The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 11 – Lucy

Lukas had assumed Lucy would eventually catch on to the team’s lewd activities, but the bluntness of her question still caught him off guard. He stifled his surprise, however, and just responded with a smirk.


“Even the Anoran?” Lucy pressed. “She’s gorgeous, but I thought for sure she was a prude.”


“I’ll let her share what she wants,” Lukas replied with a chuckle, “but the more you get to know Laera, the more you’ll be surprised.”


“Damn,” she said. “Nice job.”


She looked forward to the group ahead, lost in thought. Then she turned back to Lukas. “How would one go about joining the team’s sexual ventures?”


“Don’t you worry,” Lukas said with a devious grin. “I have something special planned for you.”


“Planned for me? Do you enjoy keeping me in suspense?”


“I would definitely enjoy keeping you suspended,” he replied, “but be patient. You won’t have to wait long. You should be fully aware, though, this is more than just casual sex. There’s an extra aspect of commitment involved and it impacts our Adventuring.”


“More subtlety added to the mystery? I wouldn’t expect anything less. I’m game, though. Bring it on.” She leaned towards Lukas with a sultry smile on her face. “I’ll do anything to be on this team. Anything.” She sensually licked her lips for effect.


"Do I look like the type of person that would take advantage of such an offer?" Lukas teased.


Lucy just gave him a wink and then galloped ahead, easily passing Gemma, who was struggling to maintain her feeble lead.




They reached Willowdale a tick past midnight. A couple of Adventurers, who will not be named, slowed the group down with their mediocre horseback riding. The town was a small place. Lukas could see the entire layout from atop a small hill that overlooked the town.


It had a small central square that housed a couple large trees and a fountain. A few dozen larger buildings were scattered around the main square in no discernible pattern. Most of them were dark, but light shone through the windows of a scattered few.


The rest of the town consisted of countless smaller houses; like the larger buildings, most were dark, but some still showed signs of activity. The most noticeable structure was the castle-like manor. It was built on a hill at the opposite side of town from where the two teams were looking down upon. Its stone walls glowed white in the moonlight, and its windows all shone with a bright light.


"Alright," Meatloaf announced, "Let’s head over to the manor."


At the manor, they met with the lord of the estate. He generously provided them with the best lodgings available in the town, which was in the grand estate itself. The bandit situation was to wait until the next day when everyone was better rested. Lukas spent just a bit of time enjoying a hot bath and some fine food before going to bed.


Early the next morning, Lukas and the others ate breakfast in a dining room that was adjacent and dedicated to their lodgings. The tall Dominant thought his own appetite was large until he witnessed Meatloaf pile a seventh serving on his plate. After the meal, they filed into the noble's office for a quick briefing.


"Greetings," the man seated at the head of the table said. He was portly, with a thick beard. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Lord Veyron of Willowdale. I am most grateful for the opportunity to host Adventurers from the Chimera Guild." He gave a pair of curt nods to the group of ten fighters in front of him.


The lord then continued. "I'm glad you've arrived so quickly; our situation is becoming more and more dire. A few weeks ago, we arrested Jorg Brunfelt after catching him rustling horses. The Brunfelt clan lives out in the hills and usually leaves our town alone. However, once they caught wind of Jorg’ capture, they showed up with nearly a dozen men and demanded his release immediately. I, of course, insisted that he face justice under the law and refused to cave to their implicit threat. The Brunfelt family just laughed and left."


"They’ve been a problem ever since," Lord Veyron said. "They started by taking livestock from the outlying farms. We tried to protect them, but we can't be everywhere at once. They eventually started killing our soldiers. Just last week, they killed three who were escorting a merchant caravan. Now, they are threatening to raid Willowdale itself if their demands are not met."


"Is it still just a dozen men?" Meatloaf asked.


"Unfortunately, no,” the lord replied. “Their vast extended family is spread out across the hills, plus a mesh of backwoods connections; they’ve congregated into a menacing mob. Their numbers have grown from a dozen to nearly a hundred. An unruly countryside mob would have been bad enough, but they've also become more organized, aggressive, and ruthless. We've tried to negotiate with them, but they've made unreasonable demands. They want to run me out of town and take over. You can see how desperately we need the Chimera Guild’s assistance. The whole town is counting on you."


Lord Veyron was visibly worried. He fidgeted in his chair as he spoke, his eyes darted around the room, and his face had a sweaty sheen. Lukas could tell he was not used to having to deal with such a serious situation.


"What about their location?" Meatloaf continued collecting details.


"There's a homestead belonging to the Brunfelt family that they've been using as a base. It's about ten miles to the west, just past a small stream. I'll be sending two of my best men with you. They should be able to help you find it easily enough."


"Is there anything else we should know?" Lukas asked.


"There's a rumor that they have an Adventurer in the family," Lord Veyron replied. "We haven't been able to confirm if any such Adventurer is involved, but it's something you should be aware of."


Having extracted as much information as they could from the manor lord, the group of guild reinforcements thanked him and exited his office. Veyron followed them out and gestured to two of his guardsmen, indicating that they were assigned to accompany the Adventurers. The escort of two led them out of the manor. Once outside, Lukas couldn't help but notice how many people were watching them. He saw a few point at them and heard a couple whispers. To his great relief, what he saw and half-heard was not suspicion or skepticism, but hope. The contingent of heroes wasted no time; they marched out of the town, headed for the hills.


With the soldiers' guidance, the group soon arrived at the bandits' headquarters, easily recognizable due to its prominent location in a small valley. The hills on two sides provided natural barriers, while a small stream ran through the valley, offering a convenient source of water. A large house, surrounded by a sturdy wall made of logs, sat at the center of the valley. A single gate served as the only entrance. Wide enough for a wagon to pass through simultaneously, the gate seemed designed to facilitate ease of access while still providing adequate security.


Lukas turned to Meatloaf with a thoughtful expression. "I've been thinking about our approach," he said. “I hope you don’t mind.”


“Not at all,” Meatloaf replied. “I mainly like to go in and smash things, but I appreciate you putting some thought into it.” 


The young Adventurer nodded, grateful that the experienced tank let him take the lead in the planning. “I was thinking of splitting us into two main groups,” Lukas explained. “You, the two mages, and Gwyn will lead the charge at the front gate. Your enthusiasm for smashing things will be an asset in that situation. Lucy, how’s your range?”


Lucy's eyes lit up. “Eager to show it off, sir.”


“Good. You see that tree there on the hillside?” Lukas pointed to the left of the structures. “You’ll split off from the main groups and position yourself up there. You should be able to target most anything in the complex.” 


“The rest of us,” Lukas said while indicating to himself plus the remaining six, “will attempt to breach the wall on the right side there. That log wall shouldn’t be too difficult to climb.”


Meatloaf grinned, clearly excited. "Sounds like a plan to me." As the tank readied himself to lead the charge on the gate, his target swung open, and a contingent of forty men rode out of the opening.


“Do you think they saw us?” Laera asked.


“Not likely,” Lukas responded. “I think they're going out for a raid. Looks like we’ve just been gifted a prime opportunity. Let’s fall back a few hundred paces and set up an ambush.”


The group quickly fell back, using the surrounding brush as cover to conceal themselves from view. The army of horsemen approached them at a brisk speed. On Lukas’ signal, Lucy let an explosive arrow loose into the bandit pack. The arrow struck a completely unsuspecting rider in the middle and detonated. A majority of the horde was impacted, throwing over twenty men off their horses. The contingent of bandits barely had time to halt before an enormous mass of flesh and steel barrelled towards them. For how bulky he was, Meatloaf moved with a speed that surprised enemy and ally alike.


Gemma and Lukas charged from the other side, their blades flashing in the sunlight as they cut down any bandits who got in their way. Lucy fired arrow after arrow, taking out several more of the horsemen. Ellie, the elf on Meatloaf’s team, produced numerous throwing daggers from inside her cloak. With a quick flash of reflected sunlight, the daggers darted through the air, piercing through gaps in their foes’ armor. Fiona weaved through the midst of the disorganized band, her dagger expertly brandished in her fingers. She had opted to save most of her skills for the next battle, but still took down a couple enemy combatants. Despite having the numbers, the bandits were decisively outmatched. With the element of surprise on their side, the Adventures had more than sufficient force.


Four horsemen made a break from battle, racing back towards their base. Lucy’s archery, combined with Laera’s lightning, easily cut them down. As the dust settled, Meatloaf took a bit of time to catch his breath, while Lukas surveyed the aftermath of the battle, his eyes scanning the field for any signs of survivors.


"This should make storming their makeshift fort a lot easier," Lukas said, wiping his sword clean. "Shall we go finish the job?"


Meatloaf nodded, his massive chest heaving with exertion. "Aye, let's do it.”


Lukas carefully led his battle group of seven up a hill to gain a strategic position, but remained concealed. Lucy had snuck off in a hurry in the other direction, rushing to get set up in her perch before the frontal assault.


As they crested the hill, Lukas saw Meatloaf prepare his group. Lukas silently led his squad towards the log wall. Meatloaf charged forward with a mighty roar, his massive frame thundering towards the gate. The two mages, Gwyn, and a Dire Wolf followed close behind, ready to support the brazen and ferocious attack.


Meatloaf smashed through the gate to find sixty men gathering to repel the invaders. Armed with a shield and a battle mace, he fought off the first responders. Magical attacks started flowing through the gate, prioritizing any bandits who attempted to surround the tank. 


While Meatloaf’s loud and diversionary brawl raged on, Lukas and his group scaled the logs and dropped into the walled compound. A group of bandit archers had started to form a line to support their comrades at the front gate, but failed to notice the stealthy intruders at their rear.


After a quick ambush from behind, the archers were no more. The enemies swarming Meatloaf at the front gate had caused him to fall back thanks only to sheer numbers, but the Brunfelt homestead had already been infiltrated. Lukas sliced through a couple of nearby combatants before an older-looking bandit directed the horde to engage the intruders within the walls.


The bandit leader, a grizzled old man with a scar above his left eyebrow, bellowed orders at his decreasing numbers. "Form up! Take back our home!" Those were his last words, as an arrow flew over the opposite wall and skewered his head, in one ear and out the other.


The bandits charged towards Lukas and his group, who had fanned out across the yard. Meatloaf roared in approval as he saw the gated entrance begin to clear out. He charged through once again, keeping pressure on the enemy.


The battle surged on, and Lukas felt optimistic. The bandits were slowly but surely being pushed back, their numbers dwindling as they fell to the relentless onslaught of Lukas' group. Fiona teleported into the fray, triggered her Ultimate, and wreaked havoc with her dagger. Gwyn’s Dire Wolf chased fleeing men around the base as they screamed in terror.


One last challenge remained, though, as a new threat emerged from the shadows. A burly man with a crazed grin on his face stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Lukas with a malevolent intent. He wielded a two-handed longsword crafted from blackened steel, and was swinging it around with great strength before he’d even engaged. He lunged forward, thrusting the impressive blade towards Lukas. The young Adventurer parried and spun to the side avoiding the charging foe.


Lukas swung his swords in wide, opposing arcs, aiming to catch the man off guard. The burly man, however, was no novice, and managed to deflect both attacks with his massive sword. The two warriors clashed, their blades ringing out as they exchanged blow for blow.


Gemma came flying in to help with her flaming sword. Their adversary stepped back and triggered an ability, finally confirming beyond all doubt that he was the rumored Adventurer. A glimmer of magic sizzled in the air as an exact replica of the enemy fighter appeared, standing next to the original.


Lukas and Gemma continued the brawl against their duplicated enemy, sparks flying as the dangerous blades clanged against each other. Lukas triggered his Praise ability, boosting Gemma’s fighting strength. The timing was lucky, as the enemy Adventurer let out a heave of his lungs and expelled a green cloud into Lukas’ face. The smell was certainly rancid, but the poison failed to affect the tall Dominant in any way.


A glowing arrow flew over the wall and struck the foe, stunning him. Lukas used the opportunity to score a few hits before his enemy’s black sword resumed swinging to counter his parries. Finally, the inevitable happened. The remaining bandit army collapsed in defeat, allowing the rest of Lukas’ allies to converge on the two-on-two matchup. Coincidentally, the enemy’s replicated cohort also expired, dispelled in a shower of purple sparks.


Despite his barbaric and brutish appearance, the bandit Adventurer recognized the impending outcome was not pleasant for him. He took a few giant steps back before discarding his weapon. "I surrender," he declared gruffly. Lukas and Gemma exchanged puzzled glances. Having received most of their fighting experience in the Mystic Forest, the pair of warriors were not accustomed to their enemies surrendering. Luckily, Meatloaf stepped in.


“We are here representing the Chimera Guild,” Meatloaf stated firmly. “We will escort you to the Eberlon to face justice, as the guild will be better equipped to handle your situation. Do you accept these terms?”


The rogue Adventurer glared at them with a mixture of resentment and defeat, but eventually nodded his head in acceptance. "Fine," he growled.


After a search of the residence and the numerous tents that were pitched on the ground within the walls, they found an additional two bandits hiding amongst several women and children. “It’s getting late,” Meatloaf mentioned, “but we should take Black Sword here back to Eberlorn immediately” He gestured towards the captured Adventurer. “You can take the rest of the captives back to Willowdale. Lord Veyron will need to decide what to do with the women and children; we can’t leave them here.”


Lukas nodded in agreement. Laera approached her tall leader with a whisper. “Hey Lukas, could I potentially go back with the other team? They could probably use an extra hand, and I want to be in Eberlorn in case Elvira returns ahead of schedule.”


“I suppose it wouldn’t be a big deal for us to be apart for a day,” Lukas replied.


Meatloaf approached with ‘Black Sword,’ who was bound in some chains they had found around the homestead. “We are ready to head out. I want to hand over this guy to the Chimera Guild before nightfall. I’m trusting you not to swindle us out of the reward.” Meatloaf gave Lukas a hearty laugh and a wink.


“How about I send my mage along as collateral?” Lukas responded. “She’s keen to return to Eberlorn.”


“No complaints here,” Meatloaf said, affirming the addition to his plan. “As long as you don’t tag along. Ellie could probably carry me to Eberlorn faster than you can ride a horse,” he jested. The bulky tank mounted his horse, and his team followed suit. Their captive rode on one of the horses that the Brunfelts no longer needed. The rest of the party headed back to Willowdale.




Everything fell smoothly into place. The Adventurers debriefed the noble about their encounter and received their monetary reward, and left him the responsibility of handling the remainder of the captured Brufelt clan. The residents of Willowdale cheerfully bustled about, preparing a spontaneous yet sumptuous banquet to honor the brave warriors' victory. The spread of food was so abundant that Lukas was sure that Meatloaf would regret his early departure once he heard tale of it.


An hour or two later, the Adventurers took their seats at the grand table, surrounded by the warm glow of candles and the murmur of laughter. The aroma of roasted meats and steaming vegetables wafted through the air, teasing their taste buds and building their anticipation.


Lord Veyron, resplendent in his finest attire, stood at the head of the table, a warm smile on his face. He raised his goblet. "To our brave Adventurers; may this night be a celebration that Willowdale will remember for years to come." His toast was followed by the clinking of glasses and cheers. Then the crowd dug into the feast, their eyes shining with gratitude and satisfaction. As they ate, the Adventurers mingled with the citizens. Even the introverted Gemma was telling an older couple about her encounter with a Swamp Witch.


Once dinner had concluded, the Adventurers made their way back to their rooms to change out of their combat gear and get cleaned up. The night was not over, though. Lukas still had a plan to execute.


He observed the room he was staying in for the second night in a row. The walls were painted a deep burgundy, with corn molding lining the tops of the walls. There was a large mirror hanging on the wall over the headboard of the bed, and a couple of paintings were situated on the other walls. An opened door led to a small balcony on one side, blocked only by partially closed curtains that swayed gently in the breeze. Finally, the expected knock sounded.


 "Come in," he said, turning to the door.


The door opened, and Lucy entered the room. She looked even more tantalizing than Lukas remembered, dressed in a sheer white nightgown. Her caramel-colored skin glowed under the candlelight, giving her an angelic appearance. The thin fabric did nothing to hide her curves, which were so voluptuous that she would have made an hourglass jealous. Her large breasts threatened to burst from her bodice, and her juicy ass stretched the thin material of the nightgown. The 19-year-old's frame was as delectable as any goddess’. 


She sauntered over to Lukas, swaying her hips seductively. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You wished to speak with me?"


"Yes," he replied, running his hands up and down her sides. "I wished to speak with you regarding your desire to be on the team."


She bit her lower lip, "Yes, I do want to be on the team. I really do." Her voice was sultry and sweet. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear. "Do you remember what I said before?"


"That you will do anything?" Lukas said, his hands sliding down to her ass. "I do remember. In fact, I plan on finding out exactly how far you are willing to go"


"No limits," she breathed in his ear, causing Lukas’ skin to prickle with goosebumps. She dropped her nightgown, revealing her naked body underneath. Her ample breasts swung in the air as she twirled for her partner. Her body was toned and curvy, with a divine set of hips and ass. Lukas could not resist running his hands along her curves, tracing her figure as he hungrily gazed at her.


"On your knees," he commanded.


The curvy brunette sank to her knees. Lukas grabbed her head, forcing her to look at him. "You are to do exactly as I say,” he said, “and you will not stop until I command it. Is this understood?" He gazed into her eyes, seeing a glimmer of desire and submission in them.


"Yes," she said, her voice husky.


Lukas reached down and unzipped his pants, allowing his cock to spring free. It was thick and hard, with a pearl of pre-cum already glistening on its tip. Lucy's eyes widened as she stared at it, and then she licked her lips.


"Open your mouth," Lukas ordered.


Without hesitation, Lucy opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out and awaiting Lukas' cock. He slid the tip of his shaft along her tongue, feeling it moisten with her saliva. Then, he slid further, sinking deeper and deeper into her mouth. Her eyes widened, and she struggled to breathe, but she refused to break eye contact. When he hit the back of her throat, he stopped and pulled back, allowing her to catch her breath.


She coughed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her eyes were wide, and her breathing was ragged. "I've never had a cock that big before. I love it."


"Good," Lukas said, grabbing her head once again. "Let's begin with your official initiation into the team. Girls!"


The curtain to the balcony slid open, and Fiona, Gemma, and Gwyn emerged. Lucy's eyes went wide as she saw the trio of naked girls enter the room. "What is going on?" she exclaimed. Her voice was heightened, but not from distress. "You naughty trickster! What have you done?"


"Planned your initiation," Lukas answered. "It is only fitting that some of your other teammates be here to watch. Don't you agree?"


His eyes bored into hers. Lucy bit her lip, her own eyes flashing to the audience and then back to Lukas. She smiled, her voice dropping to a purr. "I couldn't agree more." She knelt there, staring up at Lukas with a hungry glint in her eyes. "I want you to do absolutely filthy things to me while they watch. Please?"


Lukas could not help but grin at the curvy brunette's desire to be his plaything, and to be on display. "Then let's get started," he said, grabbing her head and guiding her lips to his cock. "Suck my cock. Put on a show for them."


With a hungry groan, Lucy slid her mouth down his length, taking it deep. Lukas watched as she bobbed her head back and forth, sucking his cock with a hunger that he had never seen before. Her moans filled the air as she pleasured him, and the girls watched in silence as she stuffed him in her mouth. 


After a few minutes, Lukas pulled away from Lucy's hungry lips. He ran a hand through her long, dark hair. She looked up at him with a desire that bordered on worship. Fiona was the first spectator to speak up. "I bet you can take it deeper," she said, her eyes fixed on the brunette's mouth. 


Lucy's eyes shined with desire and submission as her eyes pleaded with the tall man standing over her. Her voice was a low, sultry moan. "Let's give them a real show. Please fuck my face."


Lukas could not resist such an entreaty. He grabbed her head, and shoved his cock deep into her mouth. Her eyes went wide, and he felt her throat constrict as he filled her. "Open your mouth and breathe through your nose," he instructed. Lucy did as he commanded, her mouth stretching wide enough to accommodate his girth. Lukas took advantage of her open throat, fucking his cock down it. "Good job, slut! Now look over at the girls watching you."


Lucy angled her watery eyes towards Fiona, Gemma, and Gwyn, and Lukas thrust his hips forward, causing her to gag. Her eyes shone with lust as he fucked her face, and tears streamed down her cheeks. 


Lukas mercilessly invaded her throat for several more minutes, using the curvy brunette's oral hole for his own pleasure. Her sobs and gags filled the air as she struggled to breathe, but she never broke eye contact with the girls.


"Well done," Lukas said, pulling his cock from her mouth. Her eyes were watery and her cheeks were red from crying, but she still looked at him with a depravity that he could not ignore. "What should I do with this load?"


"I want to wear it on my face so everyone can see how much of a cum slut I am," she said, her voice still husky, but with more of a rasp. 


Lukas snickered, then grabbed her head and began pumping his cock into his hand. "I think that can be arranged," he said. Lucy's eyes glaze over with lust. She stuck her tongue out and swirled it around his head, pushing him over the edge. He lined up with her pretty face, and his aim was as true as any Ranger’s. Ropes after ropes of thick cum landed on target.


"Thank you, Master," Lucy said, her voice full of joy. Her face was covered in cum; she wore it with pride. 


"I'm not done yet," Lukas said, scooping up the brunette and tossing her onto the bed. She landed with a yelp, and he climbed next to her and positioned her on her hands and knees, facing the audience. "And I bet you're not done showing your team what filthy fucking whore you are."


Lucy squealed in response and arched her back, presenting her ass to Lukas. She wiggled it and spread her legs wide, displaying her dripping cunt. "I love being a filthy fucking whore for you. I want them to see my cum-covered face when that huge cock enters me." 


The girls watched in silence as Lukas lined his cock up with Lucy's pussy. He grabbed her hips and slid into her, his thick cock filling her. Lucy screamed as she was penetrated, her eyes wide with joy. "You feel so good inside me," she exclaimed. "I love being exposed like this while you fuck me!"


“She looks so good being dominated by Daddy,” Gwyn voiced quietly, though it was loud enough for everyone to hear.


Lukas gave the three voyeurs a wicked grin, and then began pumping in and out of Lucy's pussy. He slapped her ass as he fucked her, leaving red marks on her caramel-colored skin. Lucy continued screaming as he pounded her, her voice growing even louder as he fucked her. "Fuck me like the slut I am," she gasped.


He did as she asked, pounding her with dominating force. Her cries of pleasure filled the air, and the other girls watched with rapt attention. Fiona's green eyes were sparkling with lust, and Gwyn was running her hand between her thighs. Gemma's eyes were wide, and she was breathing heavily as she fingered herself. 


Lukas felt Lucy getting close, and knew just what would push her to the best orgasm she'd ever experienced. "Are you ready to be claimed by your new Master?"


"Yes, please," Lucy begged. 


Lukas grabbed her long chestnut locks and pulled her head back, forcing her to look at the audience. "Show your viewers just how desperate you are for my cum."


She gasped, but still managed to moan, "I need it. Please fill my pussy with your cum. I want them all to see your seed dripping out of my cunt." With that admission, she went off, her body shuddering and convulsing with unprecedented pleasure.


Lukas could not resist the brunette's desperate pleas, especially with her so deep in the throes of her climax. He fucked her through her orgasm, her pussy tightly clenching around his shaft. With each stroke, his balls slapped against her ass until he reached the point of no return, and emptied himself into the curvy brunette's pussy. Lucy collapsed onto the bed as the second load of the night oozed out from within her folds, the first still plastered on her face.


She rolled over on her back and beamed up at Lukas with adoration. "I can't believe you had the balls to do that, inviting them in. I fucking loved it, and that's why you own me. I couldn't have asked for a better Master."


Lukas turned to the audience, which looked back at him with a three distinct mixtures of lust and bliss. All three of them had stripped and fingered themselves to orgasm while watching Lukas claim their new teammate. "Come here girls," Lukas said, summoning his trio of voyeuristic girls. They climbed onto the bed with Lukas and Lucy, arranging themselves around the couple.


"Are you happy with your new teammate?" Lukas asked the other girls. 


He was met with a chorus of affirmatives and smiles. Fiona then leaned in to wipe the cum from Lucy's face. The freckled girl licked her fingers clean, and then grinned at her newest teammate. "She's definitely got all the right qualifications," the naughty redhead declared as she cupped Lucy's sizable breasts, "but I think initiation should be a week-long event. I bet we could even convince Laera to participate."


“Yeah,” Lucy said, “I was wondering about her. Is this not her type of scene?”


“Not yet,” Lukas stated. “Gwyn has been a sneaky little devil, though, helping me corrupt her." 


"Anything for you, Daddy," Gwyn said with a sweet smile. Then she turned to Lucy. "I'm glad to have been a part of your initiation. I think we will be great friends."


Lucy smiled at the loving half-elf. "Thank you."


"Welcome to the team," Gemma said, "officially."


"I appreciate it," Lucy replied. "Now that it's 'official,' do I get a team headband? Maybe Lukas' dick tattooed on my ass?"


"Don't give Fiona any ideas," Lukas said with a chuckle, “but there are benefits – serious ones, at that. You should check your Adventurer profile."


Lucy gave him a curious look, but then did as suggested. “Wow! I didn’t think you could top the mind-blowing orgasm I just had, but this certainly comes close. These skills are potent.”


“I can upgrade one of them if you feel comfortable enough.”


“Do you have to have sex with me again to upgrade?”


“No,” Lukas replied. “I can just do it with you sharing your profile with me.”


“That’s no fun,” Lucy said, reaching out her hands. “You should have played along.”


“Just wait until I get an urge to fuck you public,” Lukas said, grabbing her hands. “We will see who plays along then.” Lucy shuddered with anticipation. Then they both settled in to review her newly improved profile.



Luciana Corzo

General Class: Ranger

Main Class: Archer

Level 9


Strength: 21.1

Agility: 27

Mentality: 17.2

Vigor: 14.5



Sniper (Passive) - Level 2 - headshots do x1.75 damage

Favorable Wind (Triggered) - Level 2 - for the next 20 seconds, arrows fly 20% further

Moonshot (Triggered) - Max - imbue arrow with glowing power, increasing damage by x3 and stunning enemy for 2 seconds

Light’em Up (Ultimate) - Max - launch an arrow that explodes on impact dealing major area-of-effect damage to enemies in a medium radius


Bonded Skills:

Show Off (Passive) - Level 1 - all cooldowns reduced by 10%

Twin Peaks (Triggered) - Level 1 - summons a replica of the Obedient subject for 30 seconds, Obedient subject must be topless to trigger



“Which one should we level up? Lukas asked.


“Let’s do the cooldown one,” Lucy suggested, “since we don’t know how powerful this replica is.”


Lukas nodded and applied his Dominance experience. “If the replica ability is anything like Black Sword’s, it’s an impressive bonus. It would be like adding another Ranger to the team.”


“Well,” Gwyn said slyly, while running her hands along Lukas’ chest, “Lucy and I should work on replenishing that Dominance experience then.” Lucy gave Gwyn a smirk, mostly catching on.


Fiona laughed. “Gemma and I will head to bed then. Somebody should be well-rested for the trip tomorrow, and I don’t think it will be you.” The two fighters exited the room as Gwyn knelt before her Daddy and his new toy, ready to serve.




The five of them approached Eberlorn around noon. They reunited with Laera at the guild hall, who was still waiting for Elvira. Laera looked up as the group approached, a mixture of relief and curiosity on her face. "Ah, you're back!” she said. “How did your meeting with Lord Veyron go?"


“We successfully wrapped up everything in Willowdale,” Lukas responded. “The quest is officially complete. Do you know where Meatloaf is? I want to make sure he gets his portion of the reward.”


“He took his team to the caves,” Laera said. “He should be back this evening.”


"Good, good," Lukas said. "No sign of Elvira yet?" He glanced around the interior of the guild hall. The blonde elf in question chose that exact time to make her entrance.


“Elvira!” Laera exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her sister.


Elvira's eyes sparkled as she returned the hug. “Hey little sis!”


“Where did you get this dress?” Laera asked, noticing the extravagant red satin dress that her sister wore.


“Let’s just say Dad was very happy I came for a visit,” Elvira replied, “regardless of the circumstances. Grandma did give this to me to pass on to you.” The older sister handed her sibling a rose gold ring with a ruby embedded in it. “And this is for you.” Elvira approached Lukas with her hands clasped around an undisclosed item. The elf stopped just inches away from him, her eyes level with his broad chest. She looked up at him and then brought her hands up to his neck, revealing a necklace pendant that caught the light and reflected it as a warm, golden glow.


The pendant was shaped like a stylized lion's head, with intricate details etched into its surface. The lion's eyes seemed to gleam with a fierce inner light, and its mouth was set in a determined snarl. A small, polished silver chain looped around his neck as Elvira reached around to clasp it to him. She stood on her tippy toes to get a better angle, pressing her breasts against him.


Lukas felt the empowering endowment of the pendant as soon as his neck fully supported its minute weight.



Pendant of the Lion



King’s Pride: +5 boost to Strength

Roar of Courage (triggered): +4 boost to Strength for 60 seconds, activate with a roar



“What is this?!” Lukas exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he gazed down at the small accessory. “A legendary item? Where did this come from?”


“I’ve got some good news and some bad news,” Elvira said in a playful tone. “The good news is that I told everyone about how you rushed in and saved me from the Dark Warlock. You earned some serious points with my family for that.” She paused for dramatic effect. “The bad news is that I… Well, I accidentally let it slip that you may be dating Laera, which completely obliterated any progress you’d just made with my parents.”


Laera had a horrified look on her face. “You didn’t?!”


“Grandma didn’t mind though,” Elvira continued, ignoring her sister’s distress. “She sends her best wishes along with this gift.”


It was Lukas’ turn to be shocked. “Wait, what?!”


Elvira gave him a kiss on the cheek and smirked at him. “Don’t worry about it,” she teased. “Just sit there and look pretty.”


Before she could say another word, Laera swooped in and wrapped her arms tightly around Lukas' waist. "Elvira, leave him alone," she chided, her voice laced with amusement.


Elvira chuckled, her grin growing even wider. "Afraid I'll snatch him away from you?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Just a little bit of friendly sibling competition, that's all."


Laera rolled her eyes and shot Elvira a playful glare. "You're such a brat," she muttered, snuggling closer to Lukas.


Lukas smiled as the two sisters gaily bickered with each other, almost forgetting the sizable Strength boost he had just been gifted.


“I’m headed to Vandhoven tomorrow morning,” Elivra said, her voice tinged with hope. "Are you all tagging along?”


“We just got done doing a civilian quest and haven’t talked about it much,” Lukas admitted. “We were hoping to find a boss fight in the forest tonight. Perhaps we can discuss it now, as a team?” Lukas looked at Fiona, wondering what she was thinking.


The redhead took the cue. “We probably have to wait for Meatloaf to come back anyways. We should talk now.” Their lodgings in the guild hall had been reclaimed when they had departed for Willowdale, so the group headed to the tavern. Elvira tried to tag along, but Laera shooed her away.


Once seated in a cozy corner of the tavern's dining room, Lukas began the discourse. “Does anyone have a strong objection to going to the Wyvern Guild?” No one signified their disapproval. “Okay, then we just need to decide which option would be best overall for the team. One pro for going to Vandhoven is Elvira has offered us housing, although we’ve made enough money here to be able to afford something more permanent.”


“There is another benefit to moving,” Fiona chimed in. “We’ve built a reputation and have connections here in Eberlorn. While you may think that would be a reason to stay, most Adventurers do switch guilds every so often, which helps them become more renowned and widens their network.”


“We will have a good start in Vandhoven,” Laera added. “I know my sister can be really snotty sometimes, but I think the team will still benefit from having her around.”


“I would enjoy the opportunity to put her in her place,” Fiona said, grinning at the thought of tormenting yet another Anoran.


"The Dark Warlock already gave her a good dose of humility,” Laera said, and then chuckled. “I love her, but I'd be fine with a little payback for how she treated me growing up."


Lukas smiled wryly. "Other than avenging childhood grudges, any other considerations?"


Gwyn spoke up, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I loved the quest because we traveled and explored new places. Venturing off to a new location with my friends sounds exciting."


“We have seemed to earn the respect of the Guildmaster here,” Gemma brought up. “It would be a shame to leave that behind, but I also agree with Fiona’s sentiment: branching out would be advantageous for us.” 


“My instinct is telling me we should make the move to the Wyvern Guild,” Lukas said. “I think you’ve put words to pretty much everything that was rattling around inside my head; it also seems like you feel the same. Anything to add, Lucy?”


“I don’t have ties to either place,” Lucy admitted. “I’ll follow the team wherever it goes.”


“We head for Vandhoven tomorrow morning,” Lukas declared. The girls cheered at the announcement, the excitement of their new adventure coursing through the air. After settling down, the jubilant group of friends realized how hungry they all were and ordered food. As they savored their meals, their conversation turned to the upcoming trip. Laera was the only one who had been to Vandhoven, though only once. The others bombarded her with questions, nevertheless.


“Any food we need to try?” Gemma asked.


Laera's eyes lit up with excitement. "You have to try the Vandhovian honey cakes. They're baked fresh every morning in the town's famous bakery and are absolutely divine. They're sweet and fluffy on the inside, crispy on the outside, and infused with just the right amount of honey to give them a subtle hint of sweetness. When berries are in season, they’ll add them as a topping."


The next question came from Gwyn. “Is there anything cool to see there?”


“Vandhoven is famous for its alluring gardens,” Laera shared. “In fact, I tried to recreate a small slice of their beauty at the Cottage. For the more adventurous crowd, there's a network of underground tunnels beneath the city. Apparently the Wyvern Guild leadership have been trying to map it out for years, but it's a complex system of hidden passageways and secret chambers." Her voice took on a conspiratorial tone. "Elvira says there are hidden treasures and ancient artifacts hidden away in the tunnels, but for some reason, the guild has been keeping it all under wraps."


“Why would they do that?” Lukas questioned. “The caverns of the Mystic Forest essentially offer a similar environment.”


Laera shrugged, not having anything more to add.


“Let’s go tell Elvira to expect company tomorrow on her trip,” Lukas suggested, “and maybe Meatloaf will be getting in soon.”


The team settled their bill and headed out of the tavern. They ran into Elvira outside the guild hall. She was very eager to hear their decision. Laera’s beaming face partially gave it away. “As a team,” Lukas announced, “we feel that moving to the Wyvern Guild is the next step in our journey.”


Elvira was clearly pleased as she relayed her plans for the next day. “Vandhoven is on the opposite side of the Mystic Forest so cutting through saves us a lot of time. You don’t have any problems with that, right? Of course not, you all eat liches for breakfast.” She continued to rattle on as she told them about the famous Adventurers that she would introduce them to.


“We’re heading out at the crack of dawn,” she warned, “so don't stay out late."


Lukas gave a guilty chuckle. “We will get to bed... immediately after our nighttime exploration in the forest.”


Elvira raised her eyebrows at Lukas. "As long as you are on time. You are traveling with your future Guildmaster." The elf's ambitious prediction caused her younger sister to snort. The elder sister bid them farewell and disappeared down the street.


A familiar figure emerged from the guild hall door just as Elvira vanished from sight. Lukas flagged her down. “Marshal Kingsley! We were hoping to find a boss fight tonight in the forest. Would you have any helpful information for us?”


The warrior woman turned towards Lukas. “As a matter of fact, I just had a report come in regarding a Wood Nymph Queen roaming on the farside of the swamp. I believe this particular boss is nomadic, making its location difficult to pinpoint. Tonight might be the best opportunity to strike.”


“Thank you,” Lukas said. “We will go check it out.”


Marshall Kingsley turned to Laera. “I haven’t been able to corner your sister yet. I have a few questions regarding the Dark Warlock encounter. Do you know where I might find her?”


“You just missed her,” the blonde elf replied, “but I was there as well. Perhaps I could help you with your questions.”


“This would be most helpful,” the guild officer said. “What can you tell me about the warlock’s minions?”


As the marshal continued to question the elven mage, another acquaintance appeared down the street. A resounding voice called out to them. “Glad to see you made it back!”


“We made it back,” Lukas responded to the approaching tank, who was a few strides ahead of his team. “Unfortunately, the gold did not. We will have to make it up to you some other way. Can I buy you a drink?”


“You’re a terrible liar!” Meatloaf exclaimed in roaring amusement, reaching the group.


Lukas handed the pouch of gold coins he had readied over to his quest partner. “You caught me red handed.”


Meatloaf let out a hearty laugh. “You’re not foolin’ me. I was a little afraid the horses would die of old age from your slow riding, but I knew you would get the reward to me eventually. I’ll certainly take that drink though.” 


“Meatloaf!” Marshal Kingsley had ended her conversation with Laera and her eyes on the beefy Adventurer. “Has Gideon spoken to you yet?”


“Not recently, no”


“I love being the bearer of good news,” the marshal said with a glint of excitement in her eyes. “The Chimera Guild has selected your team to represent us in the Tournament of the Immortal Heroes.”


Meatloaf let out a loud clap. “Whoa! That’s fantastic news! This is a great honor.” He gestured to his own team and Lukas’ team. “I suppose drinks are on me tonight! Let’s go celebrate.”


Lukas decided to join in on the revelry with Meatloaf as there were still a couple hours until nightfall. They headed back to the tavern where they each ordered an ale and sat down. The atmosphere was lively and fun, but Lukas did have some business on his mind.


 “What do you know about the tournament, Meatloaf? The name is a bit ominous sounding.”


“It is certainly not a competition to take lightly," Meatloaf warned. "The tournament can be deadly; it usually will claim the lives of several Adventurers. The event is hosted by the capital every four years. Four rounds of intense competition whittle the sixteen teams down to one winner. I have heard that each round is different. One round may be a straight-up fight, while another may involve a team working together to complete a challenging puzzle.”


“The prizes must be worth it, right?”


“The reward is threefold: title, money, and unique weapons. The victors are awarded the renowned title of Immortal Heroes, which would make you famous just about anywhere you go. Also included are a million gold coins and legendary weapons from the capital’s armory.”


“Sounds like it’s worth a shot,” Lukas mused. “How do you think you stack up the other teams?"


"It will be an uphill battle for us," Meatloaf admitted. "One of the teams from the capital or Anora usually wins. The Pallandor Knights came in second in the last tournament though." Meatloaf mentioned the top team from the Chimera Guild. "It's certainly not a guaranteed victory for anyone. Anything could happen."


“Thanks for the info.” Lukas stood up. "For what it's worth, we will be rooting for you. We better head out. Hope to see you around.”


Lukas similarly bid the rest of Meatloaf’s team farewell and exited the tavern, his own team following closely behind. The moon had replaced the setting sun, illuminating the path in front of them in a pale light. They passed through the monumental gateway and into the Mystic Forest.


The team traversed down a winding path, slicing effortlessly through whatever enemies were unfortunate enough to be or get in their way. They opted to circumvent the swamp, spreading out across the foliage to keep a lookout for any signs of the Wood Nymph Queen.


After some time struggling through the dense underbrush, Fiona ventured closer to Lukas, impatient with their progress. “Do we know what we’re even looking for?” she asked.


"Not really," Lukas replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Just keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary."


The search continued, and it wasn’t long before they received their first indication of the boss' whereabouts. As the pair trudged forward, the trees grew taller and the air grew quieter, with only the occasional snapping of twigs and rustling of leaves breaking the silence. Suddenly, Fiona stopped in her tracks, her eyes fixed on something ahead.


"What is it?" Lukas asked, following her gaze.


"Look," she whispered, pointing to a clearing that had come into view in front of them.


In the center of the clearing stood a massive tree, its branches twisted and gnarled with age. The tree seemed to glow with a soft, ethereal light, as if its very essence was infused with magic. The air around it pulsed with a gentle, soothing energy that washed over Lukas like a warm breeze. The tree's bark shimmered with an iridescent sheen, like the glowing fish from the caverns.


As they approached the clearing, the tree began to glow brighter, illuminating the surrounding foliage in shades of emerald and amber. The energy around it grew more intense, causing Lukas' skin to tingle with anticipation.


"That's definitely not natural," a whisper came from behind them as Laera’s dainty form emerged from the rear.


Lukas could feel the magic emanating from it, a mix of terrestrial and celestial forces. Movement caught his eye; he saw a tall, familiar figure emerge from behind a thicket of brambles, her movements slow and deliberate. 


Gemma crept into the clearing, approaching the mystical tree. Her presence didn’t go unnoticed, however, as roots sprouted from the forest floor like snakes slithering out of hiding. They wrapped around Gemma's legs and then grew up to her torso, ensnaring the thrashing brawler in a tight grip. She struggled against the trap, her face contorted in frustration as more roots sprouted from the earth, intent on holding her in place.


Gwyn leapt into the clearing, anxious to rescue her teammate. A second cluster of roots sprang from the ground, trapping yet another Adventurer in their grasp.


A feminine figure gracefully morphed from the tree's trunk. The Wood Nymph Queen stretched out her long limbs after emerging from the bark. Her skin was an ivory tone, matching that of freshly chopped maple, and her hair was as green as the forest canopy above. Leafy clothing wrapped around her body, hardly hiding anything. Her eyes shone like stars in the darkness, their mesmerizing sparkle somehow gentle despite their intensity. Her voice was like music when she spoke, its melody weaving itself into Lukas' mind like a spell.


"Who dares to disturb my forest?" she asked, her words lightly dancing through the clearing like a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves.

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