The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 210 - Ten sample flowers 24

At dawn, everyone entered the city with two coffins. They were separated at the city gate. Sun Zhao followed the Huowei Tower into the palace, Wu Xiang sent the coffin to Yizhuang, and Bo Ruoyou went home first.

Now that the evidence is complete, I don’t have to worry about not being able to prove Feng Qin, but Feng Qin has such a temperament, I don’t know how to quibble, and if your majesty and the queen mother are insured, it is Huo Wei Building and the direct envoy in the trial of this case. When entering the palace, you must first make a petition to your majesty, so that Feng Qin will not defend himself in every possible way during the confrontation.

When Bo Ruoyou returned home, the sky was just getting bright. She was exhausted, her feet and hands were so cold that she didn’t feel anything. She bathed and changed her clothes with hot water, and then made Aunt Liang bring some hot soup to eat. Then she didn’t dare to sleep, she just looked Here are papers and pens to write the test report.

The testimony is only used during the courtroom, but this case is very involved, and Bo Ruoyou always feels uneasy. She can only feel relieved if she has done everything she can.

Cheng Yunzhi knew that she was busy with the case these few days, and when she saw her writing the testimony, he came forward and looked at it. Before he finished reading it, he knew that the case had a result.

Bo Ruoyou drank two sips of strong tea and cheered up and said, “It was only speculation earlier, but now it can be concluded that when the Anyang princess and Feng Yu died of illness, Feng Qin personally pretended to be buried in the funeral. They died so weirdly. But it doesn’t make a sound. If he didn’t do it, it’s impossible to justify it.”

Cheng Yunzhi’s wrinkled face is full of stunnedness. Everyone knows that the loyal and righteous uncle is indifferent to fame and fortune and loves his wife, but in the end, the death of his beloved wife and eldest son actually came from him, not to mention people who are familiar with Feng Qin. It was Cheng Yunzhi who also felt illusory.

Bo Ruoyou looked at Cheng Yunzhi’s expression and said: “Foot-father is puzzled? Actually, I have never figured out why he committed such a murderous hand. Now according to time, Feng Yu is the first person to be murdered by him. He does not seek official career or fame. It’s not because of the affection of Anyang Princess, why did he murder his parents and children?”

Cheng Yunzhi was born in the Cheng family in Beijing, and he has some knowledge of the Zhongyi Bofu, but at this time, he can’t think of a reason, “As far as I know, Feng Qin does not love official career. In order to marry Anyang, he is willing to be a wealthy idler. , I believe that he is devilish because of Anyang’s death, but if he will do anything else, I can’t think of it.”

His turbid eyes narrowed slightly, trying to recall, “The old man has been prosperous for generations, and the old man is also a good person. There is only one Feng Qin under their husband and wife. Feng Qin was born with a golden spoon. What else does he ask for?”

Even at the mercy of murdering his wife and children.

Bo Ruoyou knew Feng Qin only when Cheng Yunzhi said that he had a deep affection for Anyang, but he knew very little about him, but she firmly believed that there are many reasons for a person to be evil. Continue the investigation from the Zhongyi Bofu.

Her eyes flashed, she saw the paper boat on the table. There was no writing on the newly-folded paper boat. In the past few days, she was struggling with the case. She did not have nightmares and did not have such weird behavior again. Although she I don’t believe in ghosts, but my brother Zaizhiling may be able to see her efforts to this end, but now, the real murderer is finally going to be punished!

After writing the test report, the sky was already bright, and Bo Ruoyou rested exhausted. As soon as his head touched the pillow, she fell asleep. The exhaustion of her body made her have no time to dream. However, she only felt that she had just fallen asleep and there was a knock outside. The door sounds.

She endured her impatience to wake up, and listened to Liang Aunt outside saying: “Miss, young lady will wake up soon, there is someone in the palace—”

Bo Ruoyou woke up in a spirited spirit. She looked out the window. The sky was blooming outside, and it was almost noon. She quickly got up and changed her clothes. When the door was opened, Aunt Liang said: “Miss, there is someone in the palace, please. When you enter the palace, your majesty wants to see you.”

“Is the servant calling?” Bo Ruoyou asked.

Aunt Liang shook her head, “It’s not like a waiter, who has a knife.”

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes turned to understand, and he turned around to take the written test report and walked out of the yard quickly.

The person who came to call Bo Ruoyou into the palace was the imperial army from the front of the palace. When Bo Ruoyou was still respectful, he knew his intentions, and Bo Ruoyou followed him out and entered the palace.

She walked through the imperial path that entered the palace. When she was called into the palace the previous time because of marriage, she was worried all the way, but at this time, she was quite calm and calm. The sin committed by Qin is complicated in the world, and the upper class is even more unpredictable. But like every case that has been broken before, the evidence on the corpse is always the most convincing, even in front of the emperor. The unrelenting confidence.

The carriage stopped in front of the palace gate, and Bo Ruoyou followed the imperial army into the Xuanwu Gate. The sky was dark when he entered the palace last time, but it was almost noon today. I don’t know why, the gloomy weather for many days finally cleared, and the warm sun in the clouds. A golden light was shed, and the imposing palaces were all lit up.

Bo Ruoyou was taken to Zhaoyang Hall.

“Your Majesty, the county lord of Anning is here.”

After the low report, Bo Ruoyou was summoned into the hall. As soon as he entered the door, several sights in the hall fell on her, either coerced or questioned. Only one gaze was gentle, Bo Ruo You quickly raised his eyelashes and looked over, facing the obsidian eyes of Huo Wei Building.

She gathered her eyes and walked into the hall, and saluted Emperor Jianhe and Empress Dowager Song on the couch in front of the window.

“You are the Princess Anning? What are you holding?” Empress Dowager Song had a kind eyebrow, but the tone of questioning at the moment was stern.

“Back to the empress dowager, what the folk girl is holding is the test report.” Afraid that the empress dowager and Emperor Jianhe would not understand, Bo Ruoyou said again: “It was obtained from the remains of the county lord of Anyang and the eldest son of Feng family.”

The empress dowager and Emperor Jianhe were obviously a little surprised. Emperor Jianhe said, “How did you know that you were called to ask you about an autopsy?”

Bo Ruoyou respectfully said: “The Lord Hou enters the palace to tell the truth about the case, and the people are doing an autopsy. Your Majesty and the empress dowager are going to ask about an autopsy.”

Jianhe Emperor said: “The test report is here.”

Fuquan walked over quickly and took the testimony and presented it to Emperor Jianhe. After Emperor Jianhe opened his eyes, his eyes rose in awe. The emperor’s deterrence was unusual, and everyone in the hall was silent. The queen mother looked at his face and asked tentatively: “How?”

Emperor Jianhe hesitated and did not show the test to the Queen Mother. The details he wanted to ask were on the test. After reading it again, he looked at Bo Ruoyou, “The cause of Anyang’s death was that the skull behind his head was cracked by an external force. As a result, you may guarantee that the results you have tested are not wrong?”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, “The people’s daughter can guarantee it.”

Emperor Jianhe glanced at Huo Weilou, “If you make a mistake and wrong people, it’s a big crime.”

Huo Weilou was about to speak, and Bo Ruoyou said: “Prison affairs are no more important than great confession, no greatness is more important than first love, and first love is more important than inspection①, the inspection decides life and death, and you should be prudent and careful. So far, there have been no mistakes and omissions. If this mistake is made, the people’s daughter is willing to bear the blame.”

Seeing Bo Ruoyou, he didn’t even look at Huo Wei Tower. It seemed that he was very confident and fearless. Emperor Jianhe had a look of appreciation. He looked at the queen mother, “Mother, Anyang and Feng Yu were indeed harmed by others. After the accident with Feng Yu, Yiying was personally arranged for the funeral ceremony, but he never mentioned that the two died of illness. There is no one else besides him for this murderer.”

The empress dowager seemed unwilling to accept such facts. Ke Jianhedi looked at the test report, and instead believed in Huoweilou’s account. She didn’t believe in Huoweilou. Could she still doubt Jianhedi’s judgment? Soon, she fell in The hand on his side clenched tightly, “Feng Qin…what exactly is Feng Qin? He is the one who loves Anyang the most, how could he kill Anyang? And Yu’er, who didn’t say that Yu’er was talented in the past, and he will definitely be in the future. Feng Hou Baixiang, how proud he was at that time!”

Emperor Jianhe took another look at the test, and was also puzzled by this question, “I don’t know the queen and I, but I have to rely on direct interrogation. I also want to know how he got so far! “

He looked at Huo Weilou, “Go get people, do something neatly, don’t make rumors and rumors in Beijing.”

Huo Weilou heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Emperor Jianhe took a look at the test, raised his hand and threw it to Sun Zhao, who was standing aside, and went to see Bo Ruoyou again. The last time I saw her, I thought she looked like a pretty lady. Today But I feel more courageous, “I heard that in this case, your brother was also the victim. Would you act favorably for him?”

Huo Weilou frowned, and Bo Ruoyou also raised his eyes to look at Emperor Jianhe, and said with a serious face: “The younger brother was killed. Finding clues to vindicate the victims is not a conflict. Moreover, only by finding out the real murderer can we comfort my brother in the spirit of heaven. Therefore, the people will only be more cautious in this case.”

Emperor Jianhe smiled, and the queen mother thought Feng Qin had harmed the mother and son of Anyang County. Her eyes were still red, and Emperor Jianhe didn’t tell him much, and ordered the Yamen and Zhishi to try the case strictly.

Huo Weilou left the palace with Bo Ruo’s secret report, and went outside the palace gate. Huo Weilou calmly said: “The matter is at this point, and it is impossible for Feng Qin to escape. Keep interrogating, just go home and wait.”

Yanbi shook her hand and felt her fingertips are cold, “You just recovered from a serious illness, and you were exhausted and caught the cold last night. Go back home with some **** soup. Don’t catch the wind and cold. At this point in the case, there is no room for change. , You feel at ease.”

The evidence is as strong as a mountain, not to mention that Feng Qin fell into the hands of the direct envoy, and Bo Ruoyou believed that Huo Weilou would surely be able to find out the truth.

When Bo Ruoyou left, Huo Weilou rode his horse to Zhongyi Bofu. The gate of Bofu House was closed tightly. The embroiderer came forward and called the door. The person who opened the door was also the embroiderer. Huoweilou entered, and Luke soon greeted him. come out.

“Hou Ye has seen your Majesty?”

Huo Weilou nodded, “carrying Feng Qin into the prison for trial, searching the inside and outside of the Bofu, and all the subordinates of the Bofu are taken to Jingzhaoyi Yamen for interrogation.”

Luke should be, the deadly loyal prefecture suddenly became noisy.

Standing under the eaves of the frozen building, Huo Wei Building, it didn’t take long to see Feng Qin being twisted out. His injury was not healed. At this moment, he was embroidered with no resistance. Seeing Huo Wei Building, Feng Qin’s eyes were full of sight. Deep and stern, but he didn’t struggle and screamed, and was soon sent out of the palace.

There was no mistress in the prefecture, and there were not many servants. Everyone was taken away in a proper manner. Only Feng Ye cried out injustice. The embroiderer raised his hand and cut his arms back, crying out in humiliation. Feng Ye was taken away.

Not long after Sun Zhao arrived at the Bofu, Huo Weilou ordered him to interrogate the servants of the Bofu in the palace. He was not in a hurry to go to the prison to interrogate Feng Qin, but the entire Bofu was searching for evidence inside and outside, and Huo Weilou deliberately stayed in the palace.

This Bofu, located outside the imperial city, has a history of one hundred years. After two expansions, the mansion is as majestic as the Houfu. Looking at the continuous eaves covered by ice and snow, the Huowei Tower is very curious about what is hidden in this mansion. What a secret, this is where Feng Qin has lived for more than 40 years, and all his sins will leave traces here.

Huo Weilou first went to Feng Qin’s main courtyard. After Lu Ke asked, he said, “This is where Feng Qin lived after the death of the Anyang princess. The old servant said Feng Qin was afraid of seeing things and thinking about people, so he changed his residence. “

If you don’t know the truth, of course you have to think that he is afraid of seeing things and thinking about people, but now that he knows that Anyang was killed by him, then he has a guilty conscience.

The layout of the hospital is quite elegant and simple. It is indeed like a place for asceticism, and there are many Taoist things. In Feng Qin’s study, in addition to Taoist scriptures, there are also many Buddhist and Shamanist scriptures. Huo Wei Building walked up. Before, I flipped through two books and wondered: “When did he believe in the way of gods and buddhas so much, when did he start?”

Lu Ke said, “When I was waiting for Master Hou, my subordinates asked the old servants who had been with Feng Qin for many years. They said that the Feng family has believed for generations. Not only Feng Qin, but also the old man also believes in this way.”

Huo Weilou looked deep into the inner courtyard, “Continue searching to see where the Anyang County Lord lived.”

The embroidered clothes ambassadors scattered around the Bo’s mansion. However, after a search, no suspicious objects were found. Although the residence of the Anyang princess was still preserved, most of the furniture inside was replaced. It was dusty and there were no clues. Feng Ye’s yard was even more unusual. At this time, Luke stepped forward and said, “There is also the last ancestral hall and the yard where the old man lived.”

Huo Weilou pondered for a moment and chose to visit the ancestral hall in person. The ancestral hall of the Bo’s Mansion is not big, and it is the most secluded place in the northwest corner of the mansion. It is surrounded by towering pines and cypresses. , I saw that it was a place for ranking sacrificial rites, with four hanging curtains and rune flags hanging high, as if entering a solemn Taoist temple somewhere.

The futon in front of the memorial tablet is half old. It seems that people often come here to bow down. Soon Luke came in and said: “The people in the mansion said that Feng Qin was in the mansion. He would come here to worship his ancestors almost every two days. Came here to worship.”

As soon as he finished speaking, an embroidered clothing envoy walked quickly from outside, “Master Hou, I found something in the old man’s yard. Go and take a look.”

Huo Weilou raised his eyebrows and said as he walked out: “If I remember correctly, the old man was under construction and passed away ten years ago. Now 21 years have passed.”

As Lu Ke should be, the group left the ancestral hall and went southwest along the corridor. Soon, the yard where the old man lived was arrived. As soon as he walked to the door of the yard, Huo Wei Building felt that the yard was a bit weird.

This courtyard is located on the west side of the mansion. It has three entrances. It is placed in the Bofu Mansion. It is larger than the courtyard where Anyang County Lord and Feng Qin live alone. It was not like the ordinary houses with different uses, but they were completely symmetrical. Huo Wei Tower stood still and collected what he saw. He quickly found out what was wrong with it.

“Master Hou, what’s the matter?”

“This yard is bigger than an ordinary pavilion.”

Lu Ke said: “The ancestors of the Bofu were meritorious. The awards were given according to the residence of the Marquis. Later, the Bofu was expanded and rebuilt, and it has its current momentum. Their ancestors are also considered to be very prosperous, and such a scale is considered ordinary.”

Huo Weilou shook his head, “This yard is built according to the gossip orientation. The main house is on the central axis for the south and the north. The gossip astrology is a little dabbling, but it is also difficult to study in depth, “Go to Sanqingguan to find a Taoist master.”

After finishing the order, Huo Wei Building stepped into the courtyard. There were many pines and cypresses in the garden, which was stern and quiet. Unlike the yard that Huo Wei Building thought was already deserted, the courtyard was kept quite tidy, just for the embroidered clothes reported by Huo Wei Building. The envoy said: “Master Hou, I found a few magical artifacts in the main house of the second entry, as well as a bright yellow magical garment.”

In Taoism, the color of bright yellow is written by the celestial master. Huo Wei Building quickly walked into the house, and he saw several imperial clocks, swords and other objects. The offering platform is empty, and there is no image of the true **** on the platform, and the vestment was found from the dark cabinet under the platform by the embroiderer.

Huo Weilou instantly understood where this courtyard was.

The outer twilight has arrived, and it is dark early in the winter, and the night will fall in a moment. Huo Weilou calmly said: “Continue searching. When the Taoist arrives, let him take a good look at whether the yard is weird or not, I will go there. yamen.”

He turned around and went straight to the Jingzhaoyi Yamen.

Feng Ye and others were brought to the yamen prison. Sun Zhao came back from the palace and kept interrogating them. He heard that the Huo Wei Building was coming, and he hurriedly greeted them. When they met Huo Wei Building, he asked, “What came out of the trial?”

Sun Zhao said: “There are only five people who have been in Bo’s residence for more than ten years. They were also replaced in the early years of Zhuangzi outside the city. They don’t know how the Anyang princess died in the first place. They only know that Feng Qin personally wore the shroud for Anyang princess. .”

Huo Weilou nodded, and then said, “Ask if anyone knows how the old man died.” Yanbi said again: “Prepare a copy of the testimony and the case file. Ben Hou is going to try Feng Qin. .”

Sun Zhao immediately went to prepare and sent it to Huo Weilou. Huo Weilou brought the embroidered clothes to make the imperial horse leave, and arrived at the sky prison in less than half an hour. Feng Qin was taken to the sky prison after noon. The dungeon was closed for five hours. The dungeon was damp and cold, and there was no skylight. Because of the quiet drop of needles deep in the ground, Feng Qin was able to survive it first, but when the time passed, he was inevitable. Became anxious.

When Huo Weilou showed up with someone, he didn’t feel fear, but seemed to be saved.

He was dragged into the interrogation cell by goods, and the shackles on his hands and feet were heavy. Facing the Huowei Building after the criminal case, he still wanted to pretend to be calm. Dare to ask Lord Hou, Your Majesty and the Queen Mother have already forgiven me. Did I hide the remains of Anyang and Yu’er privately, and it became a great sin to go to heaven?”

Lu Ke didn’t say much when he took the people. He didn’t know that they examined the bodies of Anyang and Feng Yu. Huo Weilou said coldly, “Of course it’s not worth going to a prison, but murdering his wife and eldest son is different. NS.”

Feng Qin’s pupils tremble slightly, and he is about to defend, Huo Weilou drew out the certificate and asked the attendant to show it to him.

Feng Qin didn’t know why, but when he could see clearly what was written on the paper, his fingertips began to tremble. Don’t rush.

When Feng Qin finished reading, his eyes were still on the paper. He lowered his head, his face merged with the shadow, and no one in the cell could see his expression clearly. After a long time, the lights in the corners were dim. After a minute, he slowly lifted his eyes. The clear and gentle eyes were covered by frost at this moment, and there was a gloomy ridicule between his eyebrows.

“Is this an inspection by the head of Anning County?”

Huo Weilou’s expression was the answer. At this moment, Feng Qin sighed with regret and calmly said: “A person suffering from madness, can you believe what she has tested?”

The author has something to say: Note: ① From “The Collected Records of Washing Injustices”, the author Song Ci [宋].

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