The Crimson Throne

Chapter 108: Tweak

Although Elaine predicted the war and speculated on its origination, she had no intention of preventing or reducing its impact. Since the event would occur after the Croix's downfall, she would no longer be involved in Étoile's affair. After all, Elaine considered herself no different from a traveler passing through. Eventually, she would return home and leave her role as Estella behind. Thus, she wanted no attachment to this world or its inhabitants. 

However, despite her determination, Elaine was only a normal human, shackled by emotions. She would develop unnecessary bonds and unintentionally sabotage her future objectives if not careful. Elaine missed her loving parents, and her heart agonized at the thought of never reuniting with them. Unlike her life on Earth, filled with warmth, the book world resembled an unending nightmare—surrounded by people yet experiencing nothing besides dread and isolation. 

Elaine closed her eyes and shook her head, suppressing the long-sealed feelings resurfacing within herself. She realized only a year remained between now and the story's beginning—a limited yet crucial time to establish her standing in the Duke's eyes. Given the original Estella's childish actions before her arrival, Elaine doubted she could become anything but a mindless puppet in Gerard's schemes. However, the Estella from the story was a ruthless and calculating individual. She actively participated in the Croix's destructive maneuvering in the battle for the crown and became directly and indirectly responsible for many devastating aftermaths. Elaine would require more liberties to operate under the Duke's control to fulfill Estella's destined role. 

She exhaled and returned her notebook to the desk drawer's secret compartment. Leaning against her chair, she stared absently at the antechamber's high ceiling. Proving her worth to Gerard would be a challenging task. Elaine had already wasted a year stumbling through and barely surviving the previously unknown background events. How did Estella transform from an immature young girl into a formidable Crown Princess in only two years? 

I cannot be impatient. One step at a time, Elaine reminded herself. Besides Estella's poisoning, the Laeticia incident was an opportunity she seized. Once she evidenced her resolve and competence, Elaine hoped to earn the Duke's trust and achieve her goals.

A few days later, after returning from lessons, she found a stack of documents placed neatly on her desk. On time, as always. Elaine's lips curled as she dismissed the servants. After the last servant closed the door behind her, she stepped forward at a steady pace, feigning calmness despite her excitement. 

She picked the first document and perused its content for new information—the pages described the former relationship between Laeticia and her maid, Agnes. Both were now deceased. Elaine combed through other relationships' documents, searching for commonalities and finally stopping when she landed on a particular detail. Her eyes fixated on the words while her lips widened into a bright smile. Elaine wrote a few words on her palm and then rose from her seat, gathering the stack of intel and throwing them into the fireplace. Like nourishment, the flames exploded after swallowing the paper. Their bursting light flickered in her silver eyes.

The next couple of days passed like usual. After returning from another trip to the Croix archives, she ordered the servants, "Summon the head maid." A maid complied and disappeared into a hallway. Elaine then returned to her quarters.

Minutes later, a slight knock sounded from the door outside the antechamber, followed by a young female voice. "The head maid is here, milady."

"Let her in."

The door creaked open, allowing footsteps inside. "How may I be of service, milady?" The head maid stopped before Elaine and bowed. 

She faced the dutiful-looking older woman, eyes studying her. After a moment, Elaine nodded, pleased with her guest's demeanor. She cared little about the sincerity of the woman's outward projection nor that she was still Estella's mother's 'spy.' As long as the head maid understood her position and followed their agreed-upon arrangement, Elaine was happy to utilize her while continuing Liviane's charade. "I want you to stage a play," she declared.

"Forgive my ignorance, Lady Estella." The head maid glanced up, eyes muddled by puzzlement. 

"You shall do as I directed." She glided toward the older woman and whispered instructions in her ear. "Feel free to report to my mother. I do hope she will attend." Elaine chuckled, then turned her heels and motioned the head maid's dismissal.

Upon exiting, the older woman stumbled into Tasha waiting outside the door. Her facial muscles briefly tensed before glancing away and hurrying down the hall. The emotionless maid ignored the awkward encounter and entered the antechamber.

"I am here, milady." Tasha bowed.

"Good." Elaine clasped her hands together and turned around, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glow. "I have a new task for you."

After positioning the players and setting the pieces in motion, she stood before the window, staring out the verdant garden while placing a hand to calm her palpitating heart. Let's hope my hunch is correct. The recently obtained information pointed Elaine in a new direction, and she planned to test her theory. First, however, she needed to confirm a minor detail in the report.

"Inform Sir Ascania to wait for me outside," she commanded, retreating from the window. "And summon the carriage. I wish to see my father."

"As you wish, milady," replied a servant as footsteps departed from her quarters. Another servant returned moments later and notified Elaine. "The carriage is ready."

"Good. I will be down." She grabbed a pen from her desk and wrote a few names on a piece of paper before folding and tucking it inside her sleeve. Elaine then smoothed the creases on her dress, opened the door, and walked into the hall. 




Happy Thanksgiving!!! Like I mentioned before, holidays' updates will be slow

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