have a new brother or sister."

Lilyanna nodded her head; she was still worried something could go wrong. That the choices she has made so far could cause a butterfly effect that might harm others, especially her new family.

No, I can't think like that. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to prevent the Dance. I just have to hope that nothing I do causes too much damage, and if it does, I must live with it.

"You will tell me if some is wrong?" Lilyanna asked.

"Of course, I will, I promise." Alicent said. Lilyanna narrowed her eyes, she did not believe Alicent when she said she would tell her if something was wrong but decided to accept it. With the world they lived in, childbirth was one of the most dangerous things a woman can experience, and the subpar medical education did little to change that.

I really hate being a child sometimes, no one would take me seriously if I told them everything they knew about medicine was horseshit. And despite going to medical school and becoming a doctor specialized for it, I can't even help Alicent through her labor! Advancing the medical practices of this world is definitely going on the list of things I have to do here.

I can even become a sort of healer! Stop so many people from dying senselessly from things that are so easily treated in my world. I mean, stopping the Dance could take decades, I can make it work, I can multitask.

While Lilyanna was having her epiphany, she failed to notice the nannies escorting her siblings into the bedchambers and them also fitting themselves onto the couch until Aegon started jumping on it. Then she felt Aemond start pushing her, wanting to be the one in their mother's arms. Lilyanna them climb to the other end of the couch letting Aemond take her place.

Lilyanna closed her eyes, enjoying the chaos of her family, if she had thought she was attached to them when she was first reincarnated, that feeling had grown exponentially since then.

This was what she had to protect, what she had to prevent from being ripped out of her arms. She already lost her first family when she was killed, she would do everything to keep this one.

With fire and blood...


Two Moons Later

Lilyanna sat in the nursery, sitting next to the window, and watching the people of King's Landing as she tried to ignore the screams echoing throughout Maegor's Holdfast.

Alicent Hightower was currently in labor with her fifth child and Lilyanna was struggling not to run to her side and try to ease her pain.

She had tried to earlier, but the maesters had refused her entry, eventually Criston had to carry her back to the nursery before returning to his post.

Being a kid fucking sucks! Lilyanna screamed in her head. This was not the first time she had heard Alicent's screams of pain, the same happening when she gave birth to Aemond and was also not able to do anything but sit and listen.

Lilyanna turned and focused on her siblings. Helaena was sitting on her bed with the blanket thrown over her head and had been like that since the labor began. Lilyanna had given her sister her own blanket to add to hers to comfort her as she knew Helaena would not have appreciated any physical contact.

Aemond himself had started crying and refused to stop since they first heard Alicent's screams. A nanny was rocking him in her arms in an effort to calm him but failing. Lilyanna had taken him from the servant at one point, stroking his hair and calming him a little before the crying would start again and begging for their mother. Eventually, Lilyanna had given up and did not stop the nanny from taking him into her arms again.

Aegon was uncharacteristically quiet as he sat on Lilyanna's bed and stared at the adjacent wall. He hated to hear his mother in pain and understood the gravity of the situation, giving him no desire to do anything until he knew everything was okay.

Jacaerys had been taken by Rhaenyra hours before as her room was further away from the noise. She wanted to take her siblings with her but was told the Queen ordered them to stay in the nursery. When she went to her father about it, Viserys told them that it was best that they stay in the nursey as she 'would not be able to deal with them.' She was offended of course, but knew her father's mind would not be changed.

It would be another hour before a servant entered the room and informed them that Alicent was okay and of the birth of their new brother.

Soon the four children were being led into their mother's bedroom so they could meet their new sibling.

"Come meet your new brother." Alicent spoke from her place in the center of the bed. In her arms was the newborn swaddled in a green blanket.

Alicent waited until her children climbed onto the bed, surrounding her on both sides before she continued. "This is Daeron."

Daeron had the coloring of House Targaryen with his pale skin, light silver-gold hair, and dark purple eyes.

Lilyanna felt relieved while her siblings began talking and playing with baby Daeron, she was glad that her actions had not changed Daeron's birth.

At least there won't be any more children between Alicent and Viserys. Now I can focus on making all of them different people.


Lilyanna gasped for breath, she opened her eyes and found herself standing in a white void filled of mirrors. When she walked towards one of the mirrors, she saw her old face in the reflection. She looked down at her hands and saw that they were pale and small, she used those hands to pull a strand of hair seeing fiery red instead of curly black.

Just as she turns away from the mirror, she sees three young boys standing in front of her. They each had brown hair and eyes, pale skin, and were wearing black and red outfits, each bearing the sigil of House Targaryen.

She turned towards the mirror across from the three boys and saw that just like her, their reflections did not match their physical bodies.

Lilyanna was unable to see the reflections of the younger two boys, only seeing blurry blobs in their place, but she could see the oldest boy's. In his place was an adolescent boy wearing the same clothes with light brown skin, purple eyes, and dark silver dreads locks that reached the top of his shoulders.

When she looked back at the three boys, she noticed that they had disappeared along with their reflections.

Lilyanna then proceeded to walk through the maze of mirrors. Time passed endlessly as she walked, still seeing Rosalind McDaniels in each reflection.

Eventually she reached the end of the mirrors but noticed that the space she was in spilt down the middle, separating the white void of mirrors from a black void. Lilyanna was undeterred, never stopping even as she found herself in the darkness and the white void eventually disappeared from her sight.

Lilyanna came to a stop when she found herself standing before the Iron Throne. It was then that she remembered a dream she had years ago with the Three Conquerors standing in front of the Iron throne.

She had expected to see them again and was confused when she instead saw two men standing in front of her.

The first man was tall with a slender frame, pale lilac eyes, and pale silver curly hair that fell to his shoulders in ringlets, he was dressed in fine silks and velvets with an ornate golden crown atop his head and had a pale wispy mustache and beard.

The second man was built like a tank, with heavy shoulders, a think neck, and huge arms and legs. His own silver-blond hair was cut short underneath a familiar Valyrian Steel and ruby crown, and his beard was trimmed to his jawline. He was wearing a black suit of armor, with a breastplate covered with the Targaryen three-headed dragon and sword at his waist.

The two men paid her no mind as they argued with each other, fire burning in their eyes as they entered each other's personal space, their arms moving around as they fought. Lilyanna was unable to hear what they were saying, no sound coming from them, even as the larger of the two men shoved the other backwards.

Lilyanna opened her mouth as to gain their attention, but was shocked when no words came out. She continued to try, but she was entirely silent. She even tried to move towards the men, but it felt as if her feet had been glued to the ground.

Liyanna almost jumped out of her skin when she looked past the fighting men and saw torrents of blood spewing form the Iron Throne. So much blood was flowing that it had begun to slowly move up Liyanna's legs, it was as if they were in a locked room that was slowly filling with water.

Soon the blood had risen to Lilyanna's chest, the girl struggling to break free and escape to no avail. The two men were still fighting, ignoring the blood that was surely going to drown them.

Before long, the blood had reached her mouth and Lilyanna desperately leaned her head back once the rusted iron taste hit her tongue, trying to stay alive. Her efforts were in vain as the blood soon overtook her head, the blood filling her lunges reminding her of when she first died choking on blood.


"Augh!" Lilyanna gasp as she woke up from her dreams, she started sucking in air, holding her chest as she tried to calm herself down.

She looked around and saw that she was in the nursery, luckily for her neither Aemond nor Daeron stirred when she had woken up.

"You okay, Lily?" Lilyanna flinched, quickly turning to the side, and seeing Helaena sitting up in her own bed, staring at her.

Lilyanna closed her eyes and responded, "I'm fine, Hely."

"I'm sorry that you had to died choking on blood again." Helaena quietly whispered.

Lilyanna's eyes snapped open, she immediately sat up and turned towards her sister, she was going to ask Helaena to repeat herself, but saw that the girl had fallen back asleep.

She's sorry that I died choking on blood AGAIN?! How did she even know that? Lilyanna thought.

It was then that she remembered that Helaena was a dragon dreamer in House of the Dragon. She, like many of their ancestors, was plagued by these dreams, but she was only able to communicate them through riddles and strange phrases.

She could only talk about her dreams in riddles, not to mention it was my dream not hers. And it was not a prophetic dream, was it? And how could Helaena see my dream? Can she see all my dreams? Can she see everyone's dreams?!

Lilyanna found no sleep that night as her thoughts continued to race through her mind, questions unable to be answered as she thought about Helaena and the Targaryen brothers that were in her dream.

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