The Crimson Throne

Chapter 109: Permission

"Welcome, Lady Estella," Yusef greeted Elaine at the main manor's entrance.

"I wish to speak with my father."

"Unfortunately, His Grace is currently with a guest and cannot see you right now, milady. If you would like to return later…"

"I will wait for him," Elaine declared, stepping past the black-clad man and proceeding inside the manor to a waiting chamber beside Gerard's study. "Notify my father that I am here." Upon entering, she settled into a comfortable chair as the servants served her refreshments.

"Of course, Lady Estella." Yusef bowed, turning to leave.

"Who is my father's guest?"

The black-clad man's footsteps halted before reaching the door, stopped by Elaine's sudden question.

"It is Baron Lucas."

The man who attended Estella's previous birthday with his mistress. What is his purpose here?

"I see." She nodded and sipped her tea. "You may leave."

"Thank you, milady."

Time ticked by, leaving Elaine to wait more than an hour before Yusef returned with welcomed news. "His Grace will meet you now, Lady Estella." He stood by the door and inclined his body, gesturing for her to follow him.

"Good," she replied and rose from her seat. When Elaine arrived at the study, she found the Duke standing near the window with his back toward her, watching the outside scenery with intense focus. "Greetings, Honorable Father." She curtsied.

"I hear you have some issues to discuss with me?" he asked while continuing his observation through the glass panes. 

"I have two matters," she stated. "I wish to seek clarification for one and permission for the other."


"Whom among your mistresses were pregnant nine years ago?" she inquired.

Gerard glanced back at Elaine with intrigue. "Why would you be curious about such a matter?" He retreated from the window and returned to his desk.

"It is just a temporary relief of boredom. I hope you would allow me the knowledge." She smiled.

"And what is your second request?" The Duke's eyes narrowed, and his sharpened gaze scrutinized her.

Elaine met his pressurized eyes with a maintained composure. Living in the Croix estate for a year had taught her how to manage interactions with the Duke. He required respect yet disliked timid behavior. The greater one yielded to his intimidating presence, the more he would assert his dominance and control. It was a tug-and-pull game that Elaine learned to adapt. "I would like to request permission to leave the estate premises."

"Reason?" He pulled a document from the stack on his desk and started writing. 

"I want to attend the Primavière Festival in Geris this year."

"Why should I allow this request?" 

"As the future Crown Princess, I would like to learn more about our territories and assist my fiancé in governing Étoile once he ascends the throne." Before arriving at the main manor, Elaine prepared an excuse for the current moment. "What better way to learn than through understanding our subjects' livelihoods and needs?" she claimed. 

Gerard ceased writing and looked up from his work. "Your desire for knowledge is admirable. Very well, I shall allow it." Before Elaine could celebrate, he continued, "However, I will only allow one of the two requests you brought here today."

Elaine slipped into a pensive silence. I knew it would not be easy. At least he is letting me choose, she reasoned. The final choice was clear from the beginning. "I wish to attend the festival." She decided after a brief contemplation. I can always use other methods to investigate the pregnancies.

"Very well." Gerard nodded, then addressed Yusef, "Go to the knight training ground and inform the knight captain my daughter requires a couple of escorts."

"As you wish, Your Grace." The black-clad man bowed, preparing to leave.

"There is no need. I do not wish to cause a commotion among the commoners," Elaine stated while her guard moved to block the entrance. "Besides, the Croix's guards and knights will patrol the streets throughout the event. I will not encounter danger since the festival will be within Geris' territory. Sir Ascania is sufficient for my protection." She quickly added, "I believe in our men's competence to contain any incidents since we have one of the most elite troops in the Étoile Empire. Don't you agree, father?"

The Duke did not react to her flattery, only replied, "You will need to bring one more knight with you."


"This is my final decision—accept it or stay home." His tone did not tolerate further negotiation.

"Yes, I understand." Elaine's gaze lowered, chewing her lips. I may be unable to move freely with another knight, but the result is still acceptable.

"If there are no other issues, you may leave." Gerard's attention again shifted back to the documents on his desk.

"There is one more matter." Elaine remained stationed. "I would like to summon a magician to facilitate my disguise." Every inhabitant within Geris knew of the Croix ruling family members' traits. Even if she wished to stay under the radar during the celebration, her current appearance alone would cause an uproar. 

"Granted." Gerard accepted her request without looking up from his work.

"Thank you, father." Elaine curtsied and then turned on her heels, departing from the Duke's study.

While sitting in the carriage heading to Estella's manor, she pulled a paper from her dress pocket. Elaine again perused its contents. Though she could not achieve all her goals, the outcome was within expectation. The anticipated Primavière Festival was three days away, and she wanted her attendance as inconspicuous as possible. Elaine tucked the paper back inside. Although this event was not associated with the main characters or the storyline, she would still prepare for safety measures. Elaine could not foresee any imminent threats. Yet, based on previous experiences, she had learned to expect the unexpected.




It is just me or my romance novel has almost non-existence romance? I wanted to write romance but the plot kept getting in the way 😂 

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