The Cursed Prince

Chapter 228 - Whats On Ellenas Mind

"Go away..." Ellena still tried to get Mars to leave her. Her expression looked so pitiful that the prince felt sorry for her.

How did they end up like this? He thought, feeling immense sadness in his heart.

He, Edgar, Gewen, and Ellena spent their childhood together and they were the best of friends. Things were so good between them.

It was only after he asked Ellena to be his nominal wife did Ellena start harboring hope to be married to him for real.

Maybe he shouldn't have done that. This would never have had happened.

Looking back, it was better if Mars didn't think too much about this kingdom and be more selfish. His dedication to Draec was the root cause of this issue that he now had with Ellena.

Sigh.... if only he could turn back time, he would never ruin his friendship with Ellena by mixing a relationship with it.

Mars realized, he would be lying if he said he didn't know Ellena had harbored feelings for him since they grew into adolescence.

He knew, but he didn't think it would make any difference since he was cursed. He couldn't touch her or any other women for that matter.

So, he thought, what difference would it make if he asked Ellena to marry him, or not. They were friends for life anyway.

Gosh.. he was really naive when he was young.

"Ellena, I care about you. You are my friend. I am really sad to see you this way," said Mars with a low voice. "Please get well..."

He kept pressing on the wound on Ellena's stomach and his hand trembled as more blood seeped through her dress.

Ellena wouldn't die from losing this much blood, right?

"I am sorry that you thought I am after your head and that I am being ungrateful. I am thankful for everything you've done for me," he added solemnly. "I wish things could have been different between us."

Ellena looked away. She bit her lip and held back her tears. Her mind was drifted back to that night.

She remembered the moment she saw Emmelyn at the royal gala, that was held by the queen to celebrate Mars' birthday.

Ellena knew who she was immediately.

How could she forget such an interesting woman?

Emmelyn was the only woman who stubbornly joined her brothers, the princes of Wintermere, to go deer hunting in the woods near the Bellevars' residence.

At that time, Ellena just arrived in Wintermere and found Duke and Duchess Bellevar.

Emmelyn was much younger back then, maybe around 18. She was laughing and mocking her brothers who couldn't chase her when she was riding her horse.

Emmelyn was obviously a better rider. Her sword skills were also not bad.

She stood out among her brothers and their soldiers. So, it was hard to forget such a woman.

However, Ellena never thought she would see Emmelyn again since Wintermere was quite far from Draec. In addition to that, two years ago, Wintermere fell and the whole royal family was said to be killed.

Ellena thought that interesting princess must have died together with her family. She even felt sorry for the Rosehills.

Ellena thought nothing of Emmelyn and Wintermere afterward. Until suddenly she saw Emmelyn again, this time in Draec's royal palace, attending the gala as the crown prince's arm candy.

After five years, she didn't look much different, perhaps even more? beautiful as she was more mature.

And right then, Ellena understood what the witch meant when she said Ellena would have to suffer for a while before she could get what she wanted.

Yes, she suffered, indeed.

Ellena knew Mars too well and saw that unmistakable infatuation in his eyes every time he looked at Emmelyn in that gala.

Ellena knew the man she loved had fallen in love with another woman. However, she was not dumb to make a scene and unleash her anger. She had to be patient and played her cards well.

Nobody liked a woman who came too strong and forced to be accepted. She would only make people pity her, but the man would be turned off.

Ellena made that mistake several months ago when she attended the tea with the queen and reminded Mars that they had an agreement from six years ago.

She even said she didn't mind adopting the baby in Emmelyn's womb if Mars would still marry her? How low had she stooped herself!

It was quite embarrassing and Ellena always regretted her moment of weakness.

At that time, she was very disappointed that Mars just brushed off their agreement and the fact that he had asked her to be his wife when they were younger.

He was so good with words, Ellena thought.

Mars could cover up his real relationship with Emmelyn and claimed he kept her because he was a man of his word. Mars pretended to feel responsible for Emmelyn since she was carrying his child, and that was it.

Bull shit.

Mars did so much for Emmelyn. He even brought Wintermere flowers all the way from the seaside country to Draec. The journey alone would take two months on the road.

He must have done it to make Emmelyn feel at home at his castle.

Ellena bit her lip.

She hated Emmelyn.

So fucking much.

Ellena had vowed that she would do anything to destroy that little wench.

Emmelyn wasn't supposed to live in the first place. She should have died with her family when Wintermere was conquered.

Ellena's mind was filled with so much hatred that she didn't hear Mars kept calling her name. Finally, the man touched her arm to get her attention.

Ellena was moved from her reverie and turned to see what the prince was trying to do.

"Ellena, the royal physician is here. He will take care of you and make sure you recover completely," Mars said gently.

Ellena looked up and saw the old Mr. Vitas stood by the bed, with Gewen on his side. He brought his medical bag and smiled reassuringly.

"Lady Ellena. I am here to treat your wound," said Mr. Vitas. He checked on Ellena's pulse and immediately took over from Mars.

His face looked grim. The old man turned to Mars and asked him what happened. "How could Lady Ellena get injured?"

Mars swallowed. He knew he could trust Mr. Vitas, but he would rather not talk about what happened.

"It was an accident," Gewen quickly helped him. "The injury is caused by a sword. The wound is not too deep, but she has been bleeding quite a lot."

"Hmmm... I will need some maids to help me here," said Mr. Vitas. "They will need to press on her wound while I clean and stitch it."

"Okay, I will get them," said Gewen. He disappeared behind the door, and returned immediately with two maids.

Mr. Vitas told them what to do as he started working. Right before he tore Ellena's dress to stitch her wound, Mr. Vitas realized Gewen and Mars were still standing behind him.

The physician cleared his throat and told them to go.? "Please leave Lady Ellena to me, Your Grace. I will take care of her. She will be okay."

"Ah.. okay. Thank you, Mr. Vitas. We will be waiting outside," said Mars anxiously.

He pulled Gewen's hand to get out of the room and closed the door behind them.

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