The Cursed Prince

Chapter 318 - Asking For Lilys Help

"Oh my god... Lily! I am so glad you came..." was all Emmelyn could whisper to Lily who came to see her. She felt so moved that Lily went the extra mile to make sure that they could meet by disguising herself as a maid.

"I am sorry, I can't come sooner. It was chaos outside. I think the king has gone mad..." said Lily with a hoarse voice. Emmelyn could now notice her distraught expression.

This must be hard on Lily too because she and her family came to the capital to visit Emmelyn under the queen's invitation. And when they went to Athos' parents' home, suddenly the queen was murdered.

"I didn't kill queen mother," Emmelyn was sobbing almost without a sound. She didn't want the guards outside to hear what they were talking about. It was not common for a maid to have a conversation with noblemen.

So, if they heard Emmelyn AZ li taking with a maid, they might be suspicious that the maid was not really a maid.

"I don't believe the accusation that you did it," said Lily. Her expression turned murky. "I saw how close you two were. I think only those who don't know you personally, or never saw you two together would believe the bull shit."

Emmelyn bit her lip. "But the king believed that I was the killer. Otherwise, he wouldn't lock me up in here."

Lily let out a long sigh. "I don't know about that...."

"What do you mean?" Emmelyn asked her. She didn't understand what Lily was trying to say. "Do you think the king believes me that I am innocent?"

Lily shook her head again. She looked distraught and tired. "I am not sure how to put it. But, as I said... the king has gone mad. He doesn't respond to questions. He refused to eat or leave the queen's side. Right now, the capital is controlled by Duke Preston in place of the king. I really wished the crown prince is here to take over."

"Oh..." Emmelyn pressed her lips in shock. She knew how much King Jared loved his wife, but she didn't expect the king to be this way when Queen Elara died. "He.. he has gone mad?"

"People try to stay away from him now. The last man trying to ask him something was beheaded on the spot."

"Oh no...." Emmelyn shuddered at the thought that King Jared would order her beheading if she tried to come to him and present her case, that she was innocent and Ellena was the one responsible for the queen's murder.

King Jared didn't like her when he was still normal. What would he do to her after he had gone mad like now?

"So.. I cannot talk to him and show him evidence and witnesses that I am innocent?" Emmelyn asked the question as if to herself. She knew the answer already. She just needed to air it.

"I would suggest you stay away from the king," Lily uttered her advice. "He wouldn't even let us bury the queen. He said she is not dead yet..."

"Oh my god..." Emmelyn was truly saddened by Lily's words. She was feeling conflicting when she found out about King Jared's situation.

On the one hand, she hated the king for his sins toward her family. She also hated him for treating her badly. But... seeing how much he loved the queen and how broken he had become from losing Queen Elara... Emmelyn couldn't help but feel bad.

The only woman who could handle the king was dead and now he had gone mad. Emmelyn now felt deeply saddened for her husband.

Mars must be so devastated when he came home to find his parents in such a state. Not only did he lose his beloved mother.. his father's condition was not much better.

"Oh.. poor Mars," Emmelyn muttered despondently. She turned to Lily and asked, "If he doesn't allow the queen's body to be buried... where is she now?"

"They took her to the ice cave in the north," Lily replied.?"The ice cave preserves her body, so all the ministers support this decision too. They hope to carry out proper funeral after the crown prince returns."

"Oh..." Emmelyn nodded. She liked this idea too. She thought Mars would want to see his mother one last time before she was buried. "I think it's a good idea. How far is the ice cave from here?"

"Not too far. Around one-hour horse ride," Lily explained. "That's why the king goes there every day. Just to see the late queen."

"But... doesn't he have to lead the people? How could he go there every day?"

"I think. He no longer cares about the kingdom. That's why Duke Preston could take over."

"That's really bad!" Emmelyn felt really angry at the fact that Duke Preston just assumed power when the king was weakened by his grief. "The king still has a family. They should have taken over from Duke Preston."

"I agree, but the king himself handed over power to the duke yesterday. He will be in charge of the day-to-day court affairs until the crown prince returns home."

She added, "My husband is trying to gather all family members to come to the capital and help. We are now waiting for people to arrive. Also Prince Mars. But it looks like he is quite far away now."

Emmelyn thought she was so unlucky that during these really challenging times in her life, her husband was away to chase the witch. Inwardly, she wanted to scream and be angry at him for leaving her behind to face this calamity on her own.

If only he brought her with him, or if he sent other people to hunt the witch on his behalf, Emmelyn wouldn't be subjected to this situation. Ellena wouldn't be able to frame her for the queen's murder... and the queen would not die. The king wouldn't go mad.

"Do you have any news from him?" Finally, Emmelyn asked Lily if she had any knowledge about her husband.

The last letter she received was two weeks ago before the queen died. Mars must have sent her another letter but she was not allowed to receive it.

Lily nodded. "Yeah. They have arrived in Wintermere and were getting ready to ambush the witch. They already found her home."

"I know who the witch is," Emmelyn said. "I met her once last year. And the Bellevars are actually my relatives."

"What?" Lily was shocked to hear this statement from Emmelyn. "What did you say?"

"It's a long story." Emmelyn bit her lip. She wanted to tell everything to Lily, but when she glanced at the door she could hear the guard pacing in front of her chamber. She and Lily didn't have much time.

Emmelyn shouldn't waste time by telling such a long story to Lily. She must immediately ask Lily to help her get away from this prison.

"Lily.. I will tell you what happened when the time is right. But now I need your help."

"Okay.. what can I do for you?" Lily was shaking when she heard footsteps coming closer. She glanced at the door.

"I need to talk to Ellena. Please tell her that."

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