The Dark Ages

Chapter 58 - Liquid of life

There was a loud noise, and the sky shook. The entire town square exploded. Numerous cement rushed into the sky accompanied by sand and stones.

The terrible sound of rumbling came, followed by a huge fireball rising and then exploding, resulting in a huge explosion, which was affected within a few kilometers, the building collapsed, and the glass shattered.

Hiss … Hiss!

A scream of horror came from the center of the explosion. The hundred-meter-high banyan tree was dancing wildly. Numerous branches and roots wrapped the body, and wanted to defend against this huge explosion.

Unfortunately, under the bombardment of a ton of TNT explosives, the entire square ground was blasted into a large pit, and numerous entangled roots inside were smashed on the spot.

With a loud bang, the banyan tree collapsed!

For a long time, when the smoke and dust dispersed and the aftermath of the explosion disappeared, Qin Tiange and others walked out of the corner of the building, staring at the smoke and coming to the side of the square.


Everyone came again, and when they saw the unrecognizable town square, everyone looked different. In particular, the horrible banyan tree that had fallen down shattered countless roots underground, flowing out disgusting slime, exuding a terrifying and acrid smell.

The roots of these trees were tangled in the ground, but they were instantly cleaned and their trunks collapsed.

However, to their horror, the banyan tree had not yet died when it had been blown up in this way, and the old horror face on the trunk was still roaring.

Many of the broken tree trunks swayed violently, and they whirled at everyone, as if they were warning them not to come.

“Your dead time is up.” Qin Tiange smiled coldly, stepped forward two steps, stepped on the broken square, and suddenly took out a black grenade.

It was a white phosphorus incendiary bomb, pulled down the ring, and gently dropped it over the root of the banyan tree.

With a bang, countless yellow-and-white flames burned, forming a raging fire that spread the countless root systems at the bottom of the entire trunk of the banyan tree.


The cricket was burned by flames, and the ficus tree screamed screaming, screaming, roaring wildly, and wielding a huge trunk to bombard the ground. Unfortunately, it could not change the fate of being killed.

Since the root of the tree was blown out and the body collapsed, it looked like a lamb to be slaughtered, staring at Qin Tiange to kill him.

The terrible flame and high temperature from the white phosphorus incendiary bomb directly burned all the roots of the banyan tree, even the blood-like liquid could not extinguish those white phosphorus flames.

Eventually, all the roots of the banyan tree were burned clean. Gradually, the screams of the human face on the trunk of the banyan tree became weaker and weaker, as if losing their lives.

On the broken branches, the leaves began to wither and fade, and the green leaves suddenly withered, as if suddenly lost their lives.

The end of the day comes, and the dark energy of the universe radiates the world. This century-old banyan tree has become an essence, devouring countless humans and zombies, and even killing many mutant creatures, and finally stepped into the Samsung level.

If it can evolve to a level above six stars, then it can pull up its root system, then move, take another place and take root.

What a pity, instead of waiting for this opportunity, it ushered in Qin Tiange, the evil star, and was eventually blown off the root system, and even burned its root system, completely breaking its root.

If you want to kill tree mutants and other plant mutants, you must break their root systems, otherwise they will not kill these things. The so-called wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing and regenerating.

He looked at the tree demon without a sound. Moda, Liu Ye, and others stepped forward and thought that the tree demon was dead.

But they suddenly saw that Qin Tiange fiercely took out a strange sniper rifle, clicked into the load, and a slight electromagnetic light lit up on the gun body.

This is an electromagnetic sniper rifle, one star level, very powerful. Holding the electromagnetic sniper rifle in both hands, Qin Tiange aimed at the banyan demon without a sound, and suddenly shot a shot in the middle of the withered eyebrow.


A plasmon bullet exploded and instantly shredded the bark of the tree demon. A half-meter-wide pit was blasted on the spot, and a stream of disgusting dark green mucus flowed out.

Hissing … The original quiet banyan tree was hit hard, sending out a fierce scream, terribly horrifying, making people feel cold, but it did not die, obviously pretending to be dead.

Banyan Tree Essence, very cunning, even pretended to be deadly attracting people, but unfortunately it encountered Qin Tiange, naturally it is clear that the Banyan Demon is not dead.

Sure enough, when the shot went down, the splendid hundred-year-old banyan tree screamed, but unfortunately, it soon lost its voice, and finally lost its strength. The painful expression on the face completely broke down.

“Are you dead?” Liu Yan and others asked carefully.

In fact, they are not sure whether the tree spirit is dead, but Qin Tiange shot another blow on the face’s eyebrow for the sake of insurance, and instantly blew through the trunk.

Seeing the banyan tree demon without movement, Qin Tiange frowned secretly, wondering if it was the banyan tree demon, even bearing the pain to pretend to die, led them over and then wiped it out.

This is possible. Many people in previous lives have encountered such a situation. They had already won, but they were deceived by the other party. The last one was the tragic mutant tree monster.


The cricket was shot at the root of the banyan tree, and a large piece was instantly wiped out. The dark green liquid flowed down and gave off a pungent smell. The banyan tree did not move, and the entire trunk dried up quickly.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange was relieved and secretly wiped a cold sweat. Fortunately, he was smart and careful and fired two more shots, otherwise he was really deceived.

The linden tree demon still had a sigh of relief, trying to pretend to entice Qin Tiange to come up, but unfortunately the other side was cautious, and fired two consecutive shots, killing it life and death, very resentful.

“Go, check it out!”

After killing the Banyan Demon, Qin Tiange seemed extremely excited. He jumped forward quickly, and several landed on the trunk of the Banyan tree steadily ~ ~ The huge trunk, full of 18 meters in thickness It looks scary. Especially the huge human face, old, old, scary, and extremely scary.


I took out the two-star electromagnetic light blade obtained from the lottery, and Qin Tiange was so excited that he plunged into the trunk of the banyan tree with a sharp stroke and cut a huge opening.

He was looking for something, and kept cutting the trunk of the banyan tree, cutting it piece by piece, making it covered with disgusting sap.

“it’s here!”

Finally, before Moda and others arrived, Qin Tiange found what he was looking for, his face was agitated, and he carefully cut the three-foot position under the face of the banyan tree, where there was a green bark, especially verdant.

I cut open the bark of the tree, and there was a ray of green light shining in it, it looked like some kind of liquid, exuding a pleasant fragrance.

“Scented, what is this?”

Tamariu and others came forward, enjoying with a look of face, sucking their noses fiercely, the aroma made them refreshed, as if they were younger all of a sudden.

“The liquid of life, it really is the liquid of life …” Seeing these verdant green liquids, Qin Tiange couldn’t help but be excited.

Killing the banyan demon is actually for this thing, otherwise he would not come to play with this fine banyan tree.

I am now okay. I killed the banyan demon. Sure enough, I saw this kind of thing. The turquoise liquid from the trunk of the banyan demon is called the liquid of life.

This is the essence of life of the entire trunk of the Banyan demon, here it is.

The mutated tree becomes a sperm, but no crystal nucleus will be born, but the body has an extremely rich essence of life, which is the liquid of life.

So what use is this liquid of life?

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