393: Hoe’ing Plans

Chapter 393: Hoe’ing Plans

Rias dismissed Neji right away, unwilling to give Sona a chance to say anything. Neji lifted Asia's sleeping body into his arms and teleported away.

Before leaving though, he got one last look at Koneko who had come out of her hiding by then. Their eyes locked, as the kitten shivered, and then he left.

Neji was almost sure it wasn't the case, but what if Koneko's sister – Kuroka Toujou – had any connection to Kimi? It was odd, as all the girls before had a similar appearance to the person they took over, whilst in this case, Kuroka had black hair, very unlike Kimi. So it was most likely not the case, but still…

'Oh well.'

Neji shook his head as he reappeared a bit far from Kuoh High. That was for later.

His Sage Mode canceled, as he gently shook Asia. He washed a bit of divinity over her form, as her eyelids twitched and she began to wake up.

At the same time, Sisty manifested using the Shadow Clone Jutsu, appearing beside him with her arms crossed.

"An illusion, really?"

She addressed the excuse Neji had used to describe her.

"What would they think tomorrow when I go to school?"

Asia was up by then, making Neji gently nudge her nose, as if she was a puppy, as the nun took it with a blush until he put her down. He turned to look at Sisty.

"It's fine, I'll just tell them I called you an illusion, but you're a projection of myself. So technically I didn't lie to them, as that does make you an illusion, but you are also real when you exist. Simple solution."

"Sounds like bullshit to me."

"They will buy it, trust me."

Sisty gave him a narrowed-eyed look and then sighed. She took Asia and hugged her while staring at him.

"I nearly destroyed Rias when she began to touch Asia, she was getting uncomfortable."

"I'm glad you didn't." Neji patted her head, causing her to frown as he ruffled her hair. "I think you need to learn how to talk. You are too used to being in my head, and then you just had to pick up Gil's personality out of all people."

She gave him a dry look as he smiled.

"Don't take any harmful actions, all right?"


Sisty was a shadow clone, but she was his system. So while she had the durability of a mere shadow clone, she had all the abilities of himself. If she so wishes, she could have destroyed Rias in a second.

"Mhm, what happened…?"

Asia managed to free herself from Sisty's hug and looked at Neji, questioningly.

"How did I fall asleep…"

"I made you fall asleep. It's alright, the talk went well."

Neji stopped patting Sisty and grabbed Asia by her waist, lifting her up and putting her on one side of his broad shoulder. She was surprised but she held on tight, even as a string of telekinetic force kept her held in place.

Neji began to walk, beside Sisty, as Asia asked more questions.

"They are devils, right? Lady Sisty told me they are..."

"They are devils, yes."

"Aren't they our enemies, then?"

"I guess they are. It doesn't mean I have to annihilate them, though, if that's what you are asking. I can just use them for my own benefit, and perhaps make them submit to me too. They oppose God, but that means if they don't oppose me, they can be mine to rule over. I'll give it one try to make them my people, and if it doesn't work, then… Well, I always have light magic."

He inherently knew that he could lift the curse that devils had, which made them unable to even take God's name. If he wished, he could make Rias unable to get hurt by holy magic, holy water, and all those other things. If he just so wished. Though it would be temporary for now, since the progress bar was quite low.

"So they're not our enemies?"

"By default, they are. If they know I am God, they will try to kill me, at any rate, to stop me from regaining all my powers. So we aren't going to trust them. Until then, they are just our tools, which we use for our benefit. I am searching for someone, Asia, someone close to me. And I think they can help me find her."


Asia gave him a look, staring at his face, but when he didn't say anything else she turned back and nodded.

"Alright, then."

"By the way,"

Asia nodded, certain he was not going to say anything else. But then he grabbed her, pulling her into a hug, her chest against his, as he suddenly bit down on her neck.


Asia hissed, but she paused midway when she realized there was no pain, but relief. It was as if… she was becoming closer to him.

Neji put her back on his shoulder and then continued walking as if nothing happened. Asia wanted to ask what was going on, but Neji and Sisty were chatting and giggling, so she stayed shut, hoping they'd talk about what just happened.

"You know, you can put the Sage Mark without biting her. Toga seems to have had a bad influence on you."

"Mhm, speaking of her. Maybe I should pay the Arcane Plane a visit."

The group walked away, unbothered by the gazes of the common people.

* * *

Today, the three of them didn’t roam the city. Not yet, at least. They went back to the hotel to find Raynare waiting for them, happy, and energetic.

“Welcome back, my lord.”

She rested her hands on her chest, lowering her head slightly. She had just opened the door, stepping back to allow them in, but none of the three entered the room. They just stared at the girl in disbelief. It was Neji who shook his head, chuckling, as he walked in.

Perhaps reverting to an angel, thanks to him, caused these changes to appear in her.

Sisty and Asia stared at Raynare a bit longer, her body was inches taller than what she was this morning, and her body was far curvier too. Lastly, while her previous face looked prettier than models already, now she looked like a proper celestial existence. Her beauty was out of this world, in short, as her black hair had a tint of red inside. The changes happened in the hours they were in the school.

“Uhm…” Raynare looked awkward, perhaps not having noticed the changes yet, as she rubbed her forearm. “Is there anything wrong?”

[Image Here]


“Go check yourself in the mirror, girl.” Said Sisty as she walked past the angel, followed by Asia who gave her one last look.

Raynare looked panicked, worried if there was anything wrong with her looks, anything that may displease her lord, as she ran to the mirror. There… she paused and just stared.

* * *

Rias Gremory wasn't enjoying her night. She was pacing back and forth in the clubroom, wearing a frown as she chewed on her thumb nail.

"How… how… how…"

She kept murmuring, her brain smoking, until she grumbled aloud and slumped on the couch.

"How annoying."

Issei Hyuudo, along with the others of the peerage, stared at their King with worried eyes.

"Akeno-san, are you sure she is alright?"

"Err… I don't know anymore."

Issei was worried. He looked at Rias with concern. From what he heard after coming back from an errand, the new Sensei was a supernatural existence too. He was some sort of Dragon, and he was strong. For some reason, Rias wanted him in her peerage.

Honestly, Issei waa a little… hurt. It was like when a dog owner gets a new dog, and forgets about her old one. Issei was craving for her attention, but she was busy racking her brains on how to hire this new guy.

"Mhm, are you alright, Koneko-chan?"

Issei decided to avert his thoughts from this line and asked Koneko, who too looked restless, but in a different way. She looked very spooked out.

As if attracted by Issei's question, Rias snapped her head at Koneko. She got up from the couch and rushed at Koneko, walking past Issei and hugging the little girl who was sitting on another couch, hugging her knees, and nibbling on chocolate.

"Koneko dear, were you scared? I noticed you react to his aura before. Can you tell me what you felt?"

Issei felt like he was being ignored, but could do nothing but pay attention to Koneko's next words.

The little girl relaxed greatly in Rias' arms, slowly nodding.

"It was a little surprising… I was sleeping, but then I sensed a flare of nature energy far deeper and complex than anyone else I've met. It was as if… I was standing before a tranquil sea that, if provoked, could turn into a tsunami that may… devour the entire world."

Koneko hugged Rias back, burying her face in the soft bosom, as Rias went still. The sheer desperation in her eyes turned into something much more deeper, a desire to own at any cost.

Issei didn't like it as Rias canceled the hug, walking out as she headed somewhere.

* * *

Rias Gremory appeared in her room. She locked her doors, pulled the curtain of the windows, and picked up her phone.

She dialed a number that was the 2nd most called number in her contacts.

The call rang, and it was picked swiftly.

["Hello, Rias baby?"]

"Mum?" Rias said in a soft tone, sounding like a little girl. "I need some tips."

She hadn't seduced a hermit before, a man who didn't even look at her curves once, but she was sure her mother had.

Venelana Gremory, aka the Flaxen-haired Madame of Extinction, was known for her powerful control over her bloodline. But though she hid it, Rias had once stumbled upon information about her before she got married… and after, too. If anyone, it was her who could help her with this.

Rias Gremory would always have what she wanted to have.

* * *

Raynare was in a good mood afterward. She ecstatically explained the things she had done today; long story short, she managed to buy an old mansion with all the saved money she had, which she admitted wasn’t much due to her bad spending habit.

Still, having a proper place of their own was better than this.

Neji and the girls left the hotel, having to use Genjutsu a bit to fix up any confusion. Initially, Neji was a little annoyed at himself for having not given Raynare some pocket money, so she had to buy an old mansion, but hearing about the hot spring made the mistake a blessing in disguise.

In fact, it had a surprise with it. There was an inbuilt hot spring! Naturally, the group of four didn't leave to roam the city that night, and instead enjoyed their first night…

While all this was happening in this mortal world, something much complicated was going on inside the Prison of Abstracts, located in the larger world.

For the first time in eons, Suratrat was lively today.




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