The Crimson Throne

Chapter 78: Clarify

"Milady, are you alright?" Cecil repeated his question.

“I am fine, Sir Ascania.” Elaine forced a thin smile, though her pale complexion betrayed her.

His gaze stayed on her, unconvinced. "Princess, please show me your hand," he suddenly requested.

Elaine gave him a quizzical look. Though skeptical, she extended one of her hands. 

"Please forgive my insolence." Cecil also reached out his hand and caught hers.

She flinched, almost pulling back. Elaine did not expect the uncharacteristic action. What could have induced it? She always perceived Cecil's personality as more reticent than Elias' and Alexander's. "Sir Ascania?"

"You always seemed restless when traversing through the portal. I do not know the troubles that plague you, but please allow me to share your burden, milady." He leaned in, gently kissed her fingers, then glanced up—long golden lashes lined his eyes. His gaze possessed the familiar tranquility, yet it also overflowed with conviction. 

Elaine tensed, scrunching her brows. She did not know how to respond. Though Cecil's proposal sounded enticing and could alleviate some pressure on Elaine's shoulders, revealing to him about the portal creatures might compromise her origin. And no matter how much she trusted him, Elaine planned to carry the secret to her grave. She leaned back, biting her lips. "I appreciate your concern, Sir Ascania. However, this is not a matter you should involve yourself in." Elaine's eyes dropped to her hands, not bearing to meet his disappointed gaze. 

A prolonged silence descended between them, making Elaine shift uncomfortably. 

"I understand, Lady Estella. Please forgive my overstep." Cecil finally broke the unpleasant silence. His voice stayed composed, glossing over their recent strained interaction. "At least, milady, please allow me to return this to you."

What is it? She glanced up and saw a tiny bottle in his hand. Elaine immediately recognized the object. It was the medicine she had given him before the joint expedition. She stared at Cecil, confusion dyeing her countenance. Why is he returning it?

"I was severely injured after the tomb collapsed. However, the liquid inside this bottle healed me." He paused for a moment. His heterochromia watched hers. Hidden under their calm surface, surges of unidentified disturbances emerged like rippling waves, disrupting the serenity. "I survived because of you. And this object represents the second life you have given me." Cecil placed the bottle in her palm and closed her hand. "I now return my life in your hand, milady."

Elaine clutched the bottle, and a myriad of thoughts rushed over her. The event is not supposed to happen like this. Before the joint expedition began, Elaine knew it would become dangerous. However, in the original story, Celeste saved Cecil from the crisis, leading him to develop an admiration for her after the event. Thus, Elaine only intended for Cecil to use the medicinal liquid as a backup resource, not his primary life-saving tool. 

"Was it not Lady Celeste that healed you?" She moved her body forward, one hand dug into the carriage window frame. Elaine recalled him expressing gratitude toward the female protagonist inside the Insidious Forest. She assumed he was referring to Celeste saving his life.

"Yes, milady. Lady Celeste healed many of my light external wounds. However, your medicine helped me recover from my internal injuries." Cecil clarified.

Of course. How could I be so naïve? Elaine slumped back in her seat. The female protagonist only recently awakened her ability and had no formal training. It was impossible for her to perform such an energy-intensive healing. Then how did she help him in the book? Once again, Elaine became frustrated with the plot full of holes. How could she not realize it while reading before?


She glanced at the loyal knight in training and sighed in her head. Even though the event stayed on the original path, the pieces within still got altered. If the book world was a game, then Elaine was playing in hard mode. No matter her efforts, nothing seemed to fall into place since her arrival. "Thank you, Sir Ascania." She had no reason to deny him and had no choice but to accept the bottle back. "You may return to your station."

"Thank you, milady." Cecil inclined his head and climbed on his steed. 

She closed the carriage window and stayed in her seat for the remaining time of the journey. Even though the conversation with Cecil raised additional concerns for Elaine, it helped to distract her mind from the portal and its inhabitants. In the end, the creatures never revealed themselves. And not long after, the carriage reached the other side. A vast greenery opposite to the ashen grey skies outside the Insidious Forest appeared before her. The brisk air and verdant vegetation assaulted Elaine's senses, replacing the decaying odor of death and destruction. Surrounding her were landscapes resembling brush strokes from an enchanted painting, massive trees with sprawling deep roots, twisting branches climbing toward the heavens, and the kaleidoscopic foliages dotting the ground with dancing shadows. Orion had never seemed more beautiful in Elaine's eyes.

The magicians stood outside their tower and waited for the Croix entourage to arrive before closing the portal. After a brief recount, they discovered some men were missing from the original troops. The recent fierce battle must have exhausted their spirits, and these men had fallen victim to the treacherous creatures. Even when they did not pursue Elaine, they still prey on others. What would happen if they captured me? The mere thought made her blood run cold. 

The return trip from Orion to the Croix estate was short, and Elaine occupied her time by enjoying the sceneries outside her window, temporarily burying her dark thoughts. Across from her, the young maid remained unconscious, though the redness on her cheeks appeared to fade a little.

Elaine and the Duke's paths separated when the troops arrived at the main gate. And the coachman steered her carriage to Estella's manor. She closed her eyes, attempting to catch some sleep while listening to the wheels rolling and horses galloping. 

"Don't touch me! Do you know who I am? I said let go of me!"

The carriage did not go far before a woman's sudden scream broke Elaine's relaxed state. 



Getting busy at work hence the late update. Anyway, get ready for a different type of battle if you know what I mean. 😉

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