The Crimson Throne

Chapter 115: Reason (2)

Hidden in an undisclosed area within the Ynones Tavern was a chamber of opulence. Ornate carvings and embroideries festooned its walls while luxurious furnishings filled its interior. Despite its inconvenient location, the chamber's extravagance far exceeded the tavern's most expensive accommodation, signifying the importance of the guests invited into its domain. At the center of the blinding luxuries were two masked men sitting on opposite sides of a long oval table. Behind them were several men, standing immobilized like statues, yet emitting an overwhelmingly oppressive aura, suffocating even those who only dared to peek at them from afar.

"I pray Astria's well-known hospitality did not disappoint, Your Majesty," the older of the two masked men spoke. His thin lips curled amiably under the groomed mustache.

"I am not here to judge your city's hospitality," said the younger man, slamming a fist on the table. His sharpened gaze pierced through the two small eyeholes on the festival mask. "Do not make unnecessary presumptions about my title. I will not forgive your disrespect toward the Emperor next time," he warned. "The required mourning period has not yet ended."

"I have made a grave mistake." The mustache man's smile stiffened, and a shiver traveled down his body. Shadows slightly overcast his eyes, yet the man controlled his shimmering anger. Usually, he would have slain anyone exhibiting such arrogant behavior toward him. However, the younger man was of a social status and influence that he would not dare or afford to kill. "Please forgive my impudence, Your Highness. It will not happen again." He bowed, expressing the utmost 'remorse' for his error.

"Let's continue our dealing," the younger man suggested, no longer having the patience for idle chatter.

"Yes, yes. Let us continue." The mustache man lifted his head, and the eager-to-please smile returned. "Well then, could you please show His Highness the goods?" He shifted his gaze to a black-clad man standing in the corner, holding a small, decorative box with one arm while only a hollowed sleeve attached lifelessly to his shoulder where the other arm was supposed to be.

"Of course." The black-clad man displayed his usual impeccable smile and advanced toward the two men. "My apologies for the delay, Your Highness." After arriving, he bowed before the younger man and carefully placed the box on the table's surface.

"Open it."

"As you wi—"

A sudden shout from outside disturbed the ongoing transaction. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" A brief silence followed before someone else yelled, "What did you do to my brother? Stay back—" Similar to its unexpected start, the shouting ended abruptly. Seconds later, the door opened, and a brown-haired young man entered the chamber, holding a sword in one hand while dragging an almost frozen middle-aged man by his shirt with the other. Slumping beside the doorway behind him were two dead men with their throats slashed. Red liquid dripping from the still-warm bodies blended with the melting ice, creating several sticky, small puddles and dulling the ordinarily shiny marble floor.

"How dare you lowly peasant…" The older man rose from his seat, mustache bristled with rage. His eyes traveled to the middle-aged man and immediately recognized him as the subordinate he had dispatched to exterminate the pests. It should have been a simple mission to kill a few nosy commoners. Yet, the imbecile had returned defeated and at the enemy's complete mercy. "What are you all waiting for? Kill the intruder," he ordered, his gaze narrowing on the brown-haired young man.

The mustache man could hear the sounds of weapons unsheathing. However, moments passed with no further movements. He glanced back suspiciously and found the black-clad man had slipped behind him, blocking his men's path. "What are you doing, Yusef?" he probed through clenched teeth.

"Unfortunately, Viscount Marius, I cannot allow you to harm His Grace's offspring."

"The Duke's…offspring?" Marius repeated in disbelief, returning his gaze to the brown-haired young man. To his discomfort, the intruder had already advanced closer, and nothing was preventing him from reaching the Viscount's location.

"I did not expect to meet you here, Yusef," said a velvety young female voice.

The Viscount's eyes widened, finally noticing a petite figure following the brown-haired young man. She was the raven-haired commoner girl who was observing him and his companions on the Ynones Tavern's second floor—the primary target of his men's mission. A delayed realization dawned on Marius, and his gaze dashed to the unconscious middle-aged man and the thin layer of ice covering over half his body. "It couldn't be…" he mumbled, jaw tightening.

The House of Croix's elemental magic could only be wielded by those who inherited the main bloodline.

"Nor was I, Milady," Yusef replied to the young girl, confirming her identity.

The Duke of Geris had many children, though only a few inherited the Croix's magical ability. It should not be challenging to recognize them. However, despite scouring his memories, the Viscount could not identify any child with the young girl's characteristics. Perhaps her current appearance was a disguise since the beginning. To his knowledge, only one individual within the Croix estate fit the adolescent girl's age range. A familiar image slowly formed in his head. "Are you Lady—"

"I never imagined this situation to be our reunion, Viscount Marius," the girl chimed, cutting him off. She and her companion had halted their advance, stopping only a few steps away.

"Milady, I…" he swallowed, tension rising in his body.

"No need to explain, Viscount. I understand your reason," she claimed. Her bell-like laughter soothed the room's heavy atmosphere. The young girl then tapped the brown-haired young man on his shoulder. He nodded and immediately released the middle-aged man and sheathed his sword. Yet, before anyone could exhale in relief at the dissolving tempestuous storm, she continued, "However, an assassination attempt against the Duke's offspring is an executable crime in the Geris Dukedom. I pray you will also understand my reason."

The young girl's companion, without waiting for her to finish speaking, swiftly darted toward the Viscount, producing a concealed dagger from his sleeve and driving it into the man's neck, resulting in his instantaneous demise. Marius dropped to the floor. The blood spatters from his fatal wound expanded like a blossoming flower, staining his well-groomed mustache and pristine noble attire.




Back to Elaine's perspective in the next chapter

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