The Crimson Throne

Chapter 116: Transaction

"Rest in peace, Viscount Marius. I hope you will not hold a grudge against me in your afterlife. It is nothing personal." Elaine's apathetic gaze stayed on the Viscount's body for a moment before instructing her guard to remove the corpse. "Kill that other man. He is no longer of use to me," she commanded.

"Yes, milady." Cecil grabbed the bloodied dagger extracted from Marius' neck and plunged it into the middle-aged man's chest, piercing the heart and extinguishing his target's last breath.

"Milady, I wish you would wait until we complete our business dealing before punishing the Viscount," Yusef lamented, shaking his head. 

"I shall become the host in his stead," she stated, taking elegant strides to Marius' seat at the oval table. "I am confident our respectable guest would not object." A servant replaced the bloodstained chair before Elaine arrived. After curtsying and settling down, she turned to the silent patron, deploying her commercial smile. "Please allow me the honor, Your Highness."

At first, Elaine's primary aim for attending the festival was different. Though she intended to exploit the estate infighting to maneuver her way into Gerard's trust, the coincidental encounter with Marius and his notable client sparked inside her a daring idea—a more effective method to expand her influence in Estella's clan's various reaches. In the future, the Estella from the story would assist the Duke in enacting several of his schemes. Elaine must learn about the House of Croix's strengths and weaknesses to fulfill her predecessor's prominent role. 

Though she initially planned to establish a connection with the Viscount through his henchmen and reveal herself, Elaine did not expect the murderous resolve. She would have forged a pact with him if not for the suddenly flipped script. However, Elaine quite preferred the current setup. The Viscount botched assassination attempt provided her with a justifiable reason to eliminate him and take over the transaction. After contemplating, Elaine concluded that even if she controlled him, the man's psychotic mindset would only later breed troubles for her. In fact, she wondered how Marius convinced Gerard to entrust him with the high-profile client, considering his lower status. 

What bargaining chips did he offer?

Elaine continued her prolonged eye contact with the Léonasian man, offering him her most genial smile. Involving herself in the man's transaction would open a floodgate of opportunities and increase her impact on Gerard's future political and business affairs. The story's original timeline was approaching, and Elaine could no longer afford the luxury of idly waiting on the sideline. She must snatch any available chances. "Now, Yusef, let us not delay our guest's valuable time further," Elaine suggested. 

"Why should I continue this business?" the Léonasian man finally responded, scrutinizing her. "You claim to be a suitable replacement for the other man. What is your proof?" His golden eyes pinned hers as he spoke while his tone tolerated no chicaneries.

"Is my blood relation to the Duke of Geris not enough of a qualification?" Elaine kept her affable visage despite the man's troublesome doubts. She expected the suspicions and pushbacks. "I can assure you, Your Highness, that I am the best candidate to conduct the transaction between you and Geris. Would you not prefer to liaise with someone more permanent and influential instead of another one of my father's subordinates?" She paused as her eyes fleetingly passed over the dead bodies before continuing, "Your Highness, I assume you did not travel to Astria and arrange this meeting only to return empty-handed. Then, is it not in both our interests to continue the current dealing?" Upon seeing the man's narrowing gaze, she quickly added, "Of course, please do not misconstrue my invitation with nefarious intentions, Your Highness. If you reject my proposal, I am certain my father can schedule another date to resume between you and a more qualified individual. As our honorable guest, the final verdict always rests with you."

Elaine's gaze furtively monitored the black-clad man throughout her persuasion speech, studying his reaction. She knew he would not call her bluff in front of the Léonasian man and risk an embarrassing situation for his master. However, Elaine was uncertain if he would step in to stop the charade. To her pleasant surprise, the Smiling Devil maintained his agreeable facade and did not interfere. Whatever the reason for his decision, Yusef should not pose any threat to her plan for now.

Her focus returned to the Léonasian man, patiently waiting for his decision. Elaine realized his identity from the moment she laid eyes on him. Defying her nerve warning of danger, she made a bet based on her understanding of his character in the original story. For the man to delay his duties and enter the enemy territory, the merchandise in today's exchange must have been consequential. It was the primary reason Elaine forcefully inserted herself into the meeting despite risking Gerard's wrath.

Every ticking second caused cold sweat to drip down her back, yet she maintained her composed expression. It was her first independent venture outside the interpersonal silos of Étoile and the Croix estate, and Elaine knew she could not falter under the man's intimating presence. The cost of losing this wager could mean her future freedom to maneuver under Estella's father's control.

"Open it," said the Léonasian man. 

"As you wish, Your Highness." Yusef complied, opening the mysterious box on the table.

Elaine's body tensed with excitement, though she managed to suppress it. Her dangerous gamble was successful. However, it was not the time to celebrate since the victory was only the first step on a perilous path. Elaine leaned forward, curious to find out what was inside. 





Can you guess the man's identity? 😃

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