The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 09 – The Eviction

Laera gave Lukas a worried look as they approached the porch. Lukas glanced back and tried to reassure her with a gentle smile. "Whatever happens,” he whispered, “we've got your back."


Laera nodded before facing the parental jury. “Mom, Dad, I wasn't expecting your visit. If you had sent word, I'm sure we would have been much better prepared to receive you."


"Your actions forced us to visit Eberlorn," Larea's father declared. "We were traveling to the capital with Dreyfus when we heard some very troubling news from the Commissioner. We worked so hard to place you on Frelich's team, and yet you’ve chosen to abandon them, and join a team of ragtag nobodies instead. They're not even Anoran!"


"I'd rather be a nobody than an Anoran," Fiona quipped without hesitation.


The Guildmaster stepped in, trying to de-escalate the tension. "The Council Guard has spoken very highly of Laera's current team. I don't wish to get involved in your family's affairs, but perhaps you would like to speak with your daughter privately?"


"Nonsense," the Anoran patriarch said. "This will take but a short moment. Laera, luckily for you, your sister has been considerate enough to hold your spot, but she needs to return to the Wyvern Guild. You must return to Frelich's team immediately, or we will be forced to remove your privileges."


"I'm staying with my team," Laera said. "Do what you must."


"Laera, we are sorry we had to come here with such a heavy hand. One day you will see that this is best for your fut– What did you say!?"


"I'm staying with my team," Laera repeated simply.


Her mother joined in. “Laera, this team is no good for you! You’ve had your little rebellious streak, now it's time to return to the real world. You are an Anoran, and you will shame neither your city nor your race any longer!”


"I've made my decision,” Laera responded, crossing her arms across her chest. Surrounded by her friends, she had just enough confidence to avoid shaking in her boots.


Her father huffed angrily. “I do not recognize this insolence in my child. We will evict you out of this house! You will be forced to return home."


Both Lukas and Gemma stepped forward, standing defensively in front of Laera. Gwyn and Fiona held back with their distressed elf friend, wrapping their arms around her in comfort. Her parents were appalled at the demonstration of defiance. "So be it!" her father declared. With a wave of his hand, he motioned to his servants.


Before the servants could move, however, the Guildmaster stepped in. "As the rightful owners of the house, you have every right to evict them. Seeing as it is so late, I am obliged to give them until sundown tomorrow to vacate the premises."


"They are not paying to stay here! They are criminal trespassers."


"I, of course, support your efforts to reclaim your house,” he replied evenly. “However, your daughter was a full-time resident here, and I’m confident that these are her invited guests. The Chimera Guild has a reputation to uphold, Julian. We respect and uphold the law, but we also respect the dignity of those who abide by it. Surely your noble house can compromise with our respected establishment so that neither is shamed. You understand the position I hold. You understand that my house, and this city, have always been exceptionally courteous to all Anoran visitors. I must request that you allow the Guilds officials to handle this with the appropriate documentation – tomorrow."


The angry elf father glared at the Guildmaster. "Fine, but if there is just one thing missing from my house tomorrow, I can assure you that your tenure here as Guildmaster will not last beyond the end of the week." He turned toward his servants. "You will come back and fetch Laera in the morning, whether she’s willing or not."


"Another potential misunderstanding," the Guildmaster interjected. "Your daughter is of legal age. I would greatly like to assist you in resolving your issues, but Chimera Guild both respects and upholds the law. Your daughter cannot be taken from Eberlorn against her wishes. I hope I can continue to accommodate your needs, but on that matter, my hands are tied.” He held out his hands with his wrists pushed together, as if they were bound by imaginary rope. “I thank you for your understanding."


Laera's mother began sobbing hysterically as her father ground his teeth loudly. He grabbed his wife's hand and stomped off the porch. The rest of the Anoran entourage trailed behind them. The Guildmaster stayed behind with his two companions, waiting in stoic silence until the elves were well away.


"My name is Gideon," he finally said, addressing the five companions. "I am the Guildmaster of the Chimera Guild."


Lukas opened his mouth to introduce his girls. Gideon held up his hand to stop him.


"I know who you are. I know what you did. You are heroes of Eberlorn." He smiled at them. "I only have a brief moment; I’m sure you have noticed that I have some Anoran guests to entertain. I do my best to not make enemies, so, regretfully, I must insist that you move out of this house by tomorrow evening. Lodgings will be available in the Grand Hall, after the elves leave tomorrow. I think we are offering a special discount this week, available to Adventuring teams who have been recently evicted."


 Lukas bowed his head slightly. "Thank you, sir,"


"You are quite welcome," Gideon replied, nodding his head. "You should consider officially joining the Guild. We would be honored to have such bright, young Adventurers amongst our ranks. We are having a Town Hall event in a couple nights, come check it out." With that, the Guildmaster bid them farewell and followed after the Anorans. Just as Lukas and his companions were about to enter the Cottage, they heard his voice ring out again from some distance away. They quickly realized he wasn’t speaking to them, but rather attempting to get the Anorans’ attention once more.


"I am most excited to show you our recently completed monument. Perhaps we shall get some sleep, and then head there first thing in the morning before you rejoin your delegation in the capital?"


The five friends watched them walk away for another moment, awash in a mix of emotions.


"I fucking hate your parents," Fiona said, breaking the silence.


"I'm so sorry," Laera said, close to tears. "They were ready to kick us out onto the street without blinking an eye."


"I don't even care that much about the house," Fiona said. "They treated you like shit. I had to fight to keep my hands off my dagger. No one treats my friends like that."


"Yeah," Gwyn agreed through clenched teeth. "I haven't been that furious in a long time. I should go make us some food. It’ll calm me down, and it might be our last meal here.”


"Should we have an accidental grease fire?" Gemma suggested, not a single hint of jest in her voice.


"Nah," Lukas said, chuckling nervously. "That will just blow back onto the Guildmaster. He did us a favor by giving us an extra day. He seems like an honest man who tries to do the right thing, and right now he seems to respect us. We should try to keep it that way if at all possible."


“Adventurers need friends,” Gemma added somberly, remembering how alone she felt upon her arrival to Eberlorn. She shrugged and nodded, confirming that there’d be no ‘accidents’ that night.


Lukas wrapped his arms around Laera and enveloped her with his broad shoulders. "Let's go enjoy our last night in the Cottage. We will make it a happy memory."


His words brought warmth to Laera's heart. Her friends encircled her in a group hug, and she felt safe and loved – more so than she ever had. Together, they went inside to find some peace amidst the latest bit of chaos the world had thrown at them. As the night drew on, the laughter returned to the Cottage, and the shadows of Laera’s parents receded. They feasted on Gwyn's cooking and played several rounds of Rotten Nobles. The Cottage remained warm and cozy, but tomorrow would bring change. Tonight though, was theirs to savor. 




The following morning was spent carefully packing. The party wanted to ensure that everything wasn’t merely accounted for, but in its proper place; the decision had been made the prior night to pursue the most uneventful split possible between her and her parents, leaving them with no legitimate complaints to leverage. Laera, fortunately, possessed an immaculate memory for those details.


It wasn’t until noon that they had finished. Four of the Adventurers had assembled a couple small bags of belongings plus their fighting equipment, opting to travel lightly. Laera, however, lugged a trio of suitcases that each rivaled her own body weight. Lukas sighed, shook his head, and offered to help her. 


As they exited the Cottage for what they were all sure was the final time, dark clouds formed above them, reflecting and further dampening the overall mood. Unsure of where to go, they glanced down the street as if a destination would magically manifest itself.


Something did appear, though not a trail of glowing breadcrumbs. A feminine figure appeared around the corner, walking towards them with a paper held up to her face. She glanced up and saw the group of young adults loitering outside the stately residence. Hesitantly, she approached them.


"Does anyone know a Gwyn?"


The group was silent as they evaluated the unknown woman. She stood at five-foot-nine and showed off an impressive figure. Lukas eyed her curves, appreciating the double-D bust and curvy hips that hinted at a thick and juicy ass. Her caramel complexion was just a tone darker than Lukas' own tanned skin. Her chestnut locks were not too long, just barely tickling the tops of her shoulders. Her features were striking, with full lips and dark eyelashes framing her deep brown eyes. The expression on her face was disconcerting to him, however. Lukas could see through her forced smile. The woman was downtrodden, and not merely because of the weather’s turn.


The final observation Lukas made of the lone stranger was the weapon she had slung on her back, just visible over her shoulder. She carried a well-crafted bow and a quiver of arrows to complement it. Lukas didn't know too much about bows, but he did know that such ornately crafted weapons were rarely for show – especially not when their owner seemed otherwise unconcerned with appearing rich or important.


"Yes," Gwyn said, breaking a long, awkward pause. She had glanced at Lukas to silently get permission. "I'm Gwyn. Do you know me?"


"No, sorry,” she replied nervously. “I'm Luciana, everyone calls me Lucy. I was told to find Gwyn by Captain Bruiser."


"Why did he tell you to specifically find Gwyn?" Lukas asked, a grimace marring his face.


"He said she was the nice one.”


Lukas tried to wipe the frown off his face, not wanting to prove the captain's point. Gwyn giggled and stepped forward. "We know who you are now – though we weren't expecting you – I thought the plan was for us to come visit you in the capital." 


"I'm not sure what the plan was," Lucy replied. "There was an ‘incident’ while Captain Bruiser was absent. His return was fortunately timed."


"What happened?" Gwyn asked in a concerned tone. "I mean, if you are comfortable sharing."


"Yeah," Lucy responded, "I have no problem sharing. Can we go inside though?"


Light rain had started falling from the sky. Lukas looked back at the Cottage. "Umm, let's head to the tavern."


The group of six secured a table in the corner of the tavern's large dining room, their bags stashed nearby. After ordering food and drinks, Lucy recounted her tale. In conjunction with the arrival of an Anoran political delegation to the capital, the Council Guard had decided they would put the success of their training program on display for the visiting elven elites. As the most skilled archer in the program, Lucy was called upon to showcase her talents.


"I was honored at first," Lucy explained, "but my demonstration was not... well-received. There was this one Anoran in particular – I think his name was Dreyfus." Laera groaned at the mention of the name.


Fiona laughed. "I will kiss you on the lips right here in this tavern if your story involves you smacking him across the face."


Lucy gave her a puzzled look, but then continued. "He was sitting at a table enjoying an opulent feast while I was nailing distant targets for his entertainment. He started loudly bragging about how much better the Rangers were in Anora. He told the audience that even the lowest-tier of Anoran archers would outshine what he was seeing. I wasn't even standing close by, but I could hear his obnoxiously loud voice. He hit my last nerve when he said that any elven archer that showed such a lack of skill would be better suited cleaning the sewers of Anora."


Laera’s fists were clenched so tightly that her knuckles lost all their color. Still, she kept silent, allowing Lucy to continue her tale.


"I snapped," the Ranger said, the memory of her anger evident as she told the narrative. "I turned towards him; he was taking a bite of a piece of fruit. 'At least the Borsian pears aren't a disappointment this year.' He said it with such a smug face. I drew my bow and shot that damn pear straight out of his hands."


Everyone burst into laughter at that. Lukas decided right then that Lucy would fit in just fine with the team, though that decision was not wholly due to the tale she was telling. Lukas wasn’t merely listening; he was watching, and he liked what he saw.


"Everyone was furious,” Lucy said, “but Dreyfus went overboard. He climbed up on the table, pointed his pear-juice-covered finger at me, and demanded my arrest. I was taken away in chains. Luckily Captain Bruiser arrived a few hours later. Dreyfus wanted me tried for attempted murder, but the captain was able to negotiate with the more sensible heads. Instead of imprisonment, he got them to settle for something else – expulsion from the Council Guard and banishment from the capital. He said there's no way the banishment was enforceable, but the expulsion..." Lucy looked solemn. 


Just as Captain Bruiser had warned Lukas, the young Ranger’s passion and outrage had driven a wedge between her and the Council Guard. Just leave it to an Anoran politician to strike the final blow. Still, the consequences weighed heavily on the young archer.


Gwyn leaned over and gave her a hug. Lucy was visibly surprised by the show of affection. "Captain Bruiser sent me here," Lucy mentioned. "Not really sure why. Do you guys take pity cases?"


"Pity cases?" Fiona scoffed. "You’re not a pity case. You’re a fucking badass who needs friends that will support her the next time she wants to take a shot at an Anoran." She paused and then looked at Laera. “Not this one though, she’s off limits.”


Lukas spoke up, his voice filled with determination. "Bruiser said we should add a Ranger, and he swears by your talents. We may not have the years of experience that other Adventurers flaunt, but we've got something far more valuable: heart and soul. I know those pompous bureaucrats in the capital don't put much stock in that, but I don’t care. I could never have hoped to envision a better team than this. I don’t want you to join us because you don’t have any other options. Fight alongside us for a little bit; figure out if you see a future with us.”


“I’m intrigued,” Lucy admitted. "I have never seen this type of team dynamic before. The Council Guard is big on brotherhood and duty, but this is another level. You seem very devoted to each other.”


Fiona nodded and patted Lukas on the shoulder. “He fought off the Council Guard for Gwyn."

"The Council Guard?" Lucy asked with incredulity. “I don’t know if I am impressed or horrified.”


"That's how we met your beloved Captain Bruiser,” Fiona continued. “He tried to arrest Gwyn – who Bruiser now apparently thinks is the 'nice one.'” A thoughtful look crossed Fiona’s face. “Lukas saved me and my sister from a group of bandits. He’s really a great friend to have.”


Lukas snorted as Fiona piled on the compliments in front of Lucy. “Enough of the cheesy sales pitch, are you ready to hear the downside?”


“I was starting to really like you guys,” Lucy teased. “Are you sure you want to tell me the downside now?”


“You would figure it out before tomorrow,” Lukas replied. “We are currently homeless.”


Lucy burst out laughing. Some of the other girls joined her with some chuckles of their own. She calmed down and then apologized. "Sorry, it's been a rough couple of days. The housing situation is not a big deal to me. I just haven't laughed in a while."


“We do have an offer to stay at the Grand Hall,” Lukas said, “but I think that’s just until we can find something more permanent.”


“Since it’s too late to go to the caverns,” Gwyn piped up, “maybe we could drop our stuff off and then Lucy can help me practice my archery over at the training grounds?”


“That’s not a bad idea,” Lukas replied. “Let’s give it a little bit more time and then head over the hall.” Lukas was guessing the Anorans were already gone, but he wasn’t taking any chances.


After waiting another half an hour, the party left the tavern and headed to the Grand Hall to check in. The hall had three guest suites available. Lucy felt comfortable enough with Gwyn to share one. Gemma and Fiona easily agreed to share a room, leaving Lukas with Laera – an arrangement that greatly pleased them both.


Despite the heavy rains outside, Gemma and Laera opted to head to the training grounds with Gwyn and Lucy, leaving Lukas and Fiona back at the Guild hall. Lukas hadn’t had a chance to use his level up yet, and determined that he should take care of it in his room. He decided to confide in Fiona, hoping to gain insight into her sharp, decision-making process while getting some advice. 


“Your Ultimate seems like an obvious choice,” Fiona said thoughtfully, “but I would actually target one of the stat-based ones. As there are now five of us girls – I’m counting on you to seal the deal with Lucy, I won’t say a peep – those skills will scale the most. The Praise skill would obviously be a huge benefit to the team. The Obedience skill wouldn’t be a bad choice, either, but Praise would be raising the team’s stats by a hundred points, total, once Lucy’s onboard.”


Lukas nodded, appreciating the perspective. “Boosting Strength and Vigor has a lot of benefits, including augmenting everyone’s HP. You think I should upgrade my Praise skill?”


“Yes,” Fiona said, “as long as your ego can handle your girls outperforming you.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek after her little tease.


“I want them to excel in every situation they face,” Lukas stated firmly. “I get my pleasure in knowing that they are, indeed, my girls.” He upgraded the Praise skill.



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 6



Strength: 23.0 + 3.0

Agility: 21.4 + 2.7

Mentality: 20.7 + 2.7

Vigor: 19.1 + 1.9



Confidence (Passive) - Level 4 - shrug off 40% of magical damage and effects

Obedience (Triggered) - Level 1 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 10% boost in the primary trait of the Obedient subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Obedient subject(s)

Praise (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) receive a +15 boost in both Strength and Vigor for 45 seconds, the Confidence effect is doubled during this duration

Discipline (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) get an additional triggered skill, extra Dominance experience can be converted to HP at an inefficient rate

Restraints (Ultimate) - Level 1 - apply 2 stuns for the duration of .5 seconds, stuns can be applied to multiple targets or can be stacked on one target



“You really are a special guy, Lukas” Fiona said, watching Lukas as he finished up with his profile.


“Cut it out with the jokes, Fiona,” Lukas replied. “You already laid it on thick at the tavern with Lucy.”


“I’m being dead serious.” The redhead’s green eyes bore straight into Lukas. “I would follow you anywhere. You live life with such passion and are devoted to those you care about. I feel connected to you at such a deep level, I can't imagine what life would be like if I had never met you. I've never been happier, you've swept me off my feet. I'm so in love with you." She said it all with such conviction that he believed every word.


Lukas was caught off guard by Fiona's heartfelt admission. "Fiona," he whispered, "I had no idea you felt so strongly." He gathered her into his arms and held her tight. "I feel the same way about you." He kissed her on the forehead, then tilted her chin upwards with his fingers. Their eyes met for a second before their lips connected – tenderly at first, then passionately, as their strong feelings for each other took over.


Fiona broke away for just a second. "I still am mainly using you for your big cock," she said breathlessly, though the way her eyes glistened betrayed just how smitten she was. She went down on her knees and unzipped Lukas's pants, pulling his hard dick out. Her hand moved to stroke him while her mouth started with kisses along the base, slowly moving towards the tip. Lukas groaned and ran his hands through her dark red hair. When she reached the top, she took his cock in her mouth, wrapping her lips lovingly around his thickness.


Her tongue danced on the bottom of his shaft while she sucked. Lukas' dick throbbed with pleasure in response to the loving and skillful worship, and his eyes were transfixed by the sight of it happening below them. He reached down and ran a hand along her cheek. "You look so cute with your face full of my dick," he murmured. Fiona looked up at him, her eyes full of adoration. Her pace quickened slightly, and Lukas grunted in response.


"I need to pound your sexy body right into that mattress," he stated, lifting her head from his cock. Fiona stood up at his direction and he ripped off her clothes. She then helped Lukas break free of his own. He grabbed her shapely body and threw her on the bed. He jumped on her, kissing her neck while his hands roamed over her breasts. "You are everything I could ever ask for," he panted, his erection brushing up against her thigh.


Fiona ran her hand through his hair. "I'm all yours," she whispered. She reached between her legs and guided his cock towards her entrance. Lukas slowly pushed inside. His cock stretched her out as it moved deeper, until his entire length was sheathed inside her writhing form. He pulled back out almost all the way, leaving only the tip inside. Then he slammed into her again.


“Take what’s yours!” Fiona cried out as Lukas started pounding away at her pussy. The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room as they rutted together. His cock moved in and out of her, filling her up and stretching her wide open. Fiona was completely lost in the moment as she let herself get fucked senseless. Lukas was fully absorbed in the feeling of his cock moving within her hot little hole. His hands switched from using Fiona's ample tits as leverage to reaching for her neck. Her freckled body bucked wildly as her dominant’s hands restricted her airway.


The pace of their frenetic lovemaking caused the bed to groan and creak in protest. Lukas was slamming himself balls-deep into Fiona's eager pussy. She spread her legs wide, gasping at the feeling of being so thoroughly stuffed.


"Oh, fuck yes, Lukas," Fiona moaned, running her nails down his back. "I love how deep your cock goes inside me."


"Your tight body feels so fucking amazing," Lukas grunted as he fucked her. He laid down fully on top of her wrapping his arms around her, then he drove his hips down into her. As promised, his large body pinned her feminine form into the mattress as he continued to rail her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in deeper. He loved the feeling of her breasts squished against his chest with their bodies tightly intertwined. They shared a long kiss, tongues swirling in each other's mouths, connecting their bodies in yet another way. 


“I love kissing you,” Lukas said, their lips still lightly brushing as he whispered to her. “I could kiss your lips all day.” He locked his mouth with hers, as his hips gave a mighty shove between her legs.


Fiona's pussy was so warm and snug that Lukas found himself fighting not to finish – a fight he refused to make easier on himself by either slowing down or easing up. He was pounding so much momentum into his smaller lover that even keeping his lips attached to hers was a challenge.


The feeling of Lukas’ thick shaft pushing against Fiona’s cervix was driving both of them wild. Her moans were turning into small cries as Lukas ravaged her. Her pussy squeezed around Lukas' meaty member as she got close to climaxing.


"Oh, fuck, fuck fuck!" she cried out, and then she bit down on Lukas' shoulder, muffling her screams of pleasure as she came. Her pussy clenched around Lukas' cock. Her teeth dug deeper into his skin as wave after wave of pleasure rocked her, causing him to groan in pain and pleasure alike.


The feeling of Fiona coming around his cock was too much for Lukas, and he soon followed her into the realm of orgasmic bliss. He buried his face in her lush hair as he felt the familiar tingles in his balls. With a loud growl, he exploded, releasing rope after rope of cum inside of her quivering pussy. He kept thrusting, pumping her full of his seed.


The two lovers lay on the bed, panting and spent. Lukas had gained an extra mark on his shoulder courtesy of his fiery partner. They remained wrapped in each other’s embrace for quite some time, with Lukas planting gentle kisses up and down Fiona’s luscious, glistening body.


After a few minutes, Fiona finally spoke up. "That was different. I guess I was all lovey dovey with you at the beginning, but who knew you were capable of such passionate lovemaking?"


"Did you like it more?"


"Hell no!" Fiona insisted. "I think it's good to mix it in once in a while, but next time I want to be used and abused. I love being a dirty, little fucktoy for you."


Lukas chuckled. The old Fiona was back. She’d just needed a mind-blowing orgasm. As if reading his mind, Fiona stroked his hair. "I still meant every word I said," she whispered. “I’m forever yours.”




At the onset of the evening, the group decided to get to know Lucy better. Their chosen method of bonding? A mud fight.


By that time, the rain clouds had mostly moved on, but they’d left behind several large fields of mud on the outskirts of the city. The six of them found an abandoned pasture that suited their needs well and quickly went to work, digging their hands into the cool, squishy mud and flinging it at each other. The sounds of laughter and squelchy splatters filled the air as they reveled in the carefree joy of their childish activity.


Lucy especially cut loose, squealing in delight as she splashed through the mud, ambushing her new teammates. It felt natural to her to enjoy the group's shenanigans, softening the bite of her forced removal from the rigid lifestyle of the Council Guard.


Lukas and Gemma quickly switched from slinging mud at each other to full-on wrestling. Any outside observer would have only perceived a single, writhing mass of mud as the two of them rolled around, grunting competitively as they each tried to gain the upper hand. Laera was the most apprehensive about getting dirty. She cried foul as Fiona used her teleport ability to sneak attack her from behind. The elf flailed her hands up into the air as her redheaded assailant piled globs of mud all over her body. Gwyn’s sweet laughter danced across the field as she and Lucy exchanged muddy volleys.


The party persisted until it was too dark to continue. They strolled along the streets back to the Guild Hall, and, despite receiving many leery glances from late-night pedestrians, they continued back to their prepared lodgings, without a care in the world.


Lukas did spend some time actually talking with Lucy, too. He’d found out she’d been orphaned as a young teenager. Her archery skills had already been impressive, even at that age, so she’d been fed into the Council Guard system, hardly being given time to grieve the loss of her mother. Currently nineteen years old, she had spent the past several years immersed in the Guard’s prestigious training program. Lukas gave her a brief background on how he met all the other girls.


“Wait,” Lucy said, “why was Gwyn just randomly seeking you?”


Lukas chuckled. “That’s a discussion for another time.”


“I can’t believe how gorgeous everyone on the team is. It’s a little intimidating, to be honest.”


“Don’t let it get to you,” Lukas said. “You’re pretty easy on the eyes yourself. In fact, I think you are the most attractive Ranger on our team.”


“What about Gwyn?”


“Right, I forgot she has a bow now,” Lukas said, his flattery potentially getting him in trouble. “She’s our healer, the bow is mostly an experiment.”


“So where do I rank amongst the other girls in beauty?”


The question set Lukas to fidgeting; his mind raced, searching for a way out of the trap.


“I’m kidding,” Lucy said as she gave him a playful shove.


“Damn you!” Lukas teased back. “I already have to deal with Fiona, are you going to be a smartass too?”


“I can’t promise to not be,” she said, giving him a cheeky grin. “Hey, I had fun today. Thanks for so readily accepting me.”


The night was a huge success. The team had let loose and had a blast, bonding over their shared love of messy, carefree fun. Lucy, in particular, had rediscovered a sense of freedom and joy that she’d been struggling to suppress for years. Even a dirtied Laera admitted she’d had an enjoyable night, though she was also the most excited to get cleaned up.


Lukas was more than happy to assist her in that endeavor. Together, they washed the dirt and grime off of both their bodies, enjoying the running hot water offered in their guest suite. After drying off, they headed to bed. Laera was eager to feel the clean sheets on her body, but she was even more eager to feel something else inside her body.




Sunrise saw the Adventurers journeying to the mountain range for the first time as a group of six. They entered a new cave that was eerily silent, and discovered no enemies waiting to ambush them in its first room. Traveling across the large entrance cavern, they picked a tunnel and started exploring the maze. Its layout was similarly convenient to that of the cavern complexes they’d previously explored. Winding paths led to wider rooms where enemies awaited. The team cleared several such rooms with an efficiency that made Lukas pause to appreciate Lucy’s talents, and how seamlessly they filled a niche that he never knew was missing. Gwyn did passably well with her new shortbow, too, but she wasn’t a Ranger.


Lukas silently gave Captain Bruiser his due credit; the party had needed one. Lucy’s ranged damage was proving to be invaluable, allowing the party to strategically eliminate distant and elevated targets without concern for draining Laera’s mana. When the pair of them let loose together, they provided the front line all the coverage they needed to either push forward or dash around the battlefield and wreak havoc.


Her ranged damage was proving to be invaluable, strategically able to eliminate enemies anywhere in the battlefield. The combination of her physical arrows with Laera's magic gave the brawlers the coverage they needed to wreak havoc. They adapted well to their adjustment in team dynamic, and it soon became easy to forget that Lucy was a newcomer to the group. The benefits of the six-man team were enormous, they were able to dive deeper than ever before. 


Adding another Adventurer to the original five didn't seem to affect the team's agility at all, and no one complained about the slightly smaller share of loot and experience. As they reached new depths within the mountains, the rooms became more difficult to clear, but offered up ever greater rewards for doing so. In a particularly large cavern, they found a pair of trolls.  The two hulking brutes hoisted weighty clubs as they lumbered around trying to smash the Adventurers. 


Lukas, Gemma, and Fiona used their speed to strike while staying clear of the swinging clubs. Fiona was nimble enough to stay behind them, and they were too clumsy to avoid her backstabs. Unfortunately, she struggled to pierce their thick skin. Gemma's raw strength was a huge asset, as was her newly enhanced flaming sword. Prior to leaving Eberlorn that morning, Lukas had met her in her room and leveled up her bonded skill – having harvested enough Dominance experience from his recent salacious activities.


Lukas was able to follow up on the burning gashes that Gemma made, slicing his poisoned blades deeper into the trolls. Meanwhile, Laera was dishing out her lightning damage effectively, but started holding back to conserve mana. Gwyn even managed to get a few shots in with her shortbow, as the twin behemoths were struggling to land any hits at all upon the three melee fighters who were harrying them from all sides.


It was Lucy who competed the hardest against Gemma for champion of the fight though. She scored numerous headshots, with several of her arrows striking eye sockets. One of her skills, sent a glowing arrow directly into a trolls’ open mouth, stunning it for two seconds. The damage she dealt when she pulled back her bowstring, even with her normal arrows, was astounding.


After grinding for several minutes, an arrow ripped through the one the troll’s skull and out of the top of its head. It fell onto the cavern floor with a loud thud. The other troll took a wild swing at the trio of Adventurers within range of its club, but the quick and powerful Gemma used the opening to drive her sword into its chest. Another arrow landed in its eye, but it was overkill; Gemma’s steel and fire had already inflicted a fatal blow to the creature’s massive heart. 


The Adventurers gathered around the bodies to inspect the drops. They let out a cheer at the sight of a large amount of gold glinting amidst the loot pile.


As they continued deeper into the maze, they encountered a room that had large and uniquely shaped rock formations. A few of the rocks formed pillars; some were high platforms. The team scanned the dark room, searching for what might assail them. High-pitched screeches echoed around the cavern as gargoyles zoomed out from their hiding places. Lukas had not faced that type of enemy before. He held out his blades, ready for anything.


Two of them dove towards Lukas, talons extended. With a quick flick of the wrist, he used his dual blades to deflect their sharp claws. At this level, the creatures challenged them with their speed and agility, dodging many of the Adventurer's attacks. One of them bit into Fiona's leg and tried to lift her into the air. Lucy's aim proved useful again as she fired a shot into the winged beast’s neck causing it to release Fiona.


Gemma swung ferociously in the air, but failed to connect with the shifty creatures. Gwyn got slashed, and then Lukas felt a talon pierce through his forearm, causing him immense pain. Lucy fought valiantly, but found it hard to find safe footing to snipe the flying creatures out of the air. She did manage to fire off her Ultimate, which sent an arrow in the air that struck one of the creatures. It exploded on impact, sending shockwaves bouncing off the rocky surfaces. The spell knocked the target and another nearby gargoyle from their flight path as they slammed into a rock formation. Unfortunately for the party, the enemy wasn’t moving or attacking in tight formations, rendering even that area attack far less effective than it otherwise might have been.


It was Laera with her clutch night vision and lightning strikes that made the difference, as she was able to spot the creatures fluttering in the darkness. She would electrocute the beasts out of the air, allowing Gemma to charge the fallen gargoyle and impale them once they’d fallen. Once Lukas received a heal from Gwyn, he joined her, getting a kill for himself.


The Adventures earned a few more nasty scratches from the flying creatures before they were able eliminate all of them. After patching themselves up, they searched the room and examined the loot. Laera, whose numerous lightning strikes played a key role in the battle, approached Lukas. "I used all of my mana in that fight. I think it would be prudent to give me a boost now, especially given that this room has lots of hiding spots."


"I always look forward to being your mana donor," Lukas said, as he led the elven mage behind a rock formation. They looked around for any prying eyes. Seeing none, Laera fell to her knees and worked on getting Lukas' trousers loosened. His dick quickly sprung free and into her mouth. He sighed in relief as he felt the warmth of her mouth wrapped around him.


Laera sucked eagerly, trying to bring him to climax as quickly as possible. She bobbed up and down his shaft, occasionally taking him out of her mouth so she could lick his tip or stroke his balls. Lukas groaned as she eagerly pleasured him. "If you don't tell Gwyn,” she whispered up to him, “I wouldn't mind if you helped out a little bit. I’m still in training afterall." The prospect of handing over control to Lukas excited her more than she thought it would.


Lukas needed no further encouragement. His hands gripped her hair and he thrust his hips forward. The mage moaned as he pushed deep into her throat. She gagged and coughed, wiping spittle from her chin as she gasped for air. She licked her lips and stared up at him, challenging him to continue. "You are just a shameless slut begging for a rough facefucking aren't you?" Lukas taunted. She smiled mischievously up at him, and then took him back into her mouth.


He fucked her face without restraint, using his grip on her long hair to hold her head in place. He enjoyed the loud, sloppy sounds she made, as he abused her throat. He smiled, glancing around, wondering who could be within earshot of their debauchery. That, plus the feeling of her hot mouth sliding over his shaft pushed him over the edge. He cried out as he released his magical load into the elf’s mouth.


Laera swallowed every drop of his cum, cherishing the flavor as much as the mana boost.. After licking him clean, she stood and began kissing his neck. "I feel rejuvenated already," the mage whispered seductively at him. Her eyes were gleaming with desire as she arose.


They rejoined the others and headed onward. They traversed through one more room, clearing it without much trouble, before encountering a true test for their new team. A boss awaited them in the next room – a Demon Fiend.


It was a tall beast, standing on a pair of thick, goat-like legs; indeed, its entire bottom half was reminiscent of that same animal. Its muscular upper half was humanoid, though hardly human. Horns protruded from its head, and its eyes burned with a red fire that seemed to pierce through Lukas’ soul. A large, blood-stained sword hung limply in its hand. A dozen fires burned around the room in cast iron vats, illuminating the creature in the center. Lava streamed out of several crevices in the walls, contributing to the heat that emanated towards the entrance. The molten rock was also responsible for the sulfurous stench that wafted through the air, which made all six Adventurers’ stomachs turn. 


"Are we doing this?" Lucy asked hesitantly. She had been impressed by her new team up to that point, but she knew there had to be a limit. The imposing Demon Fiend certainly looked like the limit.


"This is the kind of battle we're here for," Lukas responded with determination. "Everyone, be careful and watch each other's backs. Be ready to retreat if we get overwhelmed"


Lukas charged forward. Gemma joined him on one side and Gwyn's Dire Wolf supported him on the other. He wasn't sure what the fiend had in store for them, but he preferred to find out by throwing his own body out there instead of any of his girls’.  His blades clashed with the demon's sword, creating a shower of sparks. The boss was strong, and wielded its hefty sword with surprising speed. The demon parried, and Lukas dodged the counter. He attempted to evaluate his enemy for a weakness, but nothing stood out. He continued attacking, landing a few slashes across its chest before retreating out of reach.


Gemma and the wolf joined in, striking from different angles. The fiend retaliated, making a grab at Gemma. Gwyn used her wolf to intercept its attack, and the demon’s claws sank into the summoned familiar instead. The wolf let out a painful yelp, but its sacrifice gave Gemma time to recover. The tall, brunette berserker struck the demon’s sword arm, managing to land a gash. Initially optimistic about their advance, Lukas became disheartened as he witnessed all evidence of their strikes melt away. The Demon Fiend’s regenerative ability erased all of their progress.


Laera zapped the towering creature with lightning, marring its muscular chest with a scorched contusion. The injury faded away.  Lucy fired a shot into its eye, which caused sparks to fly from its socket. The arrow clamored to the ground as the eye grew back. "How do you damage the fucking thing?" Lucy cursed in frustration as she fired another arrow.


The demon summoned a fiery whip, which ripped through the air, striking all the front-line Adventurers, including Fiona who had tried to sneak behind the fiend. The painful strike left scorched streaks across their bodies. They jumped back to avoid a second strike, but the demon pursued them with a flurry of attacks. Lukas found himself the target of the demon's advance, facing a successive series of weighted strikes from its long and heavy blade.


The creature's eyes flared brightly as it unleashed a wave of flames towards Lukas. He dodged and weaved between them, feeling their intense heat sear his body nevertheless. When he finally escaped the inferno, he charged back towards the demon, only to have its blade slash down upon him. It whizzed past him, missing his ear by just an inch and his shoulder by even less. Lukas dug his blades into the demon’s side, eliciting an angry growl. For a brief moment, Lukas hoped that that meant he’d finally scored some damage, but that hope died almost instantly.


At that point, however, Lukas did notice something – and not about the creature, but about the arena. The fiery vats around the room burned with a little extra volume and brightness as the latest wound disappeared. That one moment of distraction almost cost him dearly, as the fiend launched another wave of flames. In a heroic and strategic maneuver, Gwyn leapt in front of Lukas, fully engulfing herself in the demon’s flames. He felt the much needed healing effect as he grabbed her and retreated.


“The fires!” Lukas yelled to his team. “Put out the fires!” The girls scattered, each heading for a flaming vat. The Demon Fiend roared as they hefted the vats over, spilling fiery coals across the ground. The demon used his whip to target the Adventurers who were disturbing his source of power, but Lukas’ party had smartly scattered, operating in coordinated movements to keep the enemy's attention split in multiple directions. It was Lukas who gave the last one a mighty shove, spreading its contents across the cavern floor.


The flames slowly died out and the fighters continued to dodge the relentless attacks from the boss. “Let’s see we can kill it now,” Lukas called out, hoping his intuition had guided him in the right direction.


Gemma charged first, her larger blade and greater strength being the best choice to keep the demon’s weapon busy. Lukas and Fiona flanked the side, hoping to sneak in damage while the fiend savagely dueled their friend. Lucy expertly slipped arrows in through the gaps of the friendlies while Laera tested out another lightning strike.


A wave of relief washed over the party of six, the Demon Fiend was finally taking damage. Though the real fight still remained, negating the demon’s regenerative powers was a significant victory for the Adventurers, motivating them to press the attack. With invigorating speed and strength, they harmonized their attacks, never allowing the fiend to focus on one person for too long. Gemma spun out to catch her breath and to be rejuvenated by a heal from Gwyn. Lukas then took point, expertly using his twin blades to keep the demon’s large sword from striking his body. Lukas fared well, but the enemy boss’ raw strength soon became overwhelming. Fiona stepped up, using her temporarily enhanced dodging abilities to keep the fiend distracted. Lukas and Gemma rejoined the brawl, as lightning and arrows flew overhead, striking the towering Demon Fiend.


Their rotation worked perfectly over several rounds, exhibiting the team’s competence. After slashing away at the Demon Fiend’s enormous HP reserve, it was Lukas who was able to drive both his blades into its neck, delivering the fatal blow.


Lukas fell to the ground just seconds after the demon. It had been a difficult fight despite his team’s flawless execution. Fatigue and injuries plagued him. Several of the girls joined him, sitting or kneeling down on the stony cavern floor. 


Lucy opted to remain standing, walking over to her companions. “That was incredible! I’ve seen some of the best Adventurers train in the capital, and I still can’t believe what I just witnessed. It’s like you’ve been practicing together for years. Fiona, your dodging ability is absolutely wicked.” She gestured to Lukas and Gemma. “You two! The way you handled that massive demon sword was beyond amazing. Have you ever faced each other? Who wins between the two of you?”


“I do,” both the Adventurers in question answered simultaneously, but both of them were too tired to start the argument in earnest.


After a few minutes of rest, the team decided to check the loot. Their efforts had been rewarded with a bounty of coins, as well as some pauldrons that had a legendary grade. The most noteworthy of the rewards, however, first presented itself as nothing more than a simple scroll.


Lucy grasped it with excitement. “Wow! Do you know what this is?” The others in the party shook their heads. “This is an Experience Scroll. They are extremely rare and valuable. The Council Guard, who can afford whatever money can buy, offered this as the grand prize at an archery tournament once. I was lucky enough to win it. The scroll granted me a whole level.”


“It'll be fun trying to decide who gets it,” Lukas said, eyeing the parchment.


“Everyone could use it,” Fiona said, “but for team strength, it might be best used on Lukas.”


“Not necessarily,” Lukas countered. “For example, giving it to Gwyn could boost the team’s healing ability.”


“We could hang on to it for a little bit,” Laera said with a pensive look on her face. “Maybe we will come across a challenge and it will be obvious who it should go to.”


“I like that idea,” Lukas agreed. “It’s getting really late, we need to head back. There’s no rush to use the scroll.”


The group collected the loot and turned to head out of the cave system. The thrilling high of downing such a powerful boss wore off quickly, and the journey back to the surface dragged on as fatigue returned. When they finally reached the first room of the cave, they could see the fading sunlight through the entrance. 


“Nothing like a nighttime walk through the Mystic Forest,” Fiona called out as they trudged forward. Before they made it to the exit, however, they heard a demented cry echoing from the depths of the caverns. Everyone turned around, their eyes darting towards the several pathways leading further inside.


“Do we really want to find out what that was?” Gemma asked.


A tattered figure emerged from one of the tunnels. She was limping, and Lukas spotted several open wounds – serious ones. Her clothes were ripped, and she dragged a bow behind her, one end of it scraping along the cavern floor. The scraping sound merged with her timid sobs to create an ominous rattle.


Laera squinted, spotting pointy ears on the pitiful figure. “Freya? Freya!” She ran forward to aid the injured elf. “What happened? Where’s your team? Where’s Elvira?”


“The Dark Warlock… we didn’t stand a chance. He’s going to drain them. They will die.”

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