The Crimson Throne

Chapter 79: Troublesome (2)

"What is happening?" Elaine called out, a tint of annoyance in her voice.

"My apologies, milady, but I am unsure. It looks like the guards are escorting someone," the coachman replied.

"Continue to my manor," she ordered. Elaine was tired and had no interest in others' affairs. She figured the guards probably had a legitimate reason for escorting the woman, whoever she was.

"As you wish, mila—"

"Princess? Princess Estella, please listen to me! Please save me! I am innocent!" the woman cried. Sounds of bodies shuffling and loud footsteps thundered closer, heading toward Elaine's location.

"Catch her! She is running toward Lady Estella's carriage!" a guard shouted.

Elaine's hands kneaded her temples. Troubles keep coming.

"Get back!" Cecil's tempered voice rang outside—his tone was harsher than usual.

The woman yelped, then Elaine heard a thud, and silence took over. She exhaled and opened the window. Cecil was riding his steed beside her carriage, sword drawn in one hand, pointing at the unidentifiable female. On the ground before him was a whimpering young woman who appeared in her mid to late twenties, her luscious caramel blonde hair tangled and dropped to her waist. Though dirtied and torn, the woman's clothes were high quality and embellished with precious gemstones. At first glance, one could immediately deduce that she was a noble. Perhaps one of the Duke's mistresses.

Elaine's eyes narrowed, studying the woman from head to toe. She looked familiar, but the smeared makeup on the woman's face made it difficult for Elaine to recognize her. "Who are you?" she asked, forgoing the guesswork and moving straight to the easiest solution.

“I, I am Laeticia, milady. You don't remember me?" A shocked expression registered on the young woman's countenance.


It took a few seconds, but Elaine finally recalled the young woman's identity. Laeticia de Sabran, oldest daughter of Marquis Soren de Sabran and one of Gerard's many mistresses. Similar to other noble-born mistresses within the Croix estate, Laeticia and the Duke’s union veered more toward political alignment than love. From Estella's memories, the mistress often expressed admiration for Gerard and tried to win his favor many times. Unfortunately, though the Duke performed his duty and gave Laeticia a daughter, he did not reciprocate her feeling, resulting in her never securing a spot among his favored mistresses. 

Since Laeticia was a Marquis' daughter, even without the favored status, she still received the appropriate respect and treatment from others. The original Estella maintained a discrete distance from all her father's mistresses. Though she heard the occasional grumbles from her mother, Lady Liviane, about them, she trained her ears to ignore it all. Estella was uninterested in the Croix estate's internal catfight.

Laeticia and Estella are not on familiar terms with each other. So why would she ask me for help?

"Lady Estella, please help me! They set me up! I, I was seduced, but I have not yet betrayed the Duke! My daugh—"

"Our apologies for the disturbance, Princess. We will take her away now." The guards finally caught up to Laeticia, their hands covering her mouth, muffling her protest. They pulled the mistress from the ground and locked her inside a firm grip despite her struggles.

"What is her crime?" Elaine asked, suddenly curious. 

The guards stared at each other, hesitation floated in their eyes.

"Did you not hear me, or did you forget how to follow orders during my absence?" Elaine's eyes sharpened, exuding unquestioned authority. Her changed aura reminded the guards of the Duke, instilling fear into their bones.

They all dropped, their bodies filled with cold sweat. "Forgive us, milady. The Duchess ordered absolute secrecy on this matter until His Grace returned."

"My mother?" 

"Yes, Princess."

Elaine's gaze returned to the captive mistress. What sin could be so great for Liviane to mandate such a restriction? "Where are you taking her?" She adjusted her question.

"Forgive us, milady, but the Duche—"the head guard began.

"My mother only demanded confidentiality about Miss Laeticia's crime, not the location you are transporting her to," Elaine interrupted him. "Answering my question would not conflict with her wishes."

The head guard quieted with momentary agony traveling across his countenance. Then, after a few seconds, he finally relented. "We are taking her to the Isolation Tower."

"I see." She nodded. Many speculations swirled inside her head. "I have no further questions. You all may go."

"Thank you, milady." The guards stood upright and dragged a horrified Laeticia away. 

Elaine closed her window and ordered, "Depart."

"As you wish, milady." The coachman whipped his horses and again steered them to Estella's manor.

Inside the carriage, Elaine leaned against her seat, organizing her thoughts. She was in no hurry to hear about Laeticia's crime since, now that Gerard had returned, she would eventually find out from him or Lady Liviane. Legitimate children of the House of Croix were privileged with the right to receive information on everything related to the clan, including its secrets. However, she had no plan to meddle in the unlucky mistress' affairWhatever she did, it was severe enough to warrant imprisonment in the Isolation Tower. From Estella's knowledge, no one ever escaped the place alive. How troublesome.

"We have arrived, milady," the coachman informed her.

 Cecil dropped from his steed and opened the door. He then inclined his body and extended his hand. "Please allow me, Princess."

Elaine accepted his hand and stepped down from the carriage. The maids and servants stood waiting outside, all bowing upon seeing her. "Welcome back, Lady Estella."

"You two, bring the maid inside my carriage back to her room. Then summon a physician to treat her fever." She directed the two servants nearest her.

"As you wish, milady." The servants followed Elaine's order and entered the carriage to retrieve Mariam.

She nodded and continued inside the manor.



One of my faster updates. Don't expect the momentum to continue though lol

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