The Crimson Dragon |ASOIAF/HOTD|

Divergences and Constants

A Year Later

Aegon has always thought that his sister Lilyanna was weird.

Not a bad weird, but weird non the less.

To be fair, he thought that all his younger siblings were weird, but in Aegon's opinion it was most obvious with Lilyanna, with Helaena being a remarkably close second, then Aemond and Daeron following behind them.

The children of the Keep, with the expectation of Jacaerys and Daeron who were too young, were currently in the middle of their history lesson with Maester Androw.

The maester was a short round old man with a couple of wispy strands of white hair that clung to his scalp as if to keep the man from truly being called bald, pale sagging skin, various scars on his hands, and he wore the traditional robes of his profession.

Sweet, kind, and innocent Helaena had once told her siblings that Maester Androw reminded her of the beached whale they had once seen through the window of the nursery that had washed up on the shores of Blackwater Bay. Aegon remembered himself and Lilyanna laughing until it hurt them too much to continue when they heard that.

Now, Aegon sat in between Helaena and Lilyanna at a long table in the center of the room, each of them had parchment, quills, and ink in front of them that they used to take notes. Aemond sat in the corner of the room at a small desk with their Septa who was helping him learn how to read and write.

The eldest prince was bored out of his mind as he watched the old man in front of him go on about a subject he could not care less about.

At least this is better than our lessons on sums. Aegon thought to himself.

"Which of you can tell me what the first piece of land was the Andals were able to wrest from the First Men during their arrival?" Maester Androw asked.

Aegon rolled his eyes. Why does it matter where they landed? All that matters is that the Andals beat the First Men and ruled Westeros. And then the dragons ruled them...

"Prince Aegon, can you answer my question?" Maester Androw asked, tired of waiting for someone to volunteer and deciding to randomly pick one of his students.

"Oh!" Aegon exclaimed, not expecting to be called on, "Ugh...They landed on the..."

Just as he was about to tell the maester that he did not know the answer, he saw that a small piece of ripped parchment had been placed on his right thigh. On the sheet the word 'fingers' had been hastily written down.

"The Andals first claimed the Fingers when they invaded." Aegon confidently spoke, knowing the answer to be correct as Lilyanna had been the one to give it to him.

Maester Androw raised his eyebrow, "That is correct, my prince." Just when Aegon thought that man would move on he asked, "And where is that?"

"Where is what?" Aegon asked.

"Where are the Fingers on the map of Westeros? Surely you should know that, Your Grace." Androw clarified.

"Oh, that's easy. The Fingers are in the North!" Aegon once replied with the same confidence but saw the look of disappointment on his teacher's face.

"That would be incorrect. The Fingers are in the Vale of Arryn, not the North." Androw stated. "You must pay proper during attention these lesson, Prince Aegon."

The maester the turned towards Lilyanna, "And you cannot keep giving your brother the answers, Princess Lilyanna."

Lilyanna stared at the man blankly before asking, "Why not?"

"Prince Aegon will never learn if you continue to help him. He must learn to do these things on his own, not continue to lean on his sister for support." Androw answered.

"But you would've given Egg the answer after he told you that he didn't know, so how is that different from what I did?" Lilyanna responded, rolling her eyes when the maester was not looking.

Aegon snickered at what his sister said, finding the affronted expression on Androw's face assuming.

Androw's eye twitched in annoyance at the response, but held his tongue as he mistakenly believed that the girl was genuinely asking and not being disrespectful. "It is different, Princess because I am a maester and it is my job to teach you all and correct your mistakes."

Lilyanna said nothing, going back to writing on the parchment in front of her.

Androw turned back towards Aegon, "Have you looked at any of the material I gave you to study, Prince Aegon?"

Aegon leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, he did not see the point in answering a question that they all knew the answer to.

Androw pinched the bridge of his nose and released a sigh, "You must take your education more seriously, you are the King's eldest son, my prince. Your high station demands more from you than what you are currently giving."

Aegon glared at the man, "I already know plenty of things! And if I'm a Prince than I can do whatever I want and learn or don't learn whatever I want."

Androw's eyes narrowed at the prince, "As the eldest son of the King, the realm will always demand more of you. They need a well-educated prince, not one who ignores what others are trying to teach him. You have a duty to perform as your father's son."

Aegon was going to talk back, but stopped when he saw their Septa from the corner of his eye. She had a look of annoyance and disappointment on her face.

Aegon lowered his head and glared at the table, he knew that Septa Marlow would soon be telling his mother about his behavior and his failings during today's lesson.

The prince jumped slightly when he felt a hand rubbing small circles on his shoulder, he turned his head and was surprised to see that it was Helaena as he knew about her aversion to touch. His sister did not look at him and soon drew her hand back and continued taking notes.

Aegon saw Lilyanna smile at him as she nodded her head at the books in front of them, the young boy returned the gesture.

Despite thinking that his sisters were strange, Aegon knew he would not trade them for anything.


Aegon's opinion of Lilyanna continued to persist as the two of them stood in the outer yard of the Red Keep the next day.

The siblings carried wooden training swords in their hands, with Aegon's being larger than Lilyanna's. Both wore steel breastplates with green gambesons underneath, black trousers, and black boots.

The only difference between them was that Lilyanna had her much longer hair styled in a set of braids that their mother had braided for her.

The six-year-old prince began thinking back to the conversation at dinner the previous night that led to this moment.

Aegon pushed the food on his plate around, having not eaten much of it.

This was one of the rare dinners in which most of the family ate together. Viserys sat at the head of the table with Rhaenyra to his right and Laenor next to her. Alicent sat on his left followed by Aegon, Helaena, and Lilyanna. Aemond, Jacaerys, and Daeron remained in the nursery as they were deemed too young to attend.

The young boy was still thinking of the earlier scolding his mother had given him. Alicent had berated him for talking back to Maester Androw, not paying attention during the lesson, and for not studying.

He sat on his bed as Alicent stood in front of him and told him almost the same thing Androw told him during the children's lesson.

That he was the King's eldest son and everyone including King was expecting more from him, that Aegon had to be the one leading all his sisters and not the other way around.

Why does it matter if I study or not? It's not as if father cares if I'm 'well-educated' or not. Aegon bitterly thought to himself.

"Father?" Lilyanna called out, ending the conversation the adults were having and bringing the attention in the room to her.

Viserys' eyes widen in surprise, as if this were the first time he had ever heard his youngest daughter's voice. "Uh… Yes, Lilyanna?"

"Father, I wish to learn swordsmanship." Lilyanna determinately stated.

"Absolutely not." Alicent quickly spoke before Viserys could give his own response.

"And why should she not learn to use a sword?" Rhaenyra asked while staring directly at her former friend.

Alicent quickly turned to Rhaenyra, her eyes narrowed, and her lips turned downwards. "It is too dangerous for her, princess."

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes and turned her head to Lilyanna. "You know, I too asked our father if I could learn to use a sword when I was just a couple of years older than you, sister."

Alicent immediately cut off what Rhaenyra was going to say next. "And your father correctly refused your request, princess. Weapons are the way of men, not proper women."

Before the two women could continue their argument, Laenor spoke to his good-sister. "Why do you want to use a sword, Lily?"

Lilyanna smiled at her good-brother, "I want to be just like Visenya and Maegor!"



Rhaenyra and Alicent asked respectively, both their voices taking on different tones.

While Rhaenyra sounded pleased, proud that her sister aspired to be just like one of the strongest women in their family. Alicent was aghast, deeply trouble about her daughter wanting to like a man known for his cruelty and violent actions.

"Yeah!" Lilyanna cheered, not noticing the change in the room. "I read that Visenya had trained alongside Aegon since they were young and that she was the better warrior. I also read that Maegor was only three when he first held a sword! He was even beating knights by the time he was thirteen!"



Alicent's head quickly whipped towards her husband. "Viserys, you cannot be serious."

"If she wants to learn how to wield a sword than let her, I doubt one lesson will kill her. She'll most likely drop it like all girls who do not understand the burden that comes with fighting and war." Viserys surmised, ignoring the fact that all his daughters were in the room and listening to the conversation.

In Viserys' opinion, if Lilyanna did take to training and grew her martial skills, than it would be a benefit. He knew that due to her condition, Lilyanna would never marry like Rhaenyra and eventually Helaena, there would be no alliance gained or families brought into the fold. If she grew her prowess, she would have a purpose instead of just roaming the Red Keep for the rest of her life, she could be used to strengthen her sister's position when she became Queen.

Rhaenyra was about to respond to her father's comment about girls, but stopped when she felt Laenor take her hand into his own, looking at her as he knew what she had been planning to do.

Alicent clenched her jaw, knowing that her husband would not change his mind about this. It had been bad enough for her when Aegon first began his own martial training earlier in the year and she knew that her feelings about it would only worsen when Aemond and Daeron eventually began their own training, but she knew that it was expected of her sons as they were male and princes of the realm.

But with her daughters, Alicent had thought she would never have to worry about the possibility of them fighting or going to war, even if they did come from a family that conquered the continent using dragons.

Alicent had been taught the place of women in this world, and to her it was not witnessing the worst of humanity during times of war and then fighting and dying on the battlefield.

So why is Viserys trying to make it Lilyanna's? Trying to take away from where she is safe and protected with her family? With me? Alicent thought.

"Then it's settled." Viserys spoke, "Lilyanna will join Aegon in training with Ser Criston in the outer yard tomorrow." The King than turned to his youngest daughter, "You do understand that this is not a game right, Lilyanna? You must take this seriously since you wanted this so badly."

"I will, father. I promise to take my training seriously." Lilyanna spoke, her eyes never leaving her father's and her voice never wavering.

"Don't worry, Lily. I will teach you everything I have learned." Aegon said, although he was shocked by his sister's desire to wield a blade, he was happy that he would have one of his siblings, someone close in age for him to train with.

As a prince, most people kept their distance from him, not wanting to anger someone of higher rank. In the training yard the other boys gave him the proper respect, but only interacted with him when necessary and usually went easy on him during any spars and exercises. During his dragon training, as he was the only one of the children with a dragon and with Rhaenyra often busy with her duties as heir, he only had the dragonkeepers for company.

Lilyanna smiled, "Thanks, Aegon."

The young girl was glad that Viserys had accepted her request, she knew that if she had asked Alicent, the woman would have refused just like she had moments before, which is why she waited until tonight to ask.

With so any people in the room as witnesses, Alicent could not purposely stop Lilyanna from training, especially with Rhaenyra at the table. Lilyanna knew that if that had happened, Rhaenyra would advocate for her both to help her younger sister get what she wants and to spite Alicent.

Since Lilyanna had accepted that she would never be a dragonrider, she decided that being a skilled warrior would be the best way to protect herself. The world she lived in was not a safe one regardless of one's station in life, and with the possibility of war in the future, Lilyanna needed every advantage she could get to ensure her survival.

I wasn't lying when I said that Visenya and Maegor inspired me. Say what you will about who they were as people, but you can't deny that they were both badass warriors that everyone feared crossing. They weren't like most Targaryens, where having a dragon made them dangerous, having dragons just made them  more  dangerous. And I need to be more dangerous. Lilyanna thought to herself.

For the rest of dinner, Lilyanna had a large smile on her face as she envisioned what kind of fighter she would be, ignoring everything else around her.


It did not take long for Ser Criston to appear before the two children. The Kingsguard briefly looked up towards the balcony above the yard, making eye contact with Alicent.

From the end of last night's dinner to the moments before his arrival in the yard, Criston had been giving his Queen reassurances that Lilyanna would not be hurt. The mother of five had been worried sick since her husband had agreed to their daughter's request, but still requested to oversee her first day of training.

Alicent stood on the balcony alongside Helaena, Aemond, Rhaenyra, and Harwin Strong. Despite overruling his wife and agreeing to their daughter's request, Viserys had not bothered to come, stating that he had pressing matters to attend to, but they all knew that he was in his room working on his model of Old Valyria. Laenor had also chosen not to come due to pressing matters, but it was well known that the heir to Driftmark refused to be anywhere near the man that killed Joffrey Lonmouth, longer than necessary.

The Queen stared intensely at her son and daughter below her, ignoring the sounds of Aemond cheering for his older siblings and Rhaenyra speaking to Helaena. She had begun to viciously tear at the skin on her fingers as Criston started the lesson.

Despite Criston's reassurances, Alicent could not help but worry for her daughter, deep down wishing that Viserys would be right, that Lilyanna would either grow bored or disillusioned with fighting and soon give up the childish dream of being warrior.

"Alright, Princess Lilyanna. First, we will begin with learning the proper stance." Criston began, "Show me what you think is right."

Lilyanna thought about for a moment before moving her body, standing with her feet shoulder-width apart, her body lowered, and her sword held in both hands in front of her.

Criston gave the young girl a small smile, "That is almost correct, my princess." The knight then moved forward, gently correcting the placement of her feet, and straightening her back.

Alicent could gradually relax as the training continued and before she noticed, a few hours had passed, and her children's lesson had ended.

The Queen had carried Aemond in her arms as Helaena, Rhaenyra, and Harwin followed behind her, as she moved towards the yard, Alicent could have sworn she heard Rhaenyra mutter something about how fast she was moving under her breath, but chose to ignore it.

"Mother!" Aegon cried out when he saw his family. "Did you see us?"

Alicent smiled as she carted her fingers through his hair, "Yes, I did. You did great, Aegon."

The Hightower then turned to her youngest daughter, "You did great as well, Lily."

Lilyanna smiled, "Thank you, mother." It was clear that the girl was tired due to her more subdued reaction. Some of her hair had come loose from her braids and the girl had a layer of sweat and dirt on her skin.

"I want a sword!" Aemond cried out from his mother's arms, pouting his lips, and flailing his arms around.

Alicent sighed, "You will have one, Aemond, when you are older."

Aemond let his displeasure known with his pout growing larger and burying his face in Alicent's chest. His siblings soon started laughing at Aemond's reaction and Alicent's tried expression.

Alicent chose to put her son on his feet and focus on Lilyanna again, knowing that Aemond would continue to ignore her. "Have you enjoyed your time today?"

Lilyanna's smile grew even larger, inadvertently crushing her mother's hopes. "Yes! I mean my body hurts a lot, but I want to continue. Ser Criston said I was a natural!"

"It is true, Your Grace. I believe that Princess Lilyanna will grow to be great with a blade." Criston stated, while it would be a long time away, he genuinely believed that under his guidance, Lilyanna could become a master swordswoman.

Lilyanna's chest puffed out from the praise she received from the Kingsguard.

"Should we start calling you Visenya, little sister?" Rhaenyra joked.

"Noooo." Lilyanna whined, knowing that Rhaenyra was going to keep making the Visenya comparisons after saying that she wanted to be just like the warrior queen.

"Do you want to join us, Hely?" Lilyanna soon asked, wanting to move the conversation away from their ancestor. Lilyanna noticed that the color had left Alicent's face at the question, the Queen was sure that her heart would stop if Helaena also wanted to wield a sword.

"No." Helaena immediately said, Lilyanna smiled, knowing that her sister had no interest in any intense physical activities, but wanted to ask so her twin would not feel left out.

As the others started walking into the Keep, Lilyanna noticed that Alicent was behind the group and staring at the ground, peeling the skin on her fingers. Criston stood a few steps behind the Queen, waiting for her.

Alicent flinched when she felt her hands being pulled apart, she relaxed when she saw that it was her daughter. Lilyanna smiled at her mother, holding her hand within her smaller one and leading the woman back into the Keep, with Criston following them.

"It's okay, mother. I know you are worried, but I won't get hurt, I promise." Lilyanna said softly, wanting to keep the conversation between the two of them.

Alicent had stopped the pair when she kneeled in front of Lilyanna, pressing a kiss on her forehead. "Please..." She whispered into Lilyanna's hair. Lilyanna did not know what her mother was trying to ask her, but she allowed the woman to hold her.

Lilyanna wrapped her arms around Alicent's shoulders, knowing that her mother needed the comfort and the two held each other in the entrance of the Red Keep.


Lilyanna let out a loud yawn as she walked into the nursery, she was surprised that she was even able to make her way back here given how tired she was.

She had asked Criston about it earlier and the knight told her that this kind of reaction was normal when first training and her body would grow used to the vigorous exercise with time.

She smiled softly at Aemond as she walked past, the young boy was sitting on the floor playing with a small dragon figurine that Rhaenyra had given him.

All the princess wanted to do was take a bath and sleep until morning. As she waited for a maid to fill up her bathtub with hot water, she walked over to the two cradles beside each other holding her youngest brother and nephew.

Both boys were asleep, their little bodies each wrapped around their respective dragon eggs. After Daeron was born, the Targaryen siblings made another trip to the Dragonpit, choosing an egg that Dreamfyre had recently laid for their newborn brother. The egg was a royal purple color with an intricate pattern of blue scales on the top and bottom.

While she was distracted by the infants, Lilyanna failed to notice Helaena approaching from behind. "In another form, two Gods shall soon grace the world."

Lilyanna jumped in surprise, whipping around to see Helaena standing behind her. "Huh? What did you say, Helaena?"

Helaena stilted her head, "Did I say something?"

"You just said 'In another form, two Gods shall soon grace the world." Lilyanna clarified.

Helaena continued to stare blankly at her sister before walking to her bed and gently carrying a slug between her fingers.

Lilyanna started thinking about what her sister said could possibly mean. After Daeron's birth, Lilyanna realized that Helaena was indeed a dreamer in this life, just as she had been on House of the Dragon.

It was the hours early hours of the morning and Lilyanna been staring at her sister's sleeping form for the entirety of the night, she herself was unable to sleep as the conversation she and Helaena had a mere few hours ago repeated in her mind on a loop.

The redhead jumped out her bed when she saw Helaena's eyelids begin to flutter and her upper body stretched upwards.

"What did you mean when you said I died choking on blood again?" Lilyanna immediately asked once Helaena's eyes opened. The older of the pair did not seem unnerved or surprised by her sister's outburst, looking at Lilyanna with the same purple eyes.

"You lived another life, but you were hurt, and you chocked to death." Helaena quietly spoke.

Lilyanna swallowed the lump in her throat, "How do you know any of that?"

"I see it in my dreams." Helaena answered.

Lilyanna slumped to the floor, drawing her knees to her chest, and burying her fingers in her hair. Lilyanna found it hard to breath after the revelation thrown at her, she did not know what to do knowing that Helaena knew the truth about her.

"Doesn't it bother you? That I am not supposed to exist? And that even if Lilyanna Targaryen were to live in this world, that I am not her, just an imposter wearing her skin?" Lilyanna rushed out, her throat felt like it was closing, and it felt impossible to breathe.

"No." Helaena said simply.

Lilyanna lifted her head from her knees and gave Helaena a confused look. "Huh? What do you mean, no?"

Helaena looked down at her hands, "I see all these terrible things all the time when I go to sleep. I hate them. But the dreams with you in it are good, they are pleasant." Helaena reached over and grabbed Lilyanna's hands, "I don't know what they all mean, but I know that you will stop them somehow."

"You really think that?" Lilyanna asked, her voice growing quieter, and the reincarnated woman wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes.

"You are my sister, Lilyanna. You are the only Lilyanna I ever want to know." Helaena said, her voice more serious and determined than Lilyanna had ever heard it before.

This time, Lilyanna was unable to stop the new tears from falling. "I feel like I'm drowning, Helaena. What if I fail?"

"You won't, you have me." Helaena pressed their foreheads together and the two enjoyed the peaceful quiet of the early morning for just a bit longer.

Since that night Lilyanna took whatever sounded like a prophetic dream or vision from Helaena seriously. Everything she spoke of since pertained to mundane things like the weather or court gossip, but what was just said sounded important to Lilyanna.

But what could that mean? 'In another form, two Gods shall grace this world'? What God can Helaena be referring to? And is it an actual God? Lilyanna groaned as her thoughts did not become any clearer.

"You're really killing me here, 'Laena." Lilyanna remarked.

The only response Helaena had given her twin was a hum as she continued to focus on the slug she was holding.

Lilyanna rolled her eyes and went to the other room when she saw the maid that fetched her bathwater, had exited.

Maybe if I relax and sleep on it, the answer will come to me. Lilyanna thought as she took off her clothes and eased herself into the tub.


"Lily! Lily!" Lilyanna jumped awake when she heard Aemond calling her name. The Princess looked around and saw that she was still in the bathtub, having fallen asleep.

"Aemond? What's wrong?" She asked her brother.

"The egg! Jace's egg!" Aemond yelled before running out of the room.

Lilyanna groaned as she got out of the tub, quickly drying her body with her towel, throwing her small clothes on, and putting a robe on top.

When Lilyanna enter the main room of the nursery, she saw that Helaena was also awake, standing next to Aemond who were both standing over Jacaerys' crib.

She was about to question her sister, when she heard Daeron begin to cry. Lilyanna reached into his crib and pulled her brother into her arms, rocking him back in fourth.

As Daeron started to calm, Lilyanna saw what Aemond was talking about, Jacaerys' egg had started to hatch.

Her nephew was currently awake, sitting upright in the corner of his crib, staring at his egg with a focus that Lilyanna did not think was possible for a child so young.

"You guys, stay here; I'll get Rhaenyra and Laenor." Lilyanna sighed, walking out of the nursery with a giggling Daeron in her arms.

It did not take long for Lilyanna and Daeron reach Rhaenyra's chambers. Harwin Strong could be seen standing in front of the doors, the City Watch Commander was confused as to why the young prince and princess were standing before him so late at night.

"Ser Harwin, I need to speak with my sister and good-brother." Lilyanna stated.

"Can I ask why, princess?" Harwin asked, it was not very often that he interacted with the Targaryen, but he found the young princess highly intelligent and charming.

"It's about Jacaerys." Lilyanna clarified.

Harwin's back straightened and he immediately knocked on the door announcing Lilyanna and Daeron's presence. Once Rhaenyra had said 'enter', Harwin opened the door allowing the siblings to enter before entering the room himself and closing the door behind him.

"What is wrong, Lilyanna?" Rhaenyra asked, she and Laenor were planning an upcoming visit from Rhaenys and Corlys, when her siblings appeared.

"It is Jace. His egg is hatching." Lilyanna said, having to pull Daeron's hands away from her face when he tried to put his fingers in her mouth.

Both Rhaenyra and Laenor's eyes widened at the news.

"Let's go." Rhaenyra commanded, leading the group out of the room and towards the nursery.

When they arrived, Lilyanna saw that Aegon was now in the room, she assumed that Aemond had went to get him. She was glad he did, knowing that their brother would have thrown a tantrum if he had been the only one to miss it.


Everyone became quiet when the sound reverberated throughout the room.

A few moments later the egg split open, and a hatchling crawled out from the broken shell. The hatchling was small with olive green scales, large yellow eyes, and orange wing membranes.

The hatchling let out a loud shriek before staring at Jacaerys. The dragon crawled towards the babe, Laenor's body tensed, and he moved closer to the crib, ready to rip the dragon away from his son if it turned hostile.

This proved to be unnecessary as the hatchling wrapped itself around the infant's body, cuddling him. Jacaerys let out giggles as he moved his pudgy hands up and down the hatchling's back.

"It seems we have a new dragonrider in the family." Rhaenyra said, pride coursed through every part of her body as she watched her son bond with his dragon.

"Ha, was there ever any doubt." Laenor happily remarked, Rhaenyra rolled her eyes, she had noticed her husband's posture when the hatchling was staring at their son earlier.

"Congratulations, Your Graces." Harwin told the couple. Despite Jacaerys not being his blood, he too felt a parent's pride at the sight in front of him.

"Whoa! Jace has a dragon now! That means we can fly our dragons together!" Aegon proclaimed, already imagining himself and his nephew flying through the air.

Rhaenyra chuckled and ruffled her brother's hair, "In a couple of years will you, but not now."

"A dragon. Jace has a dragon." Aemond whispered, he had never seen a dragon hatch from its egg, having been too young to remember when Sunfyre hatched for Aegon. The toddler looked towards his own dragon egg next to his bed, wondering when it too would hatch.

Lilyanna continued to stare at the hatchling and her nephew, realizing what Helaena meant with her strange words.

I remember that the original Jace named his dragon Vermax, after one of the fourteen Valyrian Gods. The Fourteen Fires of Old Valyria.

Does that mean that this Jace will also name his dragon Vermax? Helaena also said two Gods will appear. I know that the Strong Boys named all their dragons after the Valyrian Gods, but Rhaenyra isn't pregnant, at least I don't think she is. Lilyanna thought.

She then focused on her youngest brother, Daeron. Lilyanna remembered that it was not just the Strong Boys that named their dragons after gods, but Daeron as well.

Tessarion, his Blue Queen. The redhead realized.

Lilyanna felt someone looking at her, she turned away from her brother and saw that it was her sister.

Helaena had been giving Lilyanna a blank stare, to the redhead it was as if her twin was not there with them all in the moment, as if she were somewhere else.

The staring contest did not also long as Helaena blinked and turned her attention to Jacaerys and his hatchling.

Lilyanna smiled as the others in the room celebrated Jacaerys' accomplishment.


"It is not any surprise that my grandson's egg has hatched! He is a true Targaryen through and through." Viserys proudly stated to people of his court that had begun to congratulate him on Jacaerys' dragon egg hatching.

The King had been boasting about his grandson's feat since the early hours of the morning when his eldest daughter first told him about what occurred during the night.

In front of the Iron Throne stood the rest of the royal family. Rhaenyra stood with Laenor by her side and Jacaerys in her arms with her siblings and the Queen behind her.

Many different nobles had been congratulating the Princess and her consort since they entered the Great Hall. Although, many kept a sizable distance as they did because the new hatchling had been wrapped around Jacaerys' arm and refused to leave his rider.

"Ah, you are just showing how great of a King you already are." Viserys cooed as he stood in front of Rhaenyra, taking Jacaerys into his arms. "And what fearsome dragon you have gained."

"Sunfyre is fearsome too, father!" Aegon loudly spoke moving from his place beside Alicent and standing next to his father.

"I'm sure your dragon will grow just as large as Balerion was, Jacaerys." Viserys said, not paying attention to Aegon, he was focused completely on Jacaerys, assuming his son was just saying something unimportant as most children did.

Aegon visibly shrunk when he saw that his father was once again not paying attention to him. His head faced the ground as he crept back to his mother.

A grimace formed on Alicent's face when she saw how upset and quiet her son had become. She knew that Rhaenyra's children would be more important to Viserys, but knowing this fact never stopped the pain that formed in her heart when she saw her children being affected by it.

"You can show us how fierce Sunfyre is, Egg. I am sure he is even fiercer with you as his rider." Lilyanna said, placing a hand on Aegon's shoulder and pointing to herself, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron.

Aegon smiled, "Yeah! He's the fiercest! After this, I'll show you guys how much bigger he's gotten."

Alicent smiled at her children. At least they will have each other.


The Great Hall became quiet as a loud crack sounded out.

"What's Daeron's egg doing here?" Lilyanna when she heard the loud crack come from behind her. She saw that in a small box sat Aemond and Daeron's eggs.

Ameond had taken to carrying his dragon egg wherever he went, ordering maids to carry the egg in said box for him, so that he could be there when it hatched. This is why she was not surprised to see his egg, but the appearance of Daeron's had thrown her.

"I brought it." Aemond answered.

"Why?" Aegon asked.

"I didn't want Daeron to be left out." Aemond did not want his brother to be upset with Jacaerys' egg hatching and his not, so he decided to bring the egg along with his own.

Just in case.

Another crack rang out and it became clear that Aemond was right, an egg was hatching, just not his own.

Just like with Jacaerys, the dragon egg split open, and a hatchling crawled out. The young dragon was bright blue with cobalt blue wings and had bright copper coloring on its claws, crest, and belly.

Gasps broke out thought the Great Hall as the dragon began to move around. The Kingsguards each gripped the handles of their swords, ready to cut down the small creature if necessary.

"My Queen!" Criston Cole yelled as he saw the dragon begin to make its way towards Alicent and Daeron.

The knight was about the cut the creature down when Lilyanna stepped in from of him, forcing the knight to halt his strike.

"Lilyanna! What are you doing?!" Alicent yelled after seeing her personal guard almost cut her daughter down and her daughter now standing in front of the dragon.

Lilyanna did not answer her mother as she focused on the she-dragon in front of her. She kneeled in front of the dragon and held her hand out.

Everyone in the room thought that the hatchling would attack the princess. Even if the hatchling was new to the world, it was still a dragon and a dragon's actions could be unpredictable.

But everyone was once again surprised when the hatchling stared at her for a beat before crawling onto her palm.

Lilyanna soon stood and walked towards her mother and brother. Alicent's body tensed as she was the small creature in her daughter's hands, it took everything in her not to jump back as Lilyanna closed the distance between them.

Lilyanna presented the dragon to Daeron, the infant stared at the dragon before grabbing her in his tiny hands. Daeron giggled as the dragon rubbed its tiny body against his own.

"I guess we're celebrating two dragonriders." Laenor said, his statement being heard across the hall due to how quiet everyone became.

"How was she able to hold the dragon?" Rhaenyra asked aloud. She was shocked that the hatchling did not try to attack Lilyanna, she knew how dragons could get when they were being kept from their bonded rider. And because it was newly hatched and had yet to be trained, the dragon should have attacked Lilyanna on its path to Daeron.

But it did not, the hatchling calmly allowed Lilyanna to carry it and bring it to Daeron, unbothered by her touch or presence.

"See, it's okay mother. She was just trying to get to Daeron." Lilyanna said as she wrapped her arm around Alicent's waist.

"You're going to be the death of me, Lily." Alicent whispered to herself. She knew her children had claims to dragons but knew she would never get used to the fire-breathing creatures. Seeing the dragon before her make its way towards herself and Daeron and then crawl on Lilyanna, terrified Alicent to her core.

"Daeron has a dragon too?!" Aemond cried out in shock. He ran to his mother and siblings to get a better look at his brother's dragon. A part of him was happy for Daeron while the rest of him was jealous. But the feeling simmered down as Aemond remembered that that his sisters lacked dragons as well.

"Oh. Well… It appears that my son wanted to show his dragon blood as well." Viserys said as he broke out of his shocked stupor.

The Great Hall slowly broke out into applause at the scene in front of them, they had just witnessed the making of not one, but two dragonriders for House Targaryen.

Viserys then proceeded to awkwardly rub Daeron's head and kiss Alicent on his cheek before leaving to speak with more members of the court that wanted to congratulate him.

More people surround the Queen as they desired to get a look at the newest member of the family to claim a dragon.

Lilyanna smiled as she watched her brother getting the attention he deserved, although she felt bad knowing that Daeron would not remember this moment.

Aegon began telling everyone who would listen about how great their brother was and how he, Daeron, and Jacaerys would be flying their dragons very soon.

Lilyanna did not know what possessed her into reaching out to Tessarion. She knew what dragons were like, especially young ones, and yet she did it anyway. Lilyanna knew that Criston was going to kill the dragon, thinking it was a threat to the Queen and prince's lives and her body just reacted.

She felt no fear as she locked eyes with the hatchling, she felt calm as she waited for the dragon to realize that she was not a threat and when it crawled into her hands.

It was as if we were communicating with each other, as if we shared a bond with each other for just a moment, where we both agreed that Daeron was most important in that moment. Lilyanna thought.

That cannot be possible. But at the same time, I have no other way of explaining it.

Lilyanna shook away her thoughts as she looked at her family, most of them her focused on Jacaerys, Daeron, and their dragons except for Rhaenyra and Aemond.

Aemond had left the circle their family had found themselves in and walked back to the box holding his dragon egg and Rhaenyra was staring directly at Lilyanna.

Lilyanna knew that her older sister was questioning what just occurred. As someone with a deep bond with her dragon and an understanding of them, Rhaenyra knew that what happened between Lilyanna and their brother's hatchling was not normal.

Not wanting to be confronted by Rhaenyra over something not even she herself understood, Lilyanna tore her gaze away from the older Targaryen and walked over to Aemond.

"Are you okay, Aemond?" Lilyanna asked as she stood next to her brother, both staring at the boy's dark red dragon egg.

"Yes." Aemond said sullenly.

"You'll get a dragon, Aemond." Lilyanna said.

"I really want one!" Aemond cried, tears streaming down his face.

Lilyanna used her thumbs to wipe away her brother's tears. "And you will. I know you will claim a dragon, Aemond."

"I will?" Aemond asked.

"I know you will, and when you do, they'll be one of the biggest and strongest dragons around." Lilyanna reassured.

Aemond grinned at his sister before grabbing his egg. "They will! A strong dragon will hatch out of my egg, Lily!"

Lilyanna returned the smile, but did not know if what Aemond said would come true. It was possible that her actions made it so his egg would hatch this time around, but Jacaerys and Daeron proved that it might not be the case.

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