The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 05 – The Council Guard

Their long, but eventful night in the Mystic Forest left the group exhausted. Upon returning to the Cottage – the Cottage was their humorous moniker for the extravagant and spacious house that Laera had offered to the team – they went to their respective rooms and promptly fell into their beds.


Lukas was still concerned about his missing Ultimate, but told himself it was just another ‘deviation’ from the norm based on his class. He felt there was no use dwelling on something that he didn’t have control over or much understanding of. He once again upgraded his Confidence skill, bringing his magic resistance to thirty percent. He had future plans in the works to help Gemma get revenge on her Swamp Witch.


Rising at a respectable time the following morning, Lukas flooded Gemma’s pussy with a large load of semen and then quickly ate a breakfast that Gwyn had prepared. The team was swiftly on the road towards the Mystic Forest, eager to make good time to a cave entrance. Gemma and Fiona both seemed to be the most excited about venturing into the caverns. As they speculated about what they might find, they walked side-by-side so briskly that poor Gwyn had trouble keeping up.


The group was so occupied, in fact, that they did not notice a squad of heavily armed soldiers following them out of Eberlorn. Just as the Adventurers reached the entrance to the Mystic Forest, the soldiers – by careful design – caught up with and confronted them.


“Halt!” One of the five guards shouted the order out. Three other soldiers marched forward, one of them flanking around them while the other two heading straight for Gwyn. The last of the guards had already secured the high ground and was covering the scene with her bow.


“By order of the Council of the Scribes,” the same guard, clearly the leader, read out, “we hereby execute this warrant on Gwyndolyn Groves…” Four armored hands reached out to seize the frightened young woman.


“Hold up!” Lukas shouted angrily drawing his blades. “No one touches her unless they want to lose their hand.”


The head guard looked menacingly over at Lukas. “Drawing weapons against the Council Guard is a grave offense young man. Hand over the fugitive and be on your way.”


The other guards ignored the hot tempered Lukas and grabbed Gwyn, who was sobbing, and began dragging her back toward Eberlorn. Lukas reacted in a flash, swinging his blades towards the closest guard. Both soldiers released Gwyn and jumped out of the way, demonstrating considerable agility despite their thick armor. All four soldiers on the ground drew their weapons, the archer’s first arrow was notched and ready to fly. Gemma and Fiona reciprocated by brandishing their weapons.


“Lukas,” Gywn sobbed, trying and failing to maintain control of her emotions, “let them take me. They will hurt you – maybe even kill you. It’s not worth it. I’m not worth it.”


“Bullshit!” Lukas exclaimed. “They are not taking you. You are mine – mine to protect, mine to fight for.”


He addressed the soldiers, “If you lower your weapons, I’m willing to talk. But I’m not letting you take her.”


“Too late for that, buddy,” the head guard sneered, seeming to almost enjoy the challenge. “The Council Guard cannot tolerate disrespect. You will submit.” He rotated his sword in his hand, signaling readiness for the impending brawl.


“I will fight tooth and nail for my girls,” Lukas declared. “Come try me.”


The soldiers charged, their synchronized attacks demonstrating both their impressive training and discipline. The numbers may have been even – Lukas eyed the small Gwyn still crying on the floor, maybe not so even – but Lukas could tell they were outmatched. He wasn’t confident Laera would back them up either. 


The battle began with a loud clash as Lukas and Gemma held the line while Fiona teleported to tackle the ranged threat. Laera watched wide-eyed as her renegade team took on the Council Guard. She knew the Guard was comprised of experienced Adventurers, whose superior gear greatly boosted their stats. Even amongst Anorans, the Council Guard was renowned. She nervously glanced back and forth before arriving at a decision, then she sighed heavily as she unleashed a volley of lighting towards the elite group of soldiers.


To their credit, Lukas and his team dished out a significant amount of damage, but it wasn’t enough. After nearly a half hour of exchanging blows and taking hits, the scene was a grim one. Fiona and the archer lay unconscious next to each other. Another guard had Laera restrained – though delicately, all things considered. The squad had recognized her Anoran descent and acted accordingly.


Gemma lay on the ground coughing up blood as Gwyn knelt by her side, desperately trying to regenerate mana so she could heal her. Lukas stood nearby, next to another unconscious guard. He’d managed to win his confrontation with some help from Laera’s magic, but he was in bad shape. He did his best to take a protective stance between the two girls and the final pair of guards, but numerous wounds and a searing pain in his head made it difficult to remain standing.


The guards approached him, they themselves bleeding from several wounds. During the course of their combat, several spectators had arrived from the town to witness the Council Guard try to apprehend the young Adventurers. The entrance to the Mystic Forest was a popular waypoint, after all.


“Surrender, or we will have to put you down.” One last chance was extended to the tall, young Adventurer.

Lukas managed to choke out a laugh as he raised his blades in defiance. 


Gwyn flung herself in front of him. “Please, let them take me. I can’t let you die.”


At that very moment, an elderly but authoritative voice boomed out from the crowd. “Wait just a moment! As a member of the Council of the Scribes, I would like to assume jurisdiction here and take these Adventurers into custody.”


None other than Cassian strode forth from the crowd, confidently inserting himself into the tense and bloody scene.


“Not possible,” the head guard answered gruffly. “These Adventurers deliberately attacked the Council Guard as we were trying to execute a warrant. That crime carries a severe penalty…”


Cassian held out his hand. “The warrant, please.”


The soldier reluctantly handed a paper over.


Cassian briefly reviewed it. “This is merely a Summons Warrant. I assume you declared your authority and stated the accusation?”

“We did not get the chance before the conflict escalated,” the guard countered.


“Really?” Cassian asked, his voice feigning surprise. “With your protocol as strict as it is, that lapse could be quite a blunder,” Cassian continued, building his case. “From one perspective, this situation could easily be misconstrued as the Council Guard abusing their authority over a bunch of newly Scribed Adventurers. The miscommunication, regardless of where it stemmed from, will likely fall onto your shoulders, Captain.”


The captain of the squad grunted, realizing that the old man was setting up a political game that the soldier had no intention of playing. “And how exactly are you going to take them into custody by yourself?” he asked skeptically.


“A house arrest would suffice for a Summons Warrant. I’m sure we can convince the young Adventurers to recover in the confines of their home.” Cassian gestured to Lukas, who nodded.


Unsatisfied, but unwilling to push the issue further, the captain left the warrant with Cassian and went to tend to his unconscious comrades.


Cassian turned to Lukas. “Let’s see if we can get this team of yours back home without further incident.”




Back at the Cottage, Fiona finally started taking some tender steps. Gemma was in her bed recovering from her injuries; Laera was checking in on her. Lukas still had some wounds he needed to tend to, but he had more pressing questions to address. How did Cassian manage to show up at the right moment? Why was there a warrant out for Gwyn?


He chose to focus on Gwyn at the moment, as she appeared to be the most in need. Lukas accepted that he may never fully understand Cassian’s secrets.


Lukas, Cassian, and Gwyn all sat at a table. The small girl looked beyond miserable – utterly despondent and riddled with guilt and shame. Lukas had an arm around her as Cassian read through the regal-looking paper he had appropriated from the Council Guard. 


Cassian looked up at Gwyn and gently spoke to her, trying to ease her anguish. “I think I’ve put most of the pieces together, are you comfortable talking about this with Lukas present?”


Gwyn nodded, not willing to speak yet.


“Well, first things first, I suppose. I have not had the pleasure of formally meeting you. My name is Cassian.” 


Gwyn again, just nodded weakly. 


“I think I should be able to submit a written testimony and possibly get the house arrest lifted. The challenge will be to get the Council of Scribes to overlook the death of Tobias, but…”


“He’s dead?!” Gwyn exclaimed, words now coming to her.


Cassian paused. “Yes, he was dead when they found him many months ago – stabbed and poisoned.”


“I’ll be in prison for the rest of my life then,” Gwyn resigned, feeling the weight of dread pressing upon her whole body, pushing all the air, all the life, and her very future out of it.


“Maybe,” Cassian said thoughtfully, “maybe not. We first need the truth. I’m not looking to cover up a murder, but if my suspicions are correct, I may have a trick up my sleeve. Why don’t you tell us what happened – and, if you’re amenable, I think it would be advantageous for me to write it down.”


Gwyn nodded and took a deep breath. “Tobias was the Scribe who performed my Scribing. Obviously, the nature of my class made my Scribing a very strange moment for me.”


Cassian looked confused as he scribbled on a fresh sheet of paper with his quill.


“I was given a Deviant Submissive class,” Gwyn clarified for Cassian.


Cassian's eyes filled with empathy as the last piece fell into place for him. “Oh dear.”


Gwyn continued with her story. “I was distraught at first. I spent most of the first couple weeks holed up in my room. It was Tobias who came and got me to come out. He was very comforting and helpful at first. He took me camping, away from everyone else; helped me get my first level up.”


Gwyn looked at Cassian and Lukas, both of whom were giving her their complete attention. “Things changed when he asked me to travel to the capital with him. I went with him, not having anywhere else to go. He tried to convince me that I had no future as an Adventurer, but he was willing to take me in as his companion. I attempted to turn him down politely – he had done so much for me – but he was very insistent. He told me that with my class, he was the best – the only – option I had.”


“The realization finally hit me,” she continued. “Tobias was trying to turn me into his personal sex slave. He had been getting more and more handsy. I finally confronted him in his home in the capital; I told him it would be best if we parted ways. He got angry and pulled out a knife. He forced me into his cellar and locked me down there. He told me I would be down there until I learned some gratitude. He slipped a powerful poison in the dinner he brought down to me, and told me he would give me the antidote when I submit to him. Within an hour, I realized how potent the poison was. It was long lasting and I would be dead before dinner the next day.”


Lukas' blood was starting to boil. “Sounds like this son of a bitch deserved to die.”


Cassian raised a hand to calm the hotheaded Adventurer. “We must be careful, young Lukas. Any incidents involving a Scribe will be taken very seriously in the capital. This is not something that can be resolved with rash anger. Please continue, Ms. Groves.”


“Tobias didn’t know what skill I had unlocked when I’d leveled up; it was just dumb luck that I never showed him. He didn’t know I could be invisible, even if it was just for a short period. His cellar wasn’t meant to hold a captive, it was just latched from the outside. I used a skinny stick to unlatch the door through a crack. I was free from the cellar, but not free from the poison. I snuck around his house that night searching for the antidote. He had mistakenly – or arrogantly – left out the poison, but I couldn’t find the cure anywhere. My scrambling around his house woke him up and I barely made it back to the cellar undetected; but I had the poison. The next morning, I snuck out again and poisoned his breakfast as he cooked, utilizing my invisibility. I just wanted him to pull out the antidote, I swear. I could feel myself weakening and that was the only play I could think of.”


“By late morning, he realized what I had done. He was furious. He stomped down to the cellar with his knife in one hand and the antidote in the other. He said, ‘You stupid bitch. This antidote was supposed to be for you, but now, your worthless life ends here in this cellar.’ I was terrified, but his cruelty in wanting to drink the antidote in front of me created the opening I was hoping for.” Tears were streaming down Gwyn’s face as she recounted the incident. Lukas reached out and held her hand.


Gwyn squeezed his hand tightly and then continued. “He thought he was secure – me being my size and him holding his knife. I still had my invisibility though. I knew I had one shot. I surprised him by disappearing and making a grab for the antidote. He didn’t know where I was, but he still swung his knife around in the air. His rage combined with the poison caused him to lose balance. He fell on top of his knife. I didn’t know if he stabbed himself or not. I took the antidote and ran as fast as I could.”


“I suppose I should have guessed he died,” Gwyn admitted, “I hit level three as I fled the capital. There was a lot on my mind though.”


“I’m so sorry my dear,” Cassian said softly. “I’ve had several interactions with Tobias. He was pleasant at first, but I had a sense there may be something rotten hiding beneath the surface. I truly had no idea though.”


“Cassian, there’s no way I’m going to let Gwyn go to prison for this.” Lukas said as his protective mode intensified.


“This is a very complicated matter, Lukas,” Cassian replied. “At the risk of sounding untoward, if there is a way out of this mess for Gwyn, it is through me and political antics, not through belligerent force. You will need to trust me. Our first step is to submit this testimony and see if the court will clear the warrant. There’s a chance it leads to Gwyn’s arrest, but I think the truth is on our side. Gwyn, it is imperative that you do not try to flee Eberlorn.”


Gwyn nodded, appreciative of her new ally.


Cassian packed his things and rose from his seat. “You all should stay put until you hear from me. I will try to send word in the morning.” He crossed the room to check in on Fiona, who had been not-so-subtly eavesdropping. He also gave Gemma his best wishes, who had finally emerged from her room, and then he left out the front door.


Lukas gave Gwyn a warm hug and a kiss and then headed for his room. He was still badly injured and needed to rest. Fiona’s well-hidden soft side took over as she sat down next to Gwyn and consoled the worried half-elf.


The team ate dinner together, then an exhausted Lukas picked up the weightless Gwyn and carried her off to his room. He put her in bed and snuggled up against her. He didn't need sex from her at that moment. She needed rest and love from him and he was there to comfort her. He wished he could do more, but he had begrudgingly accepted Cassian’s wisdom to wait. There were some things he just couldn’t fix on his own – not with anger, not with blades, and not even with the righteous and noble urge to protect the innocent.


“Goodnight, my little girl,” he whispered as he kissed her cheek. “Sleep well. I will always protect you.”


Gwyn smiled for the first time since that morning; she gave him a look of relief before closing her eyes. They fell asleep like that: Gwyn nestled into Lukas's arms, feeling safe and warm.




Like he had promised, Cassian sent word in the morning. He told them that they could leave the Cottage, but should remain near Eberlorn. The team still needed time to recover fully anyways, so they opted to just patrol the fringes of the Mystic Forest. Returning to the Cottage before dinner, Lukas decided it was time to have a talk with Laera.


Laera had gone to her room to freshen up while Gwyn had started cooking dinner. Lukas walked down a comically long hallway and knocked on her door.


She answered it with her hair down, wearing a white silk robe. “What’s up, Lukas?” she asked. He smiled at her and leaned against the doorway.


“I was hoping to have a chat with you about something.”


She cocked her head to the side. “Is this about Gwyn's incident? You don't have to give me details. I understand if she wants privacy."


Lukas scratched his chin. "Not exactly. Is there somewhere we can talk?"


Laera brushed past him. "I always enjoy spending time in the garden. There's a nice bench out there." She turned around and saw him still standing by the door. "Are you coming?"


He followed her into the garden where they sat down on her preferred bench. The garden was beautiful, with lush green grass and flowers blooming everywhere. Lukas took in the scene before starting. “I should start by thanking you for supporting us against the Council Guard. I know that was a problematic situation to put you in right after joining our team."


A pensive expression crossed Laera's face as she thought of how best to respond. "It was certainly stressful. I thought for sure I was going to prison and my parents would receive word about their rebellious daughter. However, I have no regrets."


Her smile grew as she continued. "I can tell you value loyalty deeply. The way you leapt forward to protect Gwyn, not even caring what she was accused of… it was truly impressive."


Lukas nodded. "If you desire to commit yourself long-term to this team, – I can see that you do – you will always have my support and protection. Your actions yesterday were proof enough for me that I can trust you with my life."


"I’m honored… but still don't fully understand," Laera said. "Growing up in Anora, my parents cared very deeply about my future. They spared no expense ensuring that I would be a successful Adventurer; but if I don't meet their expectations, there's no doubt I will lose their support. Taking a different path than the one they envision will be considered a failure – not just a failure. Defiance. Ingratitude. A betrayal."


Lukas nodded, but looked confused. “What do you not understand?”


"Lukas," Laera responded, "you were willing to die for Gwyn without a full understanding of the situation. Your dedication to her was unconditional. I don’t understand how that bond forms. I don't have that in my life."


Lukas reached over and squeezed her hand. "Stay with us, and you do.”


“I’m worried that I don’t have the same deep connections that you all have,” Laera admitted. “I love adventuring with you, but I still feel like the new recruit.


“I think you fit in great with us,” Lukas reassured her. “Just give it a bit more time and you’ll be a core piece of the team’s personality.


"Not if Fiona has anything to say about it," she chuckled.


"Fiona is already coming around,” Lukas said with a smile. “I doubt she will ever stop teasing you though."


Laera looked at Lukas with a serious expression. "I want to tell you why I needed to join your team. I'm not quite ready for everyone else to know though."


Lukas nodded, silently promising his confidentiality.


"My parents handpicked the team I was on,” Laera stated, “Each of those Anorans you saw in the forest, including me, were taught practically from birth that there was one correct way to be an Adventurer. Our schedules were set to the minute. Our diets were carefully monitored. We were taught the mistakes that other Adventurers, like you, would make and how we could be better. Our teachers discouraged interacting with non-Anorans, to stay pure to the Anoran doctrine."


"I hate it,” she said, and those three simple words carried years of fatigue and exasperation atop their honest truth. “Even in myself, I can see how conceited we are. I want a better view of the world. I don't know what else there is out there, but I want to know. That's why I need to break away from my assigned team. I want to be in charge of my own destiny."


"I think I can understand part of that," Lukas said. "Gemma and I had a very rigorous upbringing that revolved around becoming Adventurers, but for us, it was all about the fundamentals: strength, speed, and skill with weapons. From what you're telling me, it sounds like Anorans take it to the extreme, stifling your independence and sense of adventure."


Laera nodded. "You looked so free stomping through the forest when I first saw you. Frelich was convinced you were going to walk straight into an ambush. What I saw was someone who was truly thrilled to be an Adventurer," she chuckled. "I want to experience that, at least until my parents find out I ditched my team. Who knows what will happen then?"


“If they send the Council Guard after you,” Lukas joked, “I’ll be ready.”


She looked over at Lukas with a smile. "Now that I've told you my secret, you have to tell me a secret about you."


"I guess I do owe you one now." Lukas rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, there is something you should know about my class. There is a sexual aspect to it – well, okay, it’s more than just an ‘aspect’ – and, at the moment, it affects Fiona, Gemma, and Gwyn, as well."


Laera's eyes bugged out of her head. "Oh my! Are you serious?"


"Yes” Lukas said, trying to delicately handle the conversation with the innocent elf. “My Scribing was quite… unique. I've come to terms with it, though, and feel comfortable discussing it. Feel free to ask any questions."


Laera looked like a bucket of ice water had been dumped down her back. "I... I don't know hardly anything... sexual. I don't even know what questions to ask."


Lukas had expected as much. "I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, we don’t have to. The last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable. I like you, and I don't want to scare you away."


Laera shook her head. "No, I joined your team to explore the world and open my mind to other ideas. This isn't exactly what I had in mind, but I'll find a way to accept it."


"I appreciate that, thank you." 


Lukas smiled at her and decided to leave it at that. He most assuredly wanted the blonde elf to spread her legs for him, but he was more convinced than ever that it needed to be her decision, in her own time.


"Do I dare bring up another topic?" Lukas asked with a stifled laugh. 


“Does it involve sex?”


"No, but still personal,” Lukas said. “I want to know how you bewitched that wolf to attack the boss."


“That's my Ultimate,” Laera gave him a sly smile. “Maybe I'll tell you more about it another time, I don’t know if you are ready yet." She was teasing, but still hiding something.


"Still trying to bewitch me?" Lukas gave her a wink.


Laera blushed as she rose from the bench. "I imagine dinner is ready."


"Lead the way."




The group continued to scavenge the Mystic Forest for the next couple days, not willing to dive deeper due to Gwyn’s potential impending arrest. Judgment came one morning as they awoke to loud knocking. 


Lukas reached the door first, weapons by his side. As he opened the door, he was greeted by a disheveled looking Cassian. It appeared as if the old man had traveled through the night to reach their door that morning. The sight of his mentor allowed Lukas to lower his guard slightly. All of the inhabitants of the Cottage had joined him in the entryway when a smile broke across the Scribe's tired face. "I bring good news!" Cassian almost shouted. 


The assembled Adventurers were a bit startled, hardly expecting it from such a weary-looking traveler. Then, however, came the wave of relief. Lukas felt it firsthand, and could sense it wash over his four other compatriots as well.


"Come on in and take a rest, Cassian.” Lukas said. “You look like hell."


Once situated comfortably in the main room, Cassian relayed the events of the past few days to a captive audience. "I have good relations with a younger Scribe who wishes to remain anonymous for now. A few years back, she was Scribed by the recently deceased Tobias, and had experienced something similar as young Gwyn. It wasn’t quite so extreme, but her testimony was certainly damning."


"I approached the Council with both written testimonies," he continued, "and the result was quite effective. The investigation was shut down immediately to avoid any further reputational damage to the Scribes and the Council. Ms. Groves’ name has been – unofficially – cleared. I doubt any future problems will arise"


Cassian turned and focused on Gwyn. "Unfortunately, I do not think we will get any sort of admission of responsibility from the Council for the deplorable behavior that you had to endure at the hands of a Scribe."


Gwyn nodded. "I’m still relieved by the result. I've got Lukas now. I can move on knowing Tobias is dead and my life here will continue. Thank you."


Cassian smiled at Gwyn. "That is good to hear."


Lukas insisted that Cassian stay and rest at the Cottage while the team went out and celebrated. After days of wasted time and opportunities, ‘celebration’ didn’t mean song, dance, ale, or even fine wine. There was only one way to truly celebrate Gwyn's freedom: they were going to the caves.


They blazed through the Mystic Forest toward its heart where the paranormal caves tunneled into a majestic mountain range. In the forested foothills at the base of the mountains, the party stopped for a rest and planned out their next move. The mouth of the cave laid in front of them in a marbled granite canyon. 


Everyone agreed not to push too hard on their first dive. If the team started to take any significant hits, they would turn back and call it a day. The five Adventures entered the cave, weapons ready.


The entrance opened up to a large cavernous room, drops of water fell from the ceiling forming small puddles of water. Different paths split off from that main chamber. They heard some scuffling coming from the far side – barely visible at first across. As Lukas' eyes adjusted to the darkness, Laera had already begun casting spells as four giant rats burst out from behind a stalagmite and attacked them. They quickly dispatched the rodents, and no other threats emerged. The party moved forward, picking one of the winding tunnels to follow. 


They came to another cavernous chamber, much larger than the previous one. A narrow river ran down the center. Thousands of tiny luminescent fish swam in it, casting an eerie glow on the cavern walls. Upon entering and scanning around, the team was surprised by harbinger sounds coming from above. As they looked up, three bats descended upon them, talons clawing at the taller Lukas. 


Lightning sizzled overhead, frying one of the bats. Lukas' quick hand sliced the two. The flying creatures were dispatched quickly, but they proved to have been a mere distraction. A lich mage appeared on the other side of the river as a horde of lightly armored skeletons charged on the Adventurers' side.


The battle ensued, but the pace was more than manageable for the Adventurers. The skeletal army was no more challenging than the Dire Wolf boss they had faced in the forest. Plus, Fiona finally got to show off her new Ultimate. 


Fiona jumped in the middle of the skeletal army and triggered an ice spell. A circle of frosty mist expanded from where Fiona landed and hit a large number of skeletons. Then, Fiona rapidly hit them, fire flared inexplicably from her blade.


“That was so cool!” Gwyn exclaimed.


“Thanks cutie,” Fiona gave her a wink.


Gemma seemed to revel in smashing the rest of the skeletons to pieces. Gwyn was searching for an Adventurer to bless with her heal, but no one had sustained anything beyond minor injuries.


The party was able to defeat the enemies on their side of the river without taking much damage. The problem was reaching the lich across the river. Laera was able to hit him with lightning, but the lich had an irritating amount of resistance to magical damage. The lich mage had some nasty spells, but Lukas triggered his Praise skill and utilized his extra magic resistance to tank the damage. Lukas knew what needed to happen next.


Gwyn activated her collar which gave Lukas the speed he needed to leap across the river and engage the lich mage in melee combat. The ghostly sorcerer’s durability to physical attacks was severely lacking as the bony creature fell to Lukas' blades. They were lucky that the lich was at a lower level and not a boss; the fight could have gone very differently.


Lukas looted an uncommon chestplate and a decent amount of coins off the fallen lich. He then returned to his team and they continued on.


They followed the river to their next encounter, which was with a group of kobolds. The small reptilian humanoids possessed unnatural strength, but the team operated smoothly with an unbeatable level of agility. Lukas observed as Gemma ripped apart the kobold line as Fiona slipped through the hole created by the aggressive brawler. Gwyn healed Gemma as the shielded warrior took the brunt of the enemy's attacks. 


While the fighters examined the corpses for loot, Gwyn jumped up excitedly having received the supernatural alert that she’d reached level four. Lukas took a break from looting to congratulate her as Laera became distracted by a seemingly dull spot in the cavern wall. She excitedly motioned for her team to come look at the secret door she had found.


Lukas opened the door and glanced down the hidden corridor in amazement. It led deeper into the cave system, on to an unknown adventure. Someone, or perhaps, some power, had carefully designed and constructed these caverns, and Lukas was thrilled to play their game.


The door led to a small, circular room with torches mounted on the walls and a single pedestal in the center. On top of the pedestal sat nearly a dozen vials. Most of them contained a recognizable red liquid that restored health. The others contained a thin, creamy substance.


"It looks like a type of antidote," Gwyn observed.


“Seems too easy,” Laera questioned. “Why are they just out in the open like this?”


“Aren’t you used to stuff just being handed to you, princess?” Fiona teased.


"I don't want to complain," Lukas said, "but I, too, am leery as to why these are just sitting here."


A loud rumble alarmed the Adventurers, turning their heads away from the center. A large portion of the wall opposite of the corridor crumbled away revealing a spacious cavern with deep crevices lining the walls. A hiss echoed off the rocky surfaces as a monstrous snake slithered out of a dark chasm in the ground. The secret door had led them to a boss fight.


Fiona gave Lukas a pat on the shoulder. "You just had to say something, didn't you?"


The group spread out as they attempted to maneuver around the basilisk.  The massive serpent moved with a deadly grace, its scales reflecting the faint light from the burning torches. It rose up high in the air, preparing to strike, showing off its sword-like fangs.


Lukas was able to draw its attention and dodge the first strike. His companions surged forward pursuing any opportunity to exploit a weakness. Unfortunately, while the party fought well together, their attacks seemed to do little damage against the thick scales of the powerful snake. It was clear that they were not in the same weight class as the basilisk.


The large scaly body looped around and smashed into Laera. Her smaller frame was thrown against the stone wall, stunning her. Gemma was expertly dodging the snake’s head, but finally took a fang to her shoulder. She cried out in agony. "This poison is strong! I'm losing HP – fast!"


Lukas turned to Gwyn. "Get her the antidote, quick!"


The snake swerved and snapped in Laera's direction; the blonde elf was still trying to get back onto her feet. In a flash, the serpent sunk a fang into her leg. 


"Dammit!" Lukas rushed an antidote over to her, as Gwyn was occupied with trying to cure Gemma.


"I don't have the strength to slice through these scales," Fiona yelled over to Lukas.


Lukas nodded and ordered his team to fall back as the serpent coiled up and sunk a pair fangs into his shoulder. Lukas felt his vision blurring as he fell to the floor. He retreated to the pedestal and seized the last remaining antidote. He quickly checked all four of the girls to make sure they were not poisoned before downing it himself. He grabbed a couple health potions and followed his team in their hasty retreat through the corridor, back to the relative safety of the glowing river. 


Lukas checked in on the status of his team. They had taken a beating, but were still in good spirits. They had bailed on the fight in time. Still, they unanimously decided to not push their luck and return home for the day.


Overall, the group was pleased with their first venture into the caverns. They chattered away happily as they hiked away from the mountain range, not noticing the smoky haze in the distant sky.


Upon reaching the Cottage, the Adventurers feasted on a home-cooked meal as they relayed their experience to the visiting Cassian. The older Scribe finally prepared for his departure, then said his goodbyes. The young team prepared for bed after seeing him off.




Lukas relaxed on his bed, his mind lost in thought. The success of the team and the relationship he was building with each of the girls had brought him great satisfaction. Each day he spent with them was better than the day before. He’d found that being the man that they relied on to take care of them fulfilled a need and desire he’d never even known he had.


A soft knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Come in."


The door opened slowly and Gwyn peeked through the crack. "Daddy, can I come in?"


Lukas sat up and smiled at her. "Of course!"


She stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders as she walked towards him. She wore a short blue nightgown that hugged her curves perfectly.  Her breasts were full and perky, her nipples poking through the fabric of her gown.


"Daddy, you've been so good to me. I want to show you how much you mean to me."


With that, she grabbed the hem of her singular piece of clothing and lifted it, seductively uncovering her body. Once it was over her head, she let it fall to the floor, fully revealing her naked body to Lukas. Her skin was flawless, smooth and supple.


He couldn't help but admire her lithe form. Her small waist, curvy hips and thighs, and perfect ass all conspired together to make his manhood swell.


"Daddy, do you like what you see?"


"I certainly do, baby girl. You look amazing."


Gwyn giggled and crawled onto the bed next to him.


"I want you, Daddy. I need your big, hard cock inside of me. Please fuck me."


She pressed herself against his side and wrapped her arms around his waist. He could feel her soft breasts pressing against his back. She kissed his neck softly and began to run her hands up and down his chest.


He ran his hands along her backside and gave both cheeks a firm slap. She moaned in delight. "I want you to fuck me Daddy. Please fuck me like never before. I want to be your little slut tonight."


Lukas became very aware that he had too much clothing on. He stood up and pulled off his shirt while Gwyn took care of his pants. Once he was naked, she leaned forward and took his growing dick in her mouth. It felt wonderful, having such a beautiful young woman suck on his cock. He put one hand on top of her head as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft. She sucked harder as he pushed deeper into her throat.


"That's right my naughty little slut, suck Daddy's big cock. Suck it hard, suck it deep."


Gwyn nodded in agreement and did exactly as she was told. She licked the tip of his cock and then swirled her tongue around it. She then took it back into her mouth again, taking it all the way to the base of his shaft.


He groaned out loud as she worked her magic on him. "Fuck baby girl, that feels so fucking good. Keep going."


Gwyn looked up at him and smiled before returning happily to her work. Her tongue lapped at the underside of his shaft as she sucked on him.


He reached down and squeezed her tits, fondling them roughly as she continued to suck him. They were so soft and plump. She moaned even louder when he pinched her nipples between his fingers. He loved the way she responded to his touch.


"Oh yes Daddy, please don't stop squeezing those titties. They belong to you now. Squeeze them as hard as you want."


He did just that, continuing to play with her tits while she sucked on his cock. Her mouth felt fabulously warm and wet as she sucked him. His balls tightened up as he got closer to cumming.


"Are you close Daddy? Are you gonna cum for me?"


"Not yet, baby girl. I'm feeling a burning desire to punish that tight pussy of yours."


Gwyn removed her mouth from his cock and turned around on the bed so that she was facing away from him. Her ass was high in the air and she spread her legs wide open.


"Daddy, please spank me. Spank me really hard. I deserve it."


Lukas didn't hesitate to deliver a hard smack across her ass. She yelped in pain but immediately asked for another one. He obliged by delivering three more smacks in quick succession.


"Good girl," he said as he rubbed her sore ass cheeks. "Now get ready for some real punishment."


He positioned himself behind Gwyn and pushed his cock deep into her pussy. She gasped in surprise, forgetting how big his cock felt inside of her. It stretched her out in ways she never imagined possible.


"Ohhh god, Daddy! Your cock is so big and thick inside of me! Fuck me harder, please!"


Lukas didn't waste any time with slow or shallow strokes. He immediately began pounding Gwyn's tight pussy. He held onto her hips firmly as he thrust his cock into her again and again. His balls slapped against her ass cheeks with every thrust.


"Yeah, baby girl. Take that big fat, cock! Take it all the way down to the base!"


Gwyn moaned loudly as Lukas fucked her harder and faster. She was loving every second of it. Her pussy was dripping wet with pleasure juice as he fucked her mercilessly.


"Yes Daddy! Yes! Harder! Fuck me harder!"


Lukas slammed his cock into her relentlessly until finally he exploded inside of her. He filled her pussy with his hot sticky load. Gwyn shuddered in ecstasy as she came hard around his throbbing cock.


They collapsed together onto the bed, panting heavily as their bodies recovered from such intense passion.


"That was amazing, Daddy!"


Lukas smiled at her and stroked her hair. "Thank you for taking care of me tonight."


She smiled back at him and snuggled close to his side. "You took good care of me, too. I hope my mouth was adequate."


"Oh absolutely, baby girl. I love your blowjobs."


"I'm glad to hear that, daddy."


"And now, I think we should go to sleep," he said as he rolled over and tucked her in.


Gwyn nodded and closed her eyes. Within minutes, she drifted off to sleep. Lukas followed suit soon after. The two of them lay there in silence, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies.


When morning came, Gwyn woke up first. She stretched and yawned before noticing Lukas' morning wood. She smiled to herself and positioned herself between his legs, his chest rising up and down as he continued to sleep.


She moved closer to his crotch and gently tugged at his hard shaft. "A good girl knows how to wake up her daddy," she said to herself. She leaned forward and licked the tip of Lukas’ cock. He groaned softly in his sleep. She repeated the process, licking the entire length of his shaft. Slowly, she began to move her head back and forth, taking more and more of his cock into her mouth with each pass.


She felt his cock twitch as she took him deeper and deeper into her throat. She swallowed around him, letting him know just how deep she could take him. Lukas moaned again and started to thrust his hips gently into her face. She matched his movements with her own, taking him as far down her throat as she possibly could.


Finally, after several minutes of that, Lukas exploded in her mouth. She gagged slightly but kept sucking until he finished cumming. She swallowed once or twice, then let the remainder of his cum pool into her mouth before downing it with one final gulp.


She released him from her mouth with a pop. "Good morning, Daddy," she said.


Lukas opened his eyes and smiled at her. "Morning, sweetheart. That was wonderful. Thank you for waking me up like that."


She blushed slightly and lowered her gaze. "No problem, Daddy. I'm happy to serve you."


He chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair. "Well, I might have you wake me up more often. But now, I think it's time for breakfast. How does that sound?"


Gwyn nodded eagerly. "Breakfast sounds great!"


Lukas grinned and sat up in bed. "Good. Then let's go eat something."


As they made their way down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, the smell of fresh bread, bacon, and eggs wafted towards them, pleasantly filling their nostrils. Laera had beaten them to the punch, taking it upon herself to prepare breakfast for the team. She was humming happily as she worked; seemingly happy to be contributing to the team with more than just magic.


Fiona shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "Where are you hiding all your maids? Certainly you didn't cook all this."


Laera flashed her a nervous smile, which Fiona surprisingly returned. The Adventurers dished up and ate breakfast as they planned their next venture to the caverns. Gemma was excited about the quality experience they were getting in the caves versus the forest. 


Laera kept stealing glances at Gwyn, who was being extra cuddly with Lukas. As Lukas finished his breakfast and rose to collect his gear, Laera also stood up and followed him into the hallway. Fiona watched as the pair disappeared down the hallway and smirked.


In the hallway, Laera caught up with the tall Adventurer. "Uh, Lukas?"


"What can I do for you?" Lukas turned around to face her.


“I hope it’s okay if I ask a question about… the team.”


“Of course,” Lukas replied with an easy smile. “I will be happy to answer.”


“So, you are having sex? With all three of them?”


Lukas nodded.


“And they don’t mind?”


Lukas nodded again, the questions had been simple so far. He was glad that Laera wasn’t kicking them out.


Laera paused and then continued. “Despite my upbringing, I don’t want to be a prude. I figure I’ll lose my virginity at some point.” Laera glanced down the hallway in the direction of the kitchen. “This situation is just so bizarre. I mean, I would have never thought to share my man like that.”


Lukas raised an eyebrow. “‘Your’ man?”


“Shut it, you know what I mean.” Laera felt her cheeks heating up.


“I do my best to build a deep relationship with each of the girls,” Lukas explained. “I'll admit, it is very unconventional and probably not a good fit for everyone."


Laera frowned. “How would I even know if that would appeal to me? At first, I was appalled by the idea. I love being on the team and would never leave because of… that. But I was convinced I could never be part of such a dynamic. Everyone seems so happy, though. I wonder if there's even room for another..." Laera blushed furiously. "W-what am I saying?! I would not be interested at all. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you."


Lukas shook his head. "Laera, I won't pressure you either way. But you need to be honest with yourself. Figure out what you want and don't be afraid to be vulnerable about it."


Lukas looked directly in her blue eyes in an intense gaze. "I know what I want."


He broke eye contact with her and continued to his room, leaving the blonde elf standing in the hall with a bewildered look on her face.




The team gathered in front of the cave entrance, ready to explore another tendril of the dangerous maze. They entered in single file, moving quickly through the large primary cavern. Lukas chose a path as the rest of the team easily fought off a vicious bear. They soon came to a fork in the tunnel and chose the right-hand branch.


The path led them through several rooms, each one presenting different challenges. They fought off goblins, a cave troll, and even a set of terrifying human-size scorpions. They collected a good amount of coins and experience and decided to keep moving forward. 


After a few combat-free minutes navigating another narrow pathway, they reached a large cavern filled with stalactites and stalagmites. In the center of the room was a pool of water, reflecting the eerie light from above. Before they could investigate the source of the illumination, a horde of orcs emerged from hiding spots all around the cavern.

Lukas and Gemma charged in different directions to engage the orcs. The battle was intense and chaotic, the enemy was numerous and wielded hefty weapons with considerable brute strength. Fiona dodged and parried while Gemma ferociously used her own strength to beat back the attackers. Laera bewitched an orc who turned on his own, hacking away at the nearest combatant with a crude cleaver.


After slicing through a couple of orcs, Lukas circled back to protect their support. The orcs savagely pressed the attack, but lacked any intelligent strategy. Gwyn's healing played a key role as the fight extended for a length of time. The Adventurers grinded through the battle until the enemy numbers became manageable. The last few orcs fell to the party’s blades, as Laera had exhausted her mana.


Heavy breathing echoed off the cavern walls as the five collected themselves. The fight had been incredibly difficult considering it had not been a boss fight. After catching their breath, they began searching the area. 


Their arduous combat paid off handsomely. They discovered several magical items including potions and scrolls. Gemma smiled as she picked up a broadsword with a rare grade. The Adventurer’s collected their loot and took inventory of their diminishing energy levels. Lukas fought back the desire to find their limit and suggested their time in the caverns had been satisfactory for the day. The girls reacted to his suggestion favorably, so they headed back the direction they had come from, eventually exiting the caves.




Back at the Cottage, the atmosphere was cheery. Lukas and his friends were enjoying another home-cooked meal and chattering excitedly about their lucrative haul. A knock on the door interrupted them, and Lukas broke away to answer it. As he swung the door open, his heart immediately sank to the floor. On the front porch stood the very squad of Council Guards that Lukas had clashed with earlier in the week. They were geared up – from head to toe – for battle. Their large, fully armored bodies took up most of the space in front of him.


“There must be a mistake,” Lukas insisted, regaining his composure. “Gwyn has been cleared of any wrongdoing.”

The captain took a step forward. “We are not here for her.”


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