The Cursed Prince

Chapter 229 - Where Is Killian?

Mars and Gewen waited outside while Ellena was being treated by Mr. Vitas. None of them said anything. They both had raging thoughts in their minds about what just happened.

Gewen knew that Ellena was in love with Mars and he felt bad knowing that Mars had married another woman.

Things wouldn't have gone this far if only Mars had never met Emmelyn, he thought.

However, he couldn't say anything about his friend's relationship. It was not his place to interfere.

Plus, what did he know about love and marriage? He didn't believe in either and would never trouble himself with such a thing, but his views were not a popular one.

When Mars suddenly told him that he and Emmelyn asked him and Edgar to come to Southberry to witness their wedding, Gewen immediately thought about Ellena.

He knew Ellena would be hurt and angered, but he didn't expect Ellena would do something like what she did today.

Gosh, women were scary when they were scorned, he thought.

Meanwhile, Mars's mind was all over the place. He was worried about Ellena, about Emmelyn, about his parents, the Prestons, Killian... the kingdom...

So many things were bothering his mind, that he felt his chest become so heavy.

"I will go and check on Emmelyn," he said after a while.

Waiting outside the chamber where Ellena was being treated only made him feel worse. Especially because he couldn't do anything to help her.

He decided to go to their chamber and check on Emmelyn. He still hadn't received news from Roshan about Edgar and Killian, so he thought they must have lost Killian during the chase.

He knew, if that was the case, Edgar would know what to do. Edgar would send his men to search in every corner until they could find Killian. What's important was he already told Edgar not to hurt Killian, for Emmelyn's sake.

"How is she?" Mars asked one of the maids who were staying in the chamber to care for Emmelyn when he entered.

"Lady Emmelyn is resting, Your Highness. She was crying for so long until she became so tired." The maid whispered her response. It looked like Emmelyn was asleep.

"Ah, okay. Please continue staying here with her. I will come back in an hour to check up on her again," Mars said. He walked to the bed and found Emmelyn was lying down in bed with her eyes closed.

The maids had replaced her blood-stained dress with a fresh one and she looked clean. Her chest heaved up and down as she was sleeping with a blanket covered half her body.

Mars felt so sad when he saw the tear stains on her face. It looked like Emmelyn was really crying her eyes out today.

Her frustration from what happened to Killian and Ellena must be magnified by her pregnancy hormones. That's why she was crying so much. She must be exhausted that she fell asleep like this.

Mars bent down and kissed Emmelyn's forehead, then rubbed her cheeks from the tears. Gosh... she looked so beautiful and fragile when she was being this way.

Mars really wished he could stay by her bed and hug her all day. However, there were so many things that he had to take care of now because of the incident earlier.

Soon, he had to prepare to talk to his father and sort out everything.

Mars looked at Emmelyn for a while before he turned around and left the chamber.

At least now Emmelyn was resting. Hopefully, by the time she woke up, most of the problems would have been sorted so she wouldn't feel additional stress. Now, Mars had to find Edgar and Killian.

"Your Highness," Roshan immediately strode toward him when he saw Mars coming out of his chamber. "Lord Edgar has returned."

"Where is he now?" Mars asked Roshan immediately.

"He is outside, the man is captured but he put up quite a fight and it was really difficult to catch him without hurting him," Roshan reported. "They have subdued him and he was locked up in one of the chambers in the servant's quarter."

"Okay, I'll meet Edgar now," said Mars.

He walked out of his castle and found Edgar was sitting on the ground with panting breath. The man had several injuries on his body, probably caused by Killian when they were fighting.

"Hey.. what happened?" Mars asked. He quickly crouched down and examined the injuries on Edgar's body. Fortunately, they were not life-threatening, but some were quite severe and bled a lot. "Gosh.. did he do this to you?"

Edgar closed his eyes and nodded. He was still panting. "You told me not to hurt him... so, he got the upper hand."

"I'm very sorry..." Mars took a deep breath. He felt sorry that Edgar was hurt because of his order. However, he couldn't possibly take the risk of hurting Killian. Emmelyn might be mad at him and blamed him for it.

He understood that, for Emmelyn, Killian was her last remaining family member. If anything happened to Killian, she would be really alone in the world.

In other days, maybe Emmelyn could be more reasonable, but now she was pregnant and her emotion and mental state were not the best. She had even threatened to kill herself if Killian died.

Mars couldn't let her do that. He would talk to Emmelyn once she was feeling better, but not now.

"Ugh.. it's okay," Edgar opened his eyes and turned to Mars, forcing a smile. "I'm not weak. This is nothing. I will recover in no time. What happened to the girls?"

Mars swallowed and sighed. "Mr. Vitas is treating Ellena's wound, Emmelyn was crying so hard and now she is exhausted. She is asleep."


"Where is Killian? How many soldiers you assigned to guard him?" Mars asked Edgar.

"He is chained in one of the rooms in the servant's quarter. You can go there and talk to him," said Edgar. "I think it's important to check if he is really your wife's brother and talk some sense into his head."

"Alright.. I'll do it."

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