The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 07 – The Dragon

The blaring alarm reverberated through the walls as Lukas and the girls sprung into action. With blazing speed, the team gathered their equipment and sprinted towards the Guild Hall. They arrived just in time to see a monstrous creature emerge from the tree line many blocks away.


The beast was sizable, but not as gigantic as Lukas had expected. The body of the creature was about the size of a small cottage; an elongated neck supporting an angular head emerging from the torso of the monster. Horns sprouted out the top of the head framing a villainous snout. Massive wings spanned over several large trees, commanding the wind with tremendous power. Dark red scales gleamed in the breaking sunrise as its long, whip-like, tail with a sharp, barbed tip thrashed violently in the air. Its eyes were mostly pitch black, save for piercing golden irises that seemed to bore straight through the soul. The dragon's talons were thick and jagged, its claws capable of ripping apart even the sturdiest of armor. A mouth full of razor-sharp teeth complemented them.


The dragon dominated the skyline with terrifying beauty. Lukas would have been content just to stand there and witness its emergence, if not for the bloodlust emanating from the creature. It had already razed an entire city, and looked hungry for a repeat performance


The group saw the Council Guard up ahead, the five knights charging down the streets towards the entrance of the forest to meet the dragon, overtaking other Adventurers headed in the direction. Lukas' party took off after them with swift speed, but the Guard seemed impossibly fast despite the heavy armor they wore. As Lukas and his cohorts approached the edge of town, they were greeted with flames blazing brightly and the smell of burning foliage. Two teams of elves had already engaged with the dragon, attempting to keep it from penetrating deeper into the city.


The Guard and the Anoran teams comprised the core of the city’s resistance, but other reinforcements were trickling in as Eberlorn responded to the bells. Even non-Adventurers were contributing, manning large ballistas that had arrived the previous day. The hefty, ranged weapons had been placed on the roofs of nearby buildings.


The bulk of the action was occurring in the familiar clearing that served as the trailhead for the entrance into the Mystic Forest. Along the edge of the clearing, some trees were already set ablaze. Ditches and berms had been prepared as makeshift fortifications, but the dragon’s aerial superiority negated their advantage. The scene was chaotic, but the elven Adventurers had been successful in strategically engaging the dragon at the edge of the city; at least for the moment.


The dragon was a force to be reckoned with. A fireball streaked across the battlefield towards a rooftop ballista, exploding on impact, incinerating the weapon and its crew, lighting the building on fire. The beast dove towards the unorganized ranks of Adventurer army, its claws snatched up an Adventurer and tore him apart while its tail whipped around and sliced through an Anoran mage. The dragon was incredibly agile and near impossible to hit; any attacks that did land just bounced off its scales. The Council Guard made a move to attack the dragon but were quickly repelled. Several of the vanguard knights barely dodged the beast’s powerful jaws, learning the hard way that its neck was powerfully prehensile. Captain Bruiser and his soldiers desperately scrambled for any cover as a wall of fire streamed from its snout.


Lukas and his team had flanked around the side, still keeping their distance. It was their turn to provide a distraction that would allow the Council Guard to escape and reform somewhere more advantageous. Gwyn's summoned Dire Wolf ran underneath the low-flying dragon catching its eye. A barbed tail lashed out and skewered it, ending its brief existence. Lightning sizzled against the dark ruby scales as the dragon's golden eyes locked on to Laera and the team. Lukas watched as Captain Bruiser utilized the diversion and ordered his team to regroup. The dragon reeled back to launch a fireball at Lukas' party, but Laera silenced it before their team got burnt to crisp. 


Everyone on the battlefield enjoyed a twenty-second break from the dragon's fire, but it was just a small relief as the dragon switched to solely using its equally powerful physical attacks. As the  dragon climbed, preparing for its next strike, the Anoran teams launched a fresh volley of powerful spells. The magic attacks were aimed all over the creature, trying to probe for a weakness. The spells hit the dragon’s core, its neck, and its snout. Some were aimed at the eyes, but they were too hard to hit from that distance. The results were consistently disappointing. The magic splashed against the dragon’s armor, scratching off a negligible amount of HP from the beast, and failing to find a weakness. The situation appeared dire. Even with the combined might of many experienced Adventurers, no one had a good solution to save the day. The burning of Eberlorn seemed to only be on a slight delay.


After shaking off the best the Anoran teams could hurl at it, the agitated creature plunged into an aggressive dive scattering the elves.


Lukas glanced over at Laera. "Can your Ultimate do anything?"


Laera nodded as she triggered it. For just a moment, the dragon’s supernatural aerial mastery of its body faltered, but Lukas could perceive no other effect.


Laera ran up to Lukas excitedly. "I couldn't control it, but I know what it fears. If we can damage the wings, it should ground the beast. Then we have a better chance of hitting its eyes. The dragon knows it's vulnerable in its eyes."


"Bruiser!" Lukas shouted across the battle. "Take out the wings!"


Captain Bruiser nodded, the suggestion made enough logical sense to not question. There was no doubt that strategy would have been attempted soon regardless.


Laera sent a couple lightning strikes into the webbing of the creature's wings. The Council Guard also focused their attacks at the wings. Other Adventurers eventually caught on, and soon the dragon was defending against a concentrated effort to ground it.


Laera came over the Lukas and looked up at him with nervous blue eyes. "I'm out of mana." She was asking for something, but it was so indirect that it took Lukas a moment to realize what she was suggesting.


"Here?" Lukas questioned.


"Maybe back there," she gestured to a waist-high picket fence a few paces away. It would give them a degree of privacy, but it was far from a guarantee that no stray eyes would spot them.


Lukas realized Laera’s magic was contributing more than he was, so he figured it would be worthwhile to step away from the battle to unload some mana into the mage. He gave her a quick kiss before moving her behind the fence. Scanning around to see if anyone had noticed the pair retreat, Laera seemed satisfied enough with the cover granted by the short wall. Lukas placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her to her knees.


Laera unbuckled Lukas’ pants and pulled out his dick. It was hard and throbbing, ready for her to start. She licked along the underside of the shaft, sucking his balls. Her technique had to have improved, perhaps thanks to some advice from Gwyn.


She moved back up the shaft, taking it into her mouth. Her lips tightened around it as she began to bob up and down. Lukas groaned in pleasure, savoring the pressure she applied with her warm mouth. His hands gripped her hair intending to thrust himself deeper inside her throat, but he managed to restrain himself.


Laera popped off for a brief second. "Do it,” she requested firmly. “We need to get back in the battle. I can take it." Lukas found her look of determination absolutely adorable.


Having been given permission, Lukas readily complied with her request. He gripped her hair tightly and rubbed the tip of his dick along her lips. She obediently opened her mouth wide, allowing his girthy member to invade her orifice. He slid forward, going past her tongue and into her throat. Laera gagged, having never taken him so deep. She reached up and grabbed his hips, as if to prevent him from violating her throat more, but then relaxed. Lukas strong hands held the back of her head, forcing more of his cock inside her. She choked as he filled her airway.


Lukas slowly began fucking her throat. He started slowly, but quickly picked up pace until his balls were pushed up against her chin. Laera's eyes watered, tears running down her cheeks as she took every inch of his length. He fucked her mouth hard and deep, enjoying the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of her throat.


Suddenly, Lukas felt his cock twitch, signaling that he was close to cumming. He glanced around at the battle raging on the other side of the fence. The absurdity of him face fucking an innocent blonde elf in the middle of such a critical and public event sent him over the edge. He groaned, feeling his cum boiling down his shaft, and emptied his load down her throat.


Laera swallowed his cum, savoring the taste of his seed. She looked up at him with a satisfied smile. "Thank you."


He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "I've always got a warm supply of mana ready for you."


A smile twitched on her tear-streaked, but still gorgeous, face. "It seems like you enjoyed giving it to me."


Lukas would’ve preferred to enjoy his post-orgasmic bliss longer, but knew that they both needed to return to the battle. Much to his chagrin, he found that Gemma was no longer content being on the sidelines. He witnessed her carefully choose an angle of attack, then charge through the battle with thunderous speed. Lukas triggered his Praise ability, boosting her stats, and perhaps the chance of success of her attack. As the dragon swooped through at low altitude targeting the Council Guard, Gemma's powerful legs launched her into the air. Her maneuver demonstrated her skill as a warrior; her timing and placement allowed her to slice her flaming sword through the beast’s left wing.


The Council Guard also performed an expert maneuver dodging the dragon’s offensive dive with a practiced, timely roll. Captain Bruiser and his soldiers landed on their feet in a crouch that allowed them to spring up and deliver a series of jabs that shredded the right wing. In a screech of pain, the dragon attempted to climb to a safer altitude. The wings were no longer suitable for flying, however, and the creature spiraled to the ground. Its landing was rough, but shockingly elegant compared to its size, its weight, and the damage it had suffered. Furious, the dragon launched a retaliatory fireball at another ballista and swiped at the Council Guard with its tail.


"Aim for the eyes!" Lukas shouted out as the swarm of Adventurers circled around the dragon. 


The dragon swung its neck around to let out a stream of fire at the ranks of combatants, but a newly replenished Laera once again vanquished the fire with a silence. Sharp talons and teeth continued to brutally punish Adventurers who attempted to engage in close-quarters combat. Several skilled Rangers rapidly launched volleys at the dragon's eyes


Fiona was the next member of Lukas' team to make a risky move, capitalizing on the stat boost from Lukas before it expired. She teleported on to the dragon's head, triggered her frosty Ultimate, and sank her dagger deep into the enraged creature’s left eye socket. After dealing the quick blow, her legs launched herself off the snarling dragon. Gemma shuffled quickly and caught the plummeting redhead in the air. The dragon turned towards them to exact revenge, but Fiona's whip snapped across the beast's snout, giving the girls just enough time to scamper away.


Captain Bruiser, who was near Lukas, turned to him, astounded. "Just how many skills does your team have?"


The tide of the battle had been turned, but the dragon was not dead yet. Another Brawler fell victim to the creature’s ruthless jaws as ranged attacks attempted to subdue the beast. The archer from the Council Guard showed exceptional skill, landing several arrows in the dragon's eyes from a nearby tree she had climbed. Laera landed her own bullseye with her lightning magic.


With the sole exception of Fiona’s reckless ambush, melee combat was still proving ineffective as anything more than a distraction. Captain Bruiser grunted in frustration as he searched for a way to end the fight. The heavily armored giant rushed over to the last remaining ballista as the crew reloaded it. He took charge, swinging it around and aiming at the dragon's head. He unleashed a powerful bolt into the air, and it flew straight into the creature's right eye. 


The impact caused the dragon to violently swing its head around its body before it smashed into the ground. The captain had delivered the final blow. The remaining fighters cheered as the dust settled. The intense fight had granted most of the participating Adventurers an experience level – even some of the more seasoned ones.


The aftermath revealed itself quickly though, and considerably dampened the mood. As fires smoldered around the battlefield, Lukas noticed the losses hadn't been insignificant. Given the tragedy of Stormpyre, many Adventurers were prepared to lay down their life to eliminate the dragon. It was part of the ancient and noble Adventuring crusade; to protect the peaceful balance in the world. 


Lukas sighed in relief, as his team had escaped the battle with no casualties. A few nearby buildings had been torched, but overall, the city had been preserved, and its citizens were safe.


The dragon laid lifeless on the ground; several Anorans and the Council Guard took to inspecting it. Lukas had little doubt that there were valuable materials that could be scavenged off the corpse of the legendary beast.


As the excitement of the battle died down, Captain Bruiser approached Lukas, content to let some of his cohorts finish the examination. "Your group fought well. You've got a solid four Adventurers there, plus you. You should consider adding a Ranger to your team, but you've got a good composition regardless. I’m glad you had our backs. That half-elf girl, the one with the purple streaks in her hair? Her healing may have saved several of my men."


‘Aren’t you glad she’s not in prison?’ Lukas almost said. Instead, he just nodded gratefully, knowing that the captain wasn’t the type to hand out compliments easily. He glanced at the girls and saw the same look of satisfaction in their eyes as they listened in.


"The Anorans will never admit it,” the captain said wryly, “but your assistance in the battle played a crucial role. I will make sure your compensation is fair," the captain promised. "You deserve every bit."


"Thanks," Lukas said. "We were glad to help." He couldn't help but feel pride in the way his girls had handled themselves during the battle.


Captain Bruiser turned to rejoin his team, but then swiveled back for one last promise. "Stay out of trouble, though. You're good, but we can still kick your ass."


With that, the captain marched off, leaving Lukas and the girls on the battlefield as the mid-morning sun shone down upon victors, corpses, and destruction alike. People were still milling about, cleaning up and tending to the injured.


Lukas grinned and looked at his team. "We defeated a dragon! I say we retire now while we are at the top. Anyone know where we can find a decent beach house?"


The girls laughed.


"We defeated a dragon?" Gemma teased. "I thought we were just reinforcing the Adventurers who were fighting the dragon."


"That's not what I saw," Lukas glared at Gemma and Fiona with a feigned scowl. "I should spank both of your asses red for jumping in like that."


Fiona wrapped her arm around Gemma and they both stuck out their tongues at Lukas.


Gwyn looked up at Lukas with wide eyes. "Did I do good, Daddy?"


"Yes you did, baby girl," Lukas said in a praising tone. "You Dire Wolf may have saved the Council Guard at the beginning."


"Everyone did great," Lukas raised his voice, addressing his girls. "You should all be proud of yourselves; I know I am." Lukas knew that this was only the beginning of their journey, but for now, he was content to bask in the glory of their victory. Together, they walked back to the center of town, their ravenous hunger deciding they needed a late-morning, celebratory breakfast.


Gemma and Fiona walked close together, discussing the reckless redhead’s eye-gouging stunt on top of the dragon. Their bond had grown stronger over the past weeks as they fought side by side in battle. Laera and Gwyn lagged behind, giggling about how the blonde mage had replenished her mana in the middle of the fight. Lukas trailed even further behind them, lost in thoughts of his own. The most pressing of those thoughts stemmed from the level up that was awarded to him from the fight. He finally unlocked his Ultimate.




The party sat around a table in a busy tavern, enjoying their first meal of the morning. The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was lively despite the recent battle. Other Adventurers would approach them from time to time, recognizing them from their presence in the dragon battle.


Much to the group’s surprise, they were even approached by some Anorans. A trio of them converged upon the table – and, more specifically, upon Laera. They excitedly asked about her magical abilities and how she had come to join such an unconventional team.


"I feel my companions really complement each other's skills,” Laera said, dodging the actual question. "My magic mixes really well with their fighting style in a way I would have never discovered without exploring beyond my Anoran training. I feel stronger now that I’ve teamed up with four non-Anorans."


The elves speaking with Laera were flabbergasted at her rationale. Their curiosity and disbelief weren't necessarily malicious, but it still peeved Lukas. He ignored them as they moved on to talking about Laera's parents back in Anora. They seemed very familiar with her family – to the point where they excitedly promised that they’d relay the tale of how the young blonde elf had taken up arms against a dragon. That promise made Laera very uncomfortable.


Lukas was about to intervene when the clueless trio decided to move on. He stood up and went over to Laera, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, everything okay?"


Laera turned to Lukas, smiling. "Yes, encounters like that just reinforce my decision to break away from the traditional, Anoran mentality. Though I fear my activities here in Eberlorn will soon catch my parents' attention, even if it was inevitable."


Gwyn reached over and held Laera’s hand. “It would be irrational for them to be anything but proud of their daughter,” the smaller girl reassured the blonde.


“Bold of you to assume Anorans are rational,” Laera chuckled. “They possess an impressive level of intelligence, but certainly lack rationality when it comes to their prejudices.”


The party of young Adventurers finished their meals and headed back to the Cottage. Lukas was keen to review his profile, remembering the promise he’d made to his party – though actually to himself – about planning out his progression more responsibly. He rushed to his room and pulled up his stats. After several minutes of deliberation, he decided even though his Ultimate was powerful, he should update the Discipline skill to see what benefits another level brought. He gave the verdict a few more minutes to stir in his mind before he acted. Comfortable with his decision, he committed the skill point and witnessed the text change.



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 5



Strength: 22.8 + 3

Agility: 21.2 + 2.7

Mentality: 20.6 + 2.7

Vigor: 19 + 1.9



Confidence (Passive) - Level 4 - shrug off 40% of magical damage and effects

Obedience (Triggered) - Level 1 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 10% boost in the primary trait of the Obedient subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Obedient subject(s)

Praise (Triggered) - Level 1 - Obedient subject(s) receive a +10 boost in both Strength and Vigor for 30 seconds, the Confidence effect is doubled during this duration

Discipline (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) get an additional triggered skill, extra Dominance experience can be converted to HP at an inefficient rate

Restraints (Ultimate) - Level 1 - apply 2 stuns for the duration of .5 seconds, stuns can be applied to multiple targets or can be stacked on one target



Lukas mind worked through the description. He had never heard of a passive skill converting to a triggered one. Upgrading appeared to not grant even more skills, but what did it mean by ‘extra’ Dominance experience? If converting to HP was extra, what was the primary purpose?


The gears were turning in Lukas’ head, causing realization to strike him with excitement. He sprinted from his room, seeking out his fellow Deviant in the house, knowing he could count on her to help him test his theory out.


“Gwyn,” he half-shouted as he burst through her door, “I need to try something. I think I know how to upgrade the bonded skills.” He held out his hands.


The bewildered Gwyn took a brief second to recover, grasped Lukas’ hands, and then offered him her profile. The Dominant funneled his experience into the passive skill she had gotten from him. His theory proved correct, as Gwyn became the first to have a level two bonded skill.



Gwyndolyn Groves

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Submissive

Level 5


Strength: 10.7

Agility: 11.4

Mentality: 16

Vigor: 19.6



Liberating Submission (Passive) - Maxed - when bound as an Obedient to a Dominant, all skill effects are doubled - Active

Heal (Triggered) - Level 3 - grants a 40 HP heal to an Adventurer

Meekness (Triggered) - Level 2 - Turn invisible for 90 seconds

Wife Material (Ultimate) - Level 2 - receive a +20 Vigor boost for one day after cooking for a man - Inactive


Bonded Skills:

Protective Embrace (Passive) - Level 2 - immune to Damage-over-Time effects casted on Submissive

Puppy (Triggered) - Level 1 - summons a Level 10 Dire Wolf familiar to assist, only one can be summoned at a time



“I’m immune to damage-over-time effects?” Gwyn exclaimed. “What could level three possibly add?”


“Let me make sure I have enough Dominance experience to upgrade the others, then maybe we will find out.”


“I would be the one you upgraded twice?”


“I definitely have a soft spot for you,” Lukas lifted her chin up with his fingers and kissed her on the lips. “Also, I’m just as curious as you are.” With that, he left her room seeking out the next available girl. Her dark red hair easily caught his attention.


He approached Fiona in the main room, and noticed Gemma was exercising on the other side.


“I sorted out how to upgrade the skills,” Lukas revealed. “Do you want me to upgrade your whip?”


Fiona smiled at him. “I knew you would figure it out. Your intelligence was always a turn on for me.”


“Is that why you love me?”


“Nah,” Fiona teased. “It just gets me wet so I can use you for your big dick.”


Her remark earned her a firm hand around her throat. Lukas pushed her entire body backwards with just that grip upon it until she was pinned against the wall.


“Do you want your skill upgrade,” Lukas growled, “or do you want my cock down your throat?” The interaction had piqued Gemma’s interest, causing her to pause mid-pushup and watch the pair with lustful eyes.


“Can I have both, sir?” the pinned girl replied in a husky whisper. Gemma, without even realizing what she was doing, started crawling towards them, her mind surrendering to her more primal instincts.


“I came in here because I finally found out how to improve our skills,” Lukas said, but you are too much of a cock-craving slut to appreciate it.”


“I’m sorry, sir. Please teach me a lesson in gratitude.”


Lukas let go of her neck and pulled her top off, revealing her ample and perky boobs. They were bouncing as she stood there naked from the waist up. He released her neck so he could use two hands to pinch both her nipples simultaneously. By that time, Gemma had made it all the way to Lukas' feet and was kneeling in front of him.


“You too?" Lukas smirked down at the normally towering girl, who was eye-level with the sizable bulge growing in his pants. “Did you come crawling over, hungry for my meat?”


Gemma snapped out of her trance and blushed as she realized she had inadvertently invited herself into the action.


 “No!” she insisted, trying to stand back up.


Lukas pushed her back down to the ground. “Don’t lie to me."


She whimpered looking up at him. "I'll take care of your monster cock better than she will."


"You wanna bet, bitch?" Fiona had a competitive fire in her emerald eyes as she dropped to her knees and clawed at his trousers. In one swift motion, his pants dropped and his erect penis sprung out, slapping the redhead across her face.


“Let me show you how to properly worship this beautiful cock." Fiona wrapped her lips around the tip of his member, sucking it into her mouth. She looked up at him with a fighting spirit shining in her eyes as she demonstrated her oral expertise.


Gemma didn't let her competitor get too much of a head start. She shoved her face in there and started kissing his shaft as well. Despite the fierce contest over Lukas' dick, both girls took turns swirling their tongues around the shaft. Fiona moved down and began lathering his balls in her saliva. 


Gemma took the opportunity to fit as much of the shaft as she could in her mouth. She was less orally talented than her freckled counterpart, so she only made it halfway down the length before gagging. Fiona smiled wickedly up at Lukas as an idea popped into her head. She rose up, grabbed Gemma's long, brunette hair, and forced her head down onto the cock.


Gemma fit more than half of Lukas down her throat that time, before Fiona allowed her to back up. She gasped for air when the cockhead popped from her lips, and she glared up at Fiona. Fiona responded by giving her a coy smile. "If you are going to challenge me, you better fit this whole thing in your throat. Now suck it, whore.” Fiona commanded, pushing the sexy brunette back down on his dick again.


With a competitive growl that usually meant murder, Gemma fought through her gag reflex and met Fiona’s challenge head on. She reached up and stroked his thighs as she deepthroated his huge shaft.


“That’s a good little cocksucker,” Lukas said, as he lauded her efforts with an enthusiastic, but dominant tone.


Gemma moaned in response to Lukas' praise. Fiona noticed the reaction. “Suck it harder,” she ordered. "You are almost there." Gemma obeyed and did everything she could to please her master. It wasn't easy, but Fiona kept pushing her down further and deeper.


Finally, with strands of saliva dripping out of Gemma's mouth and an extra shove from Fiona, the brunette reached the base of Lukas' dick. Fiona held her there as the massive cock caused Gemma's lungs to burn for air. Then she released, allowing Gemma to rise back up.


Gemma was panting heavily, drool running down her chin. Lukas’ praise had changed her entire demeanor; the look she gave Fiona was almost grateful.


"I'm not done with you yet," Lukas said. "Strip and get your asses over there on the couch."


The girls eagerly complied, looking forward to what else awaited them. Fiona was already missing her top so she got naked in a flash, which gave her a chance to watch Gemma strip down. Both her and Lukas watched with delight as the towering warrior’s massive, F-cup tits popped out. Those melons were very difficult for Fiona to compete with, but the redhead still enjoyed the display. The two beauties skipped over to the couch and sat, waiting for their master to join them.


Lukas walked over and stood in front of Gemma. He grabbed her roughly by the hair and yanked her up to a standing position. He spun her around and bent her over. The way Gemma presented her ass when she was in the doggy-style position would never get old to Lukas. He gave each cheek a loud slap and then moved over to Fiona. He picked up the redhead and placed her stomach-down on top of the sturdy Gemma. Lukas had Gemma's tanned, luscious ass on bottom and an exquisite, freckled ass stacked on top of it.


Lukas admired the delicious display of flesh he had set up in front of himself. He could see both pussies dripping as they patiently waited to be fucked. "Which one of you sluts wants my cock first?" he asked.


Both girls whined and squirmed, but Fiona made the winning move, reaching behind and spreading apart her ass cheeks for him. Lukas wasted no time raising his cock between Fiona's legs. He rubbed his cock up and down her pussy slit, teasing her as she swayed her hips for his shaft. "Beg for it," Lukas taunted. "Tell me how bad you want it."


Fiona's eyes rolled back into her head as she lost herself to the pleasure of his tip prodding her clit. "Please fuck me. Please, please fuck me with your giant cock. I need your big fucking dick inside me. Please, please fuck meeee!"


Satisfied, Lukas inserted his cock into the wet hole in front of him. He slowly thrust in and out of Fiona, feeling her pussy muscles squeeze his member tightly. Gemma moaned and felt the burning in her own crotch as she felt Fiona's hips buck wildly above her.


Lukas pumped his girth into the redhead, enjoying the sensation of her tightness. He could feel her orgasm approaching quickly, but he denied her. He pulled out and shifted lower, lining himself up with Gemma. He plunged into her dripping pussy and began fucking her.


Fiona screamed in frustration as the build orgasm never reached climax. Gemma moaned loudly as she received that which Fiona so desperately needed back. "Oh god," she cried. "I love your cock. Fill me up. Please fill me up with your huge cock."


Lukas grinned. "As you wish." He continued pounding away at Gemma until she came hard, screaming as she convulsed on his cock. He repositioned himself back to Fiona, who was so desperate for release, she was humping the sturdy warrior’s back. He slammed his cock into her and continued fucking her hard. Fiona started screaming, more than matching Gemma's earlier volume. She reached both her arms down and around, grabbing a handful of Gemma's boobs as Lukas railed her.


"Tell Gemma you are sorry for calling her a bitch and I'll let you cum," Lukas told Fiona.


"I'm sorry, Gemma," Fiona said breathlessly. "Please forgive me for saying that. Please let me cum."


"I'll forgive you," Gemma replied, "if you let me have his load."


"Oh fuck," Fiona said, "you can have it all if you promise to let me play with your massive tits later."




Fiona felt a wave of relief upon hearing the magic word – quickly replaced with rapture when Lukas angled his cock. The tall and muscular Dominant’s expert movements had Fiona approaching her limit once again in no time. She screamed loudly as she came, her juices flowing out of her as she convulsed on top of Gemma. Lukas slowed his pace to prolong the experience for the cheeky redhead.


“Are you ready for my seed, you slut?” Lukas asked as he spanked Gemma's ass hard.


“Yes, please,” she answered immediately.


"Before you get it, you need to thank Fiona for forcing my cock down your throat."


“Thank you, Fiona,” Gemma said sincerely. “I really enjoyed swallowing every inch of Lukas' cock. You taught me how to please him like he deserves.”


Fiona nodded approvingly and looked over her shoulder at Lukas expectantly. "Fill her."


Lukas grunted as he slid his cock deep inside Gemma's pussy. He held himself there, buried within her depths, savoring her tight, wet walls. After a glorious few seconds, he began pumping his hips, which made his balls tighten up almost immediately. He didn't want it to end, but he could only take so much. He impaled her with one more powerful thrust before he emptied himself fully, filling Gemma's womb with his hot cum. As soon as he was finished, he pulled out of Gemma, and the two girls collapsed onto the couch.


Lukas sat down next to Gemma. Fiona crawled over and knelt in front of Lukas, lowering her head down to lick his softening shaft clean. As soon as she was done, she rose up and kissed Lukas passionately. When the kiss ended, Fiona turned her attention to Gemma. She crawled over to the brunette and leaned in to kiss her deeply. Their contest had ended.


Over the next several minutes, the trio slowly picked up the clothing scattered around the room and got dressed. Gemma was mostly quiet, contemplating the promise she had made while in heat – to let Fiona play with her boobs. Fiona, on the other hand, was gushing about how much she had loved her first threesome.


Lukas tried to return to the skills discussion, but the memory of the two girls on top of each other, with their wet pussies stacked for him, kept parading through his mind. Eventually, Fiona calmed down enough for Lukas to upgrade her whip ability.



Fiona Larksmith

General Class: Rogue

Main Class: Assassin

Level 5


Strength: 16.7

Agility: 27

Mentality: 16

Vigor: 12.5 + 10



Backstab (Passive) - Level 3 - damage is increased by x1.7 when attacking the back of an opponent

Teleport (Triggered) - Level 2 - Teleport to any combatant enemy or friendly, can choose to teleport behind the combatant, 4 min cooldown

Shifty (Triggered) - Level 2 - Dodge chance increased by x1.6 for the next 4 attacks

Fire and Ice (Ultimate) - Level 1 - launch an ice spell, impacting all enemies in a medium radius with minor ice damage and slowness for 10 seconds. Any enemies hit by the Assassin while impacted will receive additional minor fire damage.


Bonded Skills:

Cock Worship (Passive) - Level 1 - +10 boost in Vigor, comes with a craving for the Dominant’s cock

Stinging Whip (Triggered) - Level 2 - magical whip strikes target dealing moderate damage and stunning target for 1 second



Lukas motioned to Gemma. “Come here, let’s get you taken care of.” She sat next to him and allowed him to view her profile. Lukas scanned it, unsure of which skill to upgrade.



Gemma Arthur

General Class: Brawler

Main Class: Berserker

Level 5


Strength: 30.2

Agility: 27.5

Intelligence: 13.4

Vigor: 15.2


Into the Fray (Passive) - Level 3 - Block 9% of HP loss

Quick Work (Triggered) - Level 1 - Link up to 3 enemies, when one linked enemy takes damage, other linked enemies take 10% of that damage

Adrenaline (Triggered) - Level 2 - the next 3 attacks do 2.25x damage

Porcupine (Ultimate) - Level 2 - for 20 seconds, double the Into the Fray skill and reflect 75% of blocked HP loss back to the enemy


Bonded Skills:

Breeding Whore (Passive) - Level 1 - receive a 10% damage boost when Dominant’s cum has been expended inside the Obedient subject’s pussy within 24 hours, Dominant can decide if the Obedient subject becomes pregnant - Active

Fiery Passion (Triggered) - Level 1 - light Adventurer's weapon on fire for 1 minute, dealing fire damage to enemies with every hit.



Lukas was surprised as he read the ‘Breeding Whore’ description. With how many loads he was planning to fill Gemma with, magical birth control struck him as eminently useful. Also, for Gemma to trust him with such a significant power was meaningful to him.


“Which skill would you like me to upgrade?” Lukas asked Gemma. She had a slight blush as she requested that he upgrade ‘Breeding Whore.’ After adding the experience to level up the skill, they both gasped in surprise at the new description. The boost had been upped to a generous thirty percent, but the timeframe had been trimmed down to twelve hours.


“I suppose you’ll need to breed me in the mornings,” Gemma surmised, “but what happens if we stay out for longer than twelve hours?”


“You and Laera might have to fight over my cum mid-battle,” Lukas chuckled. Gemma slugged his shoulder for the wisecrack.


“Everyone happy?” Lukas asked the two girls still in the main room. He wanted to make sure they were comfortable with both the skill upgrades and the sexual encounter they’d just had.


Both of them nodded back. Fiona was still the more enthusiastic of the two, but Lukas could sense Gemma was also satisfied with the new status quo, even if she was more reclusive.


Lukas moved on through the house searching for the last member of his team. He was most nervous about approaching Laera; she was a little more secretive about her profile than the others. Gemma was reserved, too, but he had a longer history with her. Lukas hoped he had built up more trust with the elf over the past few days. He knocked on the door to her bedroom. She answered it and invited him into her room for the first time. Lukas took it as a good omen.


Laera’s room was tastefully decorated, with expensive-looking art adorning the walls and several ornate vases decorating the mantlepiece. The bed was made up with luxurious sheets and a fur throw draped over the backboard. The room was larger than the others in the house, with its own balcony looking out over the garden. The whole place mimicked a palace suite from Anora, though Lukas had only read about such places.


“This is nice,” said Lukas as he looked around. “I like your style. It suits you.”


“Are you poking fun at me because of my extravagant tastes?” asked Laera, sitting down on her bed.


“Of course not,” said Lukas. “I fully support enjoying life in the way you know how. Not everyone comes from tiny, backwoods towns.”


Laera asked him a few questions about growing up in Fernin, and Lukas’ answers astounded her. She was used to hot, running water and other enchantments that supported her quality of life; she could hardly imagine having endured such deprivation for her entire youth.


“Come sit," said Laera, smiling. "You haven’t told me about what you were doing with Fiona and Gemma in the main room.”


Lukas sat down next to her on the edge of the bed with a bashful smile on his face. "I suppose we weren't exactly subtle."


"I could hear it from here," she admitted. "I was surprised to hear both of them. Adds another layer to the whole 'sharing' aspect, doesn't it?"


"It is new territory, even for us. I hope we didn't make you feel too uncomfortable."


"Oh no! I knew what I signed up for. Well, maybe not specifics – but, I have no problem with it," she assured him. "Don't forget, I got you off first today."


"That was most definitely unforgettable," Lukas agreed happily.


"Good," she smiled. "Now let's get down to business. Was there something you wanted to discuss?”


"Yes," Lukas said. "I figured out how to upgrade the bonded skills. I wanted to ask you if you felt comfortable enough to share your profile."


"Hmm," Laera paused, thinking for a moment. "I can't think of a good reason to not share. It's kind of a taboo thing to do in Anora, so please forgive my hesitation."


"No worries," Lukas replied. "I don't mean to pressure you. You have every right to keep it private."


“Thank you," Laera said, "but I would be happy to show you. I strive to no longer let Anoran customs dictate my behavior." She held out her hands to Lukas, indicating she was ready. Lukas reached out and held them, viewing the mage's profile.



Laera Silverbreeze

General Class: Mage

Main Class: Sorceress

Level 6


Strength: 14.6

Agility: 17.5

Mentality: 27.1

Vigor: 20.2



Night Vision (Passive) - Level 3 - grants night vision to Adventurer. Spells are 9% more effective in caves.

Lightning Strike (Triggered) - Level 3 - fires a lightning strike that deals major damage

Refresh (Triggered) - Level 1 - reset cooldowns for all spells and knocks back enemies within a small radius

Mind Bender (Ultimate) - Level 2 - gain access to target’s mind for 90 seconds


Bonded Skills:

Cumslut (Passive) - Level 1 -  receive a minor instant mana boost whenever the Deviant’s cum is consumed, Obedient subject enjoys the taste of cum

Submissive Silence (Triggered) - Level 1 - prevents target from using skills for 20 seconds



“Which skill do you think I should upgrade?” Lukas inquired.


“As tasty as your cum is,” Laera chuckled, “I think the silence would be more useful.”


Lukas nodded, and increased the level of the proposed skill. With its first upgrade, its duration extended to forty seconds. Additionally, it inflicted a minor amount of magical damage to its target. Lukas was almost starting to feel bad for their opponents. Almost.


“Thank you,” Laera said. “Do you think we will venture into the forest today?”


“It’s already late in the afternoon,” Lukas replied, “and I think the dragon was enough for today. I think we should hit the caves first thing tomorrow.”


“Sounds great,” Laera agreed and sniffed the air as a scent from the kitchen wafted into her room. “Ooo, that smells delicious! The tavern breakfast was good, but nothing compares to Gwyn’s cooking.”


Lukas readily agreed with her and the two headed down to help Gwyn prepare the early dinner.


After an appetizing meal, Lukas double-checked his profile and pulled Gwyn aside. “I think I have enough for one more upgrade.”


“I was hoping you would,” Gwyn replied.


“Come to my room tonight,” Lukas said, “we will get it taken care of.”


“I’ll have to take care of something else too,” Gwyn said with a sly smile. “Laera considers me to be the blowjob queen based on something you told her. That’s a title I intend to keep.”


“I bet we can… fit it in,” Lukas responded.


After dinner, the group of five sat in the main room and played several rounds of Rotten Nobles. It was a card game commonly played in Fernin; Fiona had heard of it, but it was completely new to Laera and Gwyn. The game involved using the cards in a player’s hand to eliminate the cards of the others using the bonuses and strengths that were dealt out. The twist in the game was that anyone could lie about what was in their hand, but they risked their own cards by doing so. After explaining the rules and going slow for the first couple rounds, everyone caught on.


Laera was a very strategic player, often catching Lukas by surprise by how quickly she could eliminate someone from the round. She was, however, a terrible liar, which was her downfall in many rounds. Fiona and Gemma played very aggressively, which often got them targeted and eliminated early. Gwyn was the sneaky one; she exchanged friendly chatter with everyone and acted as if she barely grasped the concept of the game, then brutally smashed everyone’s overconfidence with a few late-game moves. In the last round, everyone ganged up on Gwyn to punish her for manipulating them with her pleasant personality.


The night stretched on, as the jovial atmosphere kept the group chatting in the great room, but the Adventurers also wanted to get an early start to the caves. They reluctantly finished their conversations and retired to their rooms. It was only a couple of minutes before an eager Gwyn was at Lukas’ door.


Gwyn eyed the stockade, which was shoved into the corner. “I wasn’t sure exactly how you would dominate someone as fierce and strong as Gemma, but I wasn’t picturing that… though, now I can’t get the image out of my mind.”


“Maybe one of these times you’ll get to watch,” Lukas said. “She gets a lot less reserved when she’s begging for me to fuck her.”


“We better take care of the skill before I get too horny,” the petite girl warned.


“Hmmm, a horny Gwyn. Sounds dreadful,“ Lukas chuckled. He extended his arms out for her. She took them and shared her profile. Lukas had just enough Dominance experience to level up the ‘Protective Embrace’ skill to level three. The skill’s description extended, and they both eagerly read the new text.



Protective Embrace (Passive) - Maxed - immune to Damage-over-Time effects casted on Submissive, Submissive emanates a Healing-over-Time aura that heals any friendly Adventurers within a medium radius



“I think that experience was well spent,” Lukas stated, almost in jest. The upgrade almost solely benefited him. Still, he immediately envisioned a shift in their usual approach. Wholly immune to a particular method of dealing damage, Gwyn could act as bait against many different types of monsters. Without having to spend any of her own mana, she could effectively heal Lukas – by quite a lot, depending on what damage-over-time effect hit her – which would then allow her to focus on the rest of the party. Her triggered healing ability could be used in more clutch scenarios.


Lukas grimaced, recoiling from the idea of putting his babygirl in harm’s way. Logically it made sense, she’s not actually in harm’s way at all because of the metaphorical protective embrace he gave her. Take the hit, go invisible, leave the rest to him. It was a hard reality to swallow, but one he knew he would come to terms with.  Lukas was feeling the weight of leadership and responsibility over his girls, and it felt heavy.


“I guess I should get used to being target practice for any enemy spells, at least the damage-over-time ones.” Gwyn said as she watched Lukas deep in thought


“I don’t love the idea of using the smallest,” Lukas remarked, “as well as the nicest person on the team as bait, but your assessment is not far off.”


“Who says I’m the nicest one on the team?”


“I spank too many asses around here to qualify,” Lukas admitted. “Fiona is quick and witty… and very sarcastic. Gemma is an acquired taste. Laera is doing well fighting the snooty elf stereotype, but you still got her beat. I absolutely adore your sweet and cuddly personality.”


“Ahhh, I love it when you compliment me, Daddy.”


“I love making you happy,” Lukas replied.


“Thanks for choosing me for the skill upgrade. How do you earn more Dominance experience?” Gwyn asked.


Lukas offered her a predatory look. “Why don’t you get on your knees and I will show you.”




The sun was barely rising over the horizon when the party made it to the entrance of the Mystic Forest. They were surprised to find a large construction crew hard at work. In the spot where, just the previous day, a slain dragon had rested, close to a hundred men were laying the foundation for what promised to be a majestic building.


Lukas identified who he thought might be the foreman. He wore nicer, unsullied clothing and seemed comfortable barking out orders. The tall Adventurer approached him. “What is happening here?”


The foreman took a break from his heavy labor of watching others work and noted the team of Adventurers. “The Chimera Guild has sponsored the creation of a monument to enshrine the victory over the dragon in Eberlorn’s culture. More workers will be arriving today and tomorrow; the best artists have been summoned. It will go up quickly, and it will be a sight to see.”


Lukas wished him luck and guided his team past the construction site. They blazed through the trails of the forest, making it to the mountains with both haste and ease. Having veered slightly from their normal course, they arrived at a new cave entrance.


They entered into a large cavernous space, similar to the other one they had previously explored. At first, it seemed like the chamber was empty. After walking to the center of the room, however, their first opponent emerged from the cave wall. A rock golem, whose heavy footfalls they could feel in their bones, stomped towards them.


Laera zapped it with lightning straight away. Gemma rushed forward and, in an incredible display of strength, drove her sword completely through the stony armor, causing the golem to crumble to the ground. While technically not a one-shot – Laera’s spell had beaten the warrior there by a mere moment – it still impressed the rest of her squad.


"Someone has a little extra bite today," Fiona mused.


Lukas smiled to himself as he recalled emptying his balls into the brunette earlier that morning. "She does indeed." She was a hell of a fighter and an even better fuck.


Fiona winked at him. "I bet you know all about that."


They continued deeper into the mountain, fighting through a pack of kobolds in the next room. Their path next followed a narrow tunnel until it opened up into another larger chamber with several passageways leading off in myriad directions. In addition to the open paths, there were two doors on either side of the chamber. They opened one door, revealing a staircase that descended further down into the depths of the earth. The team decided to see what was behind the second door.


Behind the second door was a wide corridor. There were a dozen metal statues of elven archers, each one with a bow drawn, ready to fire arrows at any intruders. The team crouched, ready to engage, but the statues remained motionless. Lukas eyed the arrows in the bows, noticing that they were pointed in various directions. They appeared to be welded to the bows, but Lukas was still wary.


The elven figurines were only about five feet tall, but they stood upon pedestals that gave them extra height. The corridor itself was carefully carved out, with smooth walls and arches that supported a high ceiling; in an odd contrast, the floor was lined with cobblestone. Along the walls, randomly placed shelves protruded from the stone. They held no objects, only creating a mystery as to why they existed. Perhaps someone had already looted the room?


As Lukas’ eyes scanned from floor to walls to ceiling, he spotted, on the opposite side of the corridor, an archway that framed a heavy door. On top of the capstone of the archway was an embedded, luminescent gem that exuded a faint, white glow.


A stack of silvery, reflective plates sat ominously in the middle of the room. Lukas moved cautiously forward, eyeing a spot where the first three metal elves were aiming. As he reached the intersection of where their arrows pointed, he felt the cobblestone beneath his foot budge ever so slightly. He leapt back as three flashes of lightning surged from the tips of the arrows, crisscrossing where he had just been standing.


“Well, that’s a fun trap,” Lukas said as he observed the statues, grateful for his fast reflexes.


Laera examined the cobblestones, and then the plates. "There's a puzzle here. I'm just hoping we can solve it without getting fried."


"Do you think those plates play a role?" Lukas responded. "Maybe they reflect the lightning." The ideas kept coming to Lukas. "Maybe we are supposed to hit the gem."


Laera cautiously made her way across the room, avoiding directly crossing in front of any elves. She gave the door a try without success. It didn't budge. "I had to try the easy option first," she yelled back. On her return trip, she picked up the stack of plates in the middle of the room. Upon reaching the group, she set the stack down and selected one plate. She started heading to the cobblestone that triggered the first volley of lightning. Lukas stopped her.


"There's no way I'm going to let you stand there and take a hit if this doesn't work," he said.


"What about you?” Laera retorted. “It's not like you're lightning proof."


"Forty percent," Lukas said with a shrug. "I could trigger Praise if I'm feeling really nervous."


Laera relented, letting him take the plate. Lukas stepped up to the cobblestone and positioned the plate in front of him. He took a deep breath, readying himself for the lightning attack, then pressed his foot down on the trigger stone. The arrowheads flashed brightly as electricity coursed through them. Lightning ricocheted off the plate, shooting off into three different directions. 


"That worked," Lukas excitedly examined the plate. He had opted to not trigger his extra magic protection, wanting to save it for fighting enemies. "How do we hit the gem over there? I can't aim all three."


Fiona walked over to the wall on their left. "I think I know why these shelves are here."


The team placed a trio of plates along the wall, estimating the trajectory of the lightning. Lukas crawled to the cobblestone and triggered the trap while on his hands and knees. The lightning whizzed over his head. One bolt bounced off the plate, but two others smashed into the wall with no shelving nearby to support a plate.


"What happens now?" Lukas asked.


Laera scratched her chin. "I wonder if Gemma is strong enough to adjust the statues. Maybe we could just point them at the gem."


Gemma walked over to the nearest statue and gave it a push. Surprisingly, the metallic elf rotated easily. She was able to swivel the pedestal around, but when she tried to forcefully adjust the angle of the bow, the figurine snapped off its pedestal. Gemma promptly dropped it causing it to clank against the ground.


The puzzle was starting to come together, but they had already broken a statue. Gemma and Gwyn attempted to prop the fallen statue back up on its platform while Lukas, Laera, and Fiona went around rotating the lightning archers and placing plates on the various shelves. They found three more trigger stones on the ground, granting them the ability to launch eleven lightning bolts. The twelfth statue refused to work, despite their efforts to fix it.


The team fired off several rounds of lightning, trying to get all of the angles just right. A few bolts started to hit the gem causing it to surge in brightness briefly before fading back to its default state. Finally, they got all eleven lined up, with four Adventurers on the triggers and Laera standing at a distance observing. They flashed the gem several times without success. 


"Ah fuck," Gemma cursed herself out. "We probably need the twelfth one, and I screwed it up."


A defeated aura started to weigh on everyone in the room – everyone except for Fiona. She just had a smug look on her face. She laughed and called out to her team. "What good is having an Anoran mage if she's not going to do any magic?" Fiona looked over to Laera and waved her hands in the air. "Hey, princess! Don't you have your own lightning spell?"


"It’s definitely worth a try," Laera gripped her staff, excited about the fresh idea. "On the count of three. One. Two. Three!"


Twelve streaks of lightning struck the gem and it shattered from the combined energy. The party heard a loud ‘click’ come from the door at the far end of the room. They rushed over and found it unlocked. They pushed open the massive, heavy door and stepped into the next chamber.


The room was much smaller than the last and contained only one object – a chest resting in the center. The team gathered around the chest, excited to open it. Inside they found a large amount of coins and a shortbow with arrows. The bow was classified as a rare item. Lukas picked up the nimble weapon, wondering what they would do with it. 






Vigorous: grants a +5 boost to Vigor

Purify: grants magical damage to projectiles proportional to Adventurer’s Vigor stat



The only options they feasibly had was to sell it, or give it to Gwyn. Captain Bruiser's recommendation about needing a Ranger popped into his head. The small girl contributed immensely to the team, but she didn’t have a weapon that she was proficient with, and none of her skills dealt damage or even enhanced her ability to do so. Lukas had given her his scimitar when he’d equipped his twin blades, but she still opted to mostly avoid fighting. The team had enough damage dealers, and they fully appreciated Gwyn’s support abilities.


Gwyn had tried archery back in Eberlorn, but the training facility had only a longbow available to borrow. Her small frame hadn’t been able to draw it effectively. The size of the weapon made it too clumsy for her to use it.


The bow they had just been awarded from the chest might be a better fit for her. A shorter bow for a shorter girl. She would still need some archery practice before she would be dangerous with it, but Lukas perceived there was a lot of potential, especially given the Vigor synergy.


Lukas handed the bow over to the cute half-elf, who looked surprised, but accepted it. Fiona and Gemma collected the coins and the group returned back through the heavy door, across the cobblestones, and into the cavern they had come from.


As the party entered the cavern, they noticed that the other door that led to the staircase was ajar.


“Odd,” Lukas commented. “Didn’t we close that?”


“We might have forgotten,” Fiona responded. “I don’t remember either way.”


With their guard up, they passed through the doorway and descended down the stairs. At the bottom, the space opened up into a wide landing. Across the landing, they saw five blonde-haired elves. Lukas recognized Frelich, who was in front with his saber out, ready to face whatever came down the stairs. 


Lukas also recognized the other four elves, which didn’t make any sense to him. They should be down a mage – a mage that was standing right next to Lukas. 


He blinked, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. No, standing next to Frelich was a platinum blonde elven mage. She had the exact same blue eyes that his Laera had. Looking more closely, he realized the other facial features were very similar, but not identical. The ‘fake’ Laera was also maybe half an inch shorter and had slightly larger breasts.


This was not Laera, but it took Lukas several moments of staring at her to figure that out.


“Elvira!?” The loud outburst came from the elf by Lukas’ side. “What are you doing here?”

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