The Deadman

Chapter 17: Ill-Tempered Passenger

If Lesnik was dreadful.

Then Marba’s voice was fear manifest.

Robert had calmed himself after Enforcers surrounded the lot. He was holding on to the wand that led him here. The wand that made him walk voluntarily to this lot.

Sir Hawke finished instructing the Enforcers. He takes a cigar out and offers one to Robert.

Robert takes one of the cigars. He pinched the tip and lit it with his fingers.

“Hmm, the lot is secured. Other than shooting a burnt man twice. I’d say that you did well.”

“I lost control.”

“I’d see it as mercy killing. The first shell should have been enough. The second was just overkill. You recovered well.”

He studied Robert with his scrutinizing glare. Robert kept his eyes on the wand with his head lowered. Behind the officers of the Commission were dismantling and systematically removing all taint in this lot.

“Will there be consequences?”

“You aren’t well-versed with runic language or words of power. So now that you have heard the voice of a true demon. I don’t suggest that you learn curses. Stick to elements, Oswald. There’s a good chance that learning more than what you know will cause you to be susceptible to demonic possession.”

Robert takes a drag of his cigar. He coughs and taps the ashes on the ground, stomping on them.

“Is it because of the weaker mind?”

“Yes. You are quite unlucky. You first met a dreaded being and now a feared one. Your mind is tough, but it’s not enough to allow you to stand before them.”

Robert could not refute that statement. He silently processed his situation and wiped his face with his off-hand.

“Then I hope it isn’t so bad.”

“It isn’t. I’ve seen worse reactions, Enforcer Oswald. But you have fury in you, Enforcer. You aren’t fit to be fighting the supernatural. Tell me. What have you learned from your current case?”

“None. Agent Wilson had no idea. So I went to the Witches of Playfer to get information.”

Sir Hawke nodded. He lets a leaf fall on his palm. He adjusted the brim of his hat while tapping his sword cane.

“The Witches of Playfer are quite tricky. Do you know what their assets are, Officer Oswald? It’s not the hexes, charms, and potions that they supply. It’s the information they gather from their spies. They are masters of scrying. Can use their familiars to gain information.”

“So the Witch that I am working with must know this?”

“Could be. They have charms and you know how tempting these witches are because of their nature. They’d rather order someone to do it for them rather than do it themselves. It will provide them with a sense of security if something goes wrong. So they’d ask someone else to retrieve supernatural items.”

Robert processed what Sir Hawke said and sighed.

“So what now, sir?”

“We’re done here. I made sure that there was no taint left. But make sure that you mention what happened here. I don’t want some fool making a mistake.”

Sir Hawke pulled his cuffs. He looked at his watch and then rolled it back to normal.

“That’s it for me.”

Sir Hawke finished his cigar and left the lot. Robert stayed on the stump and watched the officers for another five minutes before leaving.

Traveling by bus and tram to Henbane Street.

Robert waltzed inside the Playfer cub, searched for Lucia, found her, and then placed the wand on her table.

He was about to speak softly when he found no control over his words.

“Information. Now.”

Lucia raised a brow. Her face told Robert that she knew what happened. She took out a document from her bag. Robert grabs it, opens it, and starts reading while Lucia’s eyes remain on him.

“I heard that the task I gave you went south.”

Robert did not reply. He switched to another page.

“You knew?”

“I knew he brought a book. But for it to be tainted with Marbas’s lecture.”

Robert groaned. For a moment anger leaked from him. That deep-seething anger that even Lucia felt. She leaned back. Folded her arms and took a sip of her wine.

“I truly didn’t know.”

Robert did not reply. He kept on reading the document. Carefully read it until he found himself on the last page. He placed the document down. Took the glass of wine that Lucia was drinking.

Robert rubbed his forehead. Lucia behaved as if she was inwardly thinking to herself what Robert would do. He had the air of a man wronged. There was no emotion on his face. Deadened eyes that clearly tell that he just had a very bad day. And the cause of that bad day was the woman in front of him.

Time passed. Lucia who had enough changed her face. This time she was acting with the dignity of a Witch.

“What more do you want?”

“Compensation. I want the favor without the repayment.”

“Impossible. We made a deal.”

“Yes. But the deal said to retrieve the wand. You withheld important information. Yes, it can be reasoned that I didn’t ask for it. Nonetheless, why wasn’t the Commission informed of this?”

“I did not know. You cannot blame me for what that fool did. No, this is unreasonable. I showed you that document. We made a deal and you will repay the favor.”

Robert didn’t blink. His eyes remained open. The orbs of his eyes had lost color.

“I will be careful if I were you, Enforcer.”

Her tone of voice was cold. There was power in her voice that would have shook a man’s heart. Robert however was steady. As if the threat of her voice was nothing more than empty air blowing on him.

“The last time I was here to ask a favor. I almost died because of the sewer system and how many there were. I asked for a favor again and you sent me to a demon-possessed fool. I don’t believe in the third time and two is enough for me. I never take chances. So I will ask you a question, miss. Was it intentional?”


“I see. You will owe me a favor, miss. And that will repay my favor.”

Lucia’s eyes chilled. The mana in her body circulated. Her eyes produced power.

“Are you threatening me?”

“Maybe. I’m not rational right now, miss. Especially when I just heard a demon’s words. Demons lead people astray and now it is leading me to this irrationality.”

“Do you understand what you are doing?”

“Oh, I do. I’m asking, simply, how come the favors that had been asked have led to my near-death. That’s all I ask.”

“You have bad luck.”

“Perhaps, I have. But nonetheless, I wish to know. If you know what would have happened before you send me.”

“I don’t.”

“I’m currently holding a 12 gauge shotgun in my hand that’s now pointed to you, miss. You have a lot of charms and trinkets, I get that. But I have enough bullets in me to wither your defenses.”

She laughed menacingly.

“And you think that my sisters won’t come?”

“I specialize in binding and sealing. Once I seal your powers. I can freely silence your tongue and break your fingers to prevent you from casting a spell long enough that your sisters won't be able to do shit.”

“You’ve gone mad.”

“Maybe. That’s why I’m asking a question here. I hate deceit. I loathe it. I don’t like playing it.”

“Then you’re a naïve child.”

“Call me what you want. But I’d still like to know.”

“Robert Oswald. Are you really sure that you want to do this? Do you understand that once you hurt a Witch of Playfer? Our services will be nulled. You will be dragged to our dungeon, to be branded or killed. Or have you simply overestimated yourself? Thinking that you're something that I'd allow myself to be threatened by? Do you not know your place?”

“Don’t know. Currently, I’m not reasonable. Not fearless either. However, I have enough reason to believe that all the demon’s words cause me to be like this. Sir Hawke will understand if they found me branded or killed. And in the end, they’d write it off as just another bastard that went out of control after facing a demon. And isn’t my request enough? I just want to know.”

She stared at him coldly.

There was silence between them.

Robert wasn’t going to back down.

Even he knew internally that this was a big mistake. That this was making enemies of a Witch. Perhaps he’s acting foolish because of the fury raging inside him. And yet he couldn’t hold it back. Like his mind told him that this was a good chance to let that rage out. The ill-tempered passenger inside his head was in control.

Robert and Kato weren't around.

Just the passenger in the head controlling him.

Lucia’s gaze, which was hard and chilly as ice suddenly softened. She leaned back with confidence and made a laugh that ragged her throat. Robert’s shotgun remained on her and as she calmed her laughter, she wiped her eyes and smiled at Robert.

Her previous hostility was gone. All that was left was the same face Lucia had. As if the temper she showed was nothing more than an illusion she conjured to match Robert. She shrugged and confessed.

“I did know. But by the witch’s heart. I did not intend any harm when I sent you to the place I said.”
Making an oath with her witch’s heart was enough. Robert holstered his shotgun. His deadened eyes regained a bit of color. That ill-tempered passenger settled down.

“I’ll forgive this once. A man should be feisty. He shouldn’t be so meek and so easy to agree with. I can respect that. You know your value and I prefer that to any fool who’d rather take everything at face value. But never do this again, Robert Oswald. Once is enough, and you do this again. I will not be so merciful. Let’s just take this as a lapse of judgment after witnessing the horrifying act of one of the Demons.”

Robert takes another sip of the wine. He scratched his head and exhaled.

“No wonder you did so well before getting involved in all of this. Robert Oswald, a former Enforcer of a Cartel from South America, moved to Palermo after encountering a problem with one of the Gangs there and was unlucky enough to meet the supernatural when a CASE agent around. I must admit that I'd need to reassess my understanding of you, Oswald. I prefer this one other than the meek and wary mask you wore before you went to that den.”

She clapped her hands. The waitress brought a glass of wine. She sniffs it before taking a sip of it.

“I won’t thank you for your mercy.”

“That’s fine. Hmm, I know when to forgive and when to slaughter. Of course, if you had come into our club, without proving your worth. I'd have taken the chance to brand you. However, you survived hearing the words of a True Demon and the dread of the oldest druid on earth. That alone is enough to keep you alive. Brazen men are much better. I also hope that you must understand that some of our tasks and favors are trials. It’s hard for a Witch to trust others. You must at least understand that among the people of this side of the world. The Witches were the ones hunted the most and we prefer those who have the dignity to speak up and not just come here to show that they want us for favors only.”

“I threatened to shoot you.”

“Yes, you did.”

She smiled amiably.

“But I prefer that to a man who hides behind nice words and compliments. An ill-tempered honest man is better than a deceiver, at least to me.”

Robert did not understand. Or perhaps this was simply a trick before she takes revenge?

Nonetheless, he had done it already. There was no use for regret. Robert groaned and leaned on the booth.

“Regretting your recklessness now?”


“Well, I don’t mind it. Just don’t do it again, Enforcer Robert Oswald. I hope that my explanation answered your questions. I’d even allow you to have that information for free. No strings attached.”

“How generous.”

“I’ve seen something fun. Not to mention you brought a wand that had been tainted with Marbas’s words. We can use this. Cursed items have values in them.”

“Is that so?”


Robert looked at Lucia who was inspecting the wand. These people were not normal. Then again, Lucia had made it clear that she preferred the brazen to the meek.

As for Robert, he cursed himself inwardly.

It seemed that even in this world he couldn’t control that ill-tempered passenger inside his head.

He was just glad that it was Lucia and not someone else who he threatened when the ill-tempered passenger took control.

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