The Cursed Prince

Chapter 319 - Emmelyns Request

"Ellena?" Lily furrowed her brows. She didn't understand Emmelyn's request. "Why do you need to talk to her?"

She didn't know Ellena well, but she had heard from her husband that Duke Preston had an adopted daughter, that was very likely his illegitimate daughter from a mistress, who was close to the crown prince.

If Duke Preston took over power while the king was grieving, did his daughter have a good relationship with Emmelyn? She was, after all, the crown prince's friend, right?

Though, for Lily personally, having a woman being friendly to her husband was not something she could tolerate. She didn't believe that man and woman could be friends.

What would they have in common? Men were busied by men's affairs and women would have their own womanly things to do. She didn't see how they could get along without having a romantic feeling for each other.

"I have something important to tell her," said Emmelyn firmly. "I cannot send anyone from here. You are my only ally in the capital. I cannot ask for anyone else..."

Lily didn't mind talking to Ellena on Emmelyn's behalf, but that meant Ellena would know that she had seen Emmelyn in her 'prison'. What if she reported it to her father, Duke Preston?

The situation in the capital was dire and she didn't dare to do things rashly. She didn't want her family to be impacted.

"You don't have to talk to Ellena yourself," Emmelyn quickly assured Lily. She could guess what was on Lily's mind. She wouldn't want to bring danger to the Greenans.

She added, "I will write a short letter and address it to Ellena Greystorm. You can pay a servant to secretly deliver the letter to the Prestons' mansion. Use your trusted person to make sure the servant won't be traced back to you. Do you think you can do this?"

Lily nodded. Emmelyn's advice was good and she was relieved that she could help Emmelyn without risking her family's safety.

"Yes, yes, I can do that. I have some trusted servant here." Lily smiled in relief. "You can write your letter now. We don't have much time."

"Okay, great..." Emmelyn got up from the bed and quickly wrote a brief letter to Ellena. She needed to talk to that evil woman and make a deal with her. She had to do something.

[Ellena, I need to talk to you in private. I admit defeat. ER.]

She gave the letter to Lily who read the words with furrowed brows.

"What does this mean? Why did you admit defeat? Did you girls have a fight or something?" She asked Emmelyn.

"You can say that..." Emmelyn let out a sigh. She didn't elaborate since she thought they didn't have much time left. The guards could come anytime with Mr. Vitas and Lily's disguise would be exposed if they caught her talking to Emmelyn.

"Okay. I will make sure Ellena receives this letter," said Lily. She rolled the letter and hid it inside a secret compartment in her dress. "Is there anything else I can help you with? Are you healthy? Do you crave anything? Is there anything you want? I will try to come again and bring them for you."

Lily was pregnant three times and had given birth to three sons. She could empathize with Emmelyn's condition. A pregnant woman must have a lot of discomforts. She might be craving certain foods, or she might feel nauseous...

The least that she could do was provide what Emmelyn needed. Once the crown prince returned, she was sure that Emmelyn's situation would improve. She would be freed and this bullshit accusation about her killing the queen would be gone.

But until then... Emmelyn needed to hang in there. And Lily could tell how hard it must be.

"Can you please... find a person for me?" Emmelyn finally decided to ask Lily's help to get Mrs. Adler. "She is a village witch. Her name is Mrs. Adler and she lives in Bydell village."

"Okay, I can do that," Lily repeated the names several times so she wouldn't forget them. "A village witch, Mrs. Adler, from Bydell. Got it."

"If you can find her, please talk to Mr. Vitas about her. I will ask Mr. Vitas to invite her to come with him next time. I want her to help me with my pregnancy," said Emmelyn. She intentionally didn't tell Lily her plans with the old witch. She didn't want to involve Lily in this risky plan. She might be in danger.

"But Mr. Vitas is a very good physician," said Lily. "He will take care of you better than any village witch."

"I know, but he is a man. I am more comfortable with a woman to help with my pregnancy and maybe later giving birth." Emmelyn replied. "I am close to her and feel comfortable having her around."

"Okay," Lily couldn't understand the logic. A village witch usually helped villager women with labor, which meant only poor people used them. They didn't get proper education and training.

Women from the high nobility would have expert physicians like Mr. Vitas to help them. Mr. Vitas didn't only study herbomancy under a wizard, he also got proper education equivalent to a medical school from the oldest school in Draec.

All aristocratic ladies would want him to care for them during pregnancies or illnesses. Well, Lily couldn't force her belief on Emmelyn. She just nodded and promised to do what Emmelyn asked of her.


They could hear the sound of the door being opened and knew the guards must have returned with Mr. Vitas.

"I will be back soon," Lily said reassuringly as she cleared the tray and got ready to go. "I think that's Mr. Vitas. I will go now and do what you asked me to do."

Oh, Lily.. thank you so much.." said Emmelyn with a hoarse voice. She wanted to hug Lily to show her gratitude, but she held back. The door was now opened and the two guards entered with the old Mr. Vitas.

Emmelyn quickly pretended to pass out on her bed.

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