The Crimson Throne

Chapter 83: Fabric

Before taking the first step, a bright-colored object from a distance caught her attention.

"Fetch that for me." Elaine pointed.

"As you wish, milady." Cecil approached the location, picked up the item, then immediately returned and presented it to her.

In his hand was a piece of fabric. Elaine accepted the object and held it against the sunlight. It had a multicolored pattern and golden embroideries. An article of clothing. Is it Laeticia's? She tried recalling the dress the mistress had worn a few days ago, but her memories eluded her. Perhaps she did not care enough to notice.

"Sir Ascania, do you remember the young mistress we encountered while traveling home from the joint expedition?"

"Yes, milady." He nodded.

"What color was her dress?"

"It was emerald."

"I see." Elaine again studied the material. If this is not Laeticia's, then who does it belong to? Judging by its texture and design, the owner of this item was not a commoner. But why is it here? Few people visited the estate's remote regions. Elaine witnessed the servants' number dwindling the closer she was to the Isolation Tower. Not even the servants traverse these parts, let alone a mistress or aristocrat.

The mystery keeps expanding.

She clutched the fabric and tucked it inside her dress pocket. No matter how the item ended up here, it was a clue. And she at least avoided returning empty-handed.

"Let us go. Please lead the way, Sir Ascania."

"As you wish, milady." Cecil walked ahead, guiding Elaine back to the manor.

The return journey proved more arduous. The uncomfortable heels were digging into Elaine's feet, forming painful blisters. She regretted not summoning the carriage. However, she preferred not to have a public exhibition of her brief field trip to the Isolation Tower. The blonde-haired young man slowed his steps, yet Elaine could barely keep pace. Cecil suddenly halted and shifted to face her. 

"What is the matter, Sir Ascania?" She cocked her head.

He inclined his body. "Please allow me to carry you, milady."

"Carry me?"

"Yes," Cecil's gaze focused on her reddened feet. "Please allow me to ease your pain."

It might not be a bad idea, she considered. Walking is insufferable right now.

"I will allow it." Elaine nodded.

"Please hang onto me, Princess." He bent down and lifted her from the ground. Cecil, despite his lean appearance, was strong and only required one arm to support her weight.

"I will." Her arms wrapped around his neck. "You may go," she ordered.

"Yes, milady."

Elaine and her guard received curious stares from others along the returned path, yet she paid no mind. She was too busy contemplating her next move. Perhaps she could probe for more information from the Duchess. When they reached home, Elaine ordered the maids to treat her aching feet with ointment and bandages. After thirty minutes of resting, she summoned the carriage to the main manor. The trip was short, and upon her arrival, the guarding knights and servants outside the mansion bowed to Elaine. "Welcome, Princess."

"Where is my mother?" she inquired from inside the carriage.

"Her Grace is currently at the Summer Manor, milady," a servant replied.

The Summer Manor…That is Laeticia's former residence. All mistresses within the Croix's estate lived in one of the four manors named after the seasons. Even the Duke's most favored mistress, Leila, was no exception.

"Go to the Summer Manor." Elaine knocked on the carriage's door.

"As you wish, Princess." The coachman whipped the horses and steered them toward the mistresses' residence.

Elaine's arrival surprised the servants at the Summer Manor. Everyone heard of Estella's fervent hatred for her father's mistresses and his illegitimate children. Therefore, she never set foot in the four manors. "Where is my mother?" Elaine raised the question to the shocked servants.

"H, her Grace is in the grand room, milady," a young maid answered after taking a few seconds to regain her composure.

Elaine stepped down from the carriage with Cecil's assistant and ordered, "Take me to her."

"Of course, milady. Please follow me." A male servant stepped forward, inclining his body while smiling sheepishly.

She nodded and trailed him inside. They entered a long corridor on the first floor and passed through many rooms before stopping in front of a large decorative double door at the end. Two guards stood on both sides of the door, their faces menacing. The guiding servant became visibly nervous upon seeing them. Elaine recognized the men. They were part of Estella's mother's guards. The men bowed to Elaine. "Princess."

She glided past the servant and then glanced back. "Thank you. You may leave."

"It was my honor to be your escort, milady." The manservant bowed and hurried away. 

Elaine momentarily watched the frightened servant's figure, then redirected her gaze to the guards. "Inform my mother that I am here to see her."

"As you wish, milady." One guard entered the room and returned a few minutes later. "Her Grace permitted you to come in, Princess." They opened the door.

"Good." Elaine walked through the threshold with Cecil shadowing her. Inside was an opulent chamber with many chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Beautiful intricate carvings and paintings adorned the walls, while mosaic marble tiles filled the floor. A guard inhabited each wall's corner, sharp eyes monitoring the entire area. Elegant furniture lined both sides of the room, occupied by the remaining three mistresses and their maids standing behind them. Elaine's gaze continued to a massive tracery glass window at the end of the room and the blonde-haired woman sitting under it.

Liviane sat in a grand ornate chair, wearing a grim expression. Beside her was a cherubic blonde-haired, silver-eyed young boy more interested in playing with his toys than the tense atmosphere around him. After scanning her surroundings, Elaine's eyes finally landed on a frail female figure at the center of the room, kneeling before the Duchess. 




I have a general concept but no outline lol, just writing as I go

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