394: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la

Chapter 394: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la

Discerning the strongest between two Abstracts of different Classes was easy, however, doing the same for Abstracts of the same Class was quite hard, if not outright impossible.

A lower-class Abstract may say, "But isn't The Buddha the strongest? He plays the role of the leader of all of us, after all."

If a higher class Abstract heard that, they would either laugh or growl in anger. The Buddha was the Balance; he was the embodiment of stasis. Someone who represented balance could never be the strongest. However, it was true that his power would usually allow him to beat any other Class-1 besides him. Yet, that didn't make him the strongest.

In fact, none in Class-1 could say they were stronger than the other. If so, how did Death claim her sister was stronger than herself? While Death herself didn't flinch to remove Fate's blessing from Neji, implying she didn't fear a clash with the forces of fate and destiny.

Didn't that inevitably mean Lady Life was stronger than Death and Fate, which should be relative to the other Class-1s, therefore making Life the strongest of the Class-1s?

At least, that's what Lady Luck thought when she was looking at the future, despite being under suppressing effects. She only gave this a thought because she knew she was going to end up here, at Suratrat, and wanted to know about one of the many cellmates she would find here.

As she expected back then, she indeed did meet the legendary Abstract here. She had met her before, it wasn't their first time meeting, but it devastated her when she saw what state Lady Life was in.

"Ha ha…"

The woman gave a low chuckle as she stared back at Lady Luck, her green lips crooking up in a darkly amused smile.

"So how did you end up here, Luki? I would think your sister would keep you safe at any rate."

Chained against the dirty wet wall, the woman who spoke was wearing dirty brown robes that were once white. Her green hair had dirt on it, as did most of her form. Her hands were tied up on the wall, which looked like mere cement but was much more than that.

Suratrat had twelve levels. As top-class Abstracts, these two girls were on the lowest level. The twelfth floor was damp sometimes; super-hot some other times, currently holding just the two of them here. In the past other Abstracts have been here, but now they weren't. Sadly, it wasn't that they had been freed – instead, their powers have been absorbed over time by the prison, and then given birth to a new abstract of the same authority, thereby killing the old one.

It seemed Lady Life was not far from that fate. A few more years, and she may fall for the same fate, having all her existence sucked to give birth to a new her, with no prior memories. This was the true reason why this prison existed.

In fact, Lady Luck had heard rumors that said Lady Life should have died a long time ago. It's because she had authority over 'life' that she hadn't died yet, even if that authority was heavily suppressed right now. 

Currently, Lady Life was in a cell that was opposite Lady Luck's own. Instead of iron bars, it had near-invisible glass that was in its front. It was a barrier that wouldn't be easy to break for Luck even in her full strength, let alone right now as the prison cuffs were wrapped around her wrists and ankle. These cuffs felt as heavy as a multiverse, holding her down and sucking her powers at the same time.

At least she wasn’t a Loli anymore, as the other previous suppressions were lifted. She had returned to her proper form, tall and curvy,

Lady Luck returned a smile, though not as stretched as Life's. She gave a simple polite smile, chuckling.

"It's my sister who put me here."

The woman, healthy in her curves, despite her ragged clothes, lost her smile at that. Instead, she scowled deeply. Lady Luck could feel it wasn't directed toward her.

"Fate did what?! Why?"

Lady Luck felt a little amused seeing another woman get enraged that she was betrayed by her own sister. With a deep sigh, she decided to tell her story, as there was nothing else to do anyway.


"...then, I saw his death in the Future Sight. He would have died if Mistress Death didn't go. So I had no other choice but to ask for her help, and I am sorry to say this but I also had to emotionally manipulate her a little with your name. Given your own history. By now, if nothing went wrong, my love should be alive and well."


The hot woman ate popcorn, the pieces flying into her mouth as she chewed and hummed.

"The 2nd Gamer is already here, hah? And sorry, I haven't been paying much attention to your story. I was thinking something… about the prophecy by my love."

Lady Luck frowned slightly at that. She didn't mind that Life wasn't paying attention, she had noticed that. In fact at one point she was just telling the story to herself, to distract her mind from his hellhole. What made her frown was the mention of a prophecy.

"Say, Luck. If you had to guess, where do you think he is now? Which world?"

Luck hummed for a moment before finding an answer.

"Highschool DxD. He should be there unless Mistress Death didn't let him choose."

Those words seemingly changed something fundamental within Life's eyes. Her smile which until now was a mere mock of a real smile stretched, turning wide as she giggled.

“Luck, lend me a bit of your authority. It will hurt, but trust me on this. Just a bit works.”


Lady Luck paused. She could use a bit of her authority if she really tried. Life could do that too, that’s how she had made popcorn – weirdly enough. After hesitating for a moment, Luck sighed and did as asked. She was curious to see what the woman planned, plus the powers would be sucked by the shackles otherwise, anyway.

Then, she stood up. Her popcorn was gone, making Lady Luck question again how she had created it, which she had not received an answer to earlier.

It hurt. But a wisp of her golden authority flew out of her body, blitzing past the barriers and entering Lady Life’s body. She whimpered, taking in a sharp breath, before she smiled.

Then, Lady Life gently stood up, as Luck began to blink. The woman walked ahead as her shackles strained, until the shackles were tight, and she couldn't take any step ahead. 

Yet, she did.

The shackles eroded, decaying as if they never held any power against her.

Luck's biology wasn't human, yet she felt goosebumps run through her body. Her eyes shot up as the Class-1 entity’s dirty form immediately gained a much clearer glow, her brown robe returning to its white clean past, her beauty once again clear. More insanely, Luck’s senses caught the insane power level that she stood suddenly, even if it wasn’t her prime strength. 

"The odds of my powers breaking the shackles just increased, thanks to your lucky powers. Thank you. Anyway, if your lover boy is in High School DxD, then the Godmother should be intervening anytime now."

The word “Godmother” made Luck stiffen. Life ignored it and walked into Luck's cell; the woman whose power didn't make sense stood before her.

Now that the barriers weren’t on the way, Lady Luck got a clear look at the hot babe that stood before her. She was dressed in a style that was a mix between modernity and ancient, with some iron gauntlet on her forearm, and her top had a massive window on the chest.

[Lady Life – Class 1 Abstract Entity]

“Those old hags are trying to bring him back, the First Gamer. By sacrificing the Second. The First doesn’t want that, he told me himself, that’s not how a ‘game’ should work, he had said, each player should be able to play freely. Besides, this time it should be a different path; so I will have to let your little lover escape the procedure they are trying to push him through.”

With a snap of her fingers, that mere gesture, the shackles around Luck eroded as well. Lady Luck wore a dumbfounded expression as Life chuckled, shrugging.

“Come on, there is no time to be shocked. Guards will notice.”

As Luck gave a stuttering ‘yes’, the green-haired goddess of a woman turned around and snapped her fingers again. This did two things, eroding the barrier, so that Luck could pass through, and also bringing out something above the prison. Above the twelve-floor gigantic tower that was located in a world within this desolate [Liquid Universe], it was a symbol that appeared above the entire building.

It was an [Icon].

It was the same class of power as Neji’s [Dragon Icon], except the connection between this Icon and Lady Life was strong enough that she could manifest it. People didn’t know the origin of these Icons, they weren’t native to this Omniverse, but the top Abstracts – such as Luck herself – knew that the two Beyond Omnipotent beings had brought this power system to this verse.

Sadly, the stronger a being already was, the harder it was to achieve an icon. A blacksmith in a random low-class world may unlock an Icon, while the literal Abstract Entity representing “Smiting” may need eons to unlock it. Lady Luck herself barely had any Icons, and none of them were on the level of the thing that appeared above Suratrat.

The [Joy Icon], shaped like a flower located inside a large circular yellow coin, shone brightly as the desolate world sang, music spreading to living and inanimate objects alike.

Lady Luck recognized the song distinctly as “Don’t Go Yet, by Camila Cabello” as the initial music shook the world. Ironically – as they were about to ‘go’. 

The next course of actions were smooth, like a movie in Luck’s eyes. It was an effect of the Icon, as she stared at Life.

With a wave of her hand, Life called forth her authority as the wiggling prison gave in to her will. A sizable chunk of wall eroded, making an opening, while all the guards were busy stopping the prisoners who broke from their cells, thanks to the wiggling barriers that danced.

“This is a prison break; the runaway prisoners should keep the Abstracts busy for a while. We can save your lover boy at that time.”

Lady Luck didn’t have any other words, she just nodded, following the more powerful woman as she waved her hand again, opening a green portal.

“Come on.”

She said, walking into it, and Lady Luck followed fast, fearful that Buddha himself may come to stop her if she delayed.




Master4thWall: DxD on its own is in a power rage, but now the big players are entering the little playground too. With this, we are at the first stage of the final saga.

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