The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 06 – Laera

Lukas hated being caught unprepared. He was not ready to start a brawl at the Cottage. His feasting girls were still unaware that the Council Guard stood on their porch. Lukas knew he had no chance against all five guards without their help, which would be late to arrive. He wasn’t even sure they would stand a chance regardless.


The head soldier noticed Lukas' unease. "Let us in," he said. "We promise we won't kick your ass again." As Lukas' continued hesitance became apparent, the guard grunted. "No one is getting arrested today."


Lukas nodded and slowly stepped aside, letting the soldiers enter the home. Four alarmed faces greeted them as they entered the main room. Unprompted, the soldiers sat down on the sofas, letting out content sighs as if they were finally resting after a long journey.


"Let's get this over with,"  the captain began. "My name is Bruiser, and I am a captain in the Council Guard. You can call me Captain Bruiser." He leaned back in his seat and continued. "The news is likely still breaking here in Eberlorn, so you may not be aware. A dragon emerged from the mountains in the Mystic Forest and razed the city of Stormpyre, the stronghold of the Phoenix Guild. The capital is rushing reinforcements to the forest perimeter, including Eberlorn, in preparation for another attack. We have been given a directive to recruit local Adventurers to support us in the event the dragon does target the Chimera Guild."


The Lukas and the girls listened intently to Captain Bruiser, not believing what came next.


"My team would like to officially request your assistance," Captain Bruiser said, "provided that you aren't holding any grudges from our previous encounter. The compensation for your assistance has not been determined yet..."


"Hold up!" Lukas interrupted. He, just like his four companions, could hardly believe what he’d just heard. "It's hard to imagine you are being serious. Surely there must be loads of other Adventurers that have more experience than us. Why us, specifically?"


Captain Bruiser clenched his fist tightly, not amused about the interruption. "You were not my first choice. Two teams of Anoran reinforcements arrived just hours before us and snatched up all the heavy hitters. It's a shame; the elves will probably just use them as front-line fodder."


The soldier nearest to Lukas leaned over and whispered. "Don't let him fool you, he might have picked you even if we got here first. You showed real grit, and he’s convinced you won't bail on us if the situation turns south."


Captain Bruiser shot his subordinate a death glare. "As I was saying, I do not know at the current moment how you will be compensated, but make no mistake, it would be highly advantageous to have the Council Guard owe you – especially given your… rebellious nature."


"What does this mean practically?" Lukas took a deep breath, thinking it through. "Do we follow you around until a dragon shows up?"


Captain Bruiser shook his head. "The Phoenix Guild managed to score some serious hits on the dragon. It will likely lay low for a couple days to regenerate its health. We are housed by the Chimera Guild in the Great Hall. If you hear the early warning bell, meet in front of the hall, ready to fight. Otherwise... Well, it would probably be too late for Eberlorn. If we survive a surprise attack, we will likely seek shelter in the Mystic Forest. You can try and find us there."


"What are the chances the dragon strikes here next?" Lukas asked.


"The mountain range is located roughly in the center of the Mystic Forest," the captain answered, "which is surrounded in all four directions by the guilds. However, the Phoenix Guild was slightly closer than the rest. Eberlorn is the next closest. I can’t be sure, but I would sleep with your bags packed and your weapons within reach."


"Can I have a moment to discuss this with my team?" Lukas asked. "I can't believe I'm considering this, but if Eberlorn is faced with destruction, perhaps old enemies can become friends."


Captain Bruiser stood up with his four companions and shook his head. "That was really cheesy." They walked towards the front door – two of the guards still chuckling at Lukas’ line. "We will be waiting for your decision on the front porch," the captain called back. The door closed leaving Lukas alone with his team.


"Oh boy," Fiona said, barely containing her laughter, "'Old enemies can become friends.' They must think we’re complete amateurs.'


A rare blush flashed briefly across Lukas' face. "Fiona, we are amateurs!"


"Nah," Fiona replied, "we may have only been doing this for a couple weeks, but there's a reason they came here. Lukas, you know this team. You know we can hit way above our experience level."


Lukas nodded, knowing she spoke the truth. "What does everyone else think? Do we suddenly not hate those council twats?"


"If we are going to fight a dragon," Gemma admitted, "I would want them by my side. I have to agree with Fiona’s assessment, too. I wouldn't place us in the amateur category."


"Gemma," Lukas said, "we aren't going to fight a dragon. We are just reinforcing the Adventurers who are going to fight the dragon."


Gemma just smiled at him. "Whatever you say, Lukas."


Lukas looked at Gwyn.


"I still don’t like them," she said simply, "but I'm in if you are." 




"If my team fights with the Council Guard against a dragon," Laera mused, "my parents might not hate you all." She offered up a shrug. "A terrible reason to hinge such a decision upon, but I say we go for it."


"Speaking of making life decisions for terrible reasons, maybe Lukas should consider giving the elf an extra skill..." Fiona began.


"Fiona!" Lukas stopped her, hoping to prevent her from finishing her thought.


"What?! I'm not even kidding. Look, you need a Mentality boost; I'm betting the princess mage can give you a nice one."


"Fiona, you were just saying how great our team fights together already. We don't need to pressure Laera into anything," Lukas argued.


"We are going up against a dragon, Lukas. Her magical talent is spectacular; I’ve never seen anything like it. Imagine her with another skill? She would be unstoppable."


Laera started blushing, not understanding the sexual implications of their conversation, but surprised at how highly Fiona was willing to speak of her abilities.


"Laera needs to come on her own terms," Lukas affirmed.


"Don't give me that" Fiona snapped back. "Her pussy gets dripping wet every time she's around you. Imagine her with a skill, I don’t know, to swallow your cum and get extra mana from it?"


"Fiona!!" Lukas desperately tried to protect Laera's innocence, but the veil had already been lifted from the conversation.


Laera's mouth dropped open. To her credit, she recomposed herself quickly. Meanwhile, her mind was racing.


"So," she asked timidly, "you all have another skill that you got from sleeping with him?"


The three girls nodded.


"Laera," Lukas interjected, "that's not a good reason to–"


"I know! I'm just curious. You were the one that encouraged me to ask questions."


Lukas threw up his hands, resigning now that both sides were against him.


Gwyn came to his defense while Gemma just spectated with an amused look on her face.


"I know you're just trying to be noble here," Gwyn consoled, "and I love that about you. I also understand why Fiona brought it up. We are facing a unique scenario. I haven’t known Laera for too long, but I’m confident she is perfectly capable of making her own decisions. I know you like to worry about all of us, but she will be fine."


"She grew up with a strong sense of duty," Lukas countered, "I don’t want her to throw away her innocence just because a dragon–"


"I would greatly appreciate it if we could change topics to something other than my virginity," Laera butted in. "The Council Guard is still waiting for us on the front porch."


Lukas nodded, eager to move on as well. "I think we’ve reached a consensus regarding the Council Guard. Before I pledge our support, any last objections?"


After no one signaled their disapproval, Lukas turned towards the door and walked out to meet the Guard.




Lukas returned from the porch to a buzzing house. Fiona and Gemma were already discussing a change in plans. They no longer thought it was wise to travel to the caves with a dragon lurking around, but still wanted to earn some experience in the Mystic Forest. A few of the members of the party were approaching level four after the two fruitful days in the caverns.


While Lukas was listening in on their strategizing, Laera approached him with an unreadable expression on her face. "I think we need to talk," she said. Lukas nodded, and they once again headed out to the garden.


"Laera, I apologize..." Lukas began.


"Stop," Laera said. "I'm already way past that."


"Look," she continued, "you said I needed to be honest with myself. And if I'm truly being honest, I think it is inevitable. If it didn't happen now, it would happen soon."


She nervously looked up at him, Lukas instantly became enamored with her big blue eyes.


"I'm attracted to you," she admitted. "I mean, you are devilishly handsome, but you also have such a passionate personality, and I'm drawn to your free spirit." Her lips quivered as she made one final admission. "I want you to take my virginity, I just don't know when."


"I just want to make sure," Lukas said. "This has nothing to do with getting an extra skill to fight the dragon?"


"Lukas, I know it’s only been a short time; but you should know by now that I value our relationship way more than my ambition."


Lukas couldn't help himself. He pulled her in close and kissed her passionately. His heart raced as he felt the warmth of her body against his. Laera melted in his embrace.


She pulled back slightly, their faces still close to each other. "Maybe I want it now," she whispered. "I don't know what’s holding me back. I trust you. I'm comfortable around you. It's just so quick, it's been barely a week."


Lukas stroked her platinum blonde hair. "I want you to be completely ready. When I make you mine, I will make sure you never regret it."


After a moment of deep thought, Laera spoke up. "I have an idea… though it just came to me and I already hate it."


Lukas looked at her intrigued.


"My Ultimate is a spell called 'Mind Bender,'" Laera explained, "and it is scary, even to me. I can enter the mind of a creature and insert commands into it, essentially taking control. Every time I use it, I'm both amazed and terrified by its power."


"I can cast it on other Adventurers, too," she continued, "however, the higher intelligence makes it much more difficult to manipulate a target’s behavior. The few times I've done it, I wasn't able to prompt any actions through mental force. I did have significant access to their mind though. I could see recent memories, strings of thought, and emotional temperaments. It could be useful to discern a strategy that an opponent might use against you." 


She looked at Lukas, who had a perplexed look on his face. "Obviously, using the spell on another is a huge invasion of privacy. My idea... Well, it's a terrible idea. Let's just forget it," Laera shook her head.


"You want to use the spell on me. Looking through my mind will give you the confidence to commit yourself to me." Lukas confirmed.


"I'm sorry I even brought it up," Laera added, scared she had done damage to a relationship she valued greatly.


Lukas didn't love the concept. He had the best of intentions in relation to Laera, but he knew his mind certainly wasn't the cleanest. Like anyone, he had thoughts and feelings that he preferred to keep private, even if they were neither salacious nor malicious. However, he knew that if he expected Laera to trust him with such an intimate bond, he had to be willing to reciprocate.


Lukas managed to infuse his voice with enough confidence to mask his nervousness. "Laera, I understand what you are trying to accomplish. I trust you. My mind is yours," he offered.


Laera nodded, surprised. "That is... unexpected. Frankly, I’m surprised – and happy – you are still willing to talk to me. Do you need a minute?"


"No," Lukas said, "let’s get this over with."


They sat across from each other on the garden bench, Laera gazing into Lukas' eyes. There was a drawn out pause as Lukas saw Laera fight a mental battle in her head.


Lukas was confused. "Did you cast it? I didn't feel it."


Laera let out a deep sigh and hugged Lukas. "It would have been a massive mistake. I love that you are such a mystery to me. I need to learn to be vulnerable to you." She paused for another moment, and another breath. "I trust you, Lukas. The fact that you said yes to such a crazy idea is good enough for me."


Lukas held her tight, feeling her soft body press against his. He nuzzled her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist, enjoying caressing her soft, warm skin. Laera just smiled, happy to be near him. After a moment, Laera pulled back to look at Lukas, her expression serious. "I'm ready for whatever comes next."


Lukas took a deep breath and gave her a slow kiss on the lips. He ran his fingers through her hair as he pulled away. "I want you to be ready for me tonight. Tonight, you become my woman."


Laera's face lit up with excitement. "And you'll be my man. Well… I guess we’ll both find out how good I am at sharing.""


Lukas and Laera headed back inside to rejoin the group. When Fiona saw them, she opened her mouth to say something, but then thought better of it. Gemma came up to Lukas and filled him in on the plan as the group prepared to head off towards the Mystic Forest.




The party of five spent a good part of the day grinding away in the forest. They sought after more difficult enemies, knowing a dragon encounter may be looming in their future. Lukas had hoped to reach level four, especially with the Promotion boost his blades gave him, but it didn't happen on that trip. Still, his spirits were high, knowing what was coming later that night. He eyed Laera's toned ass, appreciative that she was not reading his mind at that moment. It was hard to not get caught staring at her hourglass figure, as she kept glancing his way, flashing him her bright smile.


Back at the Cottage, Lukas enjoyed Gwyn's cooking. He felt a hand snake across his lap and into his trousers. Lukas looked over at the naughty redhead, who started stroking his shaft.


"I would get under this table right now and suck you off," Fiona whispered to him, "but I think you are saving it for something else tonight, aren't you?"


Lukas reached his hand over and grabbed her fine ass. "You should know better than anyone that I can go multiple times."


"Come to my room after you are finished," Fiona moaned. "The princess will be too sore to go again after you destroy her virgin pussy."


Lukas was thankful his food was finished. He wouldn't have been able to stand up if Fiona had teased him any more. He cleared his dishes and then fetched his beautiful date for the night. Laera enthusiastically accepted the arm that Lukas extended to her.


"So, your room or mine?" Laera asked, attempting to be seductive for the first time in her life.


Lukas gave her wink. "Neither."


He led her out back into the garden where colorful new flowers bloomed brightly, even in the dimming evening light.


"Did you plant these?" Laera gave Lukas a surprised look. "When did you even..."


Lukas retrieved a music box from behind the garden bench. He had discovered the elegant device in the attic he had explored on his first day in the Cottage. Lukas removed his shoes as he gestured for Laera to do the same. He set the box on the bench and opened it. A beautiful melody filled the air.


Laera stood there, stunned. "You are unbelievable," she whispered.


Lukas guided her into his arms as they began dancing, barefoot, on the lush garden grass. He moved her hips and twirled her around as the song played on. He pulled her close to his chest and kissed her gently, savoring the taste of her lips. The sun dipped lower into the horizon as they danced beneath the open sky. Lukas could not stop looking at the beauty in his arms. She was stunning, and he was in awe of her.


The song ended as the couple continued to embrace, neither wanting to break contact. Laera looked up at Lukas, her eyes sparkling in the fading sunlight.


"Are you ready?" he asked.


Laera nodded, unable to speak.


Lukas scooped her up gracefully in his arms. "We are going to my room. Tonight, you become my woman."


Laera's heart pounded in her chest as Lukas carried her through the house and up the stairs. He carefully placed her on his bed and then climbed in next to her.


"I want to see you," he said softly.


Laera blushed, but complied. She slowly stripped off her tunic, exposing her immaculate body to a man for the first time. She peeled off her bra, exposing her D-cup breasts to Lukas' hungry eyes. Next, her panties slid down her legs, showing off her freshly shaven pussy.


Lukas drank in her nude body. Her perfect face sat atop her slender, sensuous neck. Her sizable breasts swelled as she took a deep breath under Lukas' piercing gaze. Her flat stomach led down to the sweet curve of her hips, which tapered into slender thighs. Lukas was entranced by her beauty, wishing he could freeze time and enjoy the sight forever.


"You are exquisite," he whispered.


Laera blushed. "Thank you," she whispered back.


Lukas crawled closer to her, running his hands along her legs and up to her thighs. He knelt between her legs, placing gentle kisses on the inner thigh of each leg.


Laera gasped as Lukas began to explore her womanhood. She spread her legs further apart, opening up for Lukas' tongue to lick up and down her slit. He massaged her clit with his thumb as he continued to lick her pussy. Laera moaned in pleasure, urging him to continue. She arched her back, pushing her hips forward, enjoying Lukas’ magic tongue.


Lukas stood up and undressed himself. He joined Laera on the bed, positioning himself between her legs. His body pressed against her nakedness, feeling the lush curves beneath him. His hand found her breasts and, with gentle strokes, he began to tease her nipples.


Laera moaned in pleasure, responding immediately to his expert attentions, too overwhelmed to even be surprised that she could feel such pleasure from it. It had simply never occurred to her that her breasts or nipples might be a locus of sexual pleasure.


Lukas relished in the positive reactions he received from his inexperienced partner. He circled her nipples with his tongue, causing her to squirm and buck her hips. She ran her fingers through his hair as he finally captured one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking it gently. Laera gasped and moaned louder as Lukas increased the pressure. He switched to the other nub that topped her other breast and popped that into his mouth. Her voluptuous, tasty boobs had an equal effect on him; she felt his hardness poking between her legs.


"I want to try putting it in my mouth," she whispered, her voice trembling.


Lukas obliged her, guiding his shaft towards her mouth. She opened her mouth wide and tried to take him in. Her inexperience was evident, but Lukas enjoyed her lips wrapped around him regardless. Laera experimented by probing and swirling her tongue. After a minute, Lukas pulled out and laid back on the bed.


"Please," Laera whimpered, "please put it in me. I want you inside me."


Lukas wasted no time as he rolled on top of her and aligned his cock with her entrance. He pushed gently, feeling her walls tighten around him as he entered her. He paused for a moment, allowing her to adjust to his size. Then he began to move, thrusting deeper into her with each stroke. Laera moaned and writhed beneath him, her nails digging into his back as she urged him on, despite her pain.


Lukas used slow strokes to fill the tight elven pussy with his sizable tool. The riled up blonde wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deeper into her uncharted territory.


At her insistence, Lukas increased his pace, driving harder into her. Laera cried out in pleasure, her dainty body being dominated by the hunky man on top of her. Finally, he felt her walls constrict around him as she came, her screams echoing throughout the room. He held her tightly as she rode out her orgasm, continuing to thrust into her until he felt his own release building. He buried his cock deep inside her and came hard, filling her with his seed.


Lukas collapsed on top of her, panting heavily as they both caught their breath. She looked up at him and smiled. "We should have done that earlier."


Lukas chuckled. "You are amazing," he whispered, flipping onto his back and pulling her close to him. "I'm sure we can make up for lost time."


Laera rested her head on his chest and sighed. "I'm going to need to get better with my mouth. Who gives the best blowjobs?"


"Uh oh," Lukas teased, "what have we unlocked in this sweet, innocent girl?"


Laera moved her lips up onto Lukas' neck and gave him a few kisses. "Tell me who."


"Do I dare encourage the further corruption of such a cute elf?" Lukas teased.


She dragged her tongue further up his neck and moved her lips close to his ear. "Give me a name."


"If you can keep up with Gwyn, I would be impressed."


She nibbled on his earlobe and then whispered again into his ear. "I will show you just how dedicated I am." 


Lukas’ cock twitched.


"I better get out of here before you decide to have another go at my pussy," she said, noticing the activity between his legs. "I can already feel the soreness."


She got up and got dressed, not quite depraved enough yet to walk out of his room naked. Lukas smiled as she blew him a kiss. Her walk down the hallways was quite the delicate one.


Lukas relaxed in his bed for a moment, reliving the experience of tearing through Laera’s virginal elven pussy. Then he got up, cleaned himself off, and headed into the hallway. He had a redhead he needed to punish for her earlier outbursts.




Lukas was eating breakfast the following morning with Fiona and Gwyn, while Gemma was out for a morning run. A loud shriek came from the bedrooms. Seconds later, an angry blonde elf stormed into the kitchen. "Fiona!"


Fiona looked up, unperturbed. "Calm down, princess. You’ve seen way worse in the caverns. A tarantula in your bathtub is no big deal."


"What?" Laera somehow managed to look confused and irate at the same time. "No, change my skill. Now!"


Fiona, a little disappointed her tarantula prank hadn’t landed yet, rubbed her chin nonchalantly. "Gotta give me more than that."


"I want a more… appropriate bonded skill," Laera demanded. "How is this even practical?"


"Why are you under the impression that I have any control over that?" Fiona asked.


"What do you mean? You practically spelled it out yesterday."


Fiona just stared blankly.


"You know... the swallowing sperm for mana thing?"


A wide grin slowly spread across Fiona's face. "Are you serious?! There's no way!"


"You don't expect me to believe you didn't have any part in that?" Laera asked, not sounding so sure anymore.


"Tell me what it is!" Fiona stood up, now excited.


"I'm not going to tell you."


"You can’t storm into the kitchen like that, yelling at me, and then not tell me. Plus, I already know the general idea. Come on, tell me."


Laera gave a loud huff. "It's called ‘Cumslut.’ It says I receive an instant minor mana boost whenever I consume the Deviant's cum. The description sounds exactly like something you would say." 


Fiona laughed. "I can't wait to see this in action."


"What the hell am I supposed to do? Kneel down in the middle of a battle and open my mouth?" Laera threw her arms out in displeasure.


The main factors restricting a mage from blasting through every challenge was mana and cooldowns. Mentality and Vigor determined how large of a mana pool available to an Adventurer. Mentality and Agility combined to calculate mana regeneration. For longer battles, mages with more mana regeneration usually had an advantage over those with larger pools.


Ordinarily, every spell has a mana cost and cooldown period. More powerful skills typically have longer cooldowns and a more expensive mana cost. Any course that would boost Laera’s mana would benefit the team immensely, no matter what the method was.


"We will figure it out, Laera," Lukas stepped in. "I can promise nobody on the team had any idea that specific skill was going to you." He walked over to her and gave her a hug.


Laera calmed down after hearing Lukas' voice. "Maybe I'm overreacting. I do seem to always be in need of mana."


Fiona scoffed at how easily Lukas had pacified the elf.


Lukas leaned down and gave Laera a kiss on the lips. She looked up at him with sparkles in her eyes. "Looks like I need to have a chat with Gwyn sooner rather than later," she said. After getting some food, she sat down next to the short, purple-eyed girl and began eating breakfast. Gwyn, for her part, almost managed to pretend that she hadn’t heard the comment, or at least that she had no idea what it meant.




With no sign of any dragon, the group headed into the Mystic Forest. They tackled a few easy fights in the forest. Lukas had quickly defeated a couple of goblins and the group handled a charging pack of razorback boars. Things got tense, however, when a sizable group of heavily armed lizardmen appeared. The creatures charged towards the group, their sharp teeth bared and their cutlasses raised.


The group prepared themselves for a more serious battle, circling up in a defensive formation. Laera was already unleashing her magic on the enemy. As the lizardmen closed in, Lukas yelled, "Let's show them how we fight!"


The group responded ferociously, engaging with lethal power. The lizardmen were numerous with dangerous weapons, but the Adventurers felt confident in their teamwork.  Fiona teleported and summoned her Ultimate unleashing a frosty mist amidst the reptilians. Lukas took advantage of the slowed creatures and slashed expertly through their ranks and Gemma’s incredible speed allowed her to dash, pivot, and charge at them perpendicular to her leader’s blitz. The pair’s timing was impeccable; Lukas had no sooner crossed the invisible midpoint of the scattered group of foes than Gemma was barrelling through it at a right angle, serving up the unluckiest middle lizardman with an extra blow to his head after his fate had already been sealed by Lukas’ blades. 


"You don’t get to count that one," Lukas called out cheerfully. Gemma just stuck her tongue out at him.


Gwyn, as the ‘easy’ target, baited a group of creatures away from the pack and then turned invisible, causing confusion. This allowed the Lukas, Gemma, and Fiona to circle back and flank the confused reptilians with overwhelming success. Laera’s lightning fried any stragglers left over.


Despite how many foes there’d been to start, victory was swift. The lizardmen had fallen quickly to the coordinated attacks from the Adventurers. 


The group surveyed the battlefield – which was now full of loot and devoid of enemies – satisfied with the outcome. As an extra reward, Lukas finally felt level four hit. He had guessed he would get there before Fiona or Gemma, due to his weapon's bonus. He pulled up his profile immediately, eager to find his missing Ultimate.



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 4



Strength: 22.6 + 3

Agility: 21 + 2.6

Mentality: 20.4 + 2.6

Vigor: 18.9 + 1.9



Confidence (Passive) - Level 3 - shrug off 30% of magical damage and effects

Obedience (Triggered) - Level 1 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 10% boost in the primary trait of the Obedient subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Obedient subject(s)

Praise (Triggered) - Level 1 - Obedient subject(s) receive a +10 boost in both Strength and Vigor for 30 seconds, the Confidence effect is doubled during this duration

Discipline (Passive) - Level 1 - Obedient subject(s) get an additional triggered skill



He sighed and shook his head. Still no Ultimate! But there was an additional Passive skill. His class was an enigma to him. 


Almost on instinct, Lukas bumped up Confidence to level four, but then immediately regretted it. He should've paid more attention to his new passive skill.


Lukas respected Fiona’s talent for quick decision making – something he struggled with. He resolved to do better in future. He was responsible for more than just himself now.


He read over the skill description for Discipline again. It seemed obvious that the girls were getting a second bonded skill – but his side of the skill was upgradeable. Could they get even more? Lukas sighed, wishing for a redo that would never come.


Returning his attention back to his team standing there in the Mystic Forest, Lukas moved past his lapse in judgment and smiled. "You all should check your profiles."


He got a couple of confused looks, but Gwyn didn’t hesitate. "Whoa! I can summon a Dire Wolf," she exclaimed. "Thanks, Daddy!"


Gemma remained quiet, but held out her sword, which suddenly caught fire.


Fiona laughed after looking at her profile. "Best boyfriend ever!" She was teasing, but her smile told Lukas she was genuinely delighted. "I’ll use it in the next fight, I want to surprise you."


Lukas turned towards Laera. "Are you going to keep yours a secret?"


"No," Laera said. "I like the name of this one much better. ‘Submissive Silence’ prevents the target from casting spells for twenty seconds."


Up to this point, the party had been exploring briskly through the Mystic Forest, trying to get the last bit of experience before a potential dragon attack. The lizardmen battle indisputably gave them a boost. Lukas recognized unlocking a bunch of new skills would be a huge benefit against a dragon, but he still wanted to get everyone to level four – and his skill-leveling blunder was going to help him do it too.


"Conserve your energy," Lukas said. "We are going to be here past sundown unless we see a dragon in the sky."


The party fought off some easier creatures as the sun neared the horizon. Finally, Lukas let Gemma lead the group towards a marshy area of the forest, which had a signature pungent smell.


"Okay," Lukas strategized with his circle of girls, "get good positioning, but do not engage. Let me tank all of her spells. Gwyn, make sure you activate that collar at the right time."


The group headed deeper into the swamp, with Lukas leading far out in front. He kept his eyes peeled, ready to trigger his double protection. He was beginning to worry that another group of Adventurers had cleared out the swamp already, when a loud screech pierced the muggy air. He had found the target.


He hurriedly cast his Praise skill in preparation for the Swamp Witch’s opening attack, which was already in motion. Green lightning kicked off the volley of spells, striking Lukas causing him to fall back on his haunches. He got up swiftly, though, and swung his blades out to block a thick tree branch that was whirling towards him. Swamp mud swirled around Lukas’ body with diminished effect. A fire bolt splashed against him, flames threatened to scorch his skin, but instead just fizzled out. He felt the burst of speed from Gwyn's collar just in time as he dodged the witch's disarming spell. That was the one he’d been, and remained, the most scared of based on Gemma’s story. He did not know how his magic resistance would factor in when she tried to destroy his blades, but he wasn't taking any chances.


He had only thirty seconds of his enhanced magical blocking and he needed every single one. Another tree branch tried the lop off his head. Another flash of lightning struck him. Even with the eighty percent resistance to the witch’s sorcery, he was still taking enough damage to worry him. He felt Gwyn's heal relieve him as he counted down the seconds. He charged through another firebolt and more swamp mud. The witch's spells were relentless, but he was getting closer


His enhanced protection faded just as he reached her. He signaled to attack hoping he had done enough. Fiona appeared behind the witch, delivering a solid backstab. Lightning zipped across the sky, but this time it was a color Lukas recognized, and it was directed toward the party’s enemy. Gemma came barreling through the swamp ready for revenge.


The Swamp Witch moved to begin casting more magic, causing a surge of panic to grip Lukas, but then a timely magical silence thwarted her spell. Lukas knew that was available as a last resort, but he still made a mental note to buy Laera some flowers before he engaged the witch. A flurry of slashes from Lukas’ poisonous twin blades pummeled the enemy before a whip of pure magical energy cracked against the witch’s back, stunning her. Fiona grinned as she held the other end of the whip, showing off her new bonded skill. 


Lukas scored several more hits before Gemma finally collided with the enemy, driving a flaming sword through her slimy, warty torso. The Adventurers piled on numerous devastating attacks in quick succession until the Swamp Witch fell, for good.


Gemma let out a powerful roar into the muggy night, the adrenaline from defeating her nightmare, which had been haunting her sleep for a couple weeks, fueling her. She marched over to Lukas and gripped his arm tightly.


"I want you to fuck me so hard when we get back," she growled. "You better rearrange my guts with your huge cock."


She had meant to whisper it, but with Gemma's heightened energy, Lukas was sure the entire team heard it.


"Oh yeah," Fiona chimed in, "I'm definitely gonna have to watch that."


Gemma initially turned red with embarrassment, but then her competitive side took over. "You wouldn’t dare. You’re all talk."


Laera blushed at the crudeness of her new friends, still adjusting to the idea of sex in general.


Lukas laughed and gave Gemma's ass a firm smack. "Anyways, I felt like that was a huge success. Thank you, Laera, for saving my ass with that silence. Did we get the experience?"


Fiona and Gemma both nodded.


"Great," Lukas continued, "let’s collect the rewards and head back."


As they traveled back to town, Fiona strode up to Lukas. "How do you suppose upgrading these bonded skills work?" she asked. "I tried to level up the whip and wasn’t able to. There must be a way."


"The bonded skills are extremely powerful," Lukas replied. "Finding out how to upgrade them should be a priority. Even with the Chimera Guild’s vast collection of literature, I doubt I’ll find anything. Maybe I’ll ask Cassain whenever he magically pops in again."


They reached the streets of Eberlorn, where, despite the late hour, people were bustling around creating makeshift fortifications. Groups of soldiers carried heavy weaponry down the street towards the forest, presenting a grim reminder that a destructive force could be lurking above in the night sky.


Lukas split off from the rest of the group as the girls headed back to the Cottage. He had a couple of errands to run.




Lukas was glad to have found a few vendors open that late at night. He had made two purchases. The first one was a bouquet of roses for Laera. The second one was more difficult to bring home. He lugged the bulky object up to his room, hoping to remain undetected. He did get a curious look from Fiona as he passed her in the hallway, but luckily for him, he didn’t run into Gemma.


Lukas cleaned up hastily, preparing to deliver Gemma a night she would never forget. As he walked into her room to fetch her, he noticed she wasn't wearing her normal sleepwear. Instead, she was laying down on her stomach, wearing a thin robe that was way too short for her lengthy body. Lukas caught a glimpse of her glistening pussy, confirming that she was not wearing anything else underneath.


As he approached her, she rolled onto her back, giving him a nice view of her cleavage. "Come," he said.


She got out of her bed and followed him closely, looking at him with curiosity. Once they were inside his room, her eyes were immediately drawn to the object in the middle. It was a large wooden device that had two horizontal bars connected by a sturdy frame. In between the bars, there was a series of three holes with the middle one being slightly larger.


Lukas looked at Gemma and stroked her hair. "Do you know what this is?" he asked.


She nodded her head. "A stockade."


Lukas smiled and then guided her towards it. "Good girl," he praised. "Now, I want you to stand here." He stepped behind her and untied her robe, causing it to slip off and pile on the floor. He opened the stockade and placed her hands through the holes; Gemma’s dripping pussy compelled her to submit. Next, grabbing her by the hair, he placed her neck in the center hole and closed the stockade. Gemma found herself standing completely nude with her arms bound and her neck secured in place. Her nipples stood erect, pointing towards the ground, and her juices began trickling down her thighs.


He took a moment to admire her naked body. Her massive boobs hung down, looking as tempting as ever. Her curves were stunning, especially her ass, which was firm and round. He gently caressed it before grabbing both sides of her hips. He glanced down her back, admiring the muscles that ran down from her shoulders. Her long legs were toned and sexy. She was stunning. He wanted every inch of her body, and there was nothing she could do to stop him.


The door opened gently as Fiona scurried in. She had threatened to watch earlier, and there she was, witnessing the six-foot-one beauty quivering with anticipation in the middle of the room. Fiona situated herself on the bed, getting a closeup view of the helpless girl.


Gemma bit her lip, noticing the newcomer. She felt incredibly vulnerable and exposed, and that excited her like never before. Lukas came around to the front of the stockade and began stripping down, giving the bound beauty a show. Her mouth watered as his clothes dropped to the floor and she gazed at his manhood.


Her face turned bright red and her breathing became heavier. She couldn't help but let out a moan when she watched him approach her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss, then disappeared from her view.


She then felt something big and hard probing between her legs. Behind her, Lukas grabbed hold of his shaft and rubbed it against her pussy. The feeling of his dick on her made her wetter than ever before. She cried out in pleasure as he continued rubbing his tip against her clit.


Lucas smacked her ass hard. "You love this, don't you?" he growled. She nodded her head yes and whimpered softly.


"Beg for it."


"Please," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Please fuck me."


He slid his cock into her tight pussy, slowly filling her up. He pushed deeper and deeper until she was filled completely. She gasped as he started fucking her faster and harder. Her eyes widened in shock as he slammed into her again and again. He rammed her so hard that she screamed out loud each time.


"You are so loud," Lukas taunted, "do you want everyone to hear how much you love getting fucked by my big cock?"


"I don't care who hears!" she moaned. "Just keep fucking me! Harder! Please!"


He sunk himself even deeper inside of her, hitting spots that sent shivers down her spine. Her eyes widened when he began pumping in and out of her rapidly. Her body shuddered uncontrollably as he hammered away at her relentlessly. He kept pounding away at her pussy until she came all over his cock. 


Her climax spurned Lukas to thrust harder, slamming his cock in and out of her tight pussy. Her screams echoed throughout the room, almost masking the loud clapping sound generated from Lukas’s hips forcefully smacking into Gemma’s toned ass.


Fiona had been watching intently, and seeing Gemma's face contort in ecstasy gave her a surge of excitement. She leaned forward, eager to get a better view. She found herself becoming increasingly aroused by the scene unfolding before her. Her own pussy was starting to throb with desire, calling out for attention. She quickly adjusted herself burying her finger into her pussy. Her moans joined with Gemma’s screams as the redhead got lost in the throes of her own orgasm.


Lukas continued fucking the hot brunette without mercy, enjoying the fact that his freckled submissive was cumming just by watching them have sex. He was balls deep in Gemma's pussy and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. Gemma's screams of pleasure continued to ring in his ears.


"I love the way you fuck me!" she cried out. "Harder! Fuck me harder!"


Lukas grunted in response, driving his cock deeper into her pussy. He could feel her walls tightening around his shaft. He threw all of his muscular weight into his penetrations, pushing her further and further towards another screaming orgasm.


"Oh god!" Gemma screamed, completely disregarding the redheaded voyeur on the bed, as she reached a powerful climax. "Oh fuck! Yes! Yes! YES! OH FUCK YES!" 


Lukas grinned wickedly and continued pounding her pussy ferociously. "That's right, baby. Cum for me. Cum for your master."


Gemma's eyes widened as her second orgasm hit. Her body shook violently under Lukas' control. He held her hips tightly as he drove his thick shaft into her pussy with punishing force.


"Good girl," Lukas growled approvingly, feeling her quivering pussy around his manhood. He reached down and grabbed hold of her hips, pulling her back onto him. "You've worked hard for my load," he said, balancing dominant condescension against genuine appreciation. "Here it comes."


Gemma moaned softly, she was happy to hear her master praise her in front of Fiona. Her competitive nature wanted to please Lukas better than anyone else. She felt his cock pulsate inside of her, signaling that he was about to release. Suddenly, she felt his hot seed spraying deep within her. She gasped as he emptied himself into her womb, filling her with his essence.


Lukas pulled out of Gemma's pussy, leaving her panting and shaking. He stood up and stretched, having exerted a lot of strength giving Gemma a fucking she would remember. He turned to look at Fiona, who was enthralled with the debauchery she had just witnessed.


"Enjoy the show?" he teased, walking towards her. Fiona blushed and nodded, encountering a rare moment where she was unable to speak. Lukas sat down next to her on the bed and pulled her closer, running his hands up her thighs. "Let's get her out. You’re both sleeping in my bed tonight."




Unfortunately, Lukas didn’t get to enjoy waking up to a relaxing morning with naked beauties on either side of him like he had hoped. Instead, the three of them – and everyone else – were rudely awakened by loud warning bells ringing throughout Eberlorn.


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