The Deadman

Chapter 16: A Demonic Encounter

The ninth district was a rural area. It’s near the tenth so it was hard not to think of the dreadful feeling that he had felt when visiting the tenth district days ago. Lesnik’s presence still left a lingering fear in Robert that he couldn’t easily rid of. Still, he thought that he needed to focus on the task given to him.

Sauntering to the place where Dan Montenegro was living. Robert inspected the cottage he was living in. A medium-size house with half-timbered walls and red brick tiles for a roof that had faded with time.

The front of the house was not swept. The garden was untended and most of the plants have withered. The windows are blocked by the curtains. The picket fence corralling the house was dusty.

The cottage itself was part of a lot. A lot that was clearly not maintained by anyone. Robert takes his double-barreled shotgun out and slowly makes his way to the door. He kneels. He takes a look at the lock before taking out a set of lock picks from his coat’s pockets. He pied the room first, cleared the sides, and searched the living room. Marking the living room as a clear before moving to the second floor.

The second floor was different. Multiple writings found in cursive letters are spread all over the walls. Written in blood. Robert took his recon camera out and took a photograph. He moved to the room and found Danton Montenegro emaciated with sunken cheeks and broken fingers.

He was missing an eye. His hair was balding and he used he blood leaking out of his left palm as ink to write with his broken fingers. 

Robert raised his shotgun and kept it pointed at Danton Montenegro.

“Mr. Montenegro. Can you hear me?”

He did not answer. His hands kept on writing. It made Robert wonder if this was something he could handle. After a omen he had decided to call for support. He felt that he could not do anything right now other than call a phone number in his phonebook.

“Miss Juliana.”

“You are calling me so I hope this important. Hmm, so is there something happening?”

“I’m currently in the cottage of a Mage named Danton Montenegro. He is in a trance, and is writing with his palm’s blood.”

“Are there any runic writings on the walls?”


“Robert Oswald. I advise you right now to seal your body’s mana and leave that house now and wait for an Agent to come to that lot. Tell me the address. because I'm sure that was demon possession and from the sound of it. It’s Marba’s Lecture. Stray your eyes from the writings. It’s good that you are not well-versed in the knowledge of runes. Tell me why you are there in the first place.”

Robert explained how he got here. The deal with the Witch Lucia and the task he was given. After confirming the details, Robert was instructed by Juliana to escape the vicinity of the area and wait for further orders. Make sure that no one else other than him enters the area where Marba’s Lecture was happening.

Lesser Demons. Demons. True Demons. Demon Princes.

Lesser Demons could be handled with normal weaponry. Demons were dangerous and would need the assistance of an Agent. True Demons however need multiple Agents and possibly a master of magic to confront. And  lastly, the Demon Princes would need the attention of an Arch-Mage, a Wizard, and a Slayer. 

Slayers were those who have achieved legendary status. They were holders of famed weapons. Heroic Souls that have etched their names in History.

Robert kept his double-barreled shotgun close. When the Agent that Juliana called appears, Robert sensed a similar feeling. Like a small animal recognizing a predator.

This man is stronger than me.

That was Robert’s thoughts as this man in a black trench coat walked with a decorated cane sword with a pommel embedded with a crystal. He studied Robert. Deep black eyes looking at him.

“Robert Oswald, it’s a pleasure. You have been involved with these kinds of accidents, lately. I am Gregory Hawke.”

Robert accepted his extended hand. Sir Hawke squeezed hard.

“You have a strong grip, son.”

He complimented Robert while adjusting the brim of his hat. His eyes went to the cottage. He took something out of his coat and stabbed one of it on the ground.

“Bury these stakes in the four corners of this lot.”

Robert took the stakes and buried them in the four corners of the lot. The stakes were made of silver inscribed with runic writings. After placing them Robert sauntered back to Sir Hawke where he was preparing the core of the formation.

“Enforcer Oswald, how are you with living space? I had heard that Young Simone took you to Lesnik.”

“Have you met him, sir?”

“Once. Lesnik was the one who taught Merlin his druid abilities. He had mellowed out compared to the years he was actively speaking with humans. When I met him. I felt dread. Helplessness. Lesnik was a creature that could look the Demons in the eyes and not flinch. It’s understandable to feel despair at his presence. You did well.”

Agent Hawke formed a seal with his hands. A translucent barrier covered the lot within a few seconds. It seemed to be quiet. Robert took a walk out of the living space. He discovered that the house had been covered by a barrier which made it as if it didn’t exist.

This kind of world scares me, Robert internally complains as he takes a step back into the living space. Sir Hawke finishes the barrier and takes the sword out of his cane.

The sword hummed. There was this invisible energy coating it. Sir Hawke looked back and asked.

“Do you have silver bullets, Oswald?”

“I have.”

“I want you to watch for anything. We are facing a demon beyond the label of a Demon. It might just be an essence. But if we fail. It will not be easy. Marba’s Lecture overwhelms the mind. It fills it with knowledge and tries to gracefully hand a percent. A blessing and a curse.”

“Was there anyone who could have handled it?”

“There was. The Key of Solomon was made because of that.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense.”

“There are a lot of true secrets. Myths that even all the magic we can muster wouldn’t fade away. These legends will remain. You cannot suppress the sun. My ancestors used to say.”

Despite the horror, they are facing. The confidence in his stride and the strength of his spirit made Robert feel somewhat safe.

With Sir Hawke taking the lead. They reached the second floor where Danton Montenegro was still writing the Lecture Marbas was speaking in his head.

“I shall now perform the exorcism rites, Oswald. Silence your heart and steer clear.”

Sir Hawke approached

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost,” he places his palm on his humming sword. “Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places”

It was a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. A prayer for strength so that he can wield the aspect of his flaming sword.

His sword blazes. A flame that burned the air. It was so hot that Robert couldn't help but wonder if he was in front of a heated forge.

Sir Hawke held the sword in front.

“Oh Demon who had come to pollute the mind of this magician. Leave his body, you do not belong here!”

Robert kneeled at the words of power. The strength in his legs failed as the words that spoke were enough to put pressure on him.

But Marbas’s lecture did not stop.

If anything, the writing of the blood became faster. The dense aura around the second floor became so suffocating that Robert could feel his breath lessen.

“It seems that the hold of the demon was already too strong.”

He took a fighting stance. 

“May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us. As great as our hope in Thee. We drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies, and sects.”

Prayers without words of power were simply prayers. But prayers with power in it became a voice that could turn into strength. Although he was not familiar with such prayers, Robert knew  the prayers that  Sir Hawke was using.

In the hands of an Agent of the Commission. It was a deadly prayer that could cut through the miasma.

The aspect that he summoned upon his sword burned the air.

“Enforcer Oswald,” he said sternly. “One day when magic dies the connection to the spiritual world will falter. Technology will rule us and magic will weaken. But faith was constant. Men will revere gods unconsciously, find comfort in a being that hears their prayers.”

His flaming sword burst into flames.

“But men must act so God may witness. And a demon entering the world of men was not welcome.”

The air changed again. He made a thrusting stance and his body slides as he got pushed by something. The blade entered the heart of Danton Montenegro. The room squealed as if it was hurt.

It came to Robert that this room was part of the lecture. Creatures that have a humanoid form try to get out of the room. Sir Hawke spoke a prayer again, igniting the flame on his sword, burning Danton Montenegro’s body.

The room faltered.

“You humans. Always so comedic.”


That voice that was simply fear incarnate.

Robert collapsed on the spot.

He throws his hands up and started screaming incoherently. His mind was in chaos. He was conscious yet his body and instincts refused to listen to him.

He was holding his head. Weeping so badly that even a baby would be ashamed of his cries. 

The miasma lessens. 

Sir Hawke looked down on him and drew a rune in front of Robert.

The rune entered Robert’s head. 

His despairing eyes froze and  he passed out, leaving Sir Hawke standing alone in the room.




With Robert sleeping on the ground. 

Sir Hawke took his radio out and called Juliana.

“The demon's essence left.”

“Good. I hope there are no casualties?”

“Your Enforcer fainted.”

“How unsightly.”

“He heard the words of Marbas. If anything, how he was able to endure that was impressive. Still, from the looks of it. He’ll be able to endure long enough to move his limbs at least and fire a gun.”

There was silence behind the radio.

“What was your assessment of this?”

“From what I hear this Witch asked for the wand. He might have been trying to use a wand to better conduct his spells. But the thing was that this fool had purchased a book with a taint of Marbas on it.”

“A grimoire that was written by someone who had learned it from a book tainted by Marbas?”

“That’s it.”

“This was troublesome. This was the seventh case. Is this related to the Temple?”

“They use demons in their ranks now. For a cult that idealizes the ideals of the Knights Templar, they have fallen hard.”

“I will be expecting a full report.”

“Got it. Juliana, one more thing, are we really going to leave the cases with our Enforcers?”

“We have to. There was no choice now as the millennium ends. Truly, we are in strange times where we have to worry about such things like this."

Sir Hawke looked outside through the window.

“I’m done here. Please help me secure this place.”


“Shall I give the wand to the Enforcer? It seems like he needs it for a favor.”

“I will allow it. But make sure that it was not tainted.”

Sir Hawke took the wand from the drawer. There was little trace of miasma in it, but Marbas’s taint was not on the wand. Sir Hawke hears a groan.

“Are you awake?”

Robert with his eyes sunken nods. He looked at Danton Montenegro who was moaning in pain, pointed the shotgun at him, and blew his head off.

There was rage in Robert Oswald’s face.

“Calm down, Enforcer.”

Sir Hawke grabbed the shotgun and lowered it.

“He was dead.”

Robert took the shotgun away, stopped, turned back to the corpse, and fired the last shell left in his gun. This time he shot the chest of the burnt corpse.

“That is enough, Enforcer Oswald. Calm yourself right now.”

Robert staggered at the words spoken by Sir Hawke. 

He stared  at Sir Hawke with a complicated expression before leaving with his eyes pointed at the floor.

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