The Cursed Prince

Chapter 317 - Feeling Hopeless

Emmelyn dropped her quill as her mind wandered to the past. Thinking about Maxim made her let out a long sigh. She owed the man so much for all the life skills she had now.

Where was Maxim now? What was he doing? She was wondering.

She wished she could meet him again and apologize for ghosting him. She was in a panic and worried about her family, that's why she didn't try to find him.

When Emmelyn returned from the market, feeling distraught, Maxim was not in the accommodation. Emmelyn didn't even think to write him a letter to explain her situation. She just left.

Maxim must be so worried. Did he look for Emmelyn for a long time? Now, she felt really guilty.


What if...

"Oh..." Emmelyn pressed her lips when a crazy thought came to her mind. What if Maxim was also affected by her curse?

They were very close when she was traveling in Atlantea. If he was hit by misfortune because of Emmelyn... it would be so horrible.

Oh, poor Maxim.

It's her fault that all these people she cared about were suffering or hurt because of her.

She put down the paper and pressed her temple. This was so bad. How many more people would die because of her?

She couldn't help but shed tears again.

"I am so sorry..." Emmelyn sobbed despondently. "I will try to solve this as soon as possible. I promise. I will go and find the Leoraleis..."

"But how..."

She looked around and saw the small chamber she was locked in. The door was locked from the outside and she knew several guards were constantly standing outside to make sure she didn't try to escape.

The windows were barred and, unless she was a pigeon, she wouldn't be able to slide through.

Finally, she had to throw the first letter she sent because her tears had ruined the paper. Emmelyn took a break to calm down her emotion before she wrote another letter.

She changed her mind about the letter to her husband. She would instead write to Lily. But.. what to say to her?

If Lily didn't want to come to see her or she couldn't help her.. Emmelyn would not force Lily. What if that would lead to disaster for the Greenans as well?

No. Emmelyn couldn't let something bad happened to Lily. She was too kind and she had three young children to raise. If she died, those three boys would grow up without their mother.

And worse was, the whole family might even get bad luck and wiped out, just like Emmelyn's own family back in Wintermere.

No.. no... she could never live with herself if that happened. There had been too much bloodshed. She must find the Leoraleis and make them lift this curse... No matter what it took.

Emmelyn wiped her tears and tried to toughen herself. She would get through this. She must find a way.

As if giving support to its mother, suddenly baby Harlow kicked Emmelyn's belly so hard.

"Aahh..." Emmelyn was so surprised that she staggered and had to lean on the wall. "Gosh... Harlow.. You're there? You've been awfully quiet lately."

Emmelyn's tears dripped again as she rubbed her belly. She felt touched that during her lowest point, she still had someone by her side.

She was ashamed of herself for being so weak earlier. She complained about her sad life and thought that what happened to her was unfair. Even if it was true, she shouldn't have focused on her suffering, but instead, she must find solution.

She remembered back in Wintermere she was mourning for her family's demise, but she picked herself up quickly and even planned her revenge.

If she could pull herself together then, when she had got nothing to lose, shouldn't she be able to do the same when the stakes were higher?

"Gosh... what should I do?" Emmelyn pressed her chest and she saw outside the window with wet eyes. She felt so hopeless.




Emmelyn was jolted awake when she heard the knocks. She was not allowed visitors except for Mr. Vitas, and after his last visit three days ago, he hadn't returned. She looked at the door in anticipation, to see who came to see her.

"Good evening, Your Highness." A maid entered with a tray of food in her hand. "Mr. Vitas asked you to take this potion so you can sleep better."

Emmelyn's eyes widened and she almost gasped when she realized who just came. However, the maid quickly made a sign with her eyes to stop Emmelyn from reacting.

"Th-thank you..." said Emmelyn with a stutter. She walked to her bed to sit, but suddenly she pretended to stagger and lost her balance.

The maid shrieked and quickly caught Emmelyn's body and held her so she wouldn't hit the bed.

"She is unconscious! Please get the royal physician here!!" The maid held Emmelyn's body and pulled her to the bed. Then, she shouted at the guards outside to get help. "Hurry! I will take care of her but we'll need the physician."

The two guards exchanged glances. One made a sign to his friend to keep watch, while he went to get the royal physician.

"Wait here! I will be right back! Keep an eye on them!"

"Okay," his friend replied. He closed the door and locked it from outside again just in case. From the small opening on the door, he shouted at the maid to stay there while they get Mr. Vitas. "Wait in there. We will get the physician immediately."

"Okay.." The maid looked worried but she didn't say anything else. She helped Emmelyn sat on the bed and poured tea for her into a cup. "My lady, please drink this tea to make you feel better."

Emmelyn took the cup from the maid's hand and whispered. "Thank you, Lily..."

Lily Greenan, who disguised herself as a maid, smiled and patted her back. "I am sorry I couldn't come sooner."

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