The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 08 – The Monument

Laera looked shocked as she came face to face with her look-alike, as well as with her former team.


"Hey there, little sis," the facsimile called out in a mocking tone. "I was wondering when I would run into you."


"Why are you here? With Frelich's team?"


"Well, when a certain little brat ditched him, he went tattling to his daddy."


"Fuck off," Frelich sneered at Elvira.


Elvira shrugged, ignoring Frelich's protest. "You remember his dad, right? Dreyfus, the Commissioner of the Anoran Parliament? The one our parents spend so much effort brown-nosing?"


"I wasn't trying to make things difficult back home," Laera protested. "I just needed to explore on my own."


"Oh, please,” Elvira scoffed. “Spare me the excuses, Because 'Little Laera' finally decided that she wanted to try to be a rebellious teenager, I got pulled from the Wyvern Guild elections to fill your spot, all to appease the almighty Dreyfus and his entitled little boy."


Frelich swung around to face her. "Seriously? I'm right here."


"This is my older sister," Laera said to Lukas and the team. "She is obviously lousy at cordial conversation, which is ironic, as she’s trying her luck in politics."


It was uncommon, but not rare, that siblings were both Adventurers. In fact, Lukas recalled a moment at the beginning of his journey when he’d met two redheaded sisters near the town of Tarot. After his engagement with the bandits, he’d gotten to know Fiona and her sister. While talking with them, he’d discovered that Fiona had been recently Scribed, and that Alanna was preparing to be Scribed the following year.


"Hate to leave this riveting conversation unfinished," Lukas interrupted, "but I think we need to get going." Lukas led his team towards the Anoran party, intending to go right through them.


"Not so fast," Elvira stepped in front of the group. "Where do you think you’re going? I certainly hope that you are returning my sister to her team so that I can go back to my life."


"Down the hallway," Lukas replied. "Laera is with her team now, no ‘returning’ is necessary."


"Do you know what's down there?" Elvira asked rhetorically, knowing they didn't know. "Do you think we are just standing here enjoying each other's company? There is a Lich Boss up ahead. Even at our level, that means ‘turn around.’"


Lukas hesitated, his team had faced a low-level lich before, but he knew that a boss-level lich could prove to be more than a handful for his team. He did have his Praise ability that was still unused. "Hey girls," Lukas said. "Are we ready for another lich fight?" He received four eager nods in response. The team continued past an enraged Elvira and the other Anorans.


"No!" Elvira exclaimed and stomped after him. "I'm not going to let my younger sister die because of the mindless arrogance of some hotshot."


Lukas was less upset than he would've been at her insults, because Elvira seemed genuinely concerned for her sister. "You're welcome to come 'babysit', just stay out our way."


Elvira huffed as she reluctantly accepted that she was not going to change his mind, and that Laera was intent on following him. She signaled for her team to follow her as she trailed Lukas' party.


They walked for several more paces, allowing Lukas to discuss a strategy with his team, until they reached the opening to a large room. Lukas' team entered the room with five extra Anorans in tow. In the middle of the room, stood their adversary. It was different from the last lich they had fought. It was taller, wore a long, white robe and a golden crown, and held a scepter in one of its bony hands. It looked like a haunted king or priest in an advanced state of decay.


Almost as intimidating, was the mass of the skeleton army behind it.


The Lich Boss surveyed its guests, almost with disinterest. Lukas heard Elvira muttering behind him. "This is a terrible idea."


The battle began as the undead mage raised its staff above its head and chanted its first incantation. An explosion of frost magic consumed the entire room. It was similar to Fiona's Ultimate, but at a much larger scale. Lukas triggered his Praise ability as the magic hit him, and then led his team forward. The swarm of skeletons charged to meet them.


Gemma, Fiona, and Laera fought through the bitter cold to take on the horde of skeletal minions while Lukas and Gwyn tackled the lich. The Anorans, for the most part, supported whatever Laera was doing. Elvira's priority was clear: protect her sister.


Focusing on reaching the lich, Lukas tanked several lightning spells, enduring the dulled pain and mitigated damage, until the ghostly sorcerer waved his scepter around, summoning a green cloud that produced numerous poison darts. Lukas dodged the volley, and the majority of the darts pelted Gwyn, who had been following close behind. Lukas felt the healing effect as the lich's potent poison worked in the Adventurers’ favor. The path to the ghostly caster was still open, thanks to the skeleton-clearing efforts by the others. Lukas sprinted to close the gap. Magic energy sizzled off the scepter into Lukas' torso, knocking him back just a few inches. Chains emerged from the cavern floor and wrapped around the advancing Adventurer, halting his progress momentarily, but he broke through the weakened spell quickly.


The Lich Boss’s skull contorted, the decaying flesh forming a look of surprise, as the sturdy young man closed in on its position. As a last resort, it threw up an ice wall to cover its retreat. A meteor strike smashed through the obstacle with concussive power. Lukas glanced over at the spellcaster; Elvira was watching his progress with great fascination. Lukas used his own Ultimate on the retreating boss. Magical ropes – not wholly dissimilar to the chains the creature had just attempted to use on Lukas – wrapped around the lich, holding the enemy in place. Gwyn's recently summoned Dire Wolf lunged forward and sunk its jaws into the lich, bringing it to the ground just as the restraints expired.


Lukas seized the opportunity and laid into the lich with his twin blades. Point-blank lightning spells lashed out at him, but Lukas had been efficient in reaching the Lich Boss and still had a few seconds of enhanced magical resistance remaining. More angry magical energy surged towards Lukas from the sorcerer, forcing him to respect the Lich Boss’ raw power. Even while only taking twenty percent of the magical damage, Lukas still relied heavily on Gwyn's healing powers.


Unsure of why the Adventurer was, not only still alive, but seemingly unaffected by its magic, the undead sorcerer fought off the Adventurer and the Dire Wolf, managing to rise up and engage Lukas in melee combat with its scepter. Lukas' expert melee training combined with more assistance from Gwyn's lupine familiar overwhelmed the lich. The enemy's health was impressive, but Lukas’ rapid, dual-weapon combinations of attacks was slashing away at it. Laera's planned silence spell hit the Lich Boss as Lukas' protection wore off; her timing impeccable as always.


He had forty more seconds to hack away at the boss – and he needed it. Even with the close-combat weakness of the enemy, it was a brutal grind to whittle the Lich Boss down. As the silence approached the final seconds, Fiona teleported behind the lich to help Lukas deliver the final blows. The undead sorcerer collapsed under the relentless assault. The remaining skeletal army fell quickly to the team, no longer boosted by the undead king's aura. 


The elven guests were shocked at how easily the boss had fallen. Elvira was especially stunned, and begrudgingly impressed. "How was that possible? You almost single-handedly defeated one of the toughest bosses I’ve ever seen."


"It was definitely a team effort," Lukas replied, though it still came out as a boast. He was proud of his girls, and they did provide a lot of support that enabled him to tackle the boss. "It was a lot closer than it looked, we had some lucky breaks." The other Anorans looked grumpy, uncomfortable basking in the glory of Lukas’ victory.


The Adventurers collected and distributed the loot. The Anorans wanted half of it, but Fiona pushed back, using Lukas' excellent performance against the Lich Boss as her key bargaining chip. Elvira finally consented to a smaller share for the Anorans, despite protests from Frelich and the others. The disagreement hinted at a power struggle within the elven team. Elvira’s support was bought with a single favor; she wanted to speak with Lukas privately.


Eight Adventurers filed back through the opening towards the stair landing as Elvira and Lukas hung back.


"I still think you’re cocky," Elvira said, "but I owe you an apology. You won't get that from most Anorans. I'm sorry."


"I appreciate it," Lukas said with a smile. "Under that bratty exterior, you really just care for your sister."


"Yeah, well, she's living my dream right now," Elvira remarked. "I never broke free – not even for a little while. I wanted to, but never worked up the courage. She not only took the leap, but found quite the handsome hunk to take it with."


"Thank you," Lukas grinned. "Just to let you know, I think the world of Laera."


"As the older sister," Elvira replied with a grin of her own, "it's my responsibility to embarrass her. She's enamored with you – blushes every time you smile at her. She's probably hoping you take her virginity at some point."


Lukas willed every single muscle in his face to bury the sly smile that was begging to surface on his face. It was a noble effort, but Elvira caught on. "No way! You've already done it? My little sister lost her virginity before me?"


"Are we good to rejoin the others?" Lukas asked. "That curious face you have makes me worried, and I don't like to kiss and tell."


"Damn," the blonde elf feigned disappointment. "I was hoping for details. We can head out; I just wanted to get a feel for who you were. Also, I want to warn you, for Laera’s sake – my parents are not happy."


Lukas shrugged as they headed out of the cavern, unsure about what he could do about that.




Lukas and his four companions made it out of the Mystic Forest right at sundown. The construction crews had grown and were hefting fitted stones onto the future monument-slash-building’s  already completed foundation. The laborers were also erecting a stone wall, which, while both low and incomplete, already telegraphed an intent to extend along the edge of the forest in both directions. The Adventurers had to walk through the incomplete building to reach the Eberlorn side. A vendor had set up a food stand to serve the workers; that’s where Lukas found the foreman, stuffing his face full of fried scones.


"Are they walling the city?" Lukas asked, curiosity evident on his face.


The foreman didn’t bother finishing the bite in his mouth. "Nah, they’re just building the wall out until it’s not visible from here. It’s more of a theatrical project, rather than a defensive one. That wall wouldn’t stop a charging rabbit, much less a dragon." The foreman took another bite of his scone.


“What about the building?” Lukas further inquired. “Is that going to be a gatehouse?”


“We might put an actual gate on it, still waiting to hear back from the blacksmiths. Its main purpose will be to house the centerpieces. I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”


After buying a few scones to share from the street vendor, Lukas’ party continued into Eberlorn, towards the Cottage. Back at home, Gwyn started preparing the real dinner. The group ate the meal together and then cleaned up. Laera felt the need to apologize to the group for their run-in with her former team and sister. Fiona, always one to have an opinion, responded to her apology immediately. "I loved showing those cream puffs how real Adventurers fight."


Lukas rolled his eyes and smirked at her comment as he took a seat on the nearest couch. "I just feel lucky that we have you on our team, Laera, rather than some other Anorans. You are the first one I've really gotten to know, and it seems like I got the best."


Laera blushed and came over to Lukas to snuggle with him on the couch. "Are you trying to sweet talk me into coming to your room tonight?" She giggled and leaned forward to kiss him.


"I want to say no," Lukas said before locking lips with the blonde elf in his arms, "but I think that might be the wrong answer." They kissed again, Lukas allowing his hands to explore down her backside. He gently squeezed her ass as they continued their impromptu makeout session.. Laera moaned softly in his ear, feeling Lukas' fingers trace her figure. He wanted to rip off her clothes right then and there, but held himself back, unsure that the blonde elf was ready to be put on display.


She looked up at him with lustful eyes. "Tonight?" she whispered.


"Count on it," Lukas replied, his own eyes matching the passion in hers.


Gwyn, sitting next to them on the couch, had her head turned and eyes fixed on the two, listening to every word. She let out a soft sigh when the two broke their kiss. The blonde elf caught her gaze and both of them blushed. Lukas got the distinct sense that they’d just communicated something without words, but couldn’t begin to guess what. He decided not to ask.


It wasn't long before Gemma retired to her room. Her departure reminded everyone else in the group that they had another early morning planned. Lukas whispered an invitation into Laera's ear, then headed to his own room. He waited almost half an hour before the sexy elf graced him with her presence. The wait was worth it, however, when a second figure filed into his room right behind the blonde.


"What is going on here?" Lukas asked as he stood up to greet the two ladies.


"I decided Laera's next lesson needed to be... more hands on," Gwyn said with a coy smile.


"I'm very intrigued," Lukas remarked. "I would have never expected Laera to come in here with another girl."


"I don't think my mind has caught up with the idea yet," Laera admitted, then chuckled nervously.


"Let's get started," Lukas said, hoping to preserve whatever momentum had already pushed the inexperienced young woman that far.


Gwyn approached him and placed a hand on his chest, gently pushing him back towards the bed. "For this first part, I'm going to be in the teacher role. I will need you to cooperate with the directions I give. I'll go back to being your submissive little fuckhole later tonight." Her tone was stern, but playful. Lukas nodded, enticed by what might come next.


Gwyn had Lukas lay on his back on the bed, then motioned for Laera to join her. The two crawled up onto the bed on either side of the supine warrior. Gwyn reached out and began unbuckling his belt, and then paused. "You better practice this Laera – for battle efficiency, of course."


"Naturally!" Laera eagerly took over, pulling the belt free and tossing it to the floor. She then undid his pants, sliding them down his legs and leaving him naked from the waist down. Laera enthusiastically gripped the quickly hardening mana fountain in her hands.


"Good job," Gwyn commented, "but let's not skip too far ahead. We must provide Daddy with visual stimulation to maximize his pleasure." The petite girl moved over and removed the mage's tunic and bra, revealing her beautiful tits. Gwyn then removed her own top, unleashing her impressive breasts and perky nipples. "Look how pleased he is," Gwyn pointed at Lukas' rock hard cock, which was reaching for the ceiling with imposing length.


"Laera, do you remember what I've been teaching you?" Gwyn asked, grabbing Lukas' erection and stroking it slowly.


"Yes," Laera answered with a giggle, "I've listened very carefully."


"Good girl. Now show Daddy how you properly suck his cock," Gwyn commanded. Laera smiled and leaned over, taking Lukas' dick into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down while using her hands to stroke the shaft. Her tongue danced around the tip of his penis. She stopped and pulled away, licking her lips as she stared into Lukas' eyes.


"That was nice,” Gwyn allowed, “but try again. This time, try to pull him into your throat."


Laera complied with enthusiasm. She wrapped her lips around the base of his shaft and pushed it down her throat until she could take no more. She then worked her way back up to the tip before repeating the process. 


"Can you take more?" Gwyn asked, noticing that Laera had come up for air.


“It's so big,” she answered breathlessly.


Gwyn nodded understandingly. “It can be daunting at first, but Daddy’s cock belongs in our throats. Let me demonstrate.” Willing to teach by example, Gwyn bent down and took Lukas’ cock into her mouth, pushing it past the entrance to her throat until her lips reached his base. She stayed there for several seconds, then slowly pulled her mouth back up the shaft until she was sucking on the head. She repeated that several times, each time taking a bit longer before pulling away.


“That was amazing!” Laera exclaimed.


“Thank you,” Gwyn responded. “It's your turn to try again.” She motioned for Laera to continue.


Laera took the cue and attempted to replicate Gwyn's mastery. She fit Lukas' massive dick further into her mouth, but still fell short of completely engulfing it. She worked her way up and down the shaft, desperately trying to gain ground, but his size was too much for the recently deflowered elf. She pulled back up and looked at Gwyn with determined eyes. "Can he help me? You know, like last time?"


“This time I will allow it,” Gwyn conceded, "but when I'm done with you, you will be able to deepthroat Daddy's entire cock better than anyone else – except for me."


Gwyn crawled up to Lukas and approached his ear with a whisper. "I want you to get two firm grips of that sexy blonde hair and face fuck the shit out of her. I don't care if she passes out, I want your monster cock to violate every inch of her throat."


"Fuck, yes!" Lukas exclaimed. Gwyn knew exactly how to rev him up.


Gwyn returned to her position beside Laera. "Now you may begin, Daddy."


Lukas used both of his strong hands to grab hold of Laera's platinum locks and positioned her lips at the tip of his dick. "Open wide, baby," he instructed. Laera obeyed, opening her mouth as wide as she could. Lukas pushed his cock into her throat, causing her to choke and cough as he filled her mouth with his girth. The sloppy sounds coming from his partner urged his cock forward into tighter depths. She struggled to breathe as her throat was forced open wider by the violent invader.


"Fuck, yeah," Lukas grunted, "keep that pretty mouth tight around my cock, you dirty little slut." Laera did her best to comply, but the pressure of having such a large object shoved down her throat made it difficult for her to maintain control of her breathing. At the same time, however, the overwhelming sensation of being dominated by such a powerful force only fueled her desire for more.


Laera's obvious and audible struggles heightened both Lukas' and Gwyn's arousal, prompting the petite girl to strip all her clothing off and bury her fingers in her wet cunt. Lukas noticed, and enjoyed the view for a moment, but then a better use for the submissive popped into his head. "I think you are all done teaching. Get down there and make sure my balls are well taken care of while I destroy this slut's throat."


"Yes, Daddy," Gwyn agreed and crawled down to kneel between his legs. 


Arranging herself beneath the blonde, whose lips were getting closer and closer to the base as Lukas mercilessly stuffed her mouth, Gwyn took Lukas' balls into hers. She gently rolled them around with her tongue before sucking them one at a time. Lukas groaned as the small girl diligently took his ball sack into her mouth. 


Lukas knew his orgasm was imminent, and he hadn't yet forced his cock all the way down Laera's throat. He promptly remedied that with a strong thrust of his hips. The blond elf choked violently, coughing and gasping for air, but Lukas' lust had grown too strong. He continued to pound away at her throat with the full length of his cock. Gwyn noticed her master's growing excitement and redoubled her efforts, sucking enthusiastically on his balls.


Finally, Lukas reached his breaking point, and he unleashed a torrent of cum deep into Laera's throat. She gagged and coughed as the thick liquid filled her mouth and spilled out, dripping down her chin, and then onto her tits. Gwyn kept up the suction, ensuring Lukas' balls emptied completely. As Lukas withdrew his cock from Laera's throat, she gasped for air, tears streaming down her cheeks. Despite the pain and discomfort she felt, she couldn't deny the thrill of submitting so completely to Lukas’ unrestrained passion.


"Was she a good student for you?" Gwyn teased, crawling up to sit next to Lukas and leaning in to kiss him deeply. "Next time I'll teach her to swallow it all."


Lukas laughed and pulled Gwyn into a passionate embrace. Despite being drained, he felt his cock hardening hinting at a second round. "You're a natural at this," he murmured against her lips.


"I aim to please," she purred in return, pressing her body against his.


They shared a few more kisses before Laera finally recovered enough to speak. "Why do I feel this way?" she said, scooping the cum off of her face and chest with her fingers.


"What do you mean?" Lukas asked.


"It is so uncomfortable and degrading to fit all of you in my mouth," Laera said, "but I'm addicted to it." She stuck her fingers in her mouth, savoring the taste of his seed.


"That is because you are a slut for Daddy's cock," Gwyn explained, "just like the rest of us."


"So what's next?" Laera asked, perched up on her knees, her boobs more or less cleaned off.


"I promised Daddy a submissive fuckhole," Gwyn stated. "It could be me, or it could be both of us. Are you ready to expand your depravity?"


"Yes," Laera answered confidently. "There's nothing else I would rather do."


Gwyn grinned and turned to look at Lukas. "Did you see this coming?"


Lukas shook his head. "No, I thought I used up all my luck getting a threesome with Gemma and Fiona."


Gwyn giggled and wrapped her fingers around his dick. "Daddy, we are the ones who are lucky to serve this magnificent cock. We are at your command."


Lukas didn’t hesitate to accept that invitation. "Gwyn, straddle my dick and ride me. No slacking or I'll make you do squats while I fuck my other slut. Laera, get those panties off and get that pussy on my face."


"Yes, Daddy," the two girls obediently responded.


Gwyn's petite body bounced up and down Lukas’ fuck pole while he feasted on Laera's needy cunt. After about ten minutes of vigorous fucking, Lukas told Gwyn to get off and lay on her back. She complied and spread her legs open, inviting him to fuck her tight little hole. Instead, Lukas flipped Laera on her back, right next to the purple-eyed girl. Laera's cunt was soaking wet, so he slammed his cock straight in. He almost blew his load there, having forgotten just how tight Laera was.


"Holy fuck," he moaned, "you two are so hot." He pistoned his dick in and out of Laera's cunt.


"Oh god, I love how you stretch my pussy out," the elf moaned.


Lukas bucked his hips, pounding Laera as she spread her legs wider for him. He could feel her juices coating his shaft as he fucked her raw. Then he suddenly pulled out of her and plunged into Gwyn instead. The switch surprised the smaller girl, and she cried out in delight. Lukas alternated between the two, fucking them both relentlessly until he felt himself approaching climax. He pulled out of Gwyn's pussy and told them both to get off the bed and on their knees.


Gwyn squealed in anticipation and dropped to her knees. Laera didn't know what was going on, but still obeyed. Lukas grabbed both girls' hair and pulled their faces towards his dick.


"Get your mouths on my cock," he growled.


Both girls obeyed eagerly, wrapping their lips around his shaft and sucking greedily. Lukas pumped his cock in and out of their mouths, relishing in the feeling of their tongues swirling around his shaft. His climax arrived in full force, and he held both girls' hair at arms length as ropes of cum fired at their faces. Laera yelped in surprise as her face was covered in spunk. Gwyn, on the other hand, moaned in pleasure as she tasted the salty sweetness of whatever seed landed on her lips.


As soon as the last drop left him, Lukas released their hair. Laera continued to stare at him in shock, her face covered with a fair share of cum. Lukas smiled down at her. "Two final orders for the night: Laera will clean up all of the cum that landed on both your faces with her tongue. You will then both join me in bed."


Laera nodded and got to work cleaning up the mess. At first she was timid about licking the cum from Gwyn's face, but that hesitation soon disappeared, as she craved the flavor of her Dominant's seed. Lukas relaxed on his bed, and it wasn’t long before he heard happy slurps, followed by cute moans and giggles from the recipient of Laera’s tongue bath. When the blonde elf finished, the two girls crawled into bed, both taking a side, and fell asleep in their master's arms.




The next day was spent mainly in the caves. The team enjoyed finding secret tunnels and strategizing how to tackle enemies. There were no surprises – at least until their return trip. As they hiked on the trail, exiting the Mystic Forest, a magnificent structure greeted them. While not complete, the Adventurers marveled at the progress the construction crews had made. The walls extending in both directions were finished, and there were several hundred men working on the building in the middle.


Lukas observed teams of men hefting large stone blocks up the scaffolding that surrounded the building. The structure itself boasted two large walls that were at least twenty feet in height and ran perpendicular to the shorter boundary wall. The other two sides of the building presented matching, colossal archways. At this stage, the architecture suggested a grandiose gateway that would grant access to the Mystic Forest, or welcome Adventurers back to the hearth of civilization.


As the team strode through the forest-side arch into the interior, they were greeted with more frenzied action. Stained glass windows were being installed high up on the walls. The building did not have a roof yet, but additional scaffolding was being erected to facilitate its construction. Buckets of paint, containing a variety of colors, were being carried in and placed at the base of the walls. Artists followed closely behind, ready to paint the nearly completed walls, unperturbed by the lack of roof, but counting on its future protection.


The project was impressive, coming together rapidly thanks to an abundance of skilled laborers and craftsmen. The Adventurers strode through the future entrance hall, walking close to a hundred feet before reaching the other archway. They exited the construction site and walked the short distance back into the city.


“It looks amazing!” Lukas exclaimed to his team, appreciative of the monumental architecture. “I can’t wait for it to be completed.”


“At this rate,” Fiona said, “you’ll barely have to.”


After an uneventful evening, the group arose in the morning, once again excited to head to the caves. Lukas was also eager to see the monument again. As they clambered out onto the front porch of the Cottage, however, a familiar, burly Council Guard captain approached them.


"Glad I caught you before you headed out," Captain Bruiser called out to them. "I come bearing good news and bad news." He stopped just short of the porch steps.


"Break it to us," Lukas said as he eyed the hulking armored figure from the top of the stairs.


"You should probably invite me in," Bruiser suggested. "This will take more than a moment."


Lukas glanced around at his girls; his team silently agreed to postpone their voyage out to the mountains. Lukas waved the captain in, and all of them returned to the great room.


"Take a seat," Lukas gestured to the couches. "We're all ears."


Bruiser sat down and cleared his throat. "Well, let's start with the bad news. The Council of the Scribes and some other capital bureaucrats have determined your compensation for your support in the dragon fight. In their eyes, you are all inexperienced Adventurers who sat in reserve. Your reward is... meager, to put it politely." He handed a sack of coins over to Lukas. Lukas weighed it in his hand. It wasn't a small amount, but he had been hoping for more due to the peril his girls had faced.


"I recommended you receive a much more competitive payout," Captain Bruiser continued, "but I was overruled in the end. I tend to avoid political games, which is difficult to do when you spend as much time in the capital as I do. In lieu of fair compensation from the powers that be, however, I have a gift to offer to you."


Lukas had a mixed expression on his face. He was curious, but skeptical as to what kind of gift the gruff Council Guard soldier could offer. He looked over at Fiona, who had a bemused look on her face, probably matching his thinking, but finding more humor in it.


"The nature of this gift," the captain continued, "is sensitive.” Fiona let out an audible chuckle. “I have an archer training to be in the Council Guard ranks. I doubt she will last more than a few years, but not because of a lack of skill. She is undisciplined and even if I were inclined to try to vouch for her, the people above me would catch wind eventually. She already has a couple of infractions on her record. Given that your team could use a Ranger, I was hoping to offer her another path."


"You want to place a Ranger on our team!?" Lukas exclaimed. "What kind of ‘gift’ is this? You don't want her because she is too undisciplined?"


"Ahh," Bruiser responded, "I see the confusion. She is undisciplined compared to Council Guard standards, I have no doubt she would be the most disciplined one on your team."


Lukas huffed, unsure if the captain’s teasing was an intentional dig or just good fun – or maybe it was just the captain’s direct communication style.


"She's a very capable fighter," Bruiser continued. "If my life were on the line, I’d be happy to have her backing me up. Trouble is, I’d be putting my career on the line far more often than my life if I tried to cover for her. That won’t be a problem for you lot."


"I don't know if we are in the right spot to add a sixth, the five of us have a nice groove going on," Lukas mentioned, trying to figure out which way he was leaning.


"Are you scared she might not be a drop-dead gorgeous girl?" Captain Bruiser asked bluntly, causing Fiona to snort. "I have eyes, kid. I can see what you have here. I have no fucking clue how you do it, but kudos to you."


"Can I discuss it with my team?" Lukas requested. "I wouldn't want to make such an important decision without their input."


"Sure," Bruiser said as he rose from the couch. "Please understand, she is just simply not a good fit for the Council Guard. I am doing you guys a tremendous favor by recommending she joins your team. I’ll be in my usual spot. Just give me a holler when you decide."


The captain exited out to the porch as the girls began whispering to each other, debating if they wanted to bring someone new into their team.


“Lukas is right about us having a groove,” Fiona pointed out, “but a new member wouldn't necessarily disrupt that. If Bruiser's assessment of her is not exaggerated, she could be a valuable addon. I do hope she is hot, though.”


"Would having six members on a team be too much?" Gemma shared her concern.


"Four or five is the norm," Lukas noted, "but six isn't unheard of. Do you personally feel that it would be too much?"


"Not really," Gemma said thoughtfully, "I just wonder why larger teams aren't more common."


"It’s less experience per kill,” Laera offered, “and it presents further challenges when it comes to distributing loot. You ideally want enough team members to fill all the roles, but not more than that. Caves, in particular, favor smaller, nimbler, and quieter parties."


"Besides," Lukas added, "I prefer a more tightly knit group. We have to trust each other more. Every party member brings their own strengths and weaknesses, and everyone else needs to account for them."


“That’s true,” Gwyn said, “I love the intimacy of our team, and I'm not just talking about the sex. It'd be hard to replicate that with someone else joining. Admittedly, though, part of me would be really excited to welcome a new member.”


"I was very grateful that you allowed me to join," Laera mentioned. "It would be hypocritical of me to outright reject someone because they're new."


With Laera's admission, the mood shifted definitely towards being open to a sixth member. Gemma, Fiona, and Gwyn all agreed that the team would not be the same without Laera.


Lukas tried to take stock and wrap things up. "I'm getting the feeling we are all at least willing to entertain the idea of adding another member?"


"I wish we could meet her first,” Gwyn said, “See how compatible she is with us.” She then smiled slyly. “Though I suppose compatibility with Lukas is the most important consideration.”


“I don't see why that is not an option,” Lukas responded. “I feel like that is a fair request to make to the captain. Should we move forward with that contingency?”


Four nods affirmed their decision. Lukas stepped back out onto the porch and motioned for the captain to join him. After the door shut and they reentered the main room, Lukas addressed the soldier.


“Captain Bruiser, I think it would be best if we met the potential candidate before making any decisions. We are open to adding a sixth, but have concerns about whether she would fit our current dynamic.”


"A reasonable request, I suppose." Captain Bruiser scratched his chin. "It might be difficult to facilitate. She has rigid obligations to the Guard, so it would be impossible for her to come to Eberlorn for just a friendly visit. You could opt to travel to the capital, but I would ask that you keep your meeting a secret. There could be repercussions for her if you were to decide to pass on her."


“A few of us have never been to the capital,” Lukas replied with interest. "A trip there may not be out of the question. Is there a deadline?"


“I don't see any real rush," Bruiser answered, "but it would be good to get something nailed down within the month. I doubt you all understand the severity of the situation. Being discharged from the Council Guard is a disgraceful outcome, even if done for the right reasons. I think she already recognizes she doesn’t have a future with us, but leaving the Guard will likely be one of the lowest points of her life. She will need compassion without pity – understanding without judgment. She will not get that in the capital."


“We would love to provide her a warm home," Gwyn was almost in tears, knowing just a little bit about life in the capital. "I assure you we will take good care of her."


Lukas groaned. "We are not committing to accepting anyone on the team, yet," he said, giving Gwyn a stern look, "but regardless, we can help her get on her feet when the time comes."


Bruiser nodded. "I appreciate that. I suppose you would be doing me a favor as well in that case. I try not to get attached, but I still want what's best for those I lead. As for what’s best for you five, I can promise you all that you will not regret giving her a chance."


"What's her name?" Lukas asked, finding it odd that their potential team member hadn't been named yet.


Captain Bruiser chuckled. "I'll let her tell you herself, when you come to the capital like you promised."


Lukas almost corrected him, they hadn't 'promised' to go to the capital, but he held his tongue. "Thank you for stopping by," Lukas said, "it seems we will be seeing more of you. I’m assuming you’re headed back to the capital?"


The captain nodded as he arose. Leaving out the front door of the Cottage, his departure triggered an excited discussion within the group, as they mulled over their options. They decided that a visit to the capital was worth considering. Their team had been so focused on exploring the caves that they had yet to venture far beyond Eberlorn.


“It would be interesting to see the capital,” Gemma admitted. The capital city had an actual name – Tul'torentrusser – but it was enough of a mouthful that everyone colloquially called it the capital.


“I'd rather see some of the other guilds first,” Fiona chimed in, “but I suppose you could convince me to go hang out with a bunch of rich snobs. My price will be high, though."


"How about Gwyn will cook you dinner for the rest of the week?" Lukas teased. The group laughed as they once again prepared to head out to the caves. 


By the time they reached the construction site, it was already mid-morning. As they passed through the spacious corridor again, Lukas glanced up in amazement. Lofty ceilings were being constructed directly above them. Along the walls, two murals had been started – one on each side. Based on the dark red paint being used to trace out a fearsome figure on both walls, Lukas assumed the dragon was to play a paramount role in the enormous paintings. He didn’t get to gawk for long, however. Already behind their normal schedule, the party hurried through the open archway into the forest.




Even with the delayed start, the Adventurers manage to get a good haul from the caverns. They returned using their normal, well-trodden trail, arriving at the monument just in time to watch a crew of men mount a life-sized, sculpted dragon head on top of the arched entrance. They passed underneath the newly finished archway and noticed the artists were packing up. Unarmed guards stood along the muraled walls to prevent others from disturbing the wet paint. A couple other groups of Adventurers strolled through at a relaxed pace, observing the artwork.


Lukas’ team walked to the middle of the entrance hall, and stopped to take in the full view of the artwork. They were stunned. The painting’s level of detail was unparalleled, as was the skill that was evident in the brushstrokes, but that was only partially the reason for their awestruck faces.


Lukas scanned the wall to his right. In front of him was a scene depicting the battle – the battle they witnessed themselves, in person, supposedly only for support. Perched on top of a fearsomely beautiful flying dragon was a stunning redhead. In one hand, she gripped a dagger that was buried into the dragon’s eye. Her other hand held a brightly glowing whip, and the artists had lent it a compelling illusion of motion. Lukas could practically see it waving in the wind. Great detail had been afforded the redhead, to the point where a viewer might have dubbed her the mural’s central focus, rather than the beast she violently crowned.


Underneath the dragon’s left wing, a muscled, brunette warrior was flying upwards towards the beast, white, feathered wings sprouted from her back. She had a flaming sword, raised above her head, ready to strike. Lukas chuckled at the artistic liberty. Beneath the right, webbed wing of the scaly beast, the dragon’s villainous tail was skewered through a dire wolf.


Lukas swelled with pride at seeing his girls’ heroics on display, immortalized in vibrant colors. The artists had sacrificed some historical accuracy for a little extra flair, but Lukas appreciated it nonetheless.


He turned around and took in the second mural. The dragon was grounded, though still painted with the same intricate detail. A group of four blonde elven mages, each with a wizarding staff, stood to one side of it. The artist had impeccably captured their Anoran traits. Lukas smirked, noting that the Anoran closest to the dragon was a female, slightly taller than the other elves, and was firing lightning from her staff towards the massive crimson beast. Above the Anorans in the background was a Council Guard Ranger. The archer was perched in a tree, which was completely engulfed in flames, firing arrows at the creature. The Ranger seemed not the least bit concerned about the fiery tree.


On the other side of the dragon was a large ballista that was manned by a Council Guard captain. His rank was only announced by his helmet and the insignias on his armband because he was – almost comically – shirtless, showing off bulging muscles as he launched a golden bolt at the grounded dragon. The golden bolt itself caught Lukas’ eyes. It was a real golden scepter, with intricate designs carved into it. The artists had embedded the decorated metal rod into the wall, integrating it into the painted mural.


Lukas noticed a pair of artists whispering to themselves, pointing over to Fiona, perhaps noticing her signature red hair flowing down her shoulders, or the sheathed dagger at her side. As the team of Adventurers finished admiring the murals and began moving towards the exit, the artists approached them – well, actually approached Fiona.


“Are you the dragon assassin?” one of them asked. “The Adventurer who rode on top of the beast’s head and stabbed it in the eye?”


“I didn’t really ride the dragon,” Fiona responded, “but I do like my new title, ‘Dragon Assassin.’”


“They instructed us to paint the most alluring redhead we could imagine on top of that dragon,” the artist revealed. “I thought the exquisite beauty we gave the character was an embellishment, but looking at you in real life, I don’t think we did you justice. Those eyes…” He reached up and brushed her cheek. ”I think we got the eyes just right.”


“Ugh,” Gemma interrupted, “she’s eating this up. Let’s go, she already has too big of an ego. Why did you give me wings?”


The artists’ eyes widened as they looked at the tall, athletic brunette, belatedly recognizing her as yet another hero from their legendary mural. Gemma brushed past them before they could say anything more, and her four companions followed behind her.


Back at the Cottage, Lukas enjoyed both Fiona’s and Gemma’s company in his room all night. Not much sleeping occurred, but he did accumulate enough Dominance experience to upgrade another skill. In the morning, after some discussion while sitting in Lukas’ bed, Gemma agreed Fiona would take the upgrade as long as she was next. Fiona looked surprised, sincerely thanking the competitive brunette for her benevolence. Lukas took it as another sign that Gemma was maturing, but he couldn’t help but wonder if it also signified that the two girls were forging a deeper bond with each other.


Fiona decided she wanted to see what the next level of the passive skill looked like. Lukas bumped up the ‘Cock Worship' skill. “Nice,” Fiona said, looking at her profile.



Cock Worship (Passive) - Level 2 - +10 boost in Vigor and Strength, comes with a craving for the Dominant’s cock



“If level three is an Agility boost,” Fiona mused, “I’ll let you fuck Gemma in the ass.” Gemma immediately shoved her off the bed. It was playful enough, but it still sent the nimble assassin flying.

“You naughty girl,” Lukas said, giving her a mock scowl. “You know I already own all of Gemma’s holes, plus yours. I think you are trying to bait me into fucking your ass before hers.” Fiona gave him a devious grin as she picked herself up off the floor.


“With my size,” Lukas thought out loud, “that’s not something we can just try. It would take some preparation.”


“Preparation isn’t my strong suit,” Fiona admitted, “but for that, I’ll make an extra effort.”


The trio heard the other Adventurers in the house stirring, so they decided to get ready to head to the caverns.




The group of five young adults, worn out from a day of exploring the treacherous caves, had chanced upon another group of Adventurers as they occasionally did, their paths crossing in the vast underground labyrinth. The four-member party, beaming with triumph, approached them in a tunnel intersection and hailed them with cheerful shouts. Their spirits were high, largely due to the heavy load of treasure they carried. 


The team’s tank, a portly and boisterous man carried a bulging sack over his shoulder in addition to the bulky breastplate fastened to his core. Besides another human brawler, the team had two elves, whose slim and petite frames couldn’t support nearly the weight that their burly companion could. The pair of small figures had brown hair, signifying they were of non-Anoran descent. One of them was a magic wielder, and the other carried no obvious weapons to hint at her role within the group. After exchanging pleasantries and tales of their conquests for the day, their new acquaintances bid farewell, and strode down a tunnel in the direction of the exit. 


Lukas’ own group had been on the verge of returning home for almost an hour, but Lukas had a gut feeling that his sixth level was within reach, and couldn’t help but chase it. When the party entered a cavernous room that contained about twenty orcs, he almost cheered. “Okay,” he said, clamping down on his enthusiasm, “last room for the day. I promise.”


Lukas and Gemma charged the orcs side-by-side as the other three sought their preferred positions on the outskirts. Laera had already felled two orcs with magic when Lukas and Gemma smashed into the grouped-up enemies. The pair of blade-wielding warriors slashed through four orcs in a matter of seconds. Fiona was working on picking off her third, while Gwyn was getting in some archery practice from a safe distance.


Both Lukas and Gemma realized the battle would be over quickly, and hastily lashed their blades out, trying to outcompete the other. They got a little sloppy and took a few hits, but nothing that Gwyn couldn’t patch up. The party cleared the room of enemies in less than a minute, and Lukas’ persistence was rewarded as he hit level six.


The team was eager to return home and rest after a long day of grinding, and Lukas was content to handle his level up back at the Cottage, in the comfort of the team’s home. They exited the caves and hiked through the forest. They passed through the newly completed monument, noticing an enormous wrought iron gate that had been hinged onto the outer archway. Even at that late hour, the gate seemed permanently propped open. 


The group of friends entered the city and observed the various signs of the nightlife as they strolled down the streets of Eberlorn. A musician performed on a street corner in the central part of town. A couple of drunks exited the tavern, laughing way too hard at their own jokes. Adventurers were trickling in and out of the Grand Hall of the Chimera Guild. A few folks greeted them, indicating that the team’s fame was slowly growing. The city had initially been cold to the young and new Adventurers, but it was finally starting to grow on them. They had, after all, saved it from a dragon.


Upon reaching the quiet street where the Cottage sat, however, the five cheerful companions were greeted with harsh reality.


Standing on the front porch was a large delegation, and a strange one at that. A prominently dressed couple made up the core of the group of ten. They were, both individually and as a pair, a vision of elegance and refinement, embodying the finest qualities of the Anoran race. Both of them stood at five-foot-six, with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes that shone like polished opals in the moonlight.


The male wore his hair in intricate braids. A tailored suit of fine silver silk, embroidered with finely detailed patterns, clung to his body. His female half emanated beauty and poise. Her hair was styled in loose, flowing waves that cascaded down her back. She wore a gown of iridescent silk, and the moonlight shimmered and rippled on its surface as she stood there. The gown was adorned with delicate lace and sparkling gemstones, highlighting her slender figure and elegant curves. The couple’s appearance was immaculate, save for the stern frowns upon their faces.


Five other elves stood behind them. Two of them were armed; the other three held large packs. The packs held the belongings of multiple members of the party, signaling that the trio were hired servants. 


The three non-elves bore the markings of the Chimera Guild. The middle of those stood tall, exuding an air of authority and wisdom. He was a stout man in his late fifties, with a strong jawline and piercing eyes. His dark brown hair was flecked with threads of silver, hinting at years of experience. He wore a fashionable leather tunic emblazoned with the emblem of the Chimera Guild. The tunic was cinched at the waist by a wide leather belt, which held duplicate sheaths that contained a set of twin blades. Lukas had not personally met this man, but he knew him to be the Guildmaster of the Chimera Guild.


The young Adventurers approached the occupied porch cautiously. When they came within earshot, the Anoran matriarch called out. “Laera! Where have you been? I hope you weren’t out Adventuring this late. You know better than that. The Mystic Forest is too dangerous for Adventurers of your level at this time of night – especially when you lack sufficient support from a competent team.”


Lukas groaned. The moment he’d been dreading had arrived at his very doorstep – well, technically it was their doorstep.


“Time to meet the parents,” a sassy redhead most unhelpfully sang into his ear.

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