The Crimson Throne

Chapter 84: Daughter

"Greetings, Honorable Mother. I hope you are in good health." Elaine curtsied.

 "You may rise," Liviane said. "What brings you here, dear daughter?"

Though the Duchess called her 'dear daughter,' the distance in her voice reminded Elaine of the mother-daughter pair detached relationship. "Does a daughter need a reason to visit her mother?" She straightened her back and tugged her lips, donning a caring visage.

"Of course not. I always welcome your presence." Liviane's countenance displayed a warm veneer, yet the suspicion in her eyes failed to escape Elaine.

"Thank you, mother." She moved forward with an elegant stride, ignoring the curious stares from the mistresses. Before reaching the Duchess' location, she passed by the kneeling female figure. Elaine caught a glimpse of the girl's appearance and guessed her identity.

The figure was a girl aged about eight or nine with disheveled caramel blond hair cascading down her back. Tight ropes wrapped around her wrists while an older maid's firm hand rested on her shoulder, pinning her in place. The girl's face jerked upward, pursing her chapped lips with hazel eyes like daggers fixated on Liviane. Despite the obstinate facade, her trembling body revealed the scared child inside.

Laeticia's daughter. The young girl's features bore a striking resemblance to the deceased mistress. Though the Croix clan ruling house's members distinguished themselves through their silver eyes—a symbol of the noblest bloodline and magical ability, it was not uncommon for some children to inherit none of the characteristics. Despite their different features, those children remained the Duke's offspring and received respect from the servants. However, they would forever live under the shadow of their silver-eyed siblings, never to see or gain acknowledgment from their father.

What is this setting? Is this little girl currently on trial?

Elaine resumed her march toward Estella's mother. When she arrived, a maid had already prepared a chair next to the Duchess on the opposite side of her younger brother. She settled in her seat and inquired, "May I join the exciting activity you arranged for today?" Elaine's gaze leveled on Estella's restrained younger half-sister, receiving the girl's redirected glare. What is Laeticia's daughter called again? Estella never bothered to remember the mistresses' children—a wasteful endeavor, in her opinion, to learn the names of other lesser puppets.

"Do as you wish," Liviane sighed. She did not anticipate her daughter's appearance or enthusiasm for the affair. Estella had grown more mature since the incident with the Third Prince almost a year ago. She no longer caused her headaches by stirring troubles around the estate. Though her maternal intuition sometimes nudged her about Estella's sudden change, Liviane ignored it. Her motherly gaze shined upon the little boy playing with his toys beside her. Armes was her pride and joy. He was the heir to the Geris Dukedom, and she would destroy all obstacles for him to inherit the Duke's title. As long as Estella followed the prearranged path and became a sturdy shield for her precious child, she was happy with her daughter's transformation.

"Thank you, mother." 

Elaine observed the Duchess' expression. No wonder the original Estella always sought her mother's attention through her antics. Liviane poured all her affection and hope into her son, sparing nothing left for her daughter. Fortunately, Elaine was not Estella, and the cruel realization incited no anger or despair within her. She only needed to focus on completing her role in the storyline. Then perhaps she could return to the real world and reunite with her loving parents.

"Let us continue." The Duchess' icy gaze refocused on the kneeling young girl. "I will not delve into the past incident. However, I recently learned that the depth of Laeticia de Sabran's crime was far greater than previously suspected. And that this child is an offspring born from her betrayal and not His Grace's flesh and blood." She lowered her tone, stretching the last few words.

The revelation caused the mistresses and their maids to share an inaudible gasp among each other. Their exaggerated expressions impressed even Elaine, who had seen countless award-winning movies and dramas from her original world. Everyone here is good at acting. It is a pity they cannot exhibit their talents on a stage, she mused. However, Elaine admitted the twist also surprised her. She did not expect an 'innocent' visit to Estella's mother would land her in a conspiracy. Continuing her demure noble lady act, Elaine waited for the play to commence.

"Lies…You are lying!" the young girl screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I, I am a Croix. You all framed my mother! You—" A hand covered her mouth before she could finish, muffling her last words.

"Her Grace did not permit you to speak," the older maid interjected. "My apologies for not stopping her sooner, milady." She inclined her body, forcing the girl along with her.

"I see Laeticia failed to teach her daughter manners," Liviane remarked, her steely eyes piercing, instilling fear in the young girl. "Since the mother is no longer here, I will help teach her child the first lesson." She signaled a maid from behind her to advance.

"As you wish, milady." The maid bowed and proceeded toward Laeticia's daughter. She stopped before the bewildered young girl, body leaning forward, then removed her right glove and struck the girl across the face. "The first lesson. Do not speak unless given permission." The maid's resounding voice and the impacted sound echoed throughout the walls, silencing the chamber. Everyone tensed, from masters to servants, not daring to utter a peep. Even the disinterested Armes glanced up from his toys.




Taking a week break. Work is getting busy, too many documents to read through...

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