The Crimson Throne

Chapter 82: Tower

Elaine left the dining room and asked a nearby guard, "Where is Sir Ascania?"

"He is at the knight's training ground, milady."

"I see." Elaine nodded and continued outside the manor. Upon reaching the courtyard, she encountered a returning Cecil. Elaine had not seen the blonde-haired young man since she locked herself inside the bedchamber. He walked toward her, wearing a form-fitted navy blue guard uniform that replaced his damaged Croix's knight armor from the expedition. The color highlighted his healthy sun-kissed skin and elegant features, especially the distinctive yet beautiful heterochromia.

"Forgive me, milady. I went to the training ground without your permission." Cecil knelt before Elaine and inclined his head, displaying the radiant golden locks.

After forgiving him, she asked him if he knew the location of the Isolation Tower. Estella had never been to the infamous imprisonment structure, so Elaine was also clueless. Within the vast estate, not knowing the direction could culminate in an individual wandering in circles. However, she refrained from inquiring another servant about the tower, predicting it might transform into an ordeal similar to the scene a while ago—one uproar per day was enough.

Since it is Cecil, he may not raise too much opposition, Elaine mused.

"Yes, milady."

"Lead me there. I want to take a visit."

"As you wish, Princess." Cecil complied with no hesitation.

Elaine was a bit surprised at his willingness. She had thought he would resist her demand like the others, stating Gerard's mandate. "Thank you, Sir Ascania," she smiled. 

'Know your enemies' was a wise statement Elaine read somewhere in her original world. Thus, she wished to learn more about the Croix estate and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, though Estella was the Duchess' oldest child, her apathy toward others limited her knowledge about the estate's politics. After Elaine gained her body, she heard bits and pieces of the power struggle between Lady Liviane and the mistresses through the servants. However, the information was insufficient, and she remained in the dark about the poisoner's identity.

Distracted by many unexpected events, Elaine allowed almost a year to elapse without achieving further progress on the investigation. She had Cecil spy on the manor's servants and discovered that while most worked for Estella's parents, some reported to other masters—except for a few younger ones. Despite the different allegiances, the mysterious deaths around her spared no one. The victimized kitchen staff were part of separate factions. Did that mean the culprit was killing indiscriminately?

Though she theorized her current situation and the Duke's motive, Elaine was not foolish enough to recklessly court danger. She would still investigate in secret. Yet, considering the remaining time, her method might become more aggressive.

The cheating mistress event probably had no relation to the poisoning. However, it might grant Elaine insights into Gerard's harem and provide a breadcrumbs trail toward her goal. The remote possibility encouraged her to probe into the incident.

"Please follow me, milady." Cecil advanced outside the manor's gates with Elaine shadowing closely behind.

The road to the tower was further than she expected. Though Elaine had acclimated to walking around in the noble heels, her feet still ached after the long distance. Cecil slowed several times throughout the travel, allowing her to catch up. Even with his guidance, it took more than half an hour before they reached their destination. 

True to its name, the Isolation Tower was built in a remote part of the Croix estate. Its dark, imposing structure loomed above everything else in the surrounding vicinity. Massive stacked stones layered the tower's exterior, blocking all light sources and allowing the prisoners only a tiny opening at the top to peek through. Four knights secured its premises, preventing anyone from breaking in or escaping. A few feet north of the tower stood a tall, lone metal stake—directly facing the main manor. A bloodied, decomposing head hung on its sharp edge, staining a deep crimson liquid on its lustrous surface. The sinister color glistened under the sunlight, catching the attention of all curious passersby.

That must be the guard. Elaine stared at the maggot-infested, deformed human body part, wondering if the man was brave or stupid. After all, he dared to covet a mistress of the notoriously ruthless Duke of Geris. 

Elaine stepped toward the structure. The guarding knights noticed her, bowed and returned to their previous positions. She pondered whether to try forcing her way inside the Isolation Tower to investigate. However, Elaine immediately dismissed the idea. Unlike the servants in her manor, the knights were not easily persuadable targets. Gerard was their only master, and his orders were absolute.

The sound of flapping wings beckoned Elaine's ears. She glanced up and noticed a small bird perched on a nearby tree branch. It was an ordinary bird, yet a familiar feeling kept nudging her memories. The answer, though, was always a step beyond her grasp. A few seconds later, her focus returned to the prison tower. 

The only way I can enter is through Gerard. Despite having unrivaled power and authority among the Duke's children, Elaine realized her limits. She was not the main character and, thus, could not afford to test her luck. Defying a no-discussion mandate and breaking into a heavily guarded prison were different matters. And unlike Marquis Veros, Gerard was far from a doting father.

"Let's return." Elaine turned around and again glanced at the rotting human head. Solving the guard's identity will have to wait until later. 

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