The Dark Ages

Chapter 57 - Blasted its roots


In the town square, the two zombies roared sternly, and then were entangled quickly by thick tree roots, and their sharp roots penetrated into the body of the zombies.

Grumbling a few times, the roots of the trees were drawing the flesh and blood of the zombies, and in a blink of an eye, the two zombies were sucked into a pile of dead bones by the dense roots.

丢 From the time it was thrown to the present, the whole process took less than ten seconds, and the two zombies became a pile of dead bones.


There was a sound of swallowing, and Moda and others were sweating cold on the forehead, chilling their backs, cold hands and feet, and scared by the sight in front of them.

They were horrified, looking at the squirming tree roots on the ground, as if a bunch of disgusting creatures, all gray and black, with stinky mucus.

This is the root of the tree. It is the root of the banyan tree. It is dense and dense, and the number is not clear. They emerge from the ground and eat the two zombies directly.

“It’s perfect!”

“too horrible!”

Everyone stepped back unconsciously, instinctual fear, one by one looked at his feet suspiciously, for fear of rushing out a bunch of terrible tree roots to entangle them.

Tamarix, Long Xiaoya, and a group of girls were most afraid. When they saw the disgusting tree roots, they felt hairy and pale, and were obviously frightened by everything they saw.

“Tian Ge, we are not going to kill this banyan tree?” Liu Ye looked shocked, and suddenly remembered that Qin Tian Ge said that he was here to kill this tree.

A banyan tree that has grown up is like a tadpole in the movie, isn’t it a banyan tree? This is the realistic version of the tree demon. The fine trees are terrible. Can they kill them?

This question, Qin Tiange did not answer, his face was a little dignified, but there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

“This banyan tree has evolved to Samsung, it is incredible!” He can see that this banyan tree has evolved to Samsung level.

Under the roots of the entire banyan tree, there are a lot of bones buried, no matter zombies or humans, or mutated creatures, etc., as soon as they enter the attack range of the banyan tree, they will be violently attacked and killed, and finally become the nutrient of the banyan tree.

This is the most direct reason for the evolution of the banyan tree to Samsung. Otherwise, even if a tree becomes sperm, it is still very difficult to evolve, but once it eats enough blood and nutrients, this tree will be horrible.

Samsung-level banyan tree monsters are very troublesome to deal with, because once you get close, you will be attacked by numerous hidden underground tree roots, and you will have no time to run.

It’s more than that. Look at the entire banyan tree, and there are countless dense systems hanging on it. These are living weapons that can be used to bind and kill the enemy.

Even some branches of the banyan tree have already become tentacle-like weapons, swept down from afar, the picture is too beautiful to dare to think about.

How do you kill this banyan that has evolved to Samsung level? Trees, afraid of fire, this is beyond doubt, this is the weakness of flowers and trees, even if it has evolved into a fine, it still has this weakness.

Alas, if you want to kill these tree monsters that have become fine, you must first remove the roots, otherwise, even if you cut off their trunks, they will not be able to kill them, the other party can still grow new branches.

Qin Tiange walked around the banyan tree, 500 meters away from the banyan tree, observed little by little, even stepped on the ground with one foot, stepped out of a large pit, and carefully observed the situation underground.

He was looking at the shrouded area of ​​the banyan tree roots and looked at some fine root systems, which had grown beyond 500 meters, but had not yet formed effective control and attack.

“Morda, come here.”

Soon, he greeted Moda and a group of boys over, and began to tell them what to do. First, let them start digging around the banyan tree 500 meters away.

Yes, it ’s just digging. Although it ’s not very clear, Moda and others did it. It did n’t take long. The one-meter-long and two-meter-deep pits around the huge banyan tree appeared.

你们 “You, one in charge of one pit, bury me these explosives.”

He waved his hand and released the ton of explosives. Qin Tiange’s words just came to an end. Everyone knew what he wanted to do. This was to use explosives to blow up this banyan essence.

He originally wanted to use white phosphorus incendiary bombs and plasma bombs to kill this banyan tree, but now he has a ton of explosives and naturally refuses to let it go.

“Tian Ge, can this banyan tree really die?” Liu Ye was a little worried.

The hundred-meter-high banyan tree has become refined. It seems to see the busy people and feel the next danger. The entire banyan tree begins to shake tremblingly.


The banyan tree trembled, and the trunk leaves made a rustling sound. Then, the sand on the ground began to wriggle and wriggle, as if something terrible was stirring underground.

With a bang, countless horror roots broke through the ground, stretched out and danced wildly, hitting the crowd for a while.

轰轰 轰轰 …

The earth shuddered, and the thick banyan tree roots stretched out like pythons, and then slammed towards the crowd crazyly, smashing the ground into pieces and shattering, and the smoke was billowing.

Look at this, the boys who are buried in explosives are panicking one by one, and quickly retreat, avoiding the gravel and sand that comes from them. Fortunately, they are 500 meters away from the banyan tree.

“Don’t be afraid, it won’t hit you.” Qin Tiange motionlessly patted the gravel over him, and spoke to comfort the panic-stricken people.

Quickly, Moda and others calmed down and continued to sell explosives, leaving the countless horrible tree roots in front of them to flutter and dance.

The roots of the linden tree danced wildly, the branches swayed, and the ground was rattling, which alarmed a lot of zombies nearby, but it was strange that these zombies not only did not come but actually escaped in fear.

Hiss …!

此时 At this moment, the trunk of the banyan tree sent a sharp hissing, sharp and piercing, which caused ear pain.

The banyan tree was roaring, Qin Tiange squinted his eyes, UU read and looked towards the trunk of the banyan tree, where the dense and dense root system suddenly and autonomously separated, revealing a human face on the trunk.

Old, horrible, 狰狞, evil!

This is the face of a banyan tree, which has become a fine banyan tree. An old woman’s face on the trunk is extremely terrifying.

The bite of the green fangs was terrifying, a pair of dark green eyes, glowing with faint evil light, and hatred staring at Qin Tiange and others, scared many girls.


A girl was startled, pale and almost stunned with a scream.

Some boys were so scared that their hearts stopped. The face was so disgusting. It was really scary. The huge mouth opened was a sharp growl.


Qin Tiange sighed coldly when he saw this, and laughed: “What about being refined? You still can’t change the fact that you are a tree.”

A cricket tree must be rooted in the soil. Unless it has evolved to such an extent that it can escape from the soil, it can only take root there, even afraid of flames.


He waved his hand gently, and Qin Tiange ordered the ignition, making the old and horrible face of the banyan tree snarling and deafening.

Moda and others endured ear pain, ignited the explosive fuze with a torch, and ran back in a flash, ran for thousands of kilometers, hiding in the corner of the building outside the square.


The trunk of the Banyan tree, the old and horrifying human face roared, the hoarse roar pierced the sky, the huge trunk whirled wildly, countless roots rushed out of the soil, and patted madly, trying to destroy those buried explosives.

It is a pity that the roots of its trees cannot extend beyond 500 meters, and a loud roar came suddenly, shaking for a while.

Boom …

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