The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 211 - Ten kinds of flowers 25 (overhaul, suggest to revisit)

Huo Weilou’s dark eyes were as dark as cold ink, “Princess Anning has been sick from a young age, and Benhou has seen his Majesty and the Queen Mother. The evidence is current, and they have to believe it.”

Feng Qin smiled and shook his head, “Why should Lord Hou deceive yourself, not to mention that the identity of the county head of Anning is different. You shouldn’t have done an autopsy instead of Yamenyou, because she did it. She herself is a patient. Who knows if she will go crazy for a while? Silly and Wuzheng made a mistake. Now that she is ill, your Majesty and the empress dowager will find out after a little verification.”

He sighed, “Master Hou has been watching the princess since he was a child, and he knows most that when people are crazy, no matter what they say or do, they cannot be believed.”

The princess and Bo Ruoyou are Huo Weilou’s dearest relatives and beloved. If they change other people, they will probably be furious. But how can Huo Weilou go through many winds and waves, how can he be offended by his verbal arguments.

“It seems that you are not going to truthfully confess.”

He said slowly: “You murdered Princess Anyang and Feng Yu back then. In order to prevent people from discovering the truth, you pretended to pretend to be emotional and sorrowful for them. Later, you were afraid that people would discover the strangeness. With the intention of committing crimes, you anticipated today, so you hid the bodies of their mother and son in the underground palace. You never thought that even if all the criminal evidence was erased, the most critical evidence was in the bodies of her two.”

Feng Qin also stared at Huo Weilou, “I understand the pain of the county lord Anning.”

He turned back to Bo Ruoyou again, “Back then, she and her brother were taken away by the gangster, but she was the only one who returned. Although she is only a child, she is an older sister. Although everyone does not blame her, she must be I can’t forgive myself, that’s right, but it’s her own brother, how can she leave it alone?”

The cell suddenly quieted down, and the other embroidered clothes were silent. Huo Weilou rubbed the finger knuckles with a bit of force, but the surface was still as smooth as an ancient well.

Seeing Huo Weilou’s calm face, but not showing his joy or anger, Feng Qin continued: “I heard that she was so crazy that she didn’t even recognize her parents. Later, her parents died and it was really pitiful. At that time, I made a prediction for her. Gua, I found out that she actually ordered Rick and his mother to kill him. It was quite fierce. I advised Master Hou to stay away from him too, so as not to lose his power and life by her in the future.”

“The whole family died because of her. If I were her, I would be mad and stupid for the rest of my life, lest I should blame myself and be disgusting, but I didn’t expect her to return to the capital.”

Feng Qin threw the test in his hand, his tight back relaxed, and his entire posture leaned on the back of the chair unscrupulously. At this moment, his eyes shook and he saw the dark roof of the cell, which was on the ground floor. In the depths, there was a moist black mold moss on top. Only in the shady and damp place where the light is not visible can such pickled things grow.

Feng Qin looked away, looking calm.

Huo Weilou said at this time: “There was indeed a Daoist who said that she had a bad life, but it coincided with your prediction.”

Feng Qin smiled, “Then this Daoist must also be a man of great power, and he has a true chapter.”

After a short pause, he calmly said: “I want to see your majesty and the empress dowager. I can explain everything back then.”

Huo Weilou looked at him blankly.

He has been in prison for several years, no matter how hard-speaking corrupt officials and Jiang Yang thieves are, he is not his opponent, and he knows better that during interrogation, what is the easiest to say from the suspect is always the most insignificant.

Huo Weilou only saw Feng Qin’s malice towards Bo Ruoyou.

Back then, Bo Ruoyou escaped from him. It was a threat. If Bo Ruoyou got sick later, the capital family knew that she was crazy and stupid. Maybe he couldn’t let her go so easily.

Thinking of this, Huo Weilou’s expression became even more unpredictable.

His silence made Feng Qin uneasy, and Feng Qin’s back became straighter. “Does Hou Ye want to convict me only based on this test report? The county lord Anning was originally a patient, and she was also a victim of the year. Hou’s relatives, Lord Hou made marriage with her again. It stands to reason that Lord Hou wants to avoid suspicion in this case. Now only with this test report, Lord Hou wants to seize my right to see your Majesty?”

Huo Weilou raised his jaw, as if he was waiting for any quibble words.

Feng Qin was caught by his gaze looking at the prey, and he leaned back in his chair, saying: “Master Hou has a reputation for being fair and stern. Is it because he wants to plant the crime on me for the sake of tranquility, the princess lord? Although there is no official position in the body, it is also a knighthood granted by your majesty. The Lord does not allow me to see your majesty because he is not in compliance with the rules.”

These words made Huo Weilou feel dispirited, “Done?”

Huo Weilou’s indifference made Feng Qin anxious, and he nodded, “It’s impossible for Master Hou to cover the sky with just one hand, right?”

Huo Weilou gave a short smile, “That’s naturally impossible.”

A thin light flashed in Feng Qin’s eyes, and his expression became more determined. No one in this world is afraid of death and knows that he will die if he confesses his guilt. It is impossible for a person like Feng Qin to have any mistakes in his testimony.

Killing and denying, with hereditary title, with the love of the Queen Mother Su Ri, may be able to fight for a glimmer of life.

Huo Weilou looked at it clearly, “A cultivator is actually afraid of death?”

Feng Qin squinted his eyes, and Huo Wei said in the corridor: “Your family has cultivated the Tao for generations, and you have done everything to cultivate the Tao. Do you want to seek the way of longevity? Or do you want to become the **** of heaven? If there is a true **** in the sky, you Acts of viciousness also lead to hell. In hell, you have your wife, your eldest son, and the children you murdered. All of them died because of their grievances. Benhou remembers that the Taoists have grievances that are too heavy and cannot be reincarnated. In other words, you are not afraid.”

Feng Qin clenched his shackled fists slightly, and Huo Weilou continued: “If Feng Ye knew that his mother and brother were murdered by his biological father, how would he think about it? Perhaps Feng Ye should be fortunate and fortunate in his birthday. It’s not a lucky day, otherwise, even he will become your wronged soul.”

After Huo Weilou finished speaking and looked at him for a while, apart from the knuckles clenched, there was not much emotion in his eyes. He was actually quite indifferent to this only son. Seeing this clearly, Huo Weilou knew that it would be difficult to handle today. .

He changed the conversation, “Your family has cultivated Taoism for generations. Before marrying Anyang, you have joined the Taoist school, right”

It took Feng Qin to win over Wang Qingfu earlier than imagined. This is enough to show that he contracted the cult before that. Huo Weilou continued to ask: “Your father Feng Yuan, his courtyard has a weird shape, which seems to be built according to the Taoist universe and gossip. It can be seen that he also started to channel early and studied a lot. Is this what I said right?”

The corner of Feng Qin’s eyes trembled strangely twice.

“It’s not surprising, but you are so impressed. The reason why you believe is definitely because of your father.”

After Huo Weilou’s words were finished, Feng Qin no longer answered like fluent, but lowered his eyes to avoid Huo Weilou’s scrutiny.

Feng Qin believes in evil ways, and for doing so, he should be quite enthusiastic about Shintoism in his heart. However, when Huo Weilou asked him why he entered Taoism, he stopped talking and his expression became extremely depressed. Obviously, entering the Taoism was An unpleasant, or rather, a past that he didn’t want to remember.

Feng Qin not only harmed others, but also attacked Anyang and Feng Yu, but now he has little regard for Feng Ye, his only relative. There was a past that he didn’t want to mention, Huo Weilou’s eyes instantly sharpened.

“It is indeed a habit to follow the family. I have done a lot of charity outside the city these years, and it is considered to be good to accumulate virtue. Lord Hou must have done a lot of investigations earlier.” When Feng Qin spoke again, his voice was tense.

Huo Weilou asked: “Does Ling Ci believe in it?”

“Believe, my mother also believes.” Feng Qin said faster, “These things are well known in the market, even the Queen Mother and Your Majesty also know. It is just common for me to believe in it, but only because I can’t give up on Anyang and Yu’er. It is really wrong to be crowned with such a serious crime for hiding the body, and Master Hou insists on insisting that I am the murderer. Then I have nothing to say. I want to see your majesty and the queen mother. If Master Hou really thinks the evidence is conclusive, why Avoid confronting your Majesty and the Queen Mother?”

Huo Weilou’s gaze patrolled him up and down, and the more patience he was, the more impatient Feng Qin became. He gradually became a little restless. At this moment, an embroidered clothing envoy walked to the door of the cell and made a move. gesture.

Huo Weilou felt it. He glanced at Feng Qin and got up and got out of the cell. Feng Qin didn’t know what had happened. But as soon as Huo Wei’s building left, the needle dropped quietly inside the room, and his heart beat wildly, uneasy. His heart is getting stronger and stronger now.

Huo Weilou walked out of the cell and saw Lu Ke standing a few steps away. He knew there was new news and walked over with a serious expression.

Lu Ke also took two steps, “Master Hou, the chief of the Taoist priest has invited me, the yard is indeed weird.”

Huo Weilou stared, “Say.”

“The Taoist said that the arrangement of the garden is the same as that of the Taoist temple outside, and it is indeed the same as the position of the gossip that Hou Ye said, and the location of the upper room is the apse in the Taoist temple, and the apse usually enshrines the three Muslims. God is the most noble deity of Taoism. The Taoist leader said that the original master believed in cultivating, and later regarded himself as a figure like the three halal gods. He practised and was worshipped in his own house. .”

Huo Wei didn’t have many accidents on the floor. Seeing the layout of the room today, he also guessed three points, “Is there news over the yamen?”

Lu Ke nodded immediately, “Yes, I interrogated several old servants of the Hou Mansion. They said that the old man was not caused by the death of an illness, but by taking pills all the year round. It was just that Feng Qin suppressed this matter and they were not allowed to discuss it. I don’t know about it.”

The old loyal uncle died because of taking pills?

Huo Weilou’s eyes are narrow. The old loyal and righteous uncle named Feng Yuan. Huo Weilou had seen him when he was young, but now he can’t remember his appearance. Feng Yuanneng was a fanatic who died from taking the pill that Jinshi refined, and it was even more frenzied to cultivate his courtyard into a Taoist palace as a true god.

“He is enshrined in his courtyard? Who is enshrined?”

Luke looked in the direction of the cell, “The old servants of the Bofu said that the old uncle’s yard was also forbidden. Ordinary servants could not enter. Only Mrs. Bo and Feng Qin could get in and out. Feng Qin has been with the old uncle since the governor. By his side, the old man was very strict with Feng Qin, and he would beat and scold him and put him in the dark room. The subordinates guessed that if he was enshrined, he was enshrined by Feng Qin and his mother.”

“And the old servant also said that Feng Qin’s mother died before Feng Qin got married. At the time of her death she was unconscious, and that the yard was an old loyal and righteous uncle living alone. Mrs. Uncle only occasionally lived in for three or two days, and no one knew them. What the husband and wife did in the garden, but the mansion said that the old man was pure-hearted, and his relationship with Mrs. Bo was quite indifferent. Later, Mrs. Bo and the old man passed away. Feng Qin replaced many people in the mansion, let alone those who were not allowed. Discussing uncle and Mrs. uncle’s old affairs privately, except for a few old servants, everyone thinks that the old man and his wife are very affectionate.”

“The subordinates thought, the old man built the Taoist palace and wanted someone to worship him. He didn’t dare to promote it in the capital or let his servants know about it. So he started with Madam Bo and Feng Qin. The servant in the house said Mrs. Bo After marrying the old uncle, he obeyed his advice, and then he followed the old uncle to cultivate the Taoism together, but he did not know how to cultivate, and he became unconscious at first.”

Huo Weilou’s brows frowned as he heard it, and Lu Ke added: “Feng Qin was influenced by his old man after he became a demon. As for what happened in the middle, his subordinates are not sure. Later, Feng Qin grew up. As an adult, outsiders only know that he often followed the old man to do good deeds in Taoist temples outside the city, thinking it was just an ordinary practice.”

Huo Weilou remembered Wu Xiang’s previous investigations at Feiyun Temple. Most families in the capital believed in Buddhism and Taoism, and Uncle Zhongyi was the home of faith for generations. But in this, how many people are doing good deeds and accumulating virtues, but secretly thinking about evil desires. , And what’s more, he still has a devil in his heart and commits crimes for it.

Lu Ke said again: “Also, after Lord Hou left, our people found a few runes hidden in the four corners of the upper room, and just showed them to Dao Master. Dao Master said that the runes are Suppress the evil things, and said that the place where the runes are hidden is to suppress the original owner of the courtyard, that is, to suppress the soul of the old man.”

Feng Yuanxiu’s Daoxiu was insane, and he regarded himself as the celestial master, and later died after eating alchemy. This rune was naturally laid down by Feng Qin. Why did he use runes to suppress his father’s soul?

Huo Weilou was puzzled by Feng Qin’s motives for the murder, but when he heard it, he saw some traces. Earlier, he suspected that the murderer was infected with evil ways. Everyone went to Feiyun to suspect, but forgot that at the beginning of the cult, most of them were enlightened by relatives. Shi Cai asked about the reason why Feng Qin entered the Taoism as a teenager, and his strangeness also shows that something unpleasant happened to him that year.

An old uncle who is obsessed with cultivating and becoming immortal, and Mrs. uncle who obeyed his words and also practised together, then how about Feng Qin, who was still a young man?

Huo Weilou’s eyes changed slightly, and he finally caught a glimpse of the secret of breaking Feng Qin.

He led Luke back to the cell, and as soon as he sat down, he met Feng Qin’s guarded eyes.

Huo Weilou sneered sarcastically, “You must have had a hard time when you were young?”

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