The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 20 - An inch of gold 20

The embroiderer who went to search the fool’s bedroom also found nothing.

“Master Hou, the wing room is square inch in size, only a few change of clothes and daily necessities, nothing else.”

Silly Aunt happened to appear where the murderer appeared, which naturally aroused people’s suspicion, but her lameness was true, and now she couldn’t find evidence. Even if she was acting strangely, she could be temporarily excluded.

Huo Weilou looked at He Cheng, “That Taoist priest hasn’t finished the calculation yet?”

“Xiaguan only went to see it in the afternoon, I’m afraid it will take another half a day.” He Chengdao, looking at the sky outside, “I can figure it out tomorrow.”

“How about Mother Yu?”

He Chengdao: “After I changed my residence, it seemed like I was more sorrowful than my heart. I was chanting sutras in my mouth all day, and I didn’t need any food. I was guarded by government officials, and I didn’t go out of the room all day.”

Huo Weilou’s eyes were condensed, “From tomorrow morning, we will ask the people in the mansion. From tonight, we must not let go of anything that is unreasonable. The murderer started working on New Year’s Eve and left those words again. Seeking revenge is a person in the mansion. Perhaps he has done something before, but it has not been taken care of by everyone.”

Most of the masters in the mansion have concealed things. Since they can’t ask the secrets, they can only start with the people. And the murderer is not hidden in the mansion overnight. Hasn’t it taken any action before?

Bo Ruoyou’s heart moved slightly, and he felt reasonable.

At this moment, Huo Weilou got up and strode out, and stood under the corridor and said to Zheng Wenan and others: “It’s too late tonight, and everyone is ready to go. Everyone will recall that before the old lady’s accident, strange things happened in the house. If you dare to act repeatedly, you must know a lot about the target, and all of you at the station may be the next target.”

What this said made everyone look distracted. Zheng Yunni was standing in the front. She was especially nervous at this moment. She didn’t dare to look directly at Huo Wei Tower. She subconsciously constricted her eyes and looked at the ground in front of her. It was very cramped. I was surprised to see.

She hurriedly went to see the fool in the corner, and at this glance, she felt as though she was seeing the sun.

No wonder she feels a little familiar in the eyes of the idiot by the bamboo forest… It turns out that the eyebrows of the idiot are somewhat similar to those of Zheng Yunni!

The two of her people are very different. The silly aunt is shy and dazed, and Zheng Yunni is arrogant and graceful. In addition to the scars on the silly aunt’s face, you can’t see the similarities between the two people’s eyebrows, but once they have the same look, The sense of similarity was immediately obvious several times.

Bo Ruoyou felt more and more weird in his heart, and everyone who had obtained the words of Huo Weilou began to leave. Bo Ruoyou looked at Zheng Yunni’s back and hesitated to speak. At this time, Huo Weilou looked at her and said, “Don’t stand alone.”

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly returned to his senses. Huo Weilou didn’t say much, and took He Cheng out of the courtyard. Bo Ruoyou stood for a moment, then turned her head, the idiot was still standing under the corridor, she walked forward and said softly. , “Silly Aunty, I’ll take you back.”

Silly Gu raised her eyes and stared at her blankly, shrank her shoulders and walked toward her residence.

She was not really stupid, but she was slower than ordinary people’s reaction. On the way, Ruoyou did not ask any more questions. After leaving the crowd, the silly aunt relaxed a little. When she arrived at her residence, she was like the embroidered dress ambassador said. Very small, one item can be swept away at a glance.

The location of the lower courtyard is slightly off. Although her wing room is alone, but leaning against the gutter, the room is extremely humid, and there is a damp and muddy smell floating in from the back of the house, Bo Ruoyou sighed, Most slaves are hardships, “The mansion is not peaceful, so don’t run to Merlin alone at night.”

The idiot shrank her neck and nodded, not daring to look at Bo Ruoyou.

The embroiderer was guarding outside, and there were only two of them in the house, but the idiot was obviously still a little afraid of her.

Bo Ruoyou suddenly twisted her eyebrows. On that day, she helped the idiot pick up the fruit, although she shrank and did not dare to look at her directly, but she clearly remembered that when the idiot took the fruit, she glanced at her. Nodding to her in gratitude.

A strange feeling made Bo Ruoyou feel uncomfortable. She stared at the foolish aunt for a moment, but she couldn’t figure it out clearly. When she glanced at her, she saw a scent made by Ling Luo on the side of the fool’s bed pillow. Although the fabric is precious, the embroidery stitches on it are sparse and chaotic. Thin Ruoyou’s eyes change a little, “Is this the lady stitched?”

The silly aunt turned her head slowly and nodded slightly.

Bo Ruoyou saw how messy the stitches were, and guessed it was made by the eldest lady. It seems that Chuntao was right, and the eldest lady really felt sorry for the fool.

With her, Bo Ruoyou was uncomfortable at all, and Bo Ruoyou calmed down and left the house.

On the way back to the guest house, the weird feeling lingered in Bo Ruoyou’s heart. The silly aunt was clearly timid, but Bo Ruoyou was standing in the cramped hut, feeling a kind of uneasiness.

She went back to the guest house with a lot of thoughts. Chuntao waited for her for a long time, and she was busy welcoming her when she came back. “The girl finally came back, and Shicai didn’t know what had happened. The house was searched again.”

Bo Ruoyou smiled bitterly. After the shower, he talked to Chuntao about the silly aunt. Chuntao said: “The silly aunt is indeed pitiful. It is said that she came here because of the plague and her parents are gone. If she is not picked up by the lady, I’m afraid I won’t live.”

“Due to the plague?”

Chuntao nodded, “Luozhou was born with a plague seven or eight years ago. Doesn’t the girl not know? The old lady picked her up. The old lady found it wrong, so she was asked to investigate. Because she was innocent, she was left behind. Inside the house.”

Seven or eight years ago, Bo Ruoyou was less than ten years old, so he had no impression.

Bo Ruoyou said again: “I still saw the lady making sachets for the foolish woman today.”

Chun Tao said: “This is where the slaves and maids admire the idiot. When the eldest lady is fine, she also does needlework. Not only that, she also does two at a time, one for the eldest lady and one for the idiot. See Look, this kind of treatment is the same as the eldest lady, because of this, the eldest doesn’t like idiots very much.”

Bo Ruoyou sighed, “Do two at a time? Are they exactly the same?”

Chuntao nodded, “Yes, but you should be able to think of the things the eldest lady does. The eldest lady never uses it and is rewarded to her servants, so the slaves have seen it from several older sisters.”

Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help clenching his fists. Thinking of Huo Weilou’s words, he asked Chuntao, “Have there been strange things in the mansion these years? For example…have the masters encountered any danger?”

Chuntao frowned for a moment and shook her head, “It’s only been two years since the slave and maidservant entered the house…I haven’t heard of any master who is in danger, but illness happens occasionally.”

As she said, Chuntao’s eyes suddenly brightened, “However, the slaves and maids have heard about the past. If you want to say which master is the most troubled, it is the most troubled by the eldest lady. She was born at the age of five or six. A serious illness, as if suffering from hysteria, was not cured, and almost fell into a lotus pond in the mansion. At that time, Master Hou was still there, and he ordered someone to fill the lotus pond.”

Chuntao frowned and thought for a while, “It is said that she was almost burned by the fire…”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, “Burned by the fire?”

Chuntao hesitated, “It happened a long time ago. It seems to be a New Year’s chaos. The maid who said this was also unclear, and the servants were not sure whether it was true or false.”

Seeing that Chun Tao couldn’t think of it, Bo Ruoyou didn’t ask any more. Chuntao turned to talk about other people’s illnesses. Bo Ruoyou didn’t feel suspicious at all. He just thought of things about Zheng Yunni’s body, always feeling weird.

That was many years ago. If the murderer had already done something by then, wouldn’t it be possible to murder even a few-year-old baby?

The eyebrows and eyes of the idiot are similar to those of Bo Ruoyou. Although the eldest lady is suffering from madness, she has a pity for the idiot. It’s quite different, and the silly girl has scars on her face. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is ugly and terrifying…

All sorts of thoughts stirred in Bo Ruoyou’s heart. Before going to bed, Bo Ruoyou said: “Tomorrow morning you will accompany me to see where the eldest lady fell in the lotus pond…”

Chuntao was busy.

After a night of light sleep, Bo Ruoyou woke up before the sky was too bright. She rubbed her forehead, and then she got up after waking up. After washing, she woke Chuntao and let Chuntao lead the way.

Chuntao came all the way to the east, in the direction of the bamboo forest last night. “After the lotus pond was filled, because it was close to the bamboo forest, purple bamboo was planted. I don’t know, I thought the bamboo forest was such a big piece.”

Today, an embroidered dress ambassador followed, but when Chun Tao stood in front of the bamboo forest again with Bo Ruoyou, she still felt a chill from the soles of her feet. Is it really such a coincidence…

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