The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 21 - An inch of gold 21

“Girl, it’s here.” Chuntao pointed to the easternmost part of the bamboo forest. “It is said that the lotus pond was already dry. Although the eldest lady was not injured when she fell, Lord Hou loved the eldest as a treasure at that time, and immediately ordered to fill in here. draw.”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, “The eldest lady was only six years old at the time, and she got sick again. She should be watched carefully. Why did she fall in?”

Chuntao shook her head, “I don’t know this servant girl.”

The location here is remote. Although the accident was born ten years ago, a hysteria and well-cared eldest lady would never fall into the lotus pond casually. Could it be that the murderer had moved his hands and feet at that time?

“Miss, is there a servant who has taken care of her for more than ten years?”

Chun Tao looked embarrassed, “Girl, this slave and maid no longer knows it. Several sisters around the eldest lady have taken care of her for a long time, but the slave and maid really don’t know if it has been ten years.”

The sky was already bright, a round of winter sun climbed up the cloud, and the sky was gloomy for several days. Today finally ushered in a sunny day. Bo Ruoyou raised his eyes and looked at the sky, “It’s okay, I’ll go ask someone else.”

Huo Weilou originally ordered the interrogation of his subordinates today, so when Bo Ruoyou arrived in the front yard, He Cheng was already with the yaman, and Bo Ruoyou hurriedly stepped forward and asked He Cheng to say to the side: “My lord, Hou Did the attendant next to Miss Fu ask?”

He Chengdao: “Naturally asked, there is always someone with Missy these days, and the case has nothing to do with her.”

Bo Ruoyou pondered for a moment, “It’s not about the unlicensed person, but about the eldest daughter when she was a child. The people heard that the eldest had been ill when she was a child, and she had fallen into the lotus pond not long ago. These are old things ten years ago. NS.”

He Cheng frowned, “The old thing ten years ago… At that time, the eldest lady was only five or six years old. Do you suspect that the murderer did it at that time?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “Men’s daughter can’t tell, but the idiot happened to show up at the edge of the woods last night. Although the eldest lady said that she was going to make plum blossoms, she always felt strange. In addition, the lady banished the idiot for no reason. I picked it up and showed her every kind of affection, as if treating her like a daughter…”

At this point, Bo Ruoyou suddenly changed his expression slightly, “My lord, but Mother Yu said that when he went to the ancestral hall, it was because of the death of his concubine?”

Bo Ruoyou did not follow to the ancestral hall that day. He never heard Mother Yu explain in person. He Cheng said: “Yes, she said that when she took care of Yeh Hou’s concubine, her mother died and her son died, so Yeh Hou had no children. , The old lady punished her to guard the ancestral hall.”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “No…the explanation is wrong…”

“What’s wrong?”

A low voice came from behind, and Bo Ruoyou turned around and saw Huo Weilou wearing embroidered clothes. She blessed her body. She first told the sachet she saw in the fool’s bedroom last night, and then Chun Taoyuan said. Once again, “If the old lady only made one sachet and gave it to the fool, it could be explained that she was ill and admitted the wrong person, but she clearly made two.”

“Mother Yu said that Hou Ye once had a concubine when his mother died and her son died, but Zheng Si Ye said that Hou Ye was loyal and would not accept concubines. Seeing the wife but not the concubine’s room, plus there are no servants in the mansion who have served for more than fifteen years, no one knows what happened back then. Therefore, it is really doubtful whether this concubine is true or not.”

Bo Ruoyou said again: “Looking at the situation in the mansion again, Mother Yu said that she was sent to the ancestral hall because of her concubine, but why was it the eldest lady who went crazy afterwards? Zheng Siye said that after she gave birth to the eldest lady The illness occurred in the year, so the people’s daughter suspected that it was not a concubine, but the eldest lady!”

Huo Weilou’s eyes were dark, “Go on.”

The corners of Bo Ruoyou’s lips pursed slightly: “The girl suspects that the son of the old lady died, and the old lady became ill because of the child’s death.”

After a pause, Bo Ruoyou’s expression changed again, “No, it’s not that his son died, it’s possible… it’s possible that his daughter died…”

Fifteen years ago, the eldest had a daughter who died? That’s why you got mad? !

He Cheng’s complexion changed slightly, “This is no proof…”

“If the eldest dies is a son, now I am afraid that she will have a lot of affection and affection for a teenager of the same age.”

He Cheng said again: “But Auntie is ugly…”

So far, Bo Ruoyou hadn’t thought about it clearly, so he had to say: “The girl found that there are three points in the eyes of the stupid girl who resemble the eldest lady. Perhaps it is because of this that the eldest lady feels pity when she sees her. .”

Bo Ruoyou’s tone hesitated a little, because she couldn’t find the similarities between the two in the first time. The eldest lady was confused. Can she tell the difference at a glance? What’s more, the silly girl has ugly scars on her face, and ordinary people will only feel terrible when they see it.

He Cheng couldn’t make up his mind, and turned to look at Huo Weilou, but Huo Weilou seemed to be pondering something, “Where is the Taoist chief?”

He Cheng hurriedly said: “It’s in the wing, still calculating, the next official will have a look.”

“Make him sure to calculate the 16th year of Jianhe.”

If the eldest wife really gave birth to a baby girl, plus what Zheng Wenrong said, it would be the year after Zheng Yunni was born.

He Cheng responded right away, but soon, he reacted as if he was taken aback, “Master Hou suspects…this murder is related to the kid?”

Huo Weilou nodded, “Bo Ya’s words are not unreasonable, and after the case, everyone in the mansion was silent, and Mother Yu also concealed a lot of it, and it must be to hide the secrets of the mansion.”

He Cheng’s eyes lit up, and he immediately went out to find the Taoist chief.

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly said to Huo Wei’s corridor: “Please ask Master Hou about Missy’s attendants, about her illness in her childhood, and the accident that she fell in the lotus pond when she was young. , I don’t know what the situation is. This happened after the young lady fell ill in her childhood.

Seeing Huo Weilou’s eyes darkened, Bo Ruoyou reiterated what Chuntao had said and the situation when he went to see the bamboo forest this morning. I’m not sure that this matter has anything to do with the case, but I always find it a bit strange.”

Huo Weilou didn’t know that she had done this. Her gaze made her feel a little bit more profound. She invited the Embroidery Envoy to give instructions. Naturally someone came to ask questions, but for a moment, the Embroidery Envoy returned and said, “Hou Lord, the maidservants around Miss Zheng came to the mansion eight years ago and didn’t know anything about that year.”

As soon as these words came out, Huo Wei’s eyebrows raised slightly. Most of the maidservants around the family were taking care of them since they were young. However, Zheng Yunni’s maidservants had all entered the mansion eight years ago. Since the beginning of the year, all those in the government who have been on duty for more than ten years will be summoned.”

The steward soon arrived at the main hall. The Huo Wei Building in the hall was seated in the main seat. His eyes were dark and the momentum was compelling. After the steward saluted, he wiped his sweat and heard the Huo Wei Building ask: “Ten years ago, could you be on duty in the palace?”

The manager nodded, “Ten years ago, the villain was appointed as the manager of the purchase and purchase of the Hou Mansion.”

Huo Weilou said: “How did you know the hysteria that the eldest lady got back then?”

The manager frowned and recalled for a moment: “It was a cold winter, half a winter moon. Missy lost it all night, and after she found it, there was something wrong with her…”

Huo Weilou curled his eyebrows, “Lost one night?”

The steward nodded, “Although it has been a long time, this incident caused a lot of trouble in the past. The eldest lady is a precious daughter, and there is no room for mistakes. That night, the eldest lady disappeared. I didn’t find it all night, but the next morning, the eldest lady showed up by herself, but she was hysteria.”

“How did you get back by yourself?”

The steward thought about it again, “It seems to have been found in the bamboo forest in the east. When I was found, the people were freezing and the body was dirty. But in the forest, I only searched the night before and I didn’t find the lady. Afterwards, no matter how you ask, the eldest lady can’t seem to remember where she went that night… Many people know about this, so you don’t have to get involved with the gods and ghosts. Later, the old lady ordered the matter not to be mentioned again, so everyone dare not. Talk more.”

It is the bamboo forest to the east again.

The thin pink fist that was tightly closed in his sleeve clenched tightly.

Huo Weilou also stared at him for a moment, and then asked him, “Later she was still ill and fell into the lotus pond again. Do you know about this?”

This steward showed a bit of horror on his face, and his tone suddenly became distant, “Speaking of this, it is even more weird…”

The author has something to say: the truth is ahead.

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