The Crimson Throne

Chapter 107: Anticipation

'Until next time, Lady Estella.' Alexander's voice rang in her ears before she traversed the palace entrance.

'Until next time, Your Highness,' Elaine responded, stepping outside.

When they reached the carriage, Cecil marched ahead of her to open the door. He then inclined his body and extended his hand. "Please allow me, milady."

"Thank you, Sir Ascania." She accepted his gesture and entered.

To Elaine's surprise, the return journey progressed with no deviation from the ride to Soleias—no strange illusions or paralyzing nightmares. She decided not to question the situation and enjoyed the momentary serenity. Whatever was staving off the creatures, it was to her benefit. 

The carriages split in different directions upon their arrival at the Croix estate, with Estella's parents and little brother returning to the main manor while Elaine continued to hers. When she reached her quarters, she noticed a familiar figure standing by the door, waiting for her. Elaine raised a brow. She was not expecting Liviane's former maid. However, knowing Tasha's personality, she must have an important matter to report. 

"Let her in," she ordered. 

"As you wish, milady." The servants opened the door, allowing Elaine and her guard to enter, with Tasha heeling them. 

After the door shut behind them, Elaine settled on an elegant piece of furniture at the antechamber's center while Cecil stood behind her. Instead of immediately raising the question, she poured and enjoyed a cup of tea, leaving Tasha standing beside her in an outstretched silence. The tea's aromatic scent and herbal taste relaxed her, allowing a brief tranquility before she switched focus to the maid. "What happened?" Elaine asked, placing the cup back on the table.

"The maid called Agnes Rossi is dead," Tasha answered in a monotone voice as if relaying an ordinary event.

Elaine sighed. She had expected an attempt on Azalea's life and placed the Duchess' former maid in the Summer Manor, tasking her to only observe and not interfere. However, after weeks passed with little movement, combined with her sudden collapse and the Third Prince's birthday celebration, Elaine had pushed Laeticia and her daughter's issue to the back burner. Yet currently, contrary to her assumption, the culprit killed Laeticia's former maid instead of targeting the little girl. "How did she die?" Elaine glanced at Tasha.

"A couple of servants found her at the stairs' bottom. The fall broke her neck."

"Someone shoved her?"

"Forgive me, milady. I was not at the scene. From my understanding, Agnes was already dead when they found her."

"I see." Elaine lowered her gaze, staring at her reflection inside the teacup. The plump maid betrayed her former master. What plausible motive would propel someone to kill her? Was it an act of revenge? Or was it to silence the woman? "Where was Azalea at the time?" Elaine returned from her contemplation. First, she needed to eliminate the obvious suspect.

"Miss Azalea was washing dishes in the kitchen."

"And you can vouch for her?"

"Yes, milady. I was working nearby." 

"I understand." Elaine waved her hand, dismissing Tasha. "You may leave and continue your duties like usual."

The maid bowed and exited the antechamber.

An opportunistic murder? Someone used the timeframe the Duke and Duchess attended the banquet in the Capital to commit the crime. However, the victim was only a maid. The culprit could have committed the crime anytime, and no one would bat an eye. Why now? Even if she eliminated Azalea, anyone who resided in the Summer Manor could have been the offender. The suspect pool was too large. Perhaps she should investigate further into Laeticia's previous relationships.

Elaine covered her mouth, suppressing a coming yawn. She glanced out the window at the darkened skies, remembering the event in Soleias and her exhaustion before Tasha informed her of Agnes' demise. "Rest, Sir Ascania," she ordered. "It had been a long day for the both of us."

"As you wish, milady." Cecil marched to the door. Before leaving, he turned around once more and inclined his body. "I wish you pleasant dreams tonight, Lady Estella," he said. 

"Thank you, Sir Ascania." Elaine returned him a warm smile. Since learning of her insomnia, the brief exchange had become a nightly routine between them. It was a simple statement. Yet, Elaine knew it was the blonde-haired young man's method of expressing concern for her. "I will have pleasant dreams tonight," she assured him.

After her guard left, Elaine allowed the maids to enter and prepare her for bed. Lying on the comfortable mattress, she wanted to continue her deduction. Unfortunately, unable to overcome the creeping sleepiness, she succumbed to its temptation in only a few minutes.

The following day, after finishing Estella's studies with various mentors, Elaine summoned a carriage to the Croix archives. Again, she returned to the dimmed hall behind the bookshelves and the well-lit, spacious chamber it led to. "Bring me everything on Laeticia's relationships," she commanded, sitting at the lone table and glancing across the hundreds of shadows occupying the walls.

"Yes, Lady Estella," a female voice replied. Three shadows then receded from the walls. 

Satisfied, Elaine rose and exited the chamber, tracing her way back to the archives. As always, Herbert was waiting on the other side. She smiled, bidding farewell to the old archives keeper, and returned to Estella's manor. 

Elaine sat at her desk inside the antechamber, planning her next move. Despite wanting to avoid the subject, her thoughts wandered back to the Third Prince's birthday celebration and its future implications. The Étoile Emperor's damage reparations would probably satisfy most nations, except for the Léonas Empire. After their Emperor's death and the First Prince took over, Elaine foresaw an accelerated deterioration in the relationship between the two empires. Since the Léonas Empire remained in mourning and Nickolas had not ascended the throne, the two empires maintained an outward alliance. Yet, bubbling tension built underneath the surface. Future transgressions, together with old resentments between the nations, would soon chip away at their friendship, culminating in the invasion in the second half of the book.




In this world, living a long life is the exception rather than the rule.

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